Biden ADMITTED To Abusing His Power As VP To Force Ukraine To Fire Prosecutor, Protect His Son

"IN HIS OWN WORDS, WITH VIDEO CAMERAS ROLLING, Biden described how he threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in March 2016 that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency, if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.

“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recalled telling Poroshenko."

A huge 'THANK YOU' going out to the Deep State anti-Trump Intel Agency holdout for bringing the almost-forgotten / almost-completely-ignored/hidden back up and on to 'Center Stage' in yet another failed 'We've got him this time' Democrat moment...perfect timing...

...and a huge 'THANK You' to Uncle Joe for feeling the need to admit this on camerain an attempt to try to prove to snowflakes he IS a tough guy who can strong-arm foreign governments / leaders when he wants / has to...

This is yet another attempted attack on President Trump that has 'boomeranged'.

In blackmailing Ukraine to protect his son, especially WHEN he did it, Biden basically helped / threatened to help Putin...

"It’s particularly odd that a Vice President would make such a threat to an ally that was under siege from Russia. The loss of $1 billion in loan guarantees would have been a huge blow to Ukraine and a boon to Russia, given the state of relations between the two countries."

Report: Biden forced ouster of prosecutor investigating his son's firm
“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recalled telling Poroshenko."

Trump used the exact same rationale for withholding funding, dope. Corruption.
then trump did nothing wrong.

we can all move on now.

He did in that it was done to benefit himself, dope.

i don't give a flying squirrel shit in a retarded tornado how you feel. prove your accusations or shut the fuck up.
Trump is being accused of withholding military assistance / money from Ukraine unless they re-open / re-visit an investigation that VP Biden blackmailed them into shutting down.

- If the Biden engaged in criminal blackmail of an Allied country as a VP then working with that allied country to investigate to again prevent another criminal from taking over the country.

- If the President was worried that the country to whom we were going to give billions of US dollars is corrupt then he had every right to withhold military / economic support from that country until we found one way of the other.

Of course, again, all of these allegations against the President is also a continuing pattern of Sedition and treason by Democrats who have been undermining and attempting to 'un-do' the 2016 election since it was announced Hillary lost. All of this is another '2016' style distraction from Biden's confessed blackmail.
"IN HIS OWN WORDS, WITH VIDEO CAMERAS ROLLING, Biden described how he threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in March 2016 that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency, if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.

“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recalled telling Poroshenko."

A huge 'THANK YOU' going out to the Deep State anti-Trump Intel Agency holdout for bringing the almost-forgotten / almost-completely-ignored/hidden back up and on to 'Center Stage' in yet another failed 'We've got him this time' Democrat moment...perfect timing...

...and a huge 'THANK You' to Uncle Joe for feeling the need to admit this on camerain an attempt to try to prove to snowflakes he IS a tough guy who can strong-arm foreign governments / leaders when he wants / has to...

This is yet another attempted attack on President Trump that has 'boomeranged'.

In blackmailing Ukraine to protect his son, especially WHEN he did it, Biden basically helped / threatened to help Putin...

"It’s particularly odd that a Vice President would make such a threat to an ally that was under siege from Russia. The loss of $1 billion in loan guarantees would have been a huge blow to Ukraine and a boon to Russia, given the state of relations between the two countries."

Report: Biden forced ouster of prosecutor investigating his son's firm
“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recalled telling Poroshenko."

Trump used the exact same rationale for withholding funding, dope. Corruption.
then trump did nothing wrong.

we can all move on now.

He did in that it was done to benefit himself, dope.

and did Hillary benefit from paying for the fake russian dossier? actually she didn't but she certainly intended to .
Nothing you say is true.
Again, everything I have said has been substantiated / supported by links, articles, and even video-taped confessions while everything you say is fragile, easily-offended, easily-manipulated, butt-hurt, hate-driven, traitorous-Dem-supporting opinion.

'Nuff said.
He didn't post that to you. Seems you suffer from a guilty mind.
  • Thanks
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You're trying to beat a dead horse with debunked conspiracy theories.
I just used Biden's video-taped confession to prove Joe abused his power as VP by using the money to force Ukraine to fire the prosecutor threatening his son's freedom...

just used Biden's video-taped confession to prove Joe abused his power as VP by using the money to force Ukraine to fire the prosecutor threatening his son's freedom...

