Biden ADMITTED To Abusing His Power As VP To Force Ukraine To Fire Prosecutor, Protect His Son

joe Biden's own words:

“I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,” Biden recalled. “Well, son of a bitch. He got fired.”

Biden was sent there to represent our country in an official manner along with other countries that made the same demands Trump's actions were illegal
and if trump got a prosecutor fired who was investigating his son would you still make this particular play and say it's ok?

didn't think so.

If ya didn't think so, think again. Biden, as Vice President, joined with many other countries to make that demand and it had nothing to do with his son who was not under investigation. Don't compare Trump with Biden. Rudy represents only Trump and not his country. This action by Trump was wrong and slimy. He does a lot of it these days because he thinks that he is invincible.
His son was in fact the target, or one of, the investigation.

Now go away.
joe Biden's own words:

“I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,” Biden recalled. “Well, son of a bitch. He got fired.”

Biden was sent there to represent our country in an official manner along with other countries that made the same demands Trump's actions were illegal
and if trump got a prosecutor fired who was investigating his son would you still make this particular play and say it's ok?

didn't think so.

If ya didn't think so, think again. Biden, as Vice President, joined with many other countries to make that demand and it had nothing to do with his son who was not under investigation. Don't compare Trump with Biden. Rudy represents only Trump and not his country. This action by Trump was wrong and slimy. He does a lot of it these days because he thinks that he is invincible.
nope, won't go there, no deflection of facts allowed. sleepy joe admitted extortion. I give a flying fk what any other country did, it does not resolve his statements. in court, they call it a slam fking dunk!!!
the fact is biden made those statements, fact is that is extortion. Dude, I don't give a fk what you think extortion is, I know and so do many americans. EXTORTION, Quid pro quo baby admitted on camera!!!!! too fking funny.

....meanwhile, Democrats / snowflakes are standing on their front porch with poo on their shoes after answering the door to find a flaming paper bag on their doorstep:

An identified politically-biased, Biden-supporting, Deep State Intel Agency employee whistle blower
Who only has a 2nd-hand 2nd-Hand account of what supposedly happened
A rush to declare they are pursuing Impeachment
& a newly-released transcript totally destroying their false narrative against the President


the fact is biden made those statements, fact is that is extortion. Dude, I don't give a fk what you think extortion is, I know and so do many americans. EXTORTION, Quid pro quo baby admitted on camera!!!!! too fking funny.

....meanwhile, Democrats / snowflakes are standing on their front porch with poo on their shoes after answering the door to find a flaming paper bag on their doorstep:

An identified politically-biased, Biden-supporting, Deep State Intel Agency employee whistle blower
Who only has a 2nd-hand 2nd-Hand account of what supposedly happened
A rush to declare they are pursuing Impeachment
& a newly-released transcript totally destroying their false narrative against the President


So the snowflake attack is to claim the $150 Billion Obama gave to Iran is Iran's to begin with, so we aren't really giving it back.....?!

In the past nations of the world - the International Community, collectively, have acted to freeze the financial accounts of terrorists and nations who have engaged in terrorism and/or acted to harm the International community / negatively effect the world's economy:. The 'argument' that the money is already theirs so we HAVE to give it back was rejected as a ridiculous idea. Freezing accounts is one way to put pressure on a rogue nation to end its actions that threaten the world community"

"Iranian frozen assets in international accounts are calculated to be worth between $100 billion[1][2] and $120 billion. Almost $1.973 billion of Iran's assets are frozen in the United States."
-- Iranian frozen assets - Wikipedia

In 2014 the Obama administration froze the financial assets of an individual Russian businessman...despite the fact that 'the money was already his'.

-- U.S. Freezes Assets of Russian Businessmen and Bank Close to Putin

WHY did Barry do this? HOW could Barry do this? The money was already HIS, so Barry should have given it back, right? Barry did this to punish negative behavior that endangered the United States.

Seizing a rogue / evil regime's finances goes back as early as WW2 & Roosevelt:

"WHEN Germany occupied Norway and Denmark in April 1940 the United States Treasury, in a protective countermove made at President Roosevelt's direction, "occupied" the $267 million in Norwegian and Danish property in this country. Secretary Morgenthau remarked: "Certainly it is in the interests of the American people that I sit on this money and do nothing . . . until the State Department can advise us more clearly on the status of these countries." In the next fifteen months the President directed similar moves involving seven and a half billion dollars owned by 32 countries (set forth in detail in the accompanying table), and it became clear that "doing nothing" really meant engaging in perhaps the most extensive exchange control ever undertaken by any country."
-- Freezing Dollars Against the Axis

Roosevelt did not re-think the situation and decide he HAD to give Germany back its money because, after all, it WAS their money.

