Biden ADMITTED To Abusing His Power As VP To Force Ukraine To Fire Prosecutor, Protect His Son

Why do support corruption? Doesn't matter what Biden did , Trump broke the law...
EXACTLY what law did President Trump break, snowflake?

Ukraine's President has come forward to totally debunk the false claim by yet another Deep State anti-Trump Intel Agency holdover who related a RUMOR - something that he did not even witness 1st hand, another 'Collusion Delusion'...

'Doesn't Matter What Biden Did'?! So using money promised to Ukraine to strong-arm / blackmail them into firing the prosecutor that was running a criminal investigation involving Biden's son, an act which Biden was caught giving a video-confession for, and you say that doesn't matter?!

I guess to indoctrinated, party-1st, traitor-supporting, emotionally-manipulated, Trump-hating snowflakes it doesn't.

The funny thing is HILLARYCLINTON was the one who brought Biden's scandal to the most light in 2016 in an attempt to make sure he did not enter the race and steal her opportunity / turn as Barry had done in 2008. It was HILLARY who may have just killed Biden's 2020 chances, and she did it in 2016. The media just screwed Biden by bringing it BACK up in a desperate attempt to take Trump down BEFORE the 2020 election...because they know they don't have anyone who can beat him.


Then you have Trump who is trying to cover up the whistleblower complaint. If nothing happened then why is it being covered up?
Trump's covering up nothing. Who is this leaker? It's been reported that he has NO first hand information. With no first hand information, nothing more is required than simply pointing that out.
... The fact is that Biden and Obama were trying to get rid of a corrupt prosecutor who was ignoring corruption. He was NOT investigating Biden's son...
He says he was and planned to depose Hunter, but Joe Biden got him fired with a Billion Dollar Bounty that he bragged about.
... He confessed to nothing....
Nobody claimed he did.
... You are the one who is indoctrinated...
You are the one with the unnamed unknown source, first who alleged coercion, who has since back tracked from that and who appears to have zero first hand information.

So I have TWO named sources, both principles involved, both corroborating each others accounts, both reporting first hand information.

On the other hand we have President Trump and the President of Ukraine, saying that there was no coercion, it was a great conversation, even a perfect conversation.

And you with the unnamed source, whose identity you are ignorant of, who first alleged coercion and then backtracked, who has ZERO firsthand information, you are claiming that WE are indoctrinated?
... Biden's chance might be enhanced....
Hey, if they spelled his name right.... Biden's getting a lot of free publicity. What a brilliant point!
... Clearly Trump and his supporters like you fear Biden...
Yeah, we're pissing ourselves like Russian prostitutes!
... Voters do not like Presidents who use foreign countries to dig up dirt on their opponents.
Obama used Ukraine to reopen their Manafort investigation and get him fired from the Trump campaign. Can you direct me to your posts where you expressed your outrage over Obama's actions?
Nothing you say is true.
you're what hurts?

Now pay attention.

Biden Admitted that he Threatened to Withhold Loan Guarantees from Ukraine Unless Shokin was Fired
By Keith Mann

Biden freely admitted to his role in having Shokin removed in during an event sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations in 2018.

Ryan Saavedra on Twitter

So to you guys this looks like Biden pressured the Ukrainian government to remove a man who was investigating his son. Half a story does not create fact and all you Trump fellatio artists have done over these 3 years of living stupidly is taken half a f-ing story and run your mouths.

The Ukrainian Rada Wanted Shokin Removed

The Rada=The Central Council of Ukraine was the All-Ukrainian council that united the political, public, cultural and professional organizations of the Ukrainian People's Republic.

Joe Biden was not a member of the Ukrainian Rada

Viktor Shokin had much bigger issues than the corruption case against Mykola Zlochevsky. Almost immediately after he was appointed, he started to cause almost irreparable harm to Ukraine’s legal system.