-Biden was never under criminal investigation.
- Trump is "using money to force Ukraine to"....create dirt on his opponent for his own benefit.

While it's hard to believe........
You are especially retarded on this one.
agreed on biden. he seems at this point to be simply conveying a broad based message on the money withholding.

however - you're speculating bad trump into your own reality. there is zero proof of the accusations. if you have PROOF of trumps phone call, lay it down or wait until there is proof.

Then if Biden wasn't covering for his son, then WTF is the "corruption" surrounding Biden about then?

Both Trump and Giuliani have both said it was about Biden. It's out.
"IN HIS OWN WORDS, WITH VIDEO CAMERAS ROLLING, Biden described how he threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in March 2016 that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency, if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.

“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recalled telling Poroshenko."

A huge 'THANK YOU' going out to the Deep State anti-Trump Intel Agency holdout for bringing the almost-forgotten / almost-completely-ignored/hidden back up and on to 'Center Stage' in yet another failed 'We've got him this time' Democrat moment...perfect timing...

...and a huge 'THANK You' to Uncle Joe for feeling the need to admit this on camerain an attempt to try to prove to snowflakes he IS a tough guy who can strong-arm foreign governments / leaders when he wants / has to...

This is yet another attempted attack on President Trump that has 'boomeranged'.

In blackmailing Ukraine to protect his son, especially WHEN he did it, Biden basically helped / threatened to help Putin...

"It’s particularly odd that a Vice President would make such a threat to an ally that was under siege from Russia. The loss of $1 billion in loan guarantees would have been a huge blow to Ukraine and a boon to Russia, given the state of relations between the two countries."

Report: Biden forced ouster of prosecutor investigating his son's firm
“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recalled telling Poroshenko."

Trump used the exact same rationale for withholding funding, dope. Corruption.
then trump did nothing wrong.

we can all move on now.

He did in that it was done to benefit himself, dope.

and did Hillary benefit from paying for the fake russian dossier? actually she didn't but she certainly intended to .

Irrelevant to anything.
EXACTLY what law did President Trump break, snowflake?

Ukraine's President has come forward to totally debunk the false claim by yet another Deep State anti-Trump Intel Agency holdover who related a RUMOR - something that he did not even witness 1st hand, another 'Collusion Delusion'...

'Doesn't Matter What Biden Did'?! So using money promised to Ukraine to strong-arm / blackmail them into firing the prosecutor that was running a criminal investigation involving Biden's son, an act which Biden was caught giving a video-confession for, and you say that doesn't matter?!

I guess to indoctrinated, party-1st, traitor-supporting, emotionally-manipulated, Trump-hating snowflakes it doesn't.

The funny thing is HILLARYCLINTON was the one who brought Biden's scandal to the most light in 2016 in an attempt to make sure he did not enter the race and steal her opportunity / turn as Barry had done in 2008. It was HILLARY who may have just killed Biden's 2020 chances, and she did it in 2016. The media just screwed Biden by bringing it BACK up in a desperate attempt to take Trump down BEFORE the 2020 election...because they know they don't have anyone who can beat him.


Then you have Trump who is trying to cover up the whistleblower complaint. If nothing happened then why is it being covered up?
Trump's covering up nothing. Who is this leaker? It's been reported that he has NO first hand information. With no first hand information, nothing more is required than simply pointing that out.
... The fact is that Biden and Obama were trying to get rid of a corrupt prosecutor who was ignoring corruption. He was NOT investigating Biden's son...
He says he was and planned to depose Hunter, but Joe Biden got him fired with a Billion Dollar Bounty that he bragged about.
... He confessed to nothing....
Nobody claimed he did.
... You are the one who is indoctrinated...
You are the one with the unnamed unknown source, first who alleged coercion, who has since back tracked from that and who appears to have zero first hand information.

So I have TWO named sources, both principles involved, both corroborating each others accounts, both reporting first hand information.

