Biden ADMITTED To Abusing His Power As VP To Force Ukraine To Fire Prosecutor, Protect His Son


Joe Biden & Ukraine: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

Everyone wanted Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin removed.
the question is did he threaten pulling money if they didn't? what business of it was his to tell another country to fire a prosecutor? quid pro quo much? come on injun, let me know.

You really think we should send American money to a country that is not serious about fighting corruption. What Obama did was correct.
Trump had a great conversation, even a perfect conversation, with the Ukraine President and they discussed corruption.

The Prosecutor wants to get to the bottom of this Biden business and also would like to discuss some things with our AG. Given all the US money we have given them, that's probably a very good idea.

Bullshit. Since when has Trump been concerned with corruption elsewhere? The mother fucker let the Saudi Prince saw up an American and he wasn't concerned about corruption. So just add this one to the 12,000 other lies.

Joe Biden & Ukraine: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

Everyone wanted Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin removed.
the question is did he threaten pulling money if they didn't? what business of it was his to tell another country to fire a prosecutor? quid pro quo much? come on injun, let me know.

You really think we should send American money to a country that is not serious about fighting corruption. What Obama did was correct.

Trump didn't give a damn about corruption.
Why do support corruption? Doesn't matter what Biden did , Trump broke the law...
EXACTLY what law did President Trump break, snowflake?

Ukraine's President has come forward to totally debunk the false claim by yet another Deep State anti-Trump Intel Agency holdover who related a RUMOR - something that he did not even witness 1st hand, another 'Collusion Delusion'...

'Doesn't Matter What Biden Did'?! So using money promised to Ukraine to strong-arm / blackmail them into firing the prosecutor that was running a criminal investigation involving Biden's son, an act which Biden was caught giving a video-confession for, and you say that doesn't matter?!

I guess to indoctrinated, party-1st, traitor-supporting, emotionally-manipulated, Trump-hating snowflakes it doesn't.

The funny thing is HILLARYCLINTON was the one who brought Biden's scandal to the most light in 2016 in an attempt to make sure he did not enter the race and steal her opportunity / turn as Barry had done in 2008. It was HILLARY who may have just killed Biden's 2020 chances, and she did it in 2016. The media just screwed Biden by bringing it BACK up in a desperate attempt to take Trump down BEFORE the 2020 election...because they know they don't have anyone who can beat him.


Then you have Trump who is trying to cover up the whistleblower complaint. If nothing happened then why is it being covered up?
Trump's covering up nothing. Who is this leaker? It's been reported that he has NO first hand information. With no first hand information, nothing more is required than simply pointing that out.
... The fact is that Biden and Obama were trying to get rid of a corrupt prosecutor who was ignoring corruption. He was NOT investigating Biden's son...
He says he was and planned to depose Hunter, but Joe Biden got him fired with a Billion Dollar Bounty that he bragged about.
... He confessed to nothing....
Nobody claimed he did.
... You are the one who is indoctrinated...
You are the one with the unnamed unknown source, first who alleged coercion, who has since back tracked from that and who appears to have zero first hand information.

So I have TWO named sources, both principles involved, both corroborating each others accounts, both reporting first hand information.

On the other hand we have President Trump and the President of Ukraine, saying that there was no coercion, it was a great conversation, even a perfect conversation.

And you with the unnamed source, whose identity you are ignorant of, who first alleged coercion and then backtracked, who has ZERO firsthand information, you are claiming that WE are indoctrinated?
... Biden's chance might be enhanced....
Hey, if they spelled his name right.... Biden's getting a lot of free publicity. What a brilliant point!
... Clearly Trump and his supporters like you fear Biden...
Yeah, we're pissing ourselves like Russian prostitutes!
... Voters do not like Presidents who use foreign countries to dig up dirt on their opponents.
Obama used Ukraine to reopen their Manafort investigation and get him fired from the Trump campaign. Can you direct me to your posts where you expressed your outrage over Obama's actions?
Why do support corruption? Doesn't matter what Biden did , Trump broke the law...
EXACTLY what law did President Trump break, snowflake?

