Biden ADMITTED To Abusing His Power As VP To Force Ukraine To Fire Prosecutor, Protect His Son

but you've been saying he's guilty - we're NOW coming to investigate. thank you for putting the cart back behind the horse.
I have been saying WHO is guilty? If you mean Biden, you're right. He gave his video-taped confession of extortion. What Biden declared on the video tape, as I pointed out, is the definition of 'Extortion'. And 'we' are not investigating anything - Biden is being protected from investigation just as Hillary was 4 years ago. It's like a 2016 flashback....

There is no extortion. Obama had every right to protect American dollars by insisting a corrupt prosecutor be fired. He was not investigating Hunter Biden and that decree was supported by Ukrainian reformers. Biden is not being protected by anything. Trump has threatened to withhold tax dollars as well if countries don't do what he wants them to do. Will that investigation include Trump's extortion?
No, Biden was the Vice President of the United States and Obama's Point man for Ukraine while his son - an average lawyer who knew nothing about energy . energy companies and who had been kicked out of the military for drug use - was miraculously a Board Member on a well-known criminal Ukrainian businessman's notoriously criminal energy company, a company that had done business with Putin and who stood to gain much by Putin annexing Crimea, thereby solidifying his chokehold on Europe's dependency on Russian energy.

Is your blindness to the significance of these things due to your obvious stupidity or your head being firmly implanted in your buttocks...darlin'?

Joe Biden & Ukraine: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

Everyone wanted Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin removed.
the question is did he threaten pulling money if they didn't? what business of it was his to tell another country to fire a prosecutor? quid pro quo much? come on injun, let me know.

You really think we should send American money to a country that is not serious about fighting corruption. What Obama did was correct.
Trump had a great conversation, even a perfect conversation, with the Ukraine President and they discussed corruption.

The Prosecutor wants to get to the bottom of this Biden business and also would like to discuss some things with our AG. Given all the US money we have given them, that's probably a very good idea.

So you say. The Trump Administration is one of the most corrupt.

I don't necessarily disagree with that assessment of Trump, but imo there's something to the Trump base's basic mocking of the establishments of both parties, and Hunter and Joe's brother sort of evidence it. I don't know there were any laws broken, but there's repeated reports of them claiming to have influence. Who knows really what they claimed. Then there were Hillary's donations from despots for charity. I suspect middle eastern dictators don't care too much about peons in Africa, but …. call me jaded. LOL

I really liked Senator Trent Lott, and when he retired from the Senate he had at most a million dollars, and that include his home that Katrina destroyed and State Farm weaseled out of covering. But his wife and daughter were conveniently paid from his office funds for years.

So, when we get into comparing corruption, I think the most we can ask for is evenhanded treatment in ferreting out corruption.

And in this case, it's not really what Hunter did or didn't do. It's about whether Trump explicitly tied military aid that congress approved to counter a Russian invasion to Ukraine investigating someone to help Trump get reelected. THAT would violate Trump's oath of office, and that is something that presidents don't commonly do.
There is no extortion.
Biden's confession on videotape is the very definition of the word 'extortion'. Does your mommy know you are using her laptop again? I know it is a big word, but can you ask her to read the definition of 'Extortion'?
Nothing you say is true.
Again, everything I have said has been substantiated / supported by links, articles, and even video-taped confessions while everything you say is fragile, easily-offended, easily-manipulated, butt-hurt, hate-driven, traitorous-Dem-supporting opinion.

'Nuff said.

Articles by people who are as delusion. This is from a Ukrainian.

Thank you @OliverBullough - indeed it’s insane to use UKRAINE as a ball at the AMERICAN national political field. Prosecutor Shokin did not open the case on Zlochevskyi & Burisma. He dumped it. And he was fired for being corrupt and failing prosecution reform @kenvogel

12:52 PM - 2 May 2019

Joe Biden & Ukraine: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

Everyone wanted Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin removed.
the question is did he threaten pulling money if they didn't? what business of it was his to tell another country to fire a prosecutor? quid pro quo much? come on injun, let me know.

You really think we should send American money to a country that is not serious about fighting corruption. What Obama did was correct.
Trump had a great conversation, even a perfect conversation, with the Ukraine President and they discussed corruption.

The Prosecutor wants to get to the bottom of this Biden business and also would like to discuss some things with our AG. Given all the US money we have given them, that's probably a very good idea.

So you say. The Trump Administration is one of the most corrupt.
No. So says both parties of the conversation and the prosecutor who even Bragging Billionaire Bounty Biden said was a "real solid guy."

You have to deal with facts and evidence.

On the one hand we have the first person testimony of BOTH principles of the conversation. Both named and known, both testifying about what they heard and said, first hand.

On the other side you have a leaker, unknown, no first hand information, first says there was coercion, then back tracks. If they back tracked from coercion, just what the hell are they claiming?

