Biden ADMITTED To Abusing His Power As VP To Force Ukraine To Fire Prosecutor, Protect His Son

Easy....... this came from Fox News. Did I debunked your fake news against Biden? There is no known evidence that Biden did anything wrong.

Shep Smith Lays It Out For Fox News Viewers: The Issue Isn't Biden. It's Trump.

Shep Smith Lays It Out For Fox News Viewers: The Issue Isn't Biden. It's Trump.

The Fox News host rips apart the president's conspiracy theories.
By Ed Mazza
09/24/2019 03:57 AM ET

Fox News anchor Shepard Smith on Monday warned viewers not to be distracted by President Donald Trump’s conspiracy theories as the Ukraine scandal explodes around him.

The Wall Street Journal reported last week that Trump pressured Ukraine to investigate former Vice President and Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden as well as his son, Hunter Biden.

Trump repeated conspiracy theories about the Bidens on Monday, calling them a “disgrace.” But Smith said, “there is no known evidence that Biden did anything wrong.”

The real problem, he said, isn’t Biden at all. It’s Trump ― and specifically, what Trump said during his phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
Shep Smith is a leftwing homosexual.
^^^ a fucking moron who can't dispute what Smith says.
There's no need to dispute it. He's just another biased leftwing Trump-hating liar.

Fucking moron -- if you COULD dispute it, you WOULD dispute it. You DON'T dispute it because you CAN'T dispute it.

So instead, you call him names like a 4 year old.

Don't think your inabilities aren't noticed.
Look at all the leftwits defending Biden. I remember a time when interfering in another nations internal affairs was a bad thing..... my how time flys when you ride a spinning top!
How many time did Obama's administration do so?

Barry used tax dollars to interfere in Israel's election, trying to oust their leader, Netanyahu.

Barry 'pimped-out' our military to Al Qaeda to help them kill Gaddafi (*who was helping the Coalition fight terrorists in North Africa) and take over Libya for their own.

Joe extorted Ukraine's PM into firing the prosecutor.

Barry, the Nobel Peace Prize Winner, invaded Syria...after his infamous failed 'Red Line' disaster....

You are lying again. How can you sleep at night?
Do you have any decency left in your worthless soul?

Barry used tax dollars to interfere in Israel's election, trying to oust their leader, Netanyahu.

Barry, the Nobel Peace Prize Winner, invaded Syria...after his infamous failed 'Red Line' disaster.

Joe extorted Ukraine's PM into firing the prosecutor.
Remains to be seen

I will use my own money if I can to oust beggars like Bibi.

Obama well deserved Nobel Peace Price Winner. Well recognized and respected domestically and internationally.

Trumpits is just a Nobel Piece Poop Winner.

Obama never invaded Syria. But look at the results isis are gone in Syria.

Joe Biden did nothing wrong in Ukraine. The problem is not Biden it’s trump.
Are you telling me Fox News are lying?
Easy....... this came from Fox News. Did I debunked your fake news against Biden? There is no known evidence that Biden did anything wrong.

Shep Smith Lays It Out For Fox News Viewers: The Issue Isn't Biden. It's Trump.

Shep Smith Lays It Out For Fox News Viewers: The Issue Isn't Biden. It's Trump.

The Fox News host rips apart the president's conspiracy theories.
By Ed Mazza
09/24/2019 03:57 AM ET

Fox News anchor Shepard Smith on Monday warned viewers not to be distracted by President Donald Trump’s conspiracy theories as the Ukraine scandal explodes around him.

The Wall Street Journal reported last week that Trump pressured Ukraine to investigate former Vice President and Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden as well as his son, Hunter Biden.

Trump repeated conspiracy theories about the Bidens on Monday, calling them a “disgrace.” But Smith said, “there is no known evidence that Biden did anything wrong.”

The real problem, he said, isn’t Biden at all. It’s Trump ― and specifically, what Trump said during his phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
Shep Smith is a leftwing homosexual.
^^^ a fucking moron who can't dispute what Smith says.
There's no need to dispute it. He's just another biased leftwing Trump-hating liar.

Dude. Why don’t you prove to me where I lied?

You are no different from other Trumpits lying supporters just like your fake messiah.
Look at all the leftwits defending Biden. I remember a time when interfering in another nations internal affairs was a bad thing..... my how time flys when you ride a spinning top!
How many time did Obama's administration do so?

Barry used tax dollars to interfere in Israel's election, trying to oust their leader, Netanyahu.

Barry 'pimped-out' our military to Al Qaeda to help them kill Gaddafi (*who was helping the Coalition fight terrorists in North Africa) and take over Libya for their own.