Ukraine's President has come forward to totally debunk the false claim by yet another Deep State anti-Trump Intel Agency holdover who related a RUMOR - something that he did not even witness 1st hand, another 'Collusion Delusion'...

'Doesn't Matter What Biden Did'?! So using money promised to Ukraine to strong-arm / blackmail them into firing the prosecutor that was running a criminal investigation involving Biden's son, an act which Biden was caught giving a video-confession for, and you say that doesn't matter?!

I guess to indoctrinated, party-1st, traitor-supporting, emotionally-manipulated, Trump-hating snowflakes it doesn't.

The funny thing is HILLARYCLINTON was the one who brought Biden's scandal to the most light in 2016 in an attempt to make sure he did not enter the race and steal her opportunity / turn as Barry had done in 2008. It was HILLARY who may have just killed Biden's 2020 chances, and she did it in 2016. The media just screwed Biden by bringing it BACK up in a desperate attempt to take Trump down BEFORE the 2020 election...because they know they don't have anyone who can beat him.


Then you have Trump who is trying to cover up the whistleblower complaint. If nothing happened then why is it being covered up?
Trump's covering up nothing. Who is this leaker? It's been reported that he has NO first hand information. With no first hand information, nothing more is required than simply pointing that out.
... The fact is that Biden and Obama were trying to get rid of a corrupt prosecutor who was ignoring corruption. He was NOT investigating Biden's son...
He says he was and planned to depose Hunter, but Joe Biden got him fired with a Billion Dollar Bounty that he bragged about.
... He confessed to nothing....
Nobody claimed he did.
... You are the one who is indoctrinated...
You are the one with the unnamed unknown source, first who alleged coercion, who has since back tracked from that and who appears to have zero first hand information.

So I have TWO named sources, both principles involved, both corroborating each others accounts, both reporting first hand information.

On the other hand we have President Trump and the President of Ukraine, saying that there was no coercion, it was a great conversation, even a perfect conversation.

And you with the unnamed source, whose identity you are ignorant of, who first alleged coercion and then backtracked, who has ZERO firsthand information, you are claiming that WE are indoctrinated?
... Biden's chance might be enhanced....
Hey, if they spelled his name right.... Biden's getting a lot of free publicity. What a brilliant point!
... Clearly Trump and his supporters like you fear Biden...
Yeah, we're pissing ourselves like Russian prostitutes!
... Voters do not like Presidents who use foreign countries to dig up dirt on their opponents.
Obama used Ukraine to reopen their Manafort investigation and get him fired from the Trump campaign. Can you direct me to your posts where you expressed your outrage over Obama's actions?
Nothing you say is true.
Why do support corruption? Doesn't matter what Biden did , Trump broke the law...
EXACTLY what law did President Trump break, snowflake?

Ukraine's President has come forward to totally debunk the false claim by yet another Deep State anti-Trump Intel Agency holdover who related a RUMOR - something that he did not even witness 1st hand, another 'Collusion Delusion'...

'Doesn't Matter What Biden Did'?! So using money promised to Ukraine to strong-arm / blackmail them into firing the prosecutor that was running a criminal investigation involving Biden's son, an act which Biden was caught giving a video-confession for, and you say that doesn't matter?!

I guess to indoctrinated, party-1st, traitor-supporting, emotionally-manipulated, Trump-hating snowflakes it doesn't.

The funny thing is HILLARYCLINTON was the one who brought Biden's scandal to the most light in 2016 in an attempt to make sure he did not enter the race and steal her opportunity / turn as Barry had done in 2008. It was HILLARY who may have just killed Biden's 2020 chances, and she did it in 2016. The media just screwed Biden by bringing it BACK up in a desperate attempt to take Trump down BEFORE the 2020 election...because they know they don't have anyone who can beat him.