On the other hand we have President Trump and the President of Ukraine, saying that there was no coercion, it was a great conversation, even a perfect conversation.

And you with the unnamed source, whose identity you are ignorant of, who first alleged coercion and then backtracked, who has ZERO firsthand information, you are claiming that WE are indoctrinated?
... Biden's chance might be enhanced....
Hey, if they spelled his name right.... Biden's getting a lot of free publicity. What a brilliant point!
... Clearly Trump and his supporters like you fear Biden...
Yeah, we're pissing ourselves like Russian prostitutes!
... Voters do not like Presidents who use foreign countries to dig up dirt on their opponents.
Obama used Ukraine to reopen their Manafort investigation and get him fired from the Trump campaign. Can you direct me to your posts where you expressed your outrage over Obama's actions?
Nothing you say is true.
Totally concur.

If truth and facts were on his side, he wouldn't have to lie like he does.
if we're really after the truth, then you'd wait for more than a "whistleblower" who did not hear a thing directly and is pulling more anonymous sources.

you are in no position to attack an alleged "liar" with something you have zero proof of.
There is enough information to know when someone is lying.

That poster has done little but lie and I, and others, have pointed out his lies and called him on them.
You're trying to beat a dead horse with debunked conspiracy theories.
I just used Biden's video-taped confession to prove Joe abused his power as VP by using the money to force Ukraine to fire the prosecutor threatening his son's freedom...

just used Biden's video-taped confession to prove Joe abused his power as VP by using the money to force Ukraine to fire the prosecutor threatening his son's freedom...

-Biden was never under criminal investigation.
- Trump is "using money to force Ukraine to"....create dirt on his opponent for his own benefit.

While it's hard to believe........
You are especially retarded on this one.
agreed on biden. he seems at this point to be simply conveying a broad based message on the money withholding.

however - you're speculating bad trump into your own reality. there is zero proof of the accusations. if you have PROOF of trumps phone call, lay it down or wait until there is proof.

Then if Biden wasn't covering for his son, then WTF is the "corruption" surrounding Biden about then?

Both Trump and Giuliani have both said it was about Biden. It's out.
i already said there is zero proof biden did this for his son. unlike you and others on both sides trying to get drunk on emotional benders, i'm only going by facts and proof. not anonymous sources and blinded speculation.

and since biden was a part of withholding money in the past, it could well have been around that also. if you're going to speculate shit into truth, then why can't i? there is ZERO PROOF AT ALL trump was holding anything back to gain info on biden. and if biden did nothing wrong, what could trump hope to gain on that tactic?

you never think things through do you? just react and scream ORANGE MAN BAD.
Trump is accused of withholding money from an allied nation until they complied with a demand.

As usual, the Democrats are accusing others of doing what they have done:

Then you have Trump who is trying to cover up the whistleblower complaint. If nothing happened then why is it being covered up?
Trump's covering up nothing. Who is this leaker? It's been reported that he has NO first hand information. With no first hand information, nothing more is required than simply pointing that out.
... The fact is that Biden and Obama were trying to get rid of a corrupt prosecutor who was ignoring corruption. He was NOT investigating Biden's son...
He says he was and planned to depose Hunter, but Joe Biden got him fired with a Billion Dollar Bounty that he bragged about.
... He confessed to nothing....
Nobody claimed he did.
... You are the one who is indoctrinated...
You are the one with the unnamed unknown source, first who alleged coercion, who has since back tracked from that and who appears to have zero first hand information.

So I have TWO named sources, both principles involved, both corroborating each others accounts, both reporting first hand information.

On the other hand we have President Trump and the President of Ukraine, saying that there was no coercion, it was a great conversation, even a perfect conversation.

And you with the unnamed source, whose identity you are ignorant of, who first alleged coercion and then backtracked, who has ZERO firsthand information, you are claiming that WE are indoctrinated?
... Biden's chance might be enhanced....
Hey, if they spelled his name right.... Biden's getting a lot of free publicity. What a brilliant point!
... Clearly Trump and his supporters like you fear Biden...
Yeah, we're pissing ourselves like Russian prostitutes!
... Voters do not like Presidents who use foreign countries to dig up dirt on their opponents.
Obama used Ukraine to reopen their Manafort investigation and get him fired from the Trump campaign. Can you direct me to your posts where you expressed your outrage over Obama's actions?
Nothing you say is true.
Totally concur.

