Biden ADMITTED To Abusing His Power As VP To Force Ukraine To Fire Prosecutor, Protect His Son

These stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome don't care that Creepy Joe abused the power of his office to put pressure on a foreign government to keep his corrupt son from being prosecuted.

Trump supporters are the stupid, ill informed low information voters who suffer from TDS. Biden's son was not under investigation.

What the hell did the sonofabitch do to earn $50K a month from a foreign government if he wasn't selling his daddy's influence?
These stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome don't care that Creepy Joe abused the power of his office to put pressure on a foreign government to keep his corrupt son from being prosecuted.

Trump supporters are the stupid, ill informed low information voters who suffer from TDS. Biden's son was not under investigation.
but should be is the point. 50 grand a month, wow. who makes that kind of money for an energy company besides him? The CEO? I doubt it.
Not too hard to understand, unless you are a stupid uneducated low information Moon Bat suffering from the mental illness TDS.

Stop The Tape! How Has Joe Biden's Scandal Suddenly Become President Trump's Scandal?

While speaking to a group of foreign policy strategists, Biden boasted about threatening to hold back $1 billion in U.S. aid if Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko did not fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, who was about to question Hunter. Biden told the group:

I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’

Well, son of a bitch, he got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.

Once again Trump is going to make these stupid Moon Bats look like idiots


I am currently at the United Nations representing our Country, but have authorized the release tomorrow of the complete, fully declassified and unredacted transcript of my phone conversation with President Zelensky of Ukraine....

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 24, 2019
....You will see it was a very friendly and totally appropriate call. No pressure and, unlike Joe Biden and his son, NO quid pro quo! This is nothing more than a continuation of the Greatest and most Destructive Witch Hunt of all time!

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 24, 2019
There is no extortion.
Biden's confession on videotape is the very definition of the word 'extortion'. Does your mommy know you are using her laptop again? I know it is a big word, but can you ask her to read the definition of 'Extortion'?

You are the one who needs your mommy as you are too stupid to know what you are talking about. Maybe4 you should understand that we are talking about federal dollars. Obama should insist that corruption be dealt with before American dollars are sent there. Ukrainians support what Obama did and what Biden said.
There is no extortion.
Biden's confession on videotape is the very definition of the word 'extortion'. Does your mommy know you are using her laptop again? I know it is a big word, but can you ask her to read the definition of 'Extortion'?

You are the one who needs your mommy as you are too stupid to know what you are talking about. Maybe4 you should understand that we are talking about federal dollars. Obama should insist that corruption be dealt with before American dollars are sent there. Ukrainians support what Obama did and what Biden said.

We're talking $1.8 Billion here champ, do you really feel Ukrainians are not going to support what Obama/Biden did?
"IN HIS OWN WORDS, WITH VIDEO CAMERAS ROLLING, Biden described how he threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in March 2016 that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency, if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.

“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recalled telling Poroshenko."

A huge 'THANK YOU' going out to the Deep State anti-Trump Intel Agency holdout for bringing the almost-forgotten / almost-completely-ignored/hidden back up and on to 'Center Stage' in yet another failed 'We've got him this time' Democrat moment...perfect timing...

...and a huge 'THANK You' to Uncle Joe for feeling the need to admit this on camerain an attempt to try to prove to snowflakes he IS a tough guy who can strong-arm foreign governments / leaders when he wants / has to...

This is yet another attempted attack on President Trump that has 'boomeranged'.

In blackmailing Ukraine to protect his son, especially WHEN he did it, Biden basically helped / threatened to help Putin...

"It’s particularly odd that a Vice President would make such a threat to an ally that was under siege from Russia. The loss of $1 billion in loan guarantees would have been a huge blow to Ukraine and a boon to Russia, given the state of relations between the two countries."

Report: Biden forced ouster of prosecutor investigating his son's firm

I always knew liar people like YOU desperately used these kind of media that are very biased against democrats.

Power Line

These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

Overall, we rate Power Line strongly right biased based on story selection that always favors the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the use of poor sources that have failed numerous fact checks, as well as rejecting the consensus of science when it comes to climate change.
Look at all the leftwits defending Biden. I remember a time when interfering in another nations internal affairs was a bad thing..... my how time flys when you ride a spinning top!

Have you even look at your rightwits defending Trumpits lying hypocrite bastard all the time?
Look at all the leftwits defending Biden. I remember a time when interfering in another nations internal affairs was a bad thing..... my how time flys when you ride a spinning top!
How many time did Obama's administration do so?

Barry used tax dollars to interfere in Israel's election, trying to oust their leader, Netanyahu.

Barry 'pimped-out' our military to Al Qaeda to help them kill Gaddafi (*who was helping the Coalition fight terrorists in North Africa) and take over Libya for their own.

Joe extorted Ukraine's PM into firing the prosecutor.

Barry, the Nobel Peace Prize Winner, invaded Syria...after his infamous failed 'Red Line' disaster....