Then you have Trump who is trying to cover up the whistleblower complaint. If nothing happened then why is it being covered up?
Trump's covering up nothing. Who is this leaker? It's been reported that he has NO first hand information. With no first hand information, nothing more is required than simply pointing that out.
... The fact is that Biden and Obama were trying to get rid of a corrupt prosecutor who was ignoring corruption. He was NOT investigating Biden's son...
He says he was and planned to depose Hunter, but Joe Biden got him fired with a Billion Dollar Bounty that he bragged about.
... He confessed to nothing....
Nobody claimed he did.
... You are the one who is indoctrinated...
You are the one with the unnamed unknown source, first who alleged coercion, who has since back tracked from that and who appears to have zero first hand information.

So I have TWO named sources, both principles involved, both corroborating each others accounts, both reporting first hand information.

On the other hand we have President Trump and the President of Ukraine, saying that there was no coercion, it was a great conversation, even a perfect conversation.

And you with the unnamed source, whose identity you are ignorant of, who first alleged coercion and then backtracked, who has ZERO firsthand information, you are claiming that WE are indoctrinated?
... Biden's chance might be enhanced....
Hey, if they spelled his name right.... Biden's getting a lot of free publicity. What a brilliant point!
... Clearly Trump and his supporters like you fear Biden...
Yeah, we're pissing ourselves like Russian prostitutes!
... Voters do not like Presidents who use foreign countries to dig up dirt on their opponents.
Obama used Ukraine to reopen their Manafort investigation and get him fired from the Trump campaign. Can you direct me to your posts where you expressed your outrage over Obama's actions?
The whistle blower isn't all that needed. Now there's a witness who says he met with president Zelensky and the Ukrainian president told him he felt like trump was holding the $250 million over his head unless he had an investigation opened up into Hunter Biden.

Trump ordered hold on military aid days before calling Ukrainian president, officials say

Trump on Monday repeated his denial of doing anything improper and insisted that his July 25 conversation with Zelensky was “a perfect phone call.” He also hinted that he may release a transcript of it.

White House spokesman Hogan Gidley rejected claims that Trump was engaged in a quid pro quo. “But because the media wants this story to be true so badly, they’ll once again manufacture a frenzy and drive ignorant, fake stories to attack this president,” Gidley said.

It appears the Ukrainian leader came away from the discussion with a different impression. Murphy, who spoke with Zelensky during an early September visit to Ukraine, said Monday that the Ukrainian president “directly” expressed concerns at their meeting that “the aid that was being cut off to Ukraine by the president was a consequence” of his unwillingness to launch an investigation into the Bidens.
Why do support corruption? Doesn't matter what Biden did , Trump broke the law...
EXACTLY what law did President Trump break, snowflake?

Ukraine's President has come forward to totally debunk the false claim by yet another Deep State anti-Trump Intel Agency holdover who related a RUMOR - something that he did not even witness 1st hand, another 'Collusion Delusion'...

'Doesn't Matter What Biden Did'?! So using money promised to Ukraine to strong-arm / blackmail them into firing the prosecutor that was running a criminal investigation involving Biden's son, an act which Biden was caught giving a video-confession for, and you say that doesn't matter?!

I guess to indoctrinated, party-1st, traitor-supporting, emotionally-manipulated, Trump-hating snowflakes it doesn't.

The funny thing is HILLARYCLINTON was the one who brought Biden's scandal to the most light in 2016 in an attempt to make sure he did not enter the race and steal her opportunity / turn as Barry had done in 2008. It was HILLARY who may have just killed Biden's 2020 chances, and she did it in 2016. The media just screwed Biden by bringing it BACK up in a desperate attempt to take Trump down BEFORE the 2020 election...because they know they don't have anyone who can beat him.


Then you have Trump who is trying to cover up the whistleblower complaint. If nothing happened then why is it being covered up?
Trump's covering up nothing. Who is this leaker? It's been reported that he has NO first hand information. With no first hand information, nothing more is required than simply pointing that out.
... The fact is that Biden and Obama were trying to get rid of a corrupt prosecutor who was ignoring corruption. He was NOT investigating Biden's son...
He says he was and planned to depose Hunter, but Joe Biden got him fired with a Billion Dollar Bounty that he bragged about.
... He confessed to nothing....
Nobody claimed he did.
... You are the one who is indoctrinated...
You are the one with the unnamed unknown source, first who alleged coercion, who has since back tracked from that and who appears to have zero first hand information.