Joe extorted Ukraine's PM into firing the prosecutor.

Barry, the Nobel Peace Prize Winner, invaded Syria...after his infamous failed 'Red Line' disaster....

You are lying again. How can you sleep at night?
Do you have any decency left in your worthless soul?

Barry used tax dollars to interfere in Israel's election, trying to oust their leader, Netanyahu.

Barry, the Nobel Peace Prize Winner, invaded Syria...after his infamous failed 'Red Line' disaster.

Joe extorted Ukraine's PM into firing the prosecutor.
Remains to be seen

I will use my own money if I can to oust beggars like Bibi.

Obama well deserved Nobel Peace Price Winner. Well recognized and respected domestically and internationally.

Trumpits is just a Nobel Piece Poop Winner.

Obama never invaded Syria. But look at the results isis are gone in Syria.

Joe Biden did nothing wrong in Ukraine. The problem is not Biden it’s trump.
Are you telling me Fox News are lying?

Obama indeed invaded Syria, did he or did he not inject our Military there?

The jury is still out on Joe honey.
Easy....... this came from Fox News. Did I debunked your fake news against Biden? There is no known evidence that Biden did anything wrong.

Shep Smith Lays It Out For Fox News Viewers: The Issue Isn't Biden. It's Trump.

Shep Smith Lays It Out For Fox News Viewers: The Issue Isn't Biden. It's Trump.

The Fox News host rips apart the president's conspiracy theories.
By Ed Mazza
09/24/2019 03:57 AM ET

Fox News anchor Shepard Smith on Monday warned viewers not to be distracted by President Donald Trump’s conspiracy theories as the Ukraine scandal explodes around him.

The Wall Street Journal reported last week that Trump pressured Ukraine to investigate former Vice President and Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden as well as his son, Hunter Biden.

Trump repeated conspiracy theories about the Bidens on Monday, calling them a “disgrace.” But Smith said, “there is no known evidence that Biden did anything wrong.”

The real problem, he said, isn’t Biden at all. It’s Trump ― and specifically, what Trump said during his phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
Shep Smith is a leftwing homosexual.
^^^ a fucking moron who can't dispute what Smith says.
There's no need to dispute it. He's just another biased leftwing Trump-hating liar.

Dude. Why don’t you prove to me where I lied?

You are no different from other Trumpits lying supporters just like your fake messiah.

That's funny coming from someone on her knees blowing Barry
These stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome don't care that Creepy Joe abused the power of his office to put pressure on a foreign government to keep his corrupt son from being prosecuted.

Trump supporters are the stupid, ill informed low information voters who suffer from TDS. Biden's son was not under investigation.
The prosecutor says he was and the new prosecutor reopened the investigation after Bragging Billion Dollar Bounty Biden shot his mouth off. Once the new prosecutor looked at the facts, it was clear that there were some very serious questions that needed to be answered.

OOPS: Burisma ‘Clearly’ Paid Hunter Biden to Sell Influence, Says CNN Contributor.

$50,000 a month for Hunter Biden—clearly to be selling influence because otherwise, no one would ever pay him that kind of money—for a company that, frankly, was pretty corrupt and has been before and has been since under investigation," Bremmer said.

Hunter Biden was named to the board of Burisma, Ukraine's largest private gas company, for his ability to sell influence during the Obama administration.

Hunter Biden is the son of 2020 Democratic primary frontrunner Joe Biden. Bremmer said the former vice president was aware of his son's ties to the company and its ongoing corruption woes.

"I expect that President Obama, if he had known about the reality of the situation, would've probably told Biden ‘get rid of this, we shouldn't have your son working in this situation.'

Hunter Biden, fresh out of rehab for Cocaine had not experience with energy company regulation. So what do you claim they were paying him $50,000/mo for while his Papa controlled the flow of US taxpayer money to Ukraine? Does Hunter even speak and write in the Ukrainian language?
These stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome don't care that Creepy Joe abused the power of his office to put pressure on a foreign government to keep his corrupt son from being prosecuted.

Trump supporters are the stupid, ill informed low information voters who suffer from TDS. Biden's son was not under investigation.
The prosecutor says he was and the new prosecutor reopened the investigation after Bragging Billion Dollar Bounty Biden shot his mouth off. Once the new prosecutor looked at the facts, it was clear that there were some very serious questions that needed to be answered.

OOPS: Burisma ‘Clearly’ Paid Hunter Biden to Sell Influence, Says CNN Contributor.

$50,000 a month for Hunter Biden—clearly to be selling influence because otherwise, no one would ever pay him that kind of money—for a company that, frankly, was pretty corrupt and has been before and has been since under investigation," Bremmer said.