If truth and facts were on his side, he wouldn't have to lie like he does.
if we're really after the truth, then you'd wait for more than a "whistleblower" who did not hear a thing directly and is pulling more anonymous sources.

you are in no position to attack an alleged "liar" with something you have zero proof of.
There is enough information to know when someone is lying.

That poster has done little but lie and I, and others, have pointed out his lies and called him on them.
not when you're a biased piece of crap, no there is not.

any TRUMP DEMANDED DIRT ON BIDEN is just as much bullshit as BIDEN DID THIS FOR HIS SON. so at this point both sides are full of emotional baggace and crap.
"IN HIS OWN WORDS, WITH VIDEO CAMERAS ROLLING, Biden described how he threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in March 2016 that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency, if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.

“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recalled telling Poroshenko."

A huge 'THANK YOU' going out to the Deep State anti-Trump Intel Agency holdout for bringing the almost-forgotten / almost-completely-ignored/hidden back up and on to 'Center Stage' in yet another failed 'We've got him this time' Democrat moment...perfect timing...

...and a huge 'THANK You' to Uncle Joe for feeling the need to admit this on camerain an attempt to try to prove to snowflakes he IS a tough guy who can strong-arm foreign governments / leaders when he wants / has to...

This is yet another attempted attack on President Trump that has 'boomeranged'.

In blackmailing Ukraine to protect his son, especially WHEN he did it, Biden basically helped / threatened to help Putin...

"It’s particularly odd that a Vice President would make such a threat to an ally that was under siege from Russia. The loss of $1 billion in loan guarantees would have been a huge blow to Ukraine and a boon to Russia, given the state of relations between the two countries."

Report: Biden forced ouster of prosecutor investigating his son's firm
“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recalled telling Poroshenko."

Trump used the exact same rationale for withholding funding, dope. Corruption.
then trump did nothing wrong.

we can all move on now.

He did in that it was done to benefit himself, dope.

i don't give a flying squirrel shit in a retarded tornado how you feel. prove your accusations or shut the fuck up.

You tell us who would benefit from such a ploy to muddy the waters, professor.
The American people. Voters?
How so?

Trump's State Dept knows why that prosecutor was forced out.
Trump is accused of withholding money from an allied nation until they complied with a demand.

As usual, the Democrats are accusing others of doing what they have done:

and where in this video does it say he's doing it for his son? that is pure speculation you're making reality in as much as the left saying trump did whatever the hell he did now.
"IN HIS OWN WORDS, WITH VIDEO CAMERAS ROLLING, Biden described how he threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in March 2016 that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency, if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.

“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recalled telling Poroshenko."

A huge 'THANK YOU' going out to the Deep State anti-Trump Intel Agency holdout for bringing the almost-forgotten / almost-completely-ignored/hidden back up and on to 'Center Stage' in yet another failed 'We've got him this time' Democrat moment...perfect timing...

...and a huge 'THANK You' to Uncle Joe for feeling the need to admit this on camerain an attempt to try to prove to snowflakes he IS a tough guy who can strong-arm foreign governments / leaders when he wants / has to...

This is yet another attempted attack on President Trump that has 'boomeranged'.

In blackmailing Ukraine to protect his son, especially WHEN he did it, Biden basically helped / threatened to help Putin...

"It’s particularly odd that a Vice President would make such a threat to an ally that was under siege from Russia. The loss of $1 billion in loan guarantees would have been a huge blow to Ukraine and a boon to Russia, given the state of relations between the two countries."

Report: Biden forced ouster of prosecutor investigating his son's firm
“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recalled telling Poroshenko."

Trump used the exact same rationale for withholding funding, dope. Corruption.
then trump did nothing wrong.

we can all move on now.

He did in that it was done to benefit himself, dope.

i don't give a flying squirrel shit in a retarded tornado how you feel. prove your accusations or shut the fuck up.