So I have TWO named sources, both principles involved, both corroborating each others accounts, both reporting first hand information.

On the other hand we have President Trump and the President of Ukraine, saying that there was no coercion, it was a great conversation, even a perfect conversation.

And you with the unnamed source, whose identity you are ignorant of, who first alleged coercion and then backtracked, who has ZERO firsthand information, you are claiming that WE are indoctrinated?
... Biden's chance might be enhanced....
Hey, if they spelled his name right.... Biden's getting a lot of free publicity. What a brilliant point!
... Clearly Trump and his supporters like you fear Biden...
Yeah, we're pissing ourselves like Russian prostitutes!
... Voters do not like Presidents who use foreign countries to dig up dirt on their opponents.
Obama used Ukraine to reopen their Manafort investigation and get him fired from the Trump campaign. Can you direct me to your posts where you expressed your outrage over Obama's actions?
Nothing you say is true.
Totally concur.

If truth and facts were on his side, he wouldn't have to lie like he does.

Rep. Devin Nunes: Biden Already Admitted He Did The Very Thing Trump Is Accused Of Doing

What are they going to accuse us of next? Bleach bitting our hard drives while they are under Congressional subpoena?

Us? You don't mean anything to Trump. Devin Nunes? You would be better off citing Melania.
Shit, watch how fast trump throws Giuliani to the wolves when the shit hits the fan. One trump lawyer has already gone to jail for him. What's one more? :dunno:
Nothing you say is true.
Again, everything I have said has been substantiated / supported by links, articles, and even video-taped confessions while everything you say is fragile, easily-offended, easily-manipulated, butt-hurt, hate-driven, traitorous-Dem-supporting opinion.

'Nuff said.
Why do support corruption? Doesn't matter what Biden did , Trump broke the law...
EXACTLY what law did President Trump break, snowflake?

Ukraine's President has come forward to totally debunk the false claim by yet another Deep State anti-Trump Intel Agency holdover who related a RUMOR - something that he did not even witness 1st hand, another 'Collusion Delusion'...

'Doesn't Matter What Biden Did'?! So using money promised to Ukraine to strong-arm / blackmail them into firing the prosecutor that was running a criminal investigation involving Biden's son, an act which Biden was caught giving a video-confession for, and you say that doesn't matter?!

I guess to indoctrinated, party-1st, traitor-supporting, emotionally-manipulated, Trump-hating snowflakes it doesn't.

The funny thing is HILLARYCLINTON was the one who brought Biden's scandal to the most light in 2016 in an attempt to make sure he did not enter the race and steal her opportunity / turn as Barry had done in 2008. It was HILLARY who may have just killed Biden's 2020 chances, and she did it in 2016. The media just screwed Biden by bringing it BACK up in a desperate attempt to take Trump down BEFORE the 2020 election...because they know they don't have anyone who can beat him.


Then you have Trump who is trying to cover up the whistleblower complaint. If nothing happened then why is it being covered up?
Trump's covering up nothing. Who is this leaker? It's been reported that he has NO first hand information. With no first hand information, nothing more is required than simply pointing that out.
... The fact is that Biden and Obama were trying to get rid of a corrupt prosecutor who was ignoring corruption. He was NOT investigating Biden's son...
He says he was and planned to depose Hunter, but Joe Biden got him fired with a Billion Dollar Bounty that he bragged about.
... He confessed to nothing....
Nobody claimed he did.
... You are the one who is indoctrinated...
You are the one with the unnamed unknown source, first who alleged coercion, who has since back tracked from that and who appears to have zero first hand information.

So I have TWO named sources, both principles involved, both corroborating each others accounts, both reporting first hand information.

On the other hand we have President Trump and the President of Ukraine, saying that there was no coercion, it was a great conversation, even a perfect conversation.

