Biden ADMITTED To Abusing His Power As VP To Force Ukraine To Fire Prosecutor, Protect His Son


Joe Biden & Ukraine: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

Everyone wanted Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin removed.
the question is did he threaten pulling money if they didn't? what business of it was his to tell another country to fire a prosecutor? quid pro quo much? come on injun, let me know.

You really think we should send American money to a country that is not serious about fighting corruption. What Obama did was correct.
it was? how? Explain what Iran was going to do with the money?

Joe Biden & Ukraine: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

Everyone wanted Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin removed.
the question is did he threaten pulling money if they didn't? what business of it was his to tell another country to fire a prosecutor? quid pro quo much? come on injun, let me know.

You really think we should send American money to a country that is not serious about fighting corruption. What Obama did was correct.
Trump had a great conversation, even a perfect conversation, with the Ukraine President and they discussed corruption.

The Prosecutor wants to get to the bottom of this Biden business and also would like to discuss some things with our AG. Given all the US money we have given them, that's probably a very good idea.

Bullshit. Since when has Trump been concerned with corruption elsewhere? The mother fucker let the Saudi Prince saw up an American and he wasn't concerned about corruption. So just add this one to the 12,000 other lies.
what american? that Turkish journalist dude. Since when is Turkey the US? explain it for me.
not going to play the "slight of hand" crap. again biden was doing this on behalf of our and many other countries. if you don't approve, fine. but to say biden was doing this for his own families gain would then require all these other people and countries to go along with it.
Disagree. All these other countries could want the prosecutor to be gone while at the same time his being gone would/could be additionally beneficial to the Biden family...but, again, I agree with you. Motive is not as important as the fact that Biden admitted to blackmailing the leader of an allied country.
Well again the US does thst all the time. To fault Biden THIS TIME is selective and I've read you don't like it done to trump, yet here we are
50k a month salary for his son. you don't think that is coincidence? just wondering who the fk you think his son actually is?
These stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome don't care that Creepy Joe abused the power of his office to put pressure on a foreign government to keep his corrupt son from being prosecuted.
now you have biden derangement syndrome as there is zero proof this is why biden did it. you can't very well yell at one side for speculation then turn around and do it yourself.

I understand your question, but you have yet to give us any other reason for the bribe. waiting-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
cause they wanted that prosecutor out. ours and many countries. feel free to look it up while you wait.

Its none of our business who acts as prosecutor in another country. Even if true, the bribe was illegal.
there's a lot of things "none of our business" that we historically have a problem MAKING It our business. to get selectively mad makes you just as bad as those who do it for their purposes also.

I'm not selective. I was pissed when Bush invaded Iraq, the idea that we need to control other countries is contrary to everything in our constitution. america first, let the rest of the world deal with their own problems. But if they screw with us, hit them twice as hard.
Why do support corruption? Doesn't matter what Biden did , Trump broke the law...
EXACTLY what law did President Trump break, snowflake?

Ukraine's President has come forward to totally debunk the false claim by yet another Deep State anti-Trump Intel Agency holdover who related a RUMOR - something that he did not even witness 1st hand, another 'Collusion Delusion'...

'Doesn't Matter What Biden Did'?! So using money promised to Ukraine to strong-arm / blackmail them into firing the prosecutor that was running a criminal investigation involving Biden's son, an act which Biden was caught giving a video-confession for, and you say that doesn't matter?!

I guess to indoctrinated, party-1st, traitor-supporting, emotionally-manipulated, Trump-hating snowflakes it doesn't.

The funny thing is HILLARYCLINTON was the one who brought Biden's scandal to the most light in 2016 in an attempt to make sure he did not enter the race and steal her opportunity / turn as Barry had done in 2008. It was HILLARY who may have just killed Biden's 2020 chances, and she did it in 2016. The media just screwed Biden by bringing it BACK up in a desperate attempt to take Trump down BEFORE the 2020 election...because they know they don't have anyone who can beat him.


Then you have Trump who is trying to cover up the whistleblower complaint. If nothing happened then why is it being covered up?
Trump's covering up nothing. Who is this leaker? It's been reported that he has NO first hand information. With no first hand information, nothing more is required than simply pointing that out.
... The fact is that Biden and Obama were trying to get rid of a corrupt prosecutor who was ignoring corruption. He was NOT investigating Biden's son...
He says he was and planned to depose Hunter, but Joe Biden got him fired with a Billion Dollar Bounty that he bragged about.
... He confessed to nothing....
Nobody claimed he did.
... You are the one who is indoctrinated...
You are the one with the unnamed unknown source, first who alleged coercion, who has since back tracked from that and who appears to have zero first hand information.

So I have TWO named sources, both principles involved, both corroborating each others accounts, both reporting first hand information.

