Biden Admits To Selling State Secrets

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Joe is not what you claim, and your focus seems very unbalanced about it. If you are CoJC, you can go to LDS Social Services. If not, plenty of others are there for you.
How do you know what Joe is or isn't? Again, the pictures tell the story. If you're too blind to see that, then it is thou who is in need of some friendly, "professional" advice.
How do you know what Joe is or isn't? Again, the pictures tell the story. If you're too blind to see that, then it is thou who is in need of some friendly, "professional" advice.
You certainly have no idea about Joe Biden. Did you know the FP and the Twelve voted, every one of them, for candidates not named Trump.
You are a corrupt piece of shit for continuing the lie about Biden.
I am not the one that was stupid enough to vote for a piece of shit that got rich by selling out his country to the Chinese, Russians, Ukrainians and only god knows who else.

Potatohead is the dumbest and most corrupt asshole to ever serve in the US government and that is saying a lot knowing who his competition are. Like Crooked Hillary, Slick Willy, LBJ, The Worthless Negro, Maxine Waters etc.

We warned you stupid Moon Bats that Potatohead was a piece of shit but like all idiot Libtards you wouldn't listen.
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