Biden Admits To Selling State Secrets

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Yes ... he DID say that!! You apparently failed to read his quote.
No, he did not, unless it was in a joke. No one is coming after Biden because he does not break the law. You break the commandments because of your hatred. Turn the other cheek.
He's living rent free in the White House too.
Biden owns ActionJackson lockstockandabarrel of oranges
He's living rent free in the White House too.
And rent-free in your head.

I’m fairly sure that Spudz McAlzheimer was just trying to be witty.

But his real problem isn’t the selling of state secrets, necessarily.

At present, it seems more likely that he is neck deep in a genuine criminal conspiracy to obtain bribes from foreign entities via his family network of shell companies in exchange for “access” to the only “product” they have to offer: Vice President Biden and now President Biden.

Is all the evidence in yet? Nope. But the time is coming where he and his family will be subject to investigation after investigation. A steady drip drip drip including possible impeachment hearings and criminal charges.
Amazing how that fits your dear leaders' profile.
Damn is that really an hour and 20 minute video about Biden admitting to selling state secrets because of a comment where he did not admit to selling state secrets? Conservatism is a mental disease.
He said "i sold a lot of state secrets" word for word. If youre suggesting that he didnt sell state secrets, then why do you suppose those words came out of his mouth? He is either telling the truth, or he is no longer mentally competent to hold his position. Which is it?
He said "i sold a lot of state secrets" word for word. If youre suggesting that he didnt sell state secrets, then why do you suppose those words came out of his mouth?

(all) joking aside​

If I'm being Frank with you, do you believe I turn into Frank?

Just flew in from Denver, huh? Your arms must be tired! Joking aside, how was your trip out here? I give my brother a hard time for the gangly way he runs, but all joking aside, he's quite a remarkable athlete. We do tease Mom a lot, but all joking aside, we are truly so blessed to have her in our lives.
See also: aside, joke

(all) joking aside​

If I'm being Frank with you, do you believe I turn into Frank?

Just flew in from Denver, huh? Your arms must be tired! Joking aside, how was your trip out here? I give my brother a hard time for the gangly way he runs, but all joking aside, he's quite a remarkable athlete. We do tease Mom a lot, but all joking aside, we are truly so blessed to have her in our lives.
See also: aside, joke
Whats the joke? Explain it to me. It didnt sound like a joke to me when he said it.
Whats the joke? Explain it to me. It didnt sound like a joke to me when he said it.

Why did they laugh and why did he say "Now, all kidding aside ....."

12:14 P.M. EDT

PRESIDENT BIDEN: Okay. We — I was just thanking the — anyway, I started off without you, and I sold a lot of state secrets and a lot of very important things that we shared. (Laughter.)

Now, all kidding aside — look, we’re teaming up to design and develop new technologies that are going to transform the lives of our people around the world. And together, we’re lifting the private and public partners to make this possible, including launching a new program between India and America — American astronauts, Indian astronauts, and entrepreneurs, scientists, students.

Whats the joke? Explain it to me. It didnt sound like a joke to me when he said it.
The leftoids don't want to admit that Biden's Freudian Slip revealed a fact then Biden caught himself and called it a joke.

The leftoids don't want to admit that Biden's Freudian Slip revealed a fact then Biden caught himself and called it a joke.

The Rabid Right again zips up their little pricks, then screams in pain and tries to blame it all on Biden.....
The Republicans are a national embarassment.

This has to end.
Yeah ... as Pedo Joe stumbles around looking for the stage exit. You'd think by now that as he's walking to the podium, he'd also be planning what he's going to do when he's finished jabbering on about nothing or lying to the American public (his favorite pastime). But no ... he has to look just as lost as his mind is. Talk about a national embarrassment! Creepy Joe is the very personification of national embarrassments.
What has been verified is that you suffer from a severe case of BDS.
Funny shit but I realize it's shocking that you so called intellectual smart people have been so fully fooled by the criminal organization called the democrat party. If the shit against Biden was nothing why has the DOJ gone out of its way to cover up biden's crimes?
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