You are lying again. How can you sleep at night?
Do you have any decency left in your worthless soul?
I am skimming through the headlines of different (liberal ) news agencies and keep seeing humorous stories like this one:

'Romney: Trump asking Ukraine to investigate political rival 'would be troubling in the extreme'

'Kerry: 'Absolute shock' over Trump discussing Biden with Ukraine leader'

'Schiff: Impeachment 'may be the only remedy' if Trump pushed Ukraine for dirt on Biden'

Biden's video confession of strong-arming / extorting Ukraine's PM aside, the Trump-haters are proving they LITERALLY have the memory span of brain-damaged goldfish - it is as if they suddenly have ZERO recollection of how the DNC's 2016 Presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, paid a Trump-hating foreign spy for Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda in an attempt to alter an election and act as if their latest false narrative against Trump is the 1st time they have EVER heard of 'political opposition research'.

In President Trump's case, being the President of the United States, having sworn an oath to defend the United States, talking to the PM of another country who reportedly had / has evidence of criminal acts perpetrated by Democrats and their allies, evidence they have attempted to deliver to the US' DOJ but were blocked from doing so by Democrats, is altogether justifiable.

In addition, asking that PM about potential evidence he has that involves a 2020 Presidential Candidate, evidence that he extorted / blackmailed the UK into firing their prosecutor, falls under protecting the U.S.

REALLY? How about this one from Fox News?
You are a clown.

Judge Napolitano: Trump shouldn't divert from 'serious' Ukraine allegation | Fox News

Fox News' Judge Andrew Napolitano appeared on "Your World with Neil Cavuto" Monday and advised President Trump that he shouldn't dismiss the serious allegation of "political corruption" levied against him.

"The president should not be diverting attention from the most serious allegation made against him, far more serious than anything ... Bob Mueller did, which is an act of political corruption in the ... formulation of foreign policy," Napolitano told guest host Charles Payne.
Easy....... this came from Fox News. Did I debunked your fake news against Biden? There is no known evidence that Biden did anything wrong.

Shep Smith Lays It Out For Fox News Viewers: The Issue Isn't Biden. It's Trump.

Shep Smith Lays It Out For Fox News Viewers: The Issue Isn't Biden. It's Trump.

The Fox News host rips apart the president's conspiracy theories.
By Ed Mazza
09/24/2019 03:57 AM ET

Fox News anchor Shepard Smith on Monday warned viewers not to be distracted by President Donald Trump’s conspiracy theories as the Ukraine scandal explodes around him.

The Wall Street Journal reported last week that Trump pressured Ukraine to investigate former Vice President and Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden as well as his son, Hunter Biden.

Trump repeated conspiracy theories about the Bidens on Monday, calling them a “disgrace.” But Smith said, “there is no known evidence that Biden did anything wrong.”

The real problem, he said, isn’t Biden at all. It’s Trump ― and specifically, what Trump said during his phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
Funny. There was no quid pro quo with Biden.

The prosecutor was fired, Biden's son was protected from indictment / prosecution, and Ukraine got money....

Okay, so the dumb fuck doesn’t understand Latin. Not his fault he’s an idiot.

For you other lefty idiots though just interpret quid pro quo as you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours. They scratched uncle Joe’s by firing the guy and Joe scratched back by giving them the billion bucks. Easy-peasy.
And how did Joe Biden benefit from that?
Never said he did.

You don't understand what you post??

You said Joe scratched their back and they scratched his. So what did he get? Or are you admitting there was no quid pro quo?
You can’t be that fuckin’ stupid. Oh, wait! I take that back.

The prosecutor was fired, Biden's son was protected from indictment / prosecution, and Ukraine got money....

Okay, so the dumb fuck doesn’t understand Latin. Not his fault he’s an idiot.

For you other lefty idiots though just interpret quid pro quo as you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours. They scratched uncle Joe’s by firing the guy and Joe scratched back by giving them the billion bucks. Easy-peasy.
And how did Joe Biden benefit from that?
Never said he did.

You don't understand what you post??

You said Joe scratched their back and they scratched his. So what did he get? Or are you admitting there was no quid pro quo?
You can’t be that fuckin’ stupid. Oh, wait! I take that back.

I'm going by your words. :lol:
Nothing you say is true.
Again, everything I have said has been substantiated / supported by links, articles, and even video-taped confessions while everything you say is fragile, easily-offended, easily-manipulated, butt-hurt, hate-driven, traitorous-Dem-supporting opinion.

'Nuff said.

Articles by people who are as delusion. This is from a Ukrainian.

Thank you @OliverBullough - indeed it’s insane to use UKRAINE as a ball at the AMERICAN national political field. Prosecutor Shokin did not open the case on Zlochevskyi & Burisma. He dumped it. And he was fired for being corrupt and failing prosecution reform @kenvogel

12:52 PM - 2 May 2019
You're using TWITTER - an OPINION on Twitter - as a 'legitimate' news source?