Hunter Biden was named to the board of Burisma, Ukraine's largest private gas company, for his ability to sell influence during the Obama administration.

Hunter Biden is the son of 2020 Democratic primary frontrunner Joe Biden. Bremmer said the former vice president was aware of his son's ties to the company and its ongoing corruption woes.

"I expect that President Obama, if he had known about the reality of the situation, would've probably told Biden ‘get rid of this, we shouldn't have your son working in this situation.'

Hunter Biden, fresh out of rehab for Cocaine had not experience with energy company regulation. So what do you claim they were paying him $50,000/mo for while his Papa controlled the flow of US taxpayer money to Ukraine? Does Hunter even speak and write in the Ukrainian language?
"The prosecutor says he was"

You just can't stop lying, can you?

No Ukrainian prosecutor ever said Hunter Biden was under investigation.

Now stop lying.
These stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome don't care that Creepy Joe abused the power of his office to put pressure on a foreign government to keep his corrupt son from being prosecuted.

Trump supporters are the stupid, ill informed low information voters who suffer from TDS. Biden's son was not under investigation.

What the hell did the sonofabitch do to earn $50K a month from a foreign government if he wasn't selling his daddy's influence?

These stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome don't care that Creepy Joe abused the power of his office to put pressure on a foreign government to keep his corrupt son from being prosecuted.

Trump supporters are the stupid, ill informed low information voters who suffer from TDS. Biden's son was not under investigation.
but should be is the point. 50 grand a month, wow. who makes that kind of money for an energy company besides him? The CEO? I doubt it.

What is illegal about it?
There is no extortion.
Biden's confession on videotape is the very definition of the word 'extortion'. Does your mommy know you are using her laptop again? I know it is a big word, but can you ask her to read the definition of 'Extortion'?

You are the one who needs your mommy as you are too stupid to know what you are talking about. Maybe4 you should understand that we are talking about federal dollars. Obama should insist that corruption be dealt with before American dollars are sent there. Ukrainians support what Obama did and what Biden said.

We're talking $1.8 Billion here champ, do you really feel Ukrainians are not going to support what Obama/Biden did?

They support it because they recognize that the prosecutor was corrupt.
These stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome don't care that Creepy Joe abused the power of his office to put pressure on a foreign government to keep his corrupt son from being prosecuted.

Trump supporters are the stupid, ill informed low information voters who suffer from TDS. Biden's son was not under investigation.
The prosecutor says he was and the new prosecutor reopened the investigation after Bragging Billion Dollar Bounty Biden shot his mouth off. Once the new prosecutor looked at the facts, it was clear that there were some very serious questions that needed to be answered.

OOPS: Burisma ‘Clearly’ Paid Hunter Biden to Sell Influence, Says CNN Contributor.

$50,000 a month for Hunter Biden—clearly to be selling influence because otherwise, no one would ever pay him that kind of money—for a company that, frankly, was pretty corrupt and has been before and has been since under investigation," Bremmer said.

Hunter Biden was named to the board of Burisma, Ukraine's largest private gas company, for his ability to sell influence during the Obama administration.

Hunter Biden is the son of 2020 Democratic primary frontrunner Joe Biden. Bremmer said the former vice president was aware of his son's ties to the company and its ongoing corruption woes.

"I expect that President Obama, if he had known about the reality of the situation, would've probably told Biden ‘get rid of this, we shouldn't have your son working in this situation.'

Hunter Biden, fresh out of rehab for Cocaine had not experience with energy company regulation. So what do you claim they were paying him $50,000/mo for while his Papa controlled the flow of US taxpayer money to Ukraine? Does Hunter even speak and write in the Ukrainian language?

The prosecutor's deputy provided documentation that there was no active investigation of Burisma open. There has never been any evidence that Hunter Biden did anything wrong.

The fact is that Obama has no say over what a private citizen does. There is no evidence that Hunter Biden committed any crime. Typical slander by Trump supporters.
IS IT BECAUSE HUNTER BIDEN IS AS CORRUPT AF? The Week: Ukraine is expected to re-open the corruption case against Hunter Biden’s firm. But it’s not because of Trump.

Zelensky's plans to root out corruption, one of the key components of his presidential campaign. Valentin Nalyvaichenko, the former head of Ukraine's domestic intelligence agency and now a member of the country's parliament, told The Daily Beast that Ukraine wants to discover the truth about corruption in the country, which in the case of Burisma, means investigating whether its founder paid off investigators who were looking into the way he acquired gas licenses.