For starters, he failed to prosecute any prominent members of the Yanukovych regime or anybody in the current government. He constantly blocked reform to Ukraine’s broken legal system. He was in charge of implementing the 2014 law on prosecution which the European Union had asked Ukraine to do for years.

The law aimed to reduce to role of prosecutors who “were absurdly superior to judges in the Soviet legal system that persisted in post-Soviet Ukraine” according to Atlantic Council. It also called for a reevaluation of all prosecutors in order to weed out the more corrupt and incompetent ones. Shokin manipulated the process so that the old system mostly remained the same and minimal, ineffective changes were implemented.

He was the largest obstacle to judicial reform in Ukraine. It wasn’t just Joe Biden calling for his ouster, it was the United States government and the European Union.

Joe Biden & Ukraine: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

So the assertion Trump made, the dumb ass right wing twitter idiots you follow, all of the alt right media you use is a bunch of bs fake news. So your opinions relative to this matter are incorrect. Trump looks like he's in a world of hurt on this one. And if Barr wants to go down with the ship, he can also.
i already said there is zero proof biden did this for his son.
The whole 'son' thing is actually a sleight of hand distraction. Joe Biden confessed - bragged - on video-tape that he blackmailed the leader of an allied nation.

Snowflakes respond by saying, 'The prosecutor was corrupt, & everyone wanted him fired'. SO WHAT?! The United States has no justification for injecting itself into the government of another nation, through blackmail or use of military force, but that is EXACTLY what Barry did FREQUENTLY.

- Barry applied pressure to both have Mubarak removed from office then to have elections moved up, benefitting and helping the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood take over allied Egypt.

- Barry used tax dollars to inject himself into Israel's election in an attempt to remove Netanyahu from office.

- Barry 'pimped' out the US military to Al Qaeda - who slaughtered 3,000 Americans - to help them murder Gaddafi and take over Libya.

- Joe bragged about blackmailing Ukraine's P.M.

- Barry was caught telling Medvedev to pass on to Putin he would be more 'flexible' after re-election

- Barry committed an International War Crime by invading Syria without that nation's request / approval to do so and without Congressional approval to do so, all because of his embarrassing ill-advised 'Red Line'

Democrats / snowflakes have no problem with all of that, but when the President talks t a foreign allied leader and it threatens one of the criminal Democrat's own - especially their leading Primary candidate, the double-standard hypocrisy, false narratives /accusations come out

'It' is only illegal / a threat when Republicans do it.

Load of crap.

yes, you are correct. Biden is a load of crap.

Now pay attention.

Biden Admitted that he Threatened to Withhold Loan Guarantees from Ukraine Unless Shokin was Fired
By Keith Mann

Biden freely admitted to his role in having Shokin removed in during an event sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations in 2018.

Ryan Saavedra on Twitter

So to you guys this looks like Biden pressured the Ukrainian government to remove a man who was investigating his son. Half a story does not create fact and all you Trump fellatio artists have done over these 3 years of living stupidly is taken half a f-ing story and run your mouths.

The Ukrainian Rada Wanted Shokin Removed

The Rada=The Central Council of Ukraine was the All-Ukrainian council that united the political, public, cultural and professional organizations of the Ukrainian People's Republic.

Joe Biden was not a member of the Ukrainian Rada

Viktor Shokin had much bigger issues than the corruption case against Mykola Zlochevsky. Almost immediately after he was appointed, he started to cause almost irreparable harm to Ukraine’s legal system.

For starters, he failed to prosecute any prominent members of the Yanukovych regime or anybody in the current government. He constantly blocked reform to Ukraine’s broken legal system. He was in charge of implementing the 2014 law on prosecution which the European Union had asked Ukraine to do for years.

The law aimed to reduce to role of prosecutors who “were absurdly superior to judges in the Soviet legal system that persisted in post-Soviet Ukraine” according to Atlantic Council. It also called for a reevaluation of all prosecutors in order to weed out the more corrupt and incompetent ones. Shokin manipulated the process so that the old system mostly remained the same and minimal, ineffective changes were implemented.