You tell us who would benefit from such a ploy to muddy the waters, professor.
The American people. Voters?
How so?

Trump's State Dept knows why that prosecutor was forced out.
not interested in your speculation. proof or go away.
"IN HIS OWN WORDS, WITH VIDEO CAMERAS ROLLING, Biden described how he threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in March 2016 that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency, if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.

“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recalled telling Poroshenko."

A huge 'THANK YOU' going out to the Deep State anti-Trump Intel Agency holdout for bringing the almost-forgotten / almost-completely-ignored/hidden back up and on to 'Center Stage' in yet another failed 'We've got him this time' Democrat moment...perfect timing...

...and a huge 'THANK You' to Uncle Joe for feeling the need to admit this on camerain an attempt to try to prove to snowflakes he IS a tough guy who can strong-arm foreign governments / leaders when he wants / has to...

This is yet another attempted attack on President Trump that has 'boomeranged'.

In blackmailing Ukraine to protect his son, especially WHEN he did it, Biden basically helped / threatened to help Putin...

"It’s particularly odd that a Vice President would make such a threat to an ally that was under siege from Russia. The loss of $1 billion in loan guarantees would have been a huge blow to Ukraine and a boon to Russia, given the state of relations between the two countries."

Report: Biden forced ouster of prosecutor investigating his son's firm
“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recalled telling Poroshenko."

Trump used the exact same rationale for withholding funding, dope. Corruption.
then trump did nothing wrong.

we can all move on now.

He did in that it was done to benefit himself, dope.

and did Hillary benefit from paying for the fake russian dossier? actually she didn't but she certainly intended to .

Irrelevant to anything.

its relevant because it points out your hypocrisy. Biden is on tape describing how he bribed a foreign leader in order to save his criminal son from prosecution. But you don't care about that, you get all spun up about a third party unsupported allegation that Trump had a private conversation with another world leader.

Your desperation since 2016 has destroyed your mind.
Trump used the exact same rationale for withholding funding, dope. Corruption.
then trump did nothing wrong.

we can all move on now.

He did in that it was done to benefit himself, dope.

and did Hillary benefit from paying for the fake russian dossier? actually she didn't but she certainly intended to .

Irrelevant to anything.

its relevant because it points out your hypocrisy. Biden is on tape describing how he bribed a foreign leader in order to save his criminal son from prosecution. But you don't care about that, you get all spun up about a third party unsupported allegation that Trump had a private conversation with another world leader.

Your desperation since 2016 has destroyed your mind.
where is the link to is son. i *do* care about that.
You're trying to beat a dead horse with debunked conspiracy theories.
I just used Biden's video-taped confession to prove Joe abused his power as VP by using the money to force Ukraine to fire the prosecutor threatening his son's freedom...

just used Biden's video-taped confession to prove Joe abused his power as VP by using the money to force Ukraine to fire the prosecutor threatening his son's freedom...

-Biden was never under criminal investigation.
- Trump is "using money to force Ukraine to"....create dirt on his opponent for his own benefit.

While it's hard to believe........
You are especially retarded on this one.
agreed on biden. he seems at this point to be simply conveying a broad based message on the money withholding.

however - you're speculating bad trump into your own reality. there is zero proof of the accusations. if you have PROOF of trumps phone call, lay it down or wait until there is proof.

Then if Biden wasn't covering for his son, then WTF is the "corruption" surrounding Biden about then?

Both Trump and Giuliani have both said it was about Biden. It's out.
i already said there is zero proof biden did this for his son. unlike you and others on both sides trying to get drunk on emotional benders, i'm only going by facts and proof. not anonymous sources and blinded speculation.

and since biden was a part of withholding money in the past, it could well have been around that also. if you're going to speculate shit into truth, then why can't i? there is ZERO PROOF AT ALL trump was holding anything back to gain info on biden. and if biden did nothing wrong, what could trump hope to gain on that tactic?

you never think things through do you? just react and scream ORANGE MAN BAD.

why else would Biden bribe the guy?
"IN HIS OWN WORDS, WITH VIDEO CAMERAS ROLLING, Biden described how he threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in March 2016 that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency, if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.