In recent years, many corruption cases in Ukraine sputtered after prosecutors were paid off. Zelensky and his government want to reverse that and speed up the country's reform process by reinvigorating the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine. Now, a new team of independent prosecutors will reportedly dive back into the Burisma investigation, as well as other cases.
IS IT BECAUSE HUNTER BIDEN IS AS CORRUPT AF? The Week: Ukraine is expected to re-open the corruption case against Hunter Biden’s firm. But it’s not because of Trump.

Zelensky's plans to root out corruption, one of the key components of his presidential campaign. Valentin Nalyvaichenko, the former head of Ukraine's domestic intelligence agency and now a member of the country's parliament, told The Daily Beast that Ukraine wants to discover the truth about corruption in the country, which in the case of Burisma, means investigating whether its founder paid off investigators who were looking into the way he acquired gas licenses.

In recent years, many corruption cases in Ukraine sputtered after prosecutors were paid off. Zelensky and his government want to reverse that and speed up the country's reform process by reinvigorating the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine. Now, a new team of independent prosecutors will reportedly dive back into the Burisma investigation, as well as other cases.
Ahh, sounds like trump's coercion paid off. Why else would Zelensky investigate Hunter Biden after his own country had already determined he did nothing wrong? Looks like that extra $140 million trump gave to Zelensky really paid off.
These stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome don't care that Creepy Joe abused the power of his office to put pressure on a foreign government to keep his corrupt son from being prosecuted.

Trump supporters are the stupid, ill informed low information voters who suffer from TDS. Biden's son was not under investigation.
The prosecutor says he was and the new prosecutor reopened the investigation after Bragging Billion Dollar Bounty Biden shot his mouth off. Once the new prosecutor looked at the facts, it was clear that there were some very serious questions that needed to be answered.

OOPS: Burisma ‘Clearly’ Paid Hunter Biden to Sell Influence, Says CNN Contributor.

$50,000 a month for Hunter Biden—clearly to be selling influence because otherwise, no one would ever pay him that kind of money—for a company that, frankly, was pretty corrupt and has been before and has been since under investigation," Bremmer said.

Hunter Biden was named to the board of Burisma, Ukraine's largest private gas company, for his ability to sell influence during the Obama administration.

Hunter Biden is the son of 2020 Democratic primary frontrunner Joe Biden. Bremmer said the former vice president was aware of his son's ties to the company and its ongoing corruption woes.

"I expect that President Obama, if he had known about the reality of the situation, would've probably told Biden ‘get rid of this, we shouldn't have your son working in this situation.'

Hunter Biden, fresh out of rehab for Cocaine had not experience with energy company regulation. So what do you claim they were paying him $50,000/mo for while his Papa controlled the flow of US taxpayer money to Ukraine? Does Hunter even speak and write in the Ukrainian language?

The prosecutor's deputy provided documentation that there was no active investigation of Burisma open. There has never been any evidence that Hunter Biden did anything wrong.

The fact is that Obama has no say over what a private citizen does. There is no evidence that Hunter Biden committed any crime. Typical slander by Trump supporters.
Joe co fessed to Extortion. Barry tried to Extort US citizens - buy Obamacare or pay a fine...
These stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome don't care that Creepy Joe abused the power of his office to put pressure on a foreign government to keep his corrupt son from being prosecuted.

Trump supporters are the stupid, ill informed low information voters who suffer from TDS. Biden's son was not under investigation.
The prosecutor says he was and the new prosecutor reopened the investigation after Bragging Billion Dollar Bounty Biden shot his mouth off. Once the new prosecutor looked at the facts, it was clear that there were some very serious questions that needed to be answered.

OOPS: Burisma ‘Clearly’ Paid Hunter Biden to Sell Influence, Says CNN Contributor.

$50,000 a month for Hunter Biden—clearly to be selling influence because otherwise, no one would ever pay him that kind of money—for a company that, frankly, was pretty corrupt and has been before and has been since under investigation," Bremmer said.

Hunter Biden was named to the board of Burisma, Ukraine's largest private gas company, for his ability to sell influence during the Obama administration.

Hunter Biden is the son of 2020 Democratic primary frontrunner Joe Biden. Bremmer said the former vice president was aware of his son's ties to the company and its ongoing corruption woes.

"I expect that President Obama, if he had known about the reality of the situation, would've probably told Biden ‘get rid of this, we shouldn't have your son working in this situation.'

Hunter Biden, fresh out of rehab for Cocaine had not experience with energy company regulation. So what do you claim they were paying him $50,000/mo for while his Papa controlled the flow of US taxpayer money to Ukraine? Does Hunter even speak and write in the Ukrainian language?