He was the largest obstacle to judicial reform in Ukraine. It wasn’t just Joe Biden calling for his ouster, it was the United States government and the European Union.

Joe Biden & Ukraine: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

So the assertion Trump made, the dumb ass right wing twitter idiots you follow, all of the alt right media you use is a bunch of bs fake news. So your opinions relative to this matter are incorrect. Trump looks like he's in a world of hurt on this one. And if Barr wants to go down with the ship, he can also.
I just used Biden's video-taped confession to prove Joe abused his power as VP by using the money to force Ukraine to fire the prosecutor threatening his son's freedom...


The prosecutor was corrupt... Everyone knew that...

Why are you looking for a corrupt guy to keep his job? Sorry Putin...
Why are YOU attempting to defend a corrupt SOB who admitted on video-tape to blackmailing an allied nation considering what was going on with Crimea and Russia at the time?

Barry made a secret deal with Putin through Medvedev - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Barry worked his own UN-Constitutional Treaty with the Mulahs - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Barry cut a deal with the Mullahs to pay a ransom for Americans - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Barry cut a deal to protect Hezbolla drug ops to make sure Iran didn't walk away from his treaty - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Hillary paid a Trump-hating foreign spy for Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda in an attempt to alter an election - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

HILLARY 1st out-ed Biden in the Ukraine blackmail scandal to make sure he did not enter the race in 2016 - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

...and now Dems / snowflakes are pushing another fake news scandal - that Ukraine's PM has already debunked - and they are still ignoring Biden's blackmail scandal and trying to protect him


Biden is going down - his race is over .... THANKS TO HILLARY!
-- Talk about remaining 'relevant'?! What has she NOT f*ed up for Democrats & the Democratic Party?!


As for you party-1st traitor-lovers, Jonathon Gruber is proud of and loves you all....

And as Putin's goal was to divide this nation, just like in 2016, you snowflakes are STILL organizing and marching for him.


Biden's campaign likely coming to an end -- thanks to Clinton-linked Ukraine bombshell, Nunes says

Biden was looking after US interests in the area and he said the guy had to go... He wasn't the only one there was a line of people both inside and outside Ukraine the want the corrupt guy gone... Nice try but no one is trying to say Biden wasn't get the guy fired... He was because that what USA needed at the time...

Barry made a secret deal with Putin through Medvedev - Dems / snowflakes were silent.
Please give the details of this deal and some proof it happened.

How about some actual proof for the other allegations.

"If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money" -- Joe "Emoluments Cause" Biden
yes. and it sounds bad/stupid. however, the link to his son so far is speculation.

It is a bit more than speculation, there are transcripts of call(s)... The whistleblower is a high level operative who has dedicated his working life to the protection of the nation.

Trump immediately said the guy was a partisan hack before admitting he didn't actually know who it was.

There are transcript of the call, just release them in full to the intelligence committee...
I'm not selective. I was pissed when Bush invaded Iraq, the idea that we need to control other countries is contrary to everything in our constitution.
Totally agree. Bush was wrong to invade Iraq, no more or less than Barry was for invading Syria. Trump is no more or less criminal than Biden admitting to blackmailing the Ukraine PM or Hillary buying Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda from a foreign spy to control the results of a Presidential election.

Biden didn't blackmail anyone, Hillary didn't buy Russian authored anything, and when did Obama invade Syri?
i already said there is zero proof biden did this for his son.
The whole 'son' thing is actually a sleight of hand distraction. Joe Biden confessed - bragged - on video-tape that he blackmailed the leader of an allied nation.

Snowflakes respond by saying, 'The prosecutor was corrupt, & everyone wanted him fired'. SO WHAT?! The United States has no justification for injecting itself into the government of another nation, through blackmail or use of military force, but that is EXACTLY what Barry did FREQUENTLY.

- Barry applied pressure to both have Mubarak removed from office then to have elections moved up, benefitting and helping the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood take over allied Egypt.