And you with the unnamed source, whose identity you are ignorant of, who first alleged coercion and then backtracked, who has ZERO firsthand information, you are claiming that WE are indoctrinated?
... Biden's chance might be enhanced....
Hey, if they spelled his name right.... Biden's getting a lot of free publicity. What a brilliant point!
... Clearly Trump and his supporters like you fear Biden...
Yeah, we're pissing ourselves like Russian prostitutes!
... Voters do not like Presidents who use foreign countries to dig up dirt on their opponents.
Obama used Ukraine to reopen their Manafort investigation and get him fired from the Trump campaign. Can you direct me to your posts where you expressed your outrage over Obama's actions?
Nothing you say is true.
Totally concur.

If truth and facts were on his side, he wouldn't have to lie like he does.
if we're really after the truth, then you'd wait for more than a "whistleblower" who did not hear a thing directly and is pulling more anonymous sources.

you are in no position to attack an alleged "liar" with something you have zero proof of.
"IN HIS OWN WORDS, WITH VIDEO CAMERAS ROLLING, Biden described how he threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in March 2016 that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency, if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.

“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recalled telling Poroshenko."

A huge 'THANK YOU' going out to the Deep State anti-Trump Intel Agency holdout for bringing the almost-forgotten / almost-completely-ignored/hidden back up and on to 'Center Stage' in yet another failed 'We've got him this time' Democrat moment...perfect timing...

...and a huge 'THANK You' to Uncle Joe for feeling the need to admit this on camerain an attempt to try to prove to snowflakes he IS a tough guy who can strong-arm foreign governments / leaders when he wants / has to...

This is yet another attempted attack on President Trump that has 'boomeranged'.

In blackmailing Ukraine to protect his son, especially WHEN he did it, Biden basically helped / threatened to help Putin...

"It’s particularly odd that a Vice President would make such a threat to an ally that was under siege from Russia. The loss of $1 billion in loan guarantees would have been a huge blow to Ukraine and a boon to Russia, given the state of relations between the two countries."

Report: Biden forced ouster of prosecutor investigating his son's firm
“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recalled telling Poroshenko."

Trump used the exact same rationale for withholding funding, dope. Corruption.
"IN HIS OWN WORDS, WITH VIDEO CAMERAS ROLLING, Biden described how he threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in March 2016 that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency, if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.

“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recalled telling Poroshenko."

A huge 'THANK YOU' going out to the Deep State anti-Trump Intel Agency holdout for bringing the almost-forgotten / almost-completely-ignored/hidden back up and on to 'Center Stage' in yet another failed 'We've got him this time' Democrat moment...perfect timing...

...and a huge 'THANK You' to Uncle Joe for feeling the need to admit this on camerain an attempt to try to prove to snowflakes he IS a tough guy who can strong-arm foreign governments / leaders when he wants / has to...

This is yet another attempted attack on President Trump that has 'boomeranged'.

In blackmailing Ukraine to protect his son, especially WHEN he did it, Biden basically helped / threatened to help Putin...

"It’s particularly odd that a Vice President would make such a threat to an ally that was under siege from Russia. The loss of $1 billion in loan guarantees would have been a huge blow to Ukraine and a boon to Russia, given the state of relations between the two countries."

Report: Biden forced ouster of prosecutor investigating his son's firm
“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recalled telling Poroshenko."

Trump used the exact same rationale for withholding funding, dope. Corruption.
then trump did nothing wrong.

we can all move on now.
In 2016, the Pakistanis spies Debbie Wasserman-Schultz hired leaked a wealth of embarrassing dirt they had stolen from DNC files and e-mail accounts.
- DWS hired these foreign spies, they were caught illegally accessing Congressional files and down-loading terabytes of classified and personal data. The Pakistanis were banned from the House / House computers while an investigation into their crimes began.

In the meantime, DWS hired Awan to run DNC computers AND GAVE HIM - THE GUY BEING INVESTGATED FOR ESPIONAGE - DNC MEMBER USERNAMES AND PASSWORDS. Not only did Awan gain access again to House files, but he hacked into DNC member e-mail and leaked many to the public.