Further, not only do you not have any first hand information,
You don't know who the leaker is,
You don't even know if they are an American,
Frankly, you don't even know if they actually exist,
You haven't seen the complaint,
And you don't have a transcript of the call.

Trump and the Ukraine president says it was great call, even a perfect call, perhaps the finest call ever between two Presidents and to show just what a great call it was, Trump expects to be able to release the transcript of the call at the appropriate time.
Last edited:
Nothing you say is true.
Again, everything I have said has been substantiated / supported by links, articles, and even video-taped confessions while everything you say is fragile, easily-offended, easily-manipulated, butt-hurt, hate-driven, traitorous-Dem-supporting opinion.

'Nuff said.

Articles by people who are as delusion. This is from a Ukrainian.

Thank you @OliverBullough - indeed it’s insane to use UKRAINE as a ball at the AMERICAN national political field. Prosecutor Shokin did not open the case on Zlochevskyi & Burisma. He dumped it. And he was fired for being corrupt and failing prosecution reform @kenvogel

12:52 PM - 2 May 2019
You're using TWITTER - an OPINION on Twitter - as a 'legitimate' news source?

Well,I guess it is better than CNN or the N.Y. Times....

Bwuhahahahahaha! .
Funny. There was no quid pro quo with Biden.

The prosecutor was fired, Biden's son was protected from indictment / prosecution, and Ukraine got money....

Okay, so the dumb fuck doesn’t understand Latin. Not his fault he’s an idiot.

For you other lefty idiots though just interpret quid pro quo as you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours. They scratched uncle Joe’s by firing the guy and Joe scratched back by giving them the billion bucks. Easy-peasy.
And how did Joe Biden benefit from that?
Never said he did.

You don't understand what you post??

You said Joe scratched their back and they scratched his. So what did he get? Or are you admitting there was no quid pro quo?
Trump is being accused of withholding military assistance / money from Ukraine unless they re-open / re-visit an investigation that VP Biden blackmailed them into shutting down.

- If the Biden engaged in criminal blackmail of an Allied country as a VP then working with that allied country to investigate to again prevent another criminal from taking over the country.

- If the President was worried that the country to whom we were going to give billions of US dollars is corrupt then he had every right to withhold military / economic support from that country until we found one way of the other.

Of course, again, all of these allegations against the President is also a continuing pattern of Sedition and treason by Democrats who have been undermining and attempting to 'un-do' the 2016 election since it was announced Hillary lost. All of this is another '2016' style distraction from Biden's confessed blackmail.

You have no clue what sedition and treason is. Biden did not blackmail anyone. Obama had every right to demand that Ukraine fight its corruption problem. Thanks for proving that you are a true snowflake.
but you've been saying he's guilty - we're NOW coming to investigate. thank you for putting the cart back behind the horse.
I have been saying WHO is guilty? If you mean Biden, you're right. He gave his video-taped confession of extortion. What Biden declared on the video tape, as I pointed out, is the definition of 'Extortion'. And 'we' are not investigating anything - Biden is being protected from investigation just as Hillary was 4 years ago. It's like a 2016 flashback....
It's only extortion if he had something personally to gain.

What did he gain??

Why can't any of you yahoos say?
but you've been saying he's guilty - we're NOW coming to investigate. thank you for putting the cart back behind the horse.
I have been saying WHO is guilty? If you mean Biden, you're right. He gave his video-taped confession of extortion. What Biden declared on the video tape, as I pointed out, is the definition of 'Extortion'. And 'we' are not investigating anything - Biden is being protected from investigation just as Hillary was 4 years ago. It's like a 2016 flashback....
It's only extortion if he had something personally to gain.

What did he gain??

Why can't any of you yahoos say?

His son made a fortune....duh
but you've been saying he's guilty - we're NOW coming to investigate. thank you for putting the cart back behind the horse.
I have been saying WHO is guilty? If you mean Biden, you're right. He gave his video-taped confession of extortion. What Biden declared on the video tape, as I pointed out, is the definition of 'Extortion'. And 'we' are not investigating anything - Biden is being protected from investigation just as Hillary was 4 years ago. It's like a 2016 flashback....
It's only extortion if he had something personally to gain.

What did he gain??

Why can't any of you yahoos say?