- Barry used tax dollars to inject himself into Israel's election in an attempt to remove Netanyahu from office.

- Barry 'pimped' out the US military to Al Qaeda - who slaughtered 3,000 Americans - to help them murder Gaddafi and take over Libya.

- Joe bragged about blackmailing Ukraine's P.M.

- Barry was caught telling Medvedev to pass on to Putin he would be more 'flexible' after re-election

- Barry committed an International War Crime by invading Syria without that nation's request / approval to do so and without Congressional approval to do so, all because of his embarrassing ill-advised 'Red Line'

Democrats / snowflakes have no problem with all of that, but when the President talks t a foreign allied leader and it threatens one of the criminal Democrat's own - especially their leading Primary candidate, the double-standard hypocrisy, false narratives /accusations come out

'It' is only illegal / a threat when Republicans do it.

Load of crap.

yes, you are correct. Biden is a load of crap.

Now pay attention.

Biden Admitted that he Threatened to Withhold Loan Guarantees from Ukraine Unless Shokin was Fired
By Keith Mann

Biden freely admitted to his role in having Shokin removed in during an event sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations in 2018.

Ryan Saavedra on Twitter

So to you guys this looks like Biden pressured the Ukrainian government to remove a man who was investigating his son. Half a story does not create fact and all you Trump fellatio artists have done over these 3 years of living stupidly is taken half a f-ing story and run your mouths.

The Ukrainian Rada Wanted Shokin Removed

The Rada=The Central Council of Ukraine was the All-Ukrainian council that united the political, public, cultural and professional organizations of the Ukrainian People's Republic.

Joe Biden was not a member of the Ukrainian Rada

Viktor Shokin had much bigger issues than the corruption case against Mykola Zlochevsky. Almost immediately after he was appointed, he started to cause almost irreparable harm to Ukraine’s legal system.

For starters, he failed to prosecute any prominent members of the Yanukovych regime or anybody in the current government. He constantly blocked reform to Ukraine’s broken legal system. He was in charge of implementing the 2014 law on prosecution which the European Union had asked Ukraine to do for years.

The law aimed to reduce to role of prosecutors who “were absurdly superior to judges in the Soviet legal system that persisted in post-Soviet Ukraine” according to Atlantic Council. It also called for a reevaluation of all prosecutors in order to weed out the more corrupt and incompetent ones. Shokin manipulated the process so that the old system mostly remained the same and minimal, ineffective changes were implemented.

He was the largest obstacle to judicial reform in Ukraine. It wasn’t just Joe Biden calling for his ouster, it was the United States government and the European Union.

Joe Biden & Ukraine: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

So the assertion Trump made, the dumb ass right wing twitter idiots you follow, all of the alt right media you use is a bunch of bs fake news. So your opinions relative to this matter are incorrect. Trump looks like he's in a world of hurt on this one. And if Barr wants to go down with the ship, he can also.
great. now why is the left hellbent on IMPEACH IMPEACH when they have zero proof trump did what some "whistleblower" heard someone else say but never directly heard.

we used to need proof. all we need now is someone, anyone, to emotionally validate us.
The prosecutor was corrupt... Everyone knew that...

Why are you looking for a corrupt guy to keep his job? Sorry Putin...
Why are YOU attempting to defend a corrupt SOB who admitted on video-tape to blackmailing an allied nation considering what was going on with Crimea and Russia at the time?

Barry made a secret deal with Putin through Medvedev - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Barry worked his own UN-Constitutional Treaty with the Mulahs - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Barry cut a deal with the Mullahs to pay a ransom for Americans - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Barry cut a deal to protect Hezbolla drug ops to make sure Iran didn't walk away from his treaty - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Hillary paid a Trump-hating foreign spy for Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda in an attempt to alter an election - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

HILLARY 1st out-ed Biden in the Ukraine blackmail scandal to make sure he did not enter the race in 2016 - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

...and now Dems / snowflakes are pushing another fake news scandal - that Ukraine's PM has already debunked - and they are still ignoring Biden's blackmail scandal and trying to protect him


Biden is going down - his race is over .... THANKS TO HILLARY!
-- Talk about remaining 'relevant'?! What has she NOT f*ed up for Democrats & the Democratic Party?!