The e-mails and files exposed racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic comments. (Before snowflakes call this a lie think about how openly anti-Semitic members of the Democratic Party are and how many have supported those who are - you would have to be willingly stupid not to accept that those same Democrats were caught and 'out'ed.) Those e-mails also proved the DNC had rigged the 2016 election for Hillary over Bernie Sanders, a FACT that DNC Chairwoman fully admitted publicly.

The Democrats' 'ESCAPE PLAN' was to quickly spin and go on the attack, claiming they had been hacked by the Russians (taking advantage of Obama's failed coup cover story). The Democrats and their surrogate, supporting, fake news propaganda-pushing media pushed hard to force all attention away from the FACT that the Democrats had just been exposed as racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semites who had rigged their own Primary to make sure it was Hillary's 'turn'.

Their claims that their server had been hacked was exposed as a lie when the FBI asked them to turn over their server for analysis and investigation - the Democrats quickly refused to turn them over. Expert FBI analysis of their server would not only have revealed no such hack by the 'Russians' happened, but it would have exposed more embarrassing Democrats secrets.
- Interesting enough, all the House Democrats who had been victimized by the Awans - having their files hacked and info stolen - refused to file charges. The reason for this is investigation of the issue would have revealed the House Dems failed to do background checks on the Awans, as required by the law, before hiring them and giving them access to U.S. classified information. A basic background check - as the one done later - would have revealed their connection to terrorists, among other crimes / issues.

How is any of this relevant to this thread?

It shows a repeated pattern . tactic used when they / their Party's crimes and / or any embarrassing issues - such as being exposed as racist / sexist / homophobic / anti-Semites and as exposed for rigging the 2016 DNC primary - and thus the election.

In 2016 Hillary Clinton brought up VP Biden's Ukraine scandal to ensure he did not enter the race and steal her nomination, like Barry had done in 2008. Now, in 2019, Biden's criminal blackmailing of an allied nation's leader - which he confessed to / bragged about on video tape surfaced again, thanks to a moronic liberal media, trying to use Biden's scandal to attack Trump.

With Biden exposed and even his Democrat supporters telling him he has questions to answer, the Democrats quickly attack to cover their own members' crimes / secrets...just like they did in 2016.
You're trying to beat a dead horse with debunked conspiracy theories.
I just used Biden's video-taped confession to prove Joe abused his power as VP by using the money to force Ukraine to fire the prosecutor threatening his son's freedom...

just used Biden's video-taped confession to prove Joe abused his power as VP by using the money to force Ukraine to fire the prosecutor threatening his son's freedom...

-Biden was never under criminal investigation.
- Trump is "using money to force Ukraine to"....create dirt on his opponent for his own benefit.

While it's hard to believe........
You are especially retarded on this one.
You're trying to beat a dead horse with debunked conspiracy theories.
I just used Biden's video-taped confession to prove Joe abused his power as VP by using the money to force Ukraine to fire the prosecutor threatening his son's freedom...

just used Biden's video-taped confession to prove Joe abused his power as VP by using the money to force Ukraine to fire the prosecutor threatening his son's freedom...

-Biden was never under criminal investigation.
- Trump is "using money to force Ukraine to"....create dirt on his opponent for his own benefit.

While it's hard to believe........
You are especially retarded on this one.
agreed on biden. he seems at this point to be simply conveying a broad based message on the money withholding.

however - you're speculating bad trump into your own reality. there is zero proof of the accusations. if you have PROOF of trumps phone call, lay it down or wait until there is proof.
Nothing you say is true.
Again, everything I have said has been substantiated / supported by links, articles, and even video-taped confessions while everything you say is fragile, easily-offended, easily-manipulated, butt-hurt, hate-driven, traitorous-Dem-supporting opinion.

'Nuff said.
i have yet to see any proof biden threatened to withhold the money for his son. that is speculation in as much as what trumps phone call was about. if you don't like it on trump, STOP DOING IT TO OTHERS.
"IN HIS OWN WORDS, WITH VIDEO CAMERAS ROLLING, Biden described how he threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in March 2016 that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency, if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.