His son made a fortune....duh
Not from sacking Shokin.
everything after it, was.
As I said, the FACT that the VP's son was working for a well-known notoriously criminal Ukrainian and his criminal energy company that has a history of dealing with Putin and stood to benefit from Putin's annexation of Crimea while Biden was VP and Obama's new Point Man for Ukraine is enough of a consequence / conflict of interest to investigate if one had any influence / anything to do with the other.
but there is no "connection" we know of to link those together AS FACT. just speculation.

you scream when done to trump then turn around and do it yourself.
why lie about then? I know why, you? does pandora's box ring a bell?
again - i don't deny i also feel this way.

but can you tell me there's physical proof to tie it all together? all i'm asking for that while the bashing of me and my views may be therapeutic, it doesn't change that i've yet to see a factual link to make how i feel more than my own emotional issue.
the bashing of you? hmmmm

Once someone asks Biden why he lied about having a discussion with his son on Ukraine. Again, the fact that he deliberately lied has my attention.
everything after it, was.
As I said, the FACT that the VP's son was working for a well-known notoriously criminal Ukrainian and his criminal energy company that has a history of dealing with Putin and stood to benefit from Putin's annexation of Crimea while Biden was VP and Obama's new Point Man for Ukraine is enough of a consequence / conflict of interest to investigate if one had any influence / anything to do with the other.
but there is no "connection" we know of to link those together AS FACT. just speculation.

you scream when done to trump then turn around and do it yourself.
why lie about then? I know why, you? does pandora's box ring a bell?
again - i don't deny i also feel this way.

but can you tell me there's physical proof to tie it all together? all i'm asking for that while the bashing of me and my views may be therapeutic, it doesn't change that i've yet to see a factual link to make how i feel more than my own emotional issue.
the bashing of you? hmmmm

Once someone asks Biden why he lied about having a discussion with his son on Ukraine. Again, the fact that he deliberately lied has my attention.
Not directly at you but many are mad at me I don't ride the speculation train.
Nothing you say is true.
Again, everything I have said has been substantiated / supported by links, articles, and even video-taped confessions while everything you say is fragile, easily-offended, easily-manipulated, butt-hurt, hate-driven, traitorous-Dem-supporting opinion.

'Nuff said.

Articles by people who are as delusion. This is from a Ukrainian.

Thank you @OliverBullough - indeed it’s insane to use UKRAINE as a ball at the AMERICAN national political field. Prosecutor Shokin did not open the case on Zlochevskyi & Burisma. He dumped it. And he was fired for being corrupt and failing prosecution reform @kenvogel

12:52 PM - 2 May 2019
You're using TWITTER - an OPINION on Twitter - as a 'legitimate' news source?

Well,I guess it is better than CNN or the N.Y. Times....

Bwuhahahahahaha! .

Daria Kaleniuk‏ @dkaleniuk Sep 23

October 31, 2015 weekend. Jointly with @Automaidan we are running huge rally to @poroshenko home demanding "tough prosecutor" Shokin resignation. Hundreds of people come. …


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  • The fact is that she has been on the front lines of fighting corruption in Ukraine. She knows more about it than you or your sources do. It figures you would attack her just because she disagrees with you.
but you've been saying he's guilty - we're NOW coming to investigate. thank you for putting the cart back behind the horse.
I have been saying WHO is guilty? If you mean Biden, you're right. He gave his video-taped confession of extortion. What Biden declared on the video tape, as I pointed out, is the definition of 'Extortion'. And 'we' are not investigating anything - Biden is being protected from investigation just as Hillary was 4 years ago. It's like a 2016 flashback....
It's only extortion if he had something personally to gain.

What did he gain??

Why can't any of you yahoos say?

His son made a fortune....duh
Millions in Ukraine, BILLIONS in China. Its quite the scam that Biden and his son, and Kerry and his stepsons had going while they were rolling in the dough during the incredibly corrupt Obama era.
These stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome don't care that Creepy Joe abused the power of his office to put pressure on a foreign government to keep his corrupt son from being prosecuted.

Trump supporters are the stupid, ill informed low information voters who suffer from TDS. Biden's son was not under investigation.
but you've been saying he's guilty - we're NOW coming to investigate. thank you for putting the cart back behind the horse.
I have been saying WHO is guilty? If you mean Biden, you're right. He gave his video-taped confession of extortion. What Biden declared on the video tape, as I pointed out, is the definition of 'Extortion'. And 'we' are not investigating anything - Biden is being protected from investigation just as Hillary was 4 years ago. It's like a 2016 flashback....
It's only extortion if he had something personally to gain.

What did he gain??

Why can't any of you yahoos say?

His son made a fortune....duh

No he didn’t. His son was a director of this corporation. Directors aren’t highly paid. It’s mostly a ceremonial position.

Joe Biden & Ukraine: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

Everyone wanted Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin removed.
the question is did he threaten pulling money if they didn't? what business of it was his to tell another country to fire a prosecutor? quid pro quo much? come on injun, let me know.

You really think we should send American money to a country that is not serious about fighting corruption. What Obama did was correct.
Trump had a great conversation, even a perfect conversation, with the Ukraine President and they discussed corruption.

The Prosecutor wants to get to the bottom of this Biden business and also would like to discuss some things with our AG. Given all the US money we have given them, that's probably a very good idea.

So you say. The Trump Administration is one of the most corrupt.
such as? mueller proved he didn't do anything, so what is it now? a non whistleblower, hmmmm so tell me again, what?

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