Well,I guess it is better than CNN or the N.Y. Times....

Bwuhahahahahaha! .

Daria Kaleniuk‏ @dkaleniuk Sep 23

October 31, 2015 weekend. Jointly with @Automaidan we are running huge rally to @poroshenko home demanding "tough prosecutor" Shokin resignation. Hundreds of people come. …


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  • The fact is that she has been on the front lines of fighting corruption in Ukraine. She knows more about it than you or your sources do. It figures you would attack her just because she disagrees with you.
She threatened the funding? Really?
Easy....... this came from Fox News. Did I debunked your fake news against Biden? There is no known evidence that Biden did anything wrong.

Shep Smith Lays It Out For Fox News Viewers: The Issue Isn't Biden. It's Trump.

Shep Smith Lays It Out For Fox News Viewers: The Issue Isn't Biden. It's Trump.

The Fox News host rips apart the president's conspiracy theories.
By Ed Mazza
09/24/2019 03:57 AM ET

Fox News anchor Shepard Smith on Monday warned viewers not to be distracted by President Donald Trump’s conspiracy theories as the Ukraine scandal explodes around him.

The Wall Street Journal reported last week that Trump pressured Ukraine to investigate former Vice President and Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden as well as his son, Hunter Biden.

Trump repeated conspiracy theories about the Bidens on Monday, calling them a “disgrace.” But Smith said, “there is no known evidence that Biden did anything wrong.”

The real problem, he said, isn’t Biden at all. It’s Trump ― and specifically, what Trump said during his phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
Shep Smith is a leftwing homosexual.
Easy....... this came from Fox News. Did I debunked your fake news against Biden? There is no known evidence that Biden did anything wrong.

Shep Smith Lays It Out For Fox News Viewers: The Issue Isn't Biden. It's Trump.

Shep Smith Lays It Out For Fox News Viewers: The Issue Isn't Biden. It's Trump.

The Fox News host rips apart the president's conspiracy theories.
By Ed Mazza
09/24/2019 03:57 AM ET

Fox News anchor Shepard Smith on Monday warned viewers not to be distracted by President Donald Trump’s conspiracy theories as the Ukraine scandal explodes around him.

The Wall Street Journal reported last week that Trump pressured Ukraine to investigate former Vice President and Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden as well as his son, Hunter Biden.

Trump repeated conspiracy theories about the Bidens on Monday, calling them a “disgrace.” But Smith said, “there is no known evidence that Biden did anything wrong.”

The real problem, he said, isn’t Biden at all. It’s Trump ― and specifically, what Trump said during his phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
Shep Smith is a leftwing homosexual.
^^^ a fucking moron who can't dispute what Smith says.
Look at all the leftwits defending Biden. I remember a time when interfering in another nations internal affairs was a bad thing..... my how time flys when you ride a spinning top!
How many time did Obama's administration do so?

Barry used tax dollars to interfere in Israel's election, trying to oust their leader, Netanyahu.

Barry 'pimped-out' our military to Al Qaeda to help them kill Gaddafi (*who was helping the Coalition fight terrorists in North Africa) and take over Libya for their own.

Joe extorted Ukraine's PM into firing the prosecutor.

Barry, the Nobel Peace Prize Winner, invaded Syria...after his infamous failed 'Red Line' disaster....

You are lying again. How can you sleep at night?
Do you have any decency left in your worthless soul?

Barry used tax dollars to interfere in Israel's election, trying to oust their leader, Netanyahu.

Barry, the Nobel Peace Prize Winner, invaded Syria...after his infamous failed 'Red Line' disaster.

Joe extorted Ukraine's PM into firing the prosecutor.
Remains to be seen
Easy....... this came from Fox News. Did I debunked your fake news against Biden? There is no known evidence that Biden did anything wrong.

Shep Smith Lays It Out For Fox News Viewers: The Issue Isn't Biden. It's Trump.

Shep Smith Lays It Out For Fox News Viewers: The Issue Isn't Biden. It's Trump.

The Fox News host rips apart the president's conspiracy theories.
By Ed Mazza
09/24/2019 03:57 AM ET

Fox News anchor Shepard Smith on Monday warned viewers not to be distracted by President Donald Trump’s conspiracy theories as the Ukraine scandal explodes around him.

The Wall Street Journal reported last week that Trump pressured Ukraine to investigate former Vice President and Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden as well as his son, Hunter Biden.

Trump repeated conspiracy theories about the Bidens on Monday, calling them a “disgrace.” But Smith said, “there is no known evidence that Biden did anything wrong.”

The real problem, he said, isn’t Biden at all. It’s Trump ― and specifically, what Trump said during his phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
Shep Smith is a leftwing homosexual.
^^^ a fucking moron who can't dispute what Smith says.
There's no need to dispute it. He's just another biased leftwing Trump-hating liar.

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