Biden ADMITTED To Abusing His Power As VP To Force Ukraine To Fire Prosecutor, Protect His Son

show me the *fact* biden did it for his son.
what you want it on tape? go listen to his video admission of getting the prosecutor fired. If you think he's going to then stand up and say and now my son can get his 50k a month salary, you're very ignorant. The meat is there and it isn't any clearer than that once a man admits he committed treason on a live video.
And Obama was a muslim. LOL
his father was one, so why does that not make obammy one? just curious. I'm irish. why did biden's son get 50k a month salary, right after the prosecutor was fired? explain it or stfu!
Burisima was investigated by Shokin's successor and paid back taxes. Biden did not shut down an investigation. If anything, he got the corrupt guy out of it, which was the official position of the United States, btw.

But Hunter Biden was never a target of an investigation, and there's no reason to think he did anything wrong, but he should disclose what he did for the money. Of course so shoult Trump and the Boychinkins but that's another story.
naw, especially making 50k a month right after daddy got the guy fired. yep, you're right, silly me for seeing the pay back there.

That's not how things happened.
i'm not saying it isn't a good question. *IF* the prosecutor in the ukraine was investigating why they were paying bidens son, i certainly see smoke. i just want the fire before i call it burning.
how are you going to get to the fire? I'm all ears.
how is anyone? i'm all ears also.

i do know i'm not going to speculate my way there cause i hate it when done to trump.

the big difference here is that we have Biden on tape bragging about how he bribed the Ukrainian official. No, he does not ever say it was to protect his son from prosecution, but why else? No one has yet given a logical reason for his doing it other than to protect his son. If you have one, lets hear it.

It wasn't a bribe... Nice try...

Biden said Ukraine where not getting money unless they got rid of a corrupt prosecutor. All money comes with strings attached.

Trump said you are not getting the money unless you open an investigation on his political rival.

There is a big difference... Tip: Trump's is a crime.
why did biden need for the prosecutor to be fired? what business was it of him? please explain that for me.

The G7 nations, EU, IMF and the US Government wanted the prosecutor gone.
his father was one, so why does that not make obammy one? just curious. I'm irish. why did biden's son get 50k a month salary, right after the prosecutor was fired? explain it or stfu!
Burisima was investigated by Shokin's successor and paid back taxes. Biden did not shut down an investigation. If anything, he got the corrupt guy out of it, which was the official position of the United States, btw.

But Hunter Biden was never a target of an investigation, and there's no reason to think he did anything wrong, but he should disclose what he did for the money. Of course so shoult Trump and the Boychinkins but that's another story.
naw, especially making 50k a month right after daddy got the guy fired. yep, you're right, silly me for seeing the pay back there.
BTW bendog how many folks you know get 50k a month?
Trump's kids. Bu the question is WHAT do they and Hunter do for it.
I can actually guess what trump's kids do, I watched them on tv make money for NBC, and for trump enterprise, the company they're named for. now what does Hunter do?
Oh yeah, Jared earned the Saudi and UAE money.

My guess is that Hunter claimed he could influence his father. And imo that pretty much disqualifies Joe, but I sort of expected that outcome, while Trump is somehow immune from conflicts in the eyes of you Trumpesttes.

But again, Biden pressured Ukraine on behalf of the US govt and Obama to make Ukraine a more viable state, but he should have cut Hunter loose at least 6 mos ago.
Explain how... Hunter was working for a private business in Ukraine
I am glad I do not wear a watch because if I did it would be ruined now due to the depth/height of the BULLSHIT in here.

Thank you for demonstrating how the snowflake Democrat supporters spin and minimize the fact and suspend reality and common sense in an effort to make their story seem legit / acceptable.

Hunter Biden was NOT just working for 'a private business in the Ukraine', which everyone with an ounce of honesty / integrity in their body damn-well knows! Hunter Biden was working for a well-known acknowledged criminal and his criminal energy company, one that has a history of doing business with Putin / Russia in the past and one that stood to profit from Putin annexing Crimea and solidifying his stranglehold on Europe's Russian energy dependence. This is an acknowledged FACT that Democrats and snowflakes are desperate to stay clear of / not mention.

Take away the fact that Hunter BIDEN is the Vice President of the United States' SON, and there is no way in hell this UKRANIAN criminal and his Russia-connected notoriously criminal energy company makes an effort to find and offer an 'average' American lawyer who has no experience with or knowledge of energy / energy companies and who had been kicked out of the U.S. military for drug use not just a job as ONE of their lawyers but offers him a BOARD MEMBER position in their company. To think otherwise, as I mentioned, requires complete suspension / suppression of reality and common sense.