On the other hand we have President Trump and the President of Ukraine, saying that there was no coercion, it was a great conversation, even a perfect conversation.

And you with the unnamed source, whose identity you are ignorant of, who first alleged coercion and then backtracked, who has ZERO firsthand information, you are claiming that WE are indoctrinated?
... Biden's chance might be enhanced....
Hey, if they spelled his name right.... Biden's getting a lot of free publicity. What a brilliant point!
... Clearly Trump and his supporters like you fear Biden...
Yeah, we're pissing ourselves like Russian prostitutes!
... Voters do not like Presidents who use foreign countries to dig up dirt on their opponents.
Obama used Ukraine to reopen their Manafort investigation and get him fired from the Trump campaign. Can you direct me to your posts where you expressed your outrage over Obama's actions?
Nothing you say is true.
you're what hurts?
Well again the US does thst all the time. To fault Biden THIS TIME is selective and I've read you don't like it done to trump, yet here we are
1. I am not singling Biden out - I am pointing out how the Dems/Snowflakes are doing the 'cherry-picking', attempting to take Trump down while ignoring Joe's video-confession of doing the same thing.

2. Did you seriously miss the several times now where I have posted how Barry / Biden / Hillary did it in Egypt, Israel, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, and obtained Russian-authored propaganda from a foreign spy to control our 2016 election and in an attempted coup of a newly elected President here in the U.S.? Or are you just ignoring all those posts pointing out we do that all the time but - in your words - to single out Trump this time is SELECTIVE?

You admit we do it all the time, admit it has been done by Democrats, but ... what? You want to allow the Democrats to control who / when something is illegal / who should be punished...and it is never when they are involved?!
not going to play the "slight of hand" crap. again biden was doing this on behalf of our and many other countries. if you don't approve, fine. but to say biden was doing this for his own families gain would then require all these other people and countries to go along with it.
Disagree. All these other countries could want the prosecutor to be gone while at the same time his being gone would/could be additionally beneficial to the Biden family...but, again, I agree with you. Motive is not as important as the fact that Biden admitted to blackmailing the leader of an allied country.
Well again the US does thst all the time. To fault Biden THIS TIME is selective and I've read you don't like it done to trump, yet here we are
50k a month salary for his son. you don't think that is coincidence? just wondering who the fk you think his son actually is?
i think there's a lot of things to wonder about.

i don't think there is a bit of proof beyond speculation at this point. if i'm wrong and there is a direct link, just lay it on me.
not going to play the "slight of hand" crap. again biden was doing this on behalf of our and many other countries. if you don't approve, fine. but to say biden was doing this for his own families gain would then require all these other people and countries to go along with it.
Disagree. All these other countries could want the prosecutor to be gone while at the same time his being gone would/could be additionally beneficial to the Biden family...but, again, I agree with you. Motive is not as important as the fact that Biden admitted to blackmailing the leader of an allied country.
Well again the US does thst all the time. To fault Biden THIS TIME is selective and I've read you don't like it done to trump, yet here we are
50k a month salary for his son. you don't think that is coincidence? just wondering who the fk you think his son actually is?
i think there's a lot of things to wonder about.

i don't think there is a bit of proof beyond speculation at this point. if i'm wrong and there is a direct link, just lay it on me.
50k a month salary for his son. why do you think he got that money? please, you're a fairly intelligent dude, now you're silent? hmmmm

I'm at least consistent. you can ask me anything and I will answer.
now you have biden derangement syndrome as there is zero proof this is why biden did it. you can't very well yell at one side for speculation then turn around and do it yourself.

I understand your question, but you have yet to give us any other reason for the bribe. waiting-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
cause they wanted that prosecutor out. ours and many countries. feel free to look it up while you wait.

Its none of our business who acts as prosecutor in another country. Even if true, the bribe was illegal.
there's a lot of things "none of our business" that we historically have a problem MAKING It our business. to get selectively mad makes you just as bad as those who do it for their purposes also.

I'm not selective. I was pissed when Bush invaded Iraq, the idea that we need to control other countries is contrary to everything in our constitution. america first, let the rest of the world deal with their own problems. But if they screw with us, hit them twice as hard.
and that mentality is getting us where again?

hey - i'm all for stopping most of our foreign funding and reviewing just why we do it and if the value is there. but none of this puts a link to bidens video and it being for his son.
Well again the US does thst all the time. To fault Biden THIS TIME is selective and I've read you don't like it done to trump, yet here we are
1. I am not singling Biden out - I am pointing out how the Dems/Snowflakes are doing the 'cherry-picking', attempting to take Trump down while ignoring Joe's video-confession of doing the same thing.