“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recalled telling Poroshenko."

A huge 'THANK YOU' going out to the Deep State anti-Trump Intel Agency holdout for bringing the almost-forgotten / almost-completely-ignored/hidden back up and on to 'Center Stage' in yet another failed 'We've got him this time' Democrat moment...perfect timing...

...and a huge 'THANK You' to Uncle Joe for feeling the need to admit this on camerain an attempt to try to prove to snowflakes he IS a tough guy who can strong-arm foreign governments / leaders when he wants / has to...

This is yet another attempted attack on President Trump that has 'boomeranged'.

In blackmailing Ukraine to protect his son, especially WHEN he did it, Biden basically helped / threatened to help Putin...

"It’s particularly odd that a Vice President would make such a threat to an ally that was under siege from Russia. The loss of $1 billion in loan guarantees would have been a huge blow to Ukraine and a boon to Russia, given the state of relations between the two countries."

Report: Biden forced ouster of prosecutor investigating his son's firm
“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recalled telling Poroshenko."

Trump used the exact same rationale for withholding funding, dope. Corruption.
then trump did nothing wrong.

we can all move on now.

He did in that it was done to benefit himself, dope.
Why do support corruption? Doesn't matter what Biden did , Trump broke the law...
EXACTLY what law did President Trump break, snowflake?

Ukraine's President has come forward to totally debunk the false claim by yet another Deep State anti-Trump Intel Agency holdover who related a RUMOR - something that he did not even witness 1st hand, another 'Collusion Delusion'...

'Doesn't Matter What Biden Did'?! So using money promised to Ukraine to strong-arm / blackmail them into firing the prosecutor that was running a criminal investigation involving Biden's son, an act which Biden was caught giving a video-confession for, and you say that doesn't matter?!

I guess to indoctrinated, party-1st, traitor-supporting, emotionally-manipulated, Trump-hating snowflakes it doesn't.

The funny thing is HILLARYCLINTON was the one who brought Biden's scandal to the most light in 2016 in an attempt to make sure he did not enter the race and steal her opportunity / turn as Barry had done in 2008. It was HILLARY who may have just killed Biden's 2020 chances, and she did it in 2016. The media just screwed Biden by bringing it BACK up in a desperate attempt to take Trump down BEFORE the 2020 election...because they know they don't have anyone who can beat him.


Then you have Trump who is trying to cover up the whistleblower complaint. If nothing happened then why is it being covered up?
Trump's covering up nothing. Who is this leaker? It's been reported that he has NO first hand information. With no first hand information, nothing more is required than simply pointing that out.
... The fact is that Biden and Obama were trying to get rid of a corrupt prosecutor who was ignoring corruption. He was NOT investigating Biden's son...
He says he was and planned to depose Hunter, but Joe Biden got him fired with a Billion Dollar Bounty that he bragged about.
... He confessed to nothing....
Nobody claimed he did.
... You are the one who is indoctrinated...
You are the one with the unnamed unknown source, first who alleged coercion, who has since back tracked from that and who appears to have zero first hand information.

So I have TWO named sources, both principles involved, both corroborating each others accounts, both reporting first hand information.

On the other hand we have President Trump and the President of Ukraine, saying that there was no coercion, it was a great conversation, even a perfect conversation.

And you with the unnamed source, whose identity you are ignorant of, who first alleged coercion and then backtracked, who has ZERO firsthand information, you are claiming that WE are indoctrinated?
... Biden's chance might be enhanced....
Hey, if they spelled his name right.... Biden's getting a lot of free publicity. What a brilliant point!
... Clearly Trump and his supporters like you fear Biden...
Yeah, we're pissing ourselves like Russian prostitutes!
... Voters do not like Presidents who use foreign countries to dig up dirt on their opponents.
Obama used Ukraine to reopen their Manafort investigation and get him fired from the Trump campaign. Can you direct me to your posts where you expressed your outrage over Obama's actions?
Nothing you say is true.

you just displayed your ignorance. His post is 100% true. Just because you don't like that truth does not make it untrue.

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