“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recalled telling Poroshenko."

A huge 'THANK YOU' going out to the Deep State anti-Trump Intel Agency holdout for bringing the almost-forgotten / almost-completely-ignored/hidden back up and on to 'Center Stage' in yet another failed 'We've got him this time' Democrat moment...perfect timing...

...and a huge 'THANK You' to Uncle Joe for feeling the need to admit this on camerain an attempt to try to prove to snowflakes he IS a tough guy who can strong-arm foreign governments / leaders when he wants / has to...

This is yet another attempted attack on President Trump that has 'boomeranged'.

In blackmailing Ukraine to protect his son, especially WHEN he did it, Biden basically helped / threatened to help Putin...

"It’s particularly odd that a Vice President would make such a threat to an ally that was under siege from Russia. The loss of $1 billion in loan guarantees would have been a huge blow to Ukraine and a boon to Russia, given the state of relations between the two countries."

Report: Biden forced ouster of prosecutor investigating his son's firm

Yes, Biden wanted the prosecutor removed but nowhere was Hunter Biden under investigation.

Notice how the Russian immediately picks up the lie and goes with it.
then trump did nothing wrong.

we can all move on now.

He did in that it was done to benefit himself, dope.

and did Hillary benefit from paying for the fake russian dossier? actually she didn't but she certainly intended to .

Irrelevant to anything.

its relevant because it points out your hypocrisy. Biden is on tape describing how he bribed a foreign leader in order to save his criminal son from prosecution. But you don't care about that, you get all spun up about a third party unsupported allegation that Trump had a private conversation with another world leader.

Your desperation since 2016 has destroyed your mind.
where is the link to is son. i *do* care about that.

again, why else would he do it? If there is another possible reason, no one has suggested it.
Trump used the exact same rationale for withholding funding, dope. Corruption.
then trump did nothing wrong.

we can all move on now.

He did in that it was done to benefit himself, dope.

i don't give a flying squirrel shit in a retarded tornado how you feel. prove your accusations or shut the fuck up.

You tell us who would benefit from such a ploy to muddy the waters, professor.
The American people. Voters?
How so?

Trump's State Dept knows why that prosecutor was forced out.
not interested in your speculation. proof or go away.

It's obvious CLOOSHUN........Again
I just used Biden's video-taped confession to prove Joe abused his power as VP by using the money to force Ukraine to fire the prosecutor threatening his son's freedom...

just used Biden's video-taped confession to prove Joe abused his power as VP by using the money to force Ukraine to fire the prosecutor threatening his son's freedom...

-Biden was never under criminal investigation.
- Trump is "using money to force Ukraine to"....create dirt on his opponent for his own benefit.

While it's hard to believe........
You are especially retarded on this one.
agreed on biden. he seems at this point to be simply conveying a broad based message on the money withholding.

however - you're speculating bad trump into your own reality. there is zero proof of the accusations. if you have PROOF of trumps phone call, lay it down or wait until there is proof.

Then if Biden wasn't covering for his son, then WTF is the "corruption" surrounding Biden about then?

Both Trump and Giuliani have both said it was about Biden. It's out.
i already said there is zero proof biden did this for his son. unlike you and others on both sides trying to get drunk on emotional benders, i'm only going by facts and proof. not anonymous sources and blinded speculation.

and since biden was a part of withholding money in the past, it could well have been around that also. if you're going to speculate shit into truth, then why can't i? there is ZERO PROOF AT ALL trump was holding anything back to gain info on biden. and if biden did nothing wrong, what could trump hope to gain on that tactic?

you never think things through do you? just react and scream ORANGE MAN BAD.

why else would Biden bribe the guy?
the US has a long history of saying "do what we want or we don't give you money". to get mad at this would be selective.

and to scream "SPECULATION" at the left while you're doing it - what's that word again?

give me proof that's why he did it, not how you feel.

our own and many governments wanted that dude out. biden was just delivering the message. why not read up on the entire ordeal vs. just the parts that support your "hypothesis".

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