2. Did you seriously miss the several times now where I have posted how Barry / Biden / Hillary did it in Egypt, Israel, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, and obtained Russian-authored propaganda from a foreign spy to control our 2016 election and in an attempted coup of a newly elected President here in the U.S.? Or are you just ignoring all those posts pointing out we do that all the time but - in your words - to single out Trump this time is SELECTIVE?

You admit we do it all the time, admit it has been done by Democrats, but ... what? You want to allow the Democrats to control who / when something is illegal / who should be punished...and it is never when they are involved?!
not going to play that game, sorry. you did it we can do is how we got this deep down the well.
I'm not selective. I was pissed when Bush invaded Iraq, the idea that we need to control other countries is contrary to everything in our constitution.
Totally agree. Bush was wrong to invade Iraq, no more or less than Barry was for invading Syria. Trump is no more or less criminal than Biden admitting to blackmailing the Ukraine PM or Hillary buying Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda from a foreign spy to control the results of a Presidential election.
These stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome don't care that Creepy Joe abused the power of his office to put pressure on a foreign government to keep his corrupt son from being prosecuted.
now you have biden derangement syndrome as there is zero proof this is why biden did it. you can't very well yell at one side for speculation then turn around and do it yourself.

We have that sonofabitch Biden on video saying he put pressure on the Ukrainians to let his filthy ass corrupt son off the hook.

If you weren't so sick in the mind with the Trump Derangement Syndrome mental illness you would know that. Everybody else does.
I understand your question, but you have yet to give us any other reason for the bribe. waiting-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
cause they wanted that prosecutor out. ours and many countries. feel free to look it up while you wait.

Its none of our business who acts as prosecutor in another country. Even if true, the bribe was illegal.
there's a lot of things "none of our business" that we historically have a problem MAKING It our business. to get selectively mad makes you just as bad as those who do it for their purposes also.

I'm not selective. I was pissed when Bush invaded Iraq, the idea that we need to control other countries is contrary to everything in our constitution. america first, let the rest of the world deal with their own problems. But if they screw with us, hit them twice as hard.
and that mentality is getting us where again?

hey - i'm all for stopping most of our foreign funding and reviewing just why we do it and if the value is there. but none of this puts a link to bidens video and it being for his son.
it got Biden's son 50k a month salary and it appears you don't fking care about that. hmmmmm fks like you who turn their cheek accepts something hard I guess. I thought you had some fking intelligence, I guess not.
not going to play the "slight of hand" crap. again biden was doing this on behalf of our and many other countries. if you don't approve, fine. but to say biden was doing this for his own families gain would then require all these other people and countries to go along with it.
Disagree. All these other countries could want the prosecutor to be gone while at the same time his being gone would/could be additionally beneficial to the Biden family...but, again, I agree with you. Motive is not as important as the fact that Biden admitted to blackmailing the leader of an allied country.
Well again the US does thst all the time. To fault Biden THIS TIME is selective and I've read you don't like it done to trump, yet here we are
50k a month salary for his son. you don't think that is coincidence? just wondering who the fk you think his son actually is?
i think there's a lot of things to wonder about.

i don't think there is a bit of proof beyond speculation at this point. if i'm wrong and there is a direct link, just lay it on me.
50k a month salary for his son. why do you think he got that money? please, you're a fairly intelligent dude, now you're silent? hmmmm

I'm at least consistent. you can ask me anything and I will answer.
it doesn't matter what i think. it matters what can be proven.

if we can prove this was done to protect his son, great. but in a courtroom speculation should never be allowed. i'm not going to do the "what if" game cause the other side does it. i'm bitching at them for their speculation also right now that it's about getting dirt on trump. no proof of that either.

both sides are manufacturing rage.
I understand your question, but you have yet to give us any other reason for the bribe. waiting-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
cause they wanted that prosecutor out. ours and many countries. feel free to look it up while you wait.

Its none of our business who acts as prosecutor in another country. Even if true, the bribe was illegal.
there's a lot of things "none of our business" that we historically have a problem MAKING It our business. to get selectively mad makes you just as bad as those who do it for their purposes also.

I'm not selective. I was pissed when Bush invaded Iraq, the idea that we need to control other countries is contrary to everything in our constitution. america first, let the rest of the world deal with their own problems. But if they screw with us, hit them twice as hard.
and that mentality is getting us where again?

hey - i'm all for stopping most of our foreign funding and reviewing just why we do it and if the value is there. but none of this puts a link to bidens video and it being for his son.

if not to save his son from prosecution, then why did he bribe the guy? Give us any other reason. and don't try "we didn't like the prosecutor" again. WTF harm can one ukrainian prosecuter do to the USA?
cause they wanted that prosecutor out. ours and many countries. feel free to look it up while you wait.