Anyone who claims to believe the fact that Hunter was related to VP Biden, who had just been named Obama's Point Man for the Ukraine at a time when Putin / Russia was moving on Crimea to prevent Europe's dependency on their energy from being cut, did not play into him being brought into the criminal company and given a position on their Board of Directors is either the most naïve / ignorant person on the planet or is lying in an effort to try to defend Biden and the Democrats.

At this point I am NOT saying Biden blackmailed Ukraine's PM into firing their top prosecutor (JUST) to protect his son. At the very least Hunter Biden's connection to / working for this notorious Ukrainian criminal and his criminal energy company is a separate issue...that begs a LOT of questions, since his dad was still the VP and considering his role as Obama's Point Man for the Ukraine.

Even if this is a separate issue, there is still the fact that VP Biden gave a video confession during which he bragged about blackmailing the allied Ukraine Prime Minister.

Taking it as a 2nd separate event, VP Joe Biden STILL made a video-taped confession in which he bragged about blackmailing the allied leader of a foreign nation in an attempt to get him to do what Biden wanted him to do, no matter what the reason may be.

Both incidents are troubling / criminal and deserve to be investigated...unless you are a Democrat / snowflake seeking to minimize / distract from what the Bidens were doing in an effort to narrow the focus just on President Trump.

Sorry, I refuse to 'suspend reason / common sense to spin.
how are you going to get to the fire? I'm all ears.
how is anyone? i'm all ears also.

i do know i'm not going to speculate my way there cause i hate it when done to trump.
so you ignore the facts? is that what you do?
show me the *fact* biden did it for his son.
what you want it on tape? go listen to his video admission of getting the prosecutor fired. If you think he's going to then stand up and say and now my son can get his 50k a month salary, you're very ignorant. The meat is there and it isn't any clearer than that once a man admits he committed treason on a live video.

Explain how... Hunter was working for a private business in Ukraine. It wasn't under prosecution even though the prosecutor was corrupt.

In the past he tried to prosecute a person involved in the company which retained Hunter's services. Those charges where thrown out because the prosecutor is corrupt or also pretty bad at his job too.

So explain how Hunter Biden could be under investigation... Let's start, whats the charge? When did it happen? Could we have some evidence or a witness?

Meanwhile Trump has been reported by a whistleblower for possible criminal actions...
nope no whistleblower, the person wasn't on the call. can't be a whistleblower without being involved in the discussion. so another nothing burger. why did joe go after the prosecutor, let me know.
But again, Biden pressured Ukraine on behalf of the US govt and Obama to make Ukraine a more viable state,..
The reality is you don't have a damn clue what motivated VP Joe Biden to blackmail the Prime Minister of Ukraine. You're not a f*ing mind-reader, and you are not Joe Biden.

You, Democrats, and snowflakes, though, try awfully hard to spin every story of Democrat corruption / crimes to where the Democrats are always pure as the driven snow, ethical, & justified, even is you have to ignore a truckload of inconvenient facts that are going on / associated with what they did.
- We do, though, have Biden's video-taped confession in which he brags about blackmailing the Ukraine PM

The reality is You don't have a clue why President Trump talked to the UK PM about finding out about Democrat corruption in his country, which the news reported they tried to pass to the US several times.

Be f*ing HONEST - because of your bias / Trump-hatred you are willing to give Biden 'the benefit of the doubt' but do not want to do the same for the President.

'Trump tried to blackmail the UK PM 'for personal gain'....opinion.

Hillary Clinton, again, paid a foreign spy for Russian-authored counter-intelligence propaganda to use to alter the results of a US election...and there was no outcry from the Left about Hillary threatening our democracy, no snowflake calling her a traitor...and yet she did much worse than the President. All of this goes to prove this fervor from the left is partisan politic-driven.
"IN HIS OWN WORDS, WITH VIDEO CAMERAS ROLLING, Biden described how he threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in March 2016 that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency, if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.

“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recalled telling Poroshenko."

A huge 'THANK YOU' going out to the Deep State anti-Trump Intel Agency holdout for bringing the almost-forgotten / almost-completely-ignored/hidden back up and on to 'Center Stage' in yet another failed 'We've got him this time' Democrat moment...perfect timing...