So attempting to justify Barry caving to the Mullahs and handing the leading exporter of terrorism in the world - to whom he was forced to pay a ransom to get American citizens back, who was and is pursuing nuclear weapons, and who has sparked a nuclear arms race in the Middle East - billions of dollars to use to pursue their goal of attaining nuclear weapons while supporting their actions of seizing international ships in the Gulf, bombing Saudi oil production, and negatively effecting the world's economy, by declaring Barry had no choice to give the money back because it was / is theirs is DUMB AS HELL!
Why did Barry seize assets of Russian businessman and Russian bank?
Can you read the link you provided?
It says it was retaliation of Russian annexation of Crimea.

As far as Iran, Obama had returned money that they had given to USA decades ago, with interest, nothing more.
joe Biden's own words:

“I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,” Biden recalled. “Well, son of a bitch. He got fired.”

Biden was sent there to represent our country in an official manner along with other countries that made the same demands Trump's actions were illegal
and if trump got a prosecutor fired who was investigating his son would you still make this particular play and say it's ok?

didn't think so.

If ya didn't think so, think again. Biden, as Vice President, joined with many other countries to make that demand and it had nothing to do with his son who was not under investigation. Don't compare Trump with Biden. Rudy represents only Trump and not his country. This action by Trump was wrong and slimy. He does a lot of it these days because he thinks that he is invincible.
His son was in fact the target, or one of, the investigation.

Now go away.

Hunter Biden was NEVER under investigation.

Hunter Biden and Ukraine: The back story
In reading the transcripts, it's actually the Ukrainian president who brought the Biden corruption investigation up.

I bet the stupid TDS afflicted Moon Bats will not understand that. TDS is a serious mental illness that blocks normal comprehension.
joe Biden's own words:

“I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,” Biden recalled. “Well, son of a bitch. He got fired.”

Biden was sent there to represent our country in an official manner along with other countries that made the same demands Trump's actions were illegal
and if trump got a prosecutor fired who was investigating his son would you still make this particular play and say it's ok?

didn't think so.

If ya didn't think so, think again. Biden, as Vice President, joined with many other countries to make that demand and it had nothing to do with his son who was not under investigation. Don't compare Trump with Biden. Rudy represents only Trump and not his country. This action by Trump was wrong and slimy. He does a lot of it these days because he thinks that he is invincible.
nope, won't go there, no deflection of facts allowed. sleepy joe admitted extortion. I give a flying fk what any other country did, it does not resolve his statements. in court, they call it a slam fking dunk!!!

No, you call it a slam dunk, not me. Vice President Biden was sent to Ukraine as a government representative along with other countries representatives. Biden's son was not under investigation and he was discharged from the army for doing cocaine. I wonder if you have done cocaine and never got caught. Many people have done just that, so stop twisting in the wind. As for Guiliano......a joke
joe Biden's own words:

“I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,” Biden recalled. “Well, son of a bitch. He got fired.”

Biden was sent there to represent our country in an official manner along with other countries that made the same demands Trump's actions were illegal
and if trump got a prosecutor fired who was investigating his son would you still make this particular play and say it's ok?

didn't think so.

If ya didn't think so, think again. Biden, as Vice President, joined with many other countries to make that demand and it had nothing to do with his son who was not under investigation. Don't compare Trump with Biden. Rudy represents only Trump and not his country. This action by Trump was wrong and slimy. He does a lot of it these days because he thinks that he is invincible.
His son was in fact the target, or one of, the investigation.

Now go away.

False. You are trying to recreate history.
joe Biden's own words:

“I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,” Biden recalled. “Well, son of a bitch. He got fired.”

Biden was sent there to represent our country in an official manner along with other countries that made the same demands Trump's actions were illegal
and if trump got a prosecutor fired who was investigating his son would you still make this particular play and say it's ok?

didn't think so.

If ya didn't think so, think again. Biden, as Vice President, joined with many other countries to make that demand and it had nothing to do with his son who was not under investigation. Don't compare Trump with Biden. Rudy represents only Trump and not his country. This action by Trump was wrong and slimy. He does a lot of it these days because he thinks that he is invincible.
His son was in fact the target, or one of, the investigation.

Now go away.