Its none of our business who acts as prosecutor in another country. Even if true, the bribe was illegal.
there's a lot of things "none of our business" that we historically have a problem MAKING It our business. to get selectively mad makes you just as bad as those who do it for their purposes also.

I'm not selective. I was pissed when Bush invaded Iraq, the idea that we need to control other countries is contrary to everything in our constitution. america first, let the rest of the world deal with their own problems. But if they screw with us, hit them twice as hard.
and that mentality is getting us where again?

hey - i'm all for stopping most of our foreign funding and reviewing just why we do it and if the value is there. but none of this puts a link to bidens video and it being for his son.
it got Biden's son 50k a month salary and it appears you don't fking care about that. hmmmmm fks like you who turn their cheek accepts something hard I guess. I thought you had some fking intelligence, I guess not.
there you go again - speculating on my motives and then pretending you're correct. if you feel better to insult me, have at it but it won't get us anywhere.
Disagree. All these other countries could want the prosecutor to be gone while at the same time his being gone would/could be additionally beneficial to the Biden family...but, again, I agree with you. Motive is not as important as the fact that Biden admitted to blackmailing the leader of an allied country.
Well again the US does thst all the time. To fault Biden THIS TIME is selective and I've read you don't like it done to trump, yet here we are
50k a month salary for his son. you don't think that is coincidence? just wondering who the fk you think his son actually is?
i think there's a lot of things to wonder about.

i don't think there is a bit of proof beyond speculation at this point. if i'm wrong and there is a direct link, just lay it on me.
50k a month salary for his son. why do you think he got that money? please, you're a fairly intelligent dude, now you're silent? hmmmm

I'm at least consistent. you can ask me anything and I will answer.
it doesn't matter what i think. it matters what can be proven.

if we can prove this was done to protect his son, great. but in a courtroom speculation should never be allowed. i'm not going to do the "what if" game cause the other side does it. i'm bitching at them for their speculation also right now that it's about getting dirt on trump. no proof of that either.

both sides are manufacturing rage.
50k a month is something to look into. why hasn't anyone? and you ignore it. funny shit. I'll call a scum fk a scum fk everyday, you not so much.
cause they wanted that prosecutor out. ours and many countries. feel free to look it up while you wait.

Its none of our business who acts as prosecutor in another country. Even if true, the bribe was illegal.
there's a lot of things "none of our business" that we historically have a problem MAKING It our business. to get selectively mad makes you just as bad as those who do it for their purposes also.

I'm not selective. I was pissed when Bush invaded Iraq, the idea that we need to control other countries is contrary to everything in our constitution. america first, let the rest of the world deal with their own problems. But if they screw with us, hit them twice as hard.
and that mentality is getting us where again?

hey - i'm all for stopping most of our foreign funding and reviewing just why we do it and if the value is there. but none of this puts a link to bidens video and it being for his son.

if not to save his son from prosecution, then why did he bribe the guy? Give us any other reason. and don't try "we didn't like the prosecutor" again. WTF harm can one ukrainian prosecuter do to the USA?
i'm not giving any reason that involves guessing. i'll wait for details to come through and not get into the pre-judging.
not going to play that game, sorry. you did it we can do is how we got this deep down the well.
'Game'? You refused to answer a question, one that pointed out you just falsely accused ME of being 'selective'. You want to hold Trump accountable now while turning a blind-eye to Democrat crimes, allowing them to control 'justice', ensuring there is no 'equal justice'. You are now playing the criminal Dems' / snowflakes' game....
Well again the US does thst all the time. To fault Biden THIS TIME is selective and I've read you don't like it done to trump, yet here we are
50k a month salary for his son. you don't think that is coincidence? just wondering who the fk you think his son actually is?
i think there's a lot of things to wonder about.

i don't think there is a bit of proof beyond speculation at this point. if i'm wrong and there is a direct link, just lay it on me.
50k a month salary for his son. why do you think he got that money? please, you're a fairly intelligent dude, now you're silent? hmmmm

I'm at least consistent. you can ask me anything and I will answer.
it doesn't matter what i think. it matters what can be proven.

if we can prove this was done to protect his son, great. but in a courtroom speculation should never be allowed. i'm not going to do the "what if" game cause the other side does it. i'm bitching at them for their speculation also right now that it's about getting dirt on trump. no proof of that either.

both sides are manufacturing rage.
50k a month is something to look into. why hasn't anyone? and you ignore it. funny shit. I'll call a scum fk a scum fk everyday, you not so much.
fine. go look. dig deep. it is our culture these days. if we find proof that's what it was for, great. nail him to the wall. but i am not for ANYONE being "nailed to the wall" for things that cannot be proven.

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