...and a huge 'THANK You' to Uncle Joe for feeling the need to admit this on camerain an attempt to try to prove to snowflakes he IS a tough guy who can strong-arm foreign governments / leaders when he wants / has to...

This is yet another attempted attack on President Trump that has 'boomeranged'.

In blackmailing Ukraine to protect his son, especially WHEN he did it, Biden basically helped / threatened to help Putin...

"It’s particularly odd that a Vice President would make such a threat to an ally that was under siege from Russia. The loss of $1 billion in loan guarantees would have been a huge blow to Ukraine and a boon to Russia, given the state of relations between the two countries."

Report: Biden forced ouster of prosecutor investigating his son's firm
Nice try, tard.

The European Union has welcomed the dismissal of Ukraine’s scandal-ridden prosecutor general and called for a crackdown on corruption, even as the country’s political crisis deepened over efforts to form a new ruling coalition and appoint a new prime minister.

Ukraine’s parliament voted overwhelmingly to fire Viktor Shokin, ridding the beleaguered prosecutor’s office of a figure who is accused of blocking major cases against allies and influential figures and stymying moves to root out graft.

EU hails sacking of Ukraine’s prosecutor Viktor Shokin
Burisima was investigated by Shokin's successor and paid back taxes. Biden did not shut down an investigation. If anything, he got the corrupt guy out of it, which was the official position of the United States, btw.

But Hunter Biden was never a target of an investigation, and there's no reason to think he did anything wrong, but he should disclose what he did for the money. Of course so shoult Trump and the Boychinkins but that's another story.
naw, especially making 50k a month right after daddy got the guy fired. yep, you're right, silly me for seeing the pay back there.
BTW bendog how many folks you know get 50k a month?
Trump's kids. Bu the question is WHAT do they and Hunter do for it.
I can actually guess what trump's kids do, I watched them on tv make money for NBC, and for trump enterprise, the company they're named for. now what does Hunter do?
Oh yeah, Jared earned the Saudi and UAE money.

My guess is that Hunter claimed he could influence his father. And imo that pretty much disqualifies Joe, but I sort of expected that outcome, while Trump is somehow immune from conflicts in the eyes of you Trumpesttes.

But again, Biden pressured Ukraine on behalf of the US govt and Obama to make Ukraine a more viable state, but he should have cut Hunter loose at least 6 mos ago.
isn't Jared part of the WH staff? why wouldn't his job be to work with our allies? You must be confused.
yet you can guess biden was doing that for his son.
and you simply don't see you're doing the very thing you're now mocking.
You are evidently a few days behind / not keeping up, so try to read this one...

Biden confessed to blackmailing the PM of matter what the motivation / reason.

While Hunter may not have been the motivation / reason, one can not simply suspend common sense / reason and ignore Hunter's affiliation with a well-known notoriously criminal Ukrainian and his company who has had past dealings with Putin and stood to benefit from Putin's annexation of Crimea ... while Biden was VP and Obama's new Point Man on Ukraine. Coincidence or not, it was still a massive conflict of interest.

I am not saying it did, but this mere FACT is enough to investigate whether or not it played into Biden blackmailing the PM of Ukraine.

You get it that time, or do you need me to type it slower next time?
yet you can guess biden was doing that for his son.
and you simply don't see you're doing the very thing you're now mocking.
You are evidently a few days behind / not keeping up, so try to read this one...

Biden confessed to blackmailing the PM of matter what the motivation / reason.

While Hunter may not have been the motivation / reason, one can not simply suspend common sense / reason and ignore Hunter's affiliation with a well-known notoriously criminal Ukrainian and his company who has had past dealings with Putin and stood to benefit from Putin's annexation of Crimea.

I am not saying it did, but this mere FACT is enough to investigate whether or not it played into Biden blackmailing the PM of Ukraine.

You get it that time, or do you need me to type it slower next time?
keep up -

you are applying what YOU believe to be the reason and getting mad when i don't go along with it.

as for the rest - not gonna read. but let me know when hillary or someone is FINALLY going to jail.

you are applying what YOU believe to be the reason and getting mad when i don't go along with it.
I don't give a crap if you go along with me or not. What I oppose is your constant accusing me of things falsely.
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yet you can guess biden was doing that for his son.
and you simply don't see you're doing the very thing you're now mocking.
You are evidently a few days behind / not keeping up, so try to read this one...

Biden confessed to blackmailing the PM of matter what the motivation / reason.