The prosecutor's deputy provided documentation that there was no active investigation of Burisma open. There has never been any evidence that Hunter Biden did anything wrong.

The fact is that Obama has no say over what a private citizen does. There is no evidence that Hunter Biden committed any crime. Typical slander by Trump supporters.
Joe co fessed to Extortion. Barry tried to Extort US citizens - buy Obamacare or pay a fine...

It's not extortion if he had nothing to gain and not one of you rightards have been able to show what he gained.
These stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome don't care that Creepy Joe abused the power of his office to put pressure on a foreign government to keep his corrupt son from being prosecuted.

Trump supporters are the stupid, ill informed low information voters who suffer from TDS. Biden's son was not under investigation.

What the hell did the sonofabitch do to earn $50K a month from a foreign government if he wasn't selling his daddy's influence?

These stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome don't care that Creepy Joe abused the power of his office to put pressure on a foreign government to keep his corrupt son from being prosecuted.

Trump supporters are the stupid, ill informed low information voters who suffer from TDS. Biden's son was not under investigation.
but should be is the point. 50 grand a month, wow. who makes that kind of money for an energy company besides him? The CEO? I doubt it.

What is illegal about it?

Let me guess. You didn't think there was anything illegal about Crooked Hillary getting filthy rich by using her bogus Foundation as a money laundering operation to sell government influence to foreign countries. Am I right or am I right?
Not too hard to understand, unless you are a stupid uneducated low information Moon Bat suffering from the mental illness TDS.

Stop The Tape! How Has Joe Biden's Scandal Suddenly Become President Trump's Scandal?

While speaking to a group of foreign policy strategists, Biden boasted about threatening to hold back $1 billion in U.S. aid if Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko did not fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, who was about to question Hunter. Biden told the group:

I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’

Well, son of a bitch, he got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.
Not too hard to understand, unless you are a stupid uneducated low information Moon Bat suffering from the mental illness TDS.

Stop The Tape! How Has Joe Biden's Scandal Suddenly Become President Trump's Scandal?

While speaking to a group of foreign policy strategists, Biden boasted about threatening to hold back $1 billion in U.S. aid if Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko did not fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, who was about to question Hunter. Biden told the group:

I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’

Well, son of a bitch, he got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.

Read the entire article instead of sound biting it.

Trump Twists Facts on Biden and Ukraine - › 2019/09 › trump-twists-facts-on-biden-and-uk..
Once again Trump is going to make these stupid Moon Bats look like idiots


I am currently at the United Nations representing our Country, but have authorized the release tomorrow of the complete, fully declassified and unredacted transcript of my phone conversation with President Zelensky of Ukraine....

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 24, 2019
....You will see it was a very friendly and totally appropriate call. No pressure and, unlike Joe Biden and his son, NO quid pro quo! This is nothing more than a continuation of the Greatest and most Destructive Witch Hunt of all time!

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 24, 2019

If Trump says it then it is true, yes?

Trump Twists Facts on Biden and Ukraine - › 2019/09 › trump-twists-facts-on-biden-and-uk..
Trump used the exact same rationale for withholding funding, dope. Corruption.
then trump did nothing wrong.

we can all move on now.

He did in that it was done to benefit himself, dope.

i don't give a flying squirrel shit in a retarded tornado how you feel. prove your accusations or shut the fuck up.

It’s already admitted by Giuliani and Donald Trump, that this is exactly what they did.
i looked up "beyond zero credibility" in the dictionary.

cute hair you have.

You're simply wrong.
Trump Acknowledges Discussing Biden in Call With Ukrainian Leader

Giuliani says 'of course' he asked Ukraine to look into Biden seconds after denying it
Not too hard to understand, unless you are a stupid uneducated low information Moon Bat suffering from the mental illness TDS.

Stop The Tape! How Has Joe Biden's Scandal Suddenly Become President Trump's Scandal?

While speaking to a group of foreign policy strategists, Biden boasted about threatening to hold back $1 billion in U.S. aid if Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko did not fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, who was about to question Hunter. Biden told the group:

I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’

Well, son of a bitch, he got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.

Read the entire article instead of sound biting it.

Trump Twists Facts on Biden and Ukraine - › 2019/09 › trump-twists-facts-on-biden-and-uk..
“I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,” Biden recalled. “Well, son of a bitch. He got fired.”

Quid pro quo extortion, plain and simple, and yes, Biden's son was under investigation. after being dishonorably discharged from his military service six months earlier. So how is it a younun that just got discharged from the service is a multibillion dollar exectutive doing business in Ukraine? I'll wait for your fact checking guru's to explain what can't be explained but instead swept under the carpet. "and now you know the rest of the story"

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