False. You are trying to recreate history.
Reading the news sites not your bullshit.
Biden was sent there to represent our country in an official manner along with other countries that made the same demands Trump's actions were illegal
and if trump got a prosecutor fired who was investigating his son would you still make this particular play and say it's ok?

didn't think so.

If ya didn't think so, think again. Biden, as Vice President, joined with many other countries to make that demand and it had nothing to do with his son who was not under investigation. Don't compare Trump with Biden. Rudy represents only Trump and not his country. This action by Trump was wrong and slimy. He does a lot of it these days because he thinks that he is invincible.
His son was in fact the target, or one of, the investigation.

Now go away.

False. You are trying to recreate history.
Reading the news sites not your bullshit.

No dipshit, you are embellishing, taking out of context, and recreating news to suit your position, which is indicative of a typical uneducated and uninformed supporter of that Charleton and con-man.
Biden was sent there to represent our country in an official manner along with other countries that made the same demands Trump's actions were illegal
and if trump got a prosecutor fired who was investigating his son would you still make this particular play and say it's ok?

didn't think so.

If ya didn't think so, think again. Biden, as Vice President, joined with many other countries to make that demand and it had nothing to do with his son who was not under investigation. Don't compare Trump with Biden. Rudy represents only Trump and not his country. This action by Trump was wrong and slimy. He does a lot of it these days because he thinks that he is invincible.
His son was in fact the target, or one of, the investigation.

Now go away.

False. You are trying to recreate history.
Reading the news sites not your bullshit.

More like reading the bullshit, embellishing and recreating the truth to suit your uninformed rhetoric,
joe Biden's own words:

“I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,” Biden recalled. “Well, son of a bitch. He got fired.”

Biden was sent there to represent our country in an official manner along with other countries that made the same demands Trump's actions were illegal
and if trump got a prosecutor fired who was investigating his son would you still make this particular play and say it's ok?

didn't think so.

If ya didn't think so, think again. Biden, as Vice President, joined with many other countries to make that demand and it had nothing to do with his son who was not under investigation. Don't compare Trump with Biden. Rudy represents only Trump and not his country. This action by Trump was wrong and slimy. He does a lot of it these days because he thinks that he is invincible.
His son was in fact the target, or one of, the investigation.

Now go away.

If ya didn't think so, think again. Biden, as Vice President, joined with many other countries to make that demand and it had nothing to do with his son who was not under investigation. Don't compare Trump with Biden. Rudy represents only Trump and not his country. This action by Trump was wrong and slimy. He does a lot of it these days because he thinks that he is invincible.
His son was in fact the target, or one of, the investigation.

Now go away.

False. You are trying to recreate history.
Reading the news sites not your bullshit.

More like reading the bullshit, embellishing and recreating the truth to suit your uninformed rhetoric,
Bugger off asswhipe.

Another uninformed and uneducated dingaling.
then trump did nothing wrong.

we can all move on now.

He did in that it was done to benefit himself, dope.

i don't give a flying squirrel shit in a retarded tornado how you feel. prove your accusations or shut the fuck up.

It’s already admitted by Giuliani and Donald Trump, that this is exactly what they did.
i looked up "beyond zero credibility" in the dictionary.

cute hair you have.

You're simply wrong.
Trump Acknowledges Discussing Biden in Call With Ukrainian Leader

Giuliani says 'of course' he asked Ukraine to look into Biden seconds after denying it
Not just discussing Biden -- getting the leader of another country to dig up dirt on his political rival.
joe Biden's own words:

“I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,” Biden recalled. “Well, son of a bitch. He got fired.”

Biden was sent there to represent our country in an official manner along with other countries that made the same demands Trump's actions were illegal
and if trump got a prosecutor fired who was investigating his son would you still make this particular play and say it's ok?

didn't think so.

If ya didn't think so, think again. Biden, as Vice President, joined with many other countries to make that demand and it had nothing to do with his son who was not under investigation. Don't compare Trump with Biden. Rudy represents only Trump and not his country. This action by Trump was wrong and slimy. He does a lot of it these days because he thinks that he is invincible.
His son was in fact the target, or one of, the investigation.

Now go away.

Dayum, you're fucking retarded. :lol:

He was never the target of an investigation.

Joe Biden & Ukraine: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

Everyone wanted Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin removed.
the question is did he threaten pulling money if they didn't? what business of it was his to tell another country to fire a prosecutor? quid pro quo much? come on injun, let me know.
Why should we give money to a corrupt government?
Ask Obama and Iran
Don't use Trump as your news source.
Donald Trump miscasts money, terms in the Iran nuclear deal

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