While Hunter may not have been the motivation / reason, one can not simply suspend common sense / reason and ignore Hunter's affiliation with a well-known notoriously criminal Ukrainian and his company who has had past dealings with Putin and stood to benefit from Putin's annexation of Crimea ... while Biden was VP and Obama's new Point Man on Ukraine. Coincidence or not, it was still a massive conflict of interest.

I am not saying it did, but this mere FACT is enough to investigate whether or not it played into Biden blackmailing the PM of Ukraine.

You get it that time, or do you need me to type it slower next time?
And again, for me, the fact that sleepy joe lied about discussing the Ukraine with his son, and his son said he did talk to his dad, delivers to me evidence that there is a connection. Why lie about it if it didn't happen the way we think it happened? I merely follow the bouncing ball.
yet you can guess biden was doing that for his son.
and you simply don't see you're doing the very thing you're now mocking.
You are evidently a few days behind / not keeping up, so try to read this one...

Biden confessed to blackmailing the PM of matter what the motivation / reason.

While Hunter may not have been the motivation / reason, one can not simply suspend common sense / reason and ignore Hunter's affiliation with a well-known notoriously criminal Ukrainian and his company who has had past dealings with Putin and stood to benefit from Putin's annexation of Crimea ... while Biden was VP and Obama's new Point Man on Ukraine. Coincidence or not, it was still a massive conflict of interest.

I am not saying it did, but this mere FACT is enough to investigate whether or not it played into Biden blackmailing the PM of Ukraine.

You get it that time, or do you need me to type it slower next time?
And again, for me, the fact that sleepy joe lied about discussing the Ukraine with his son, and his son said he did talk to his dad, delivers to me evidence that there is a connection. Why lie about it if it didn't happen the way we think it happened? I merely follow the bouncing ball.
oh i have no doubt there were back door deals. but that's just how i feel and not been proven. i thikn we have enough people in the world today doing emotional courtrooms.

that said, trump is going to release the call transcripts. gonna need to pick up 10lbs of popcorn on the way home tonight.
And again, for me, the fact that sleepy joe lied about discussing the Ukraine with his son, and his son said he did talk to his dad, delivers to me evidence that there is a connection. Why lie about it if it didn't happen the way we think it happened? I merely follow the bouncing ball.
Ding, Ding - that is part of that suspension of belief that is required to believe that Biden's son being hired by / working for a known notoriously criminal Ukrainian businessman had nothing to do with Biden being VP.

Had Joe made that statement under oath he - or his son - could have been charged with it is, Dems / snowflakes will blame his 'bad memory' on being old....while claiming he isn't too old to be President.
i thikn we have enough people in the world today doing emotional courtrooms.
Biden's video-taped confession in which he brags about blackmailing the Ukraine PM is NOT the product / result of 'emotional courtroom' comments / theatrics.
yet you can guess biden was doing that for his son.
and you simply don't see you're doing the very thing you're now mocking.
You are evidently a few days behind / not keeping up, so try to read this one...

Biden confessed to blackmailing the PM of matter what the motivation / reason.

While Hunter may not have been the motivation / reason, one can not simply suspend common sense / reason and ignore Hunter's affiliation with a well-known notoriously criminal Ukrainian and his company who has had past dealings with Putin and stood to benefit from Putin's annexation of Crimea ... while Biden was VP and Obama's new Point Man on Ukraine. Coincidence or not, it was still a massive conflict of interest.

I am not saying it did, but this mere FACT is enough to investigate whether or not it played into Biden blackmailing the PM of Ukraine.

You get it that time, or do you need me to type it slower next time?
And again, for me, the fact that sleepy joe lied about discussing the Ukraine with his son, and his son said he did talk to his dad, delivers to me evidence that there is a connection. Why lie about it if it didn't happen the way we think it happened? I merely follow the bouncing ball.
oh i have no doubt there were back door deals. but that's just how i feel and not been proven. i thikn we have enough people in the world today doing emotional courtrooms.

that said, trump is going to release the call transcripts. gonna need to pick up 10lbs of popcorn on the way home tonight.
people lie to cover up things they know they did wrong. I need nothing more to draw a conclusion. I have Joe beating his chest on a video that he blackmailed the Ukraine and then he lied that he didn't speak to his son about Ukraine when his son said he did. In court that will get you a guilty verdict almost every time. Just saying. If one actually adds 1+1 one will get 2 as the answer. I'm allowed to draw that conclusion, it's up to Joe to now complete his dance.

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