As for you party-1st traitor-lovers, Jonathon Gruber is proud of and loves you all....

And as Putin's goal was to divide this nation, just like in 2016, you snowflakes are STILL organizing and marching for him.


Biden's campaign likely coming to an end -- thanks to Clinton-linked Ukraine bombshell, Nunes says

Biden was looking after US interests in the area and he said the guy had to go... He wasn't the only one there was a line of people both inside and outside Ukraine the want the corrupt guy gone... Nice try but no one is trying to say Biden wasn't get the guy fired... He was because that what USA needed at the time...

Barry made a secret deal with Putin through Medvedev - Dems / snowflakes were silent.
Please give the details of this deal and some proof it happened.

How about some actual proof for the other allegations.

"If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money" -- Joe "Emoluments Cause" Biden
yes. and it sounds bad/stupid. however, the link to his son so far is speculation.

It is a bit more than speculation, there are transcripts of call(s)... The whistleblower is a high level operative who has dedicated his working life to the protection of the nation.

Trump immediately said the guy was a partisan hack before admitting he didn't actually know who it was.

There are transcript of the call, just release them in full to the intelligence committee...
and i will wait til then. would that our leadership would do the same vs. their emotional 3rd grade bullshit on both sides.
Its none of our business who acts as prosecutor in another country. Even if true, the bribe was illegal.
there's a lot of things "none of our business" that we historically have a problem MAKING It our business. to get selectively mad makes you just as bad as those who do it for their purposes also.

I'm not selective. I was pissed when Bush invaded Iraq, the idea that we need to control other countries is contrary to everything in our constitution. america first, let the rest of the world deal with their own problems. But if they screw with us, hit them twice as hard.
and that mentality is getting us where again?

hey - i'm all for stopping most of our foreign funding and reviewing just why we do it and if the value is there. but none of this puts a link to bidens video and it being for his son.
it got Biden's son 50k a month salary and it appears you don't fking care about that. hmmmmm fks like you who turn their cheek accepts something hard I guess. I thought you had some fking intelligence, I guess not.
there you go again - speculating on my motives and then pretending you're correct. if you feel better to insult me, have at it but it won't get us anywhere.
pretending I'm correct about what exactly?
there's a lot of things "none of our business" that we historically have a problem MAKING It our business. to get selectively mad makes you just as bad as those who do it for their purposes also.

I'm not selective. I was pissed when Bush invaded Iraq, the idea that we need to control other countries is contrary to everything in our constitution. america first, let the rest of the world deal with their own problems. But if they screw with us, hit them twice as hard.
and that mentality is getting us where again?

hey - i'm all for stopping most of our foreign funding and reviewing just why we do it and if the value is there. but none of this puts a link to bidens video and it being for his son.
it got Biden's son 50k a month salary and it appears you don't fking care about that. hmmmmm fks like you who turn their cheek accepts something hard I guess. I thought you had some fking intelligence, I guess not.
there you go again - speculating on my motives and then pretending you're correct. if you feel better to insult me, have at it but it won't get us anywhere.
pretending I'm correct about what exactly?
about why i post what i do and my own personality. but hey - free country. think of me what you will. what sleep i lose i'll gain back in laughter.
Its none of our business who acts as prosecutor in another country. Even if true, the bribe was illegal.
there's a lot of things "none of our business" that we historically have a problem MAKING It our business. to get selectively mad makes you just as bad as those who do it for their purposes also.

I'm not selective. I was pissed when Bush invaded Iraq, the idea that we need to control other countries is contrary to everything in our constitution. america first, let the rest of the world deal with their own problems. But if they screw with us, hit them twice as hard.
and that mentality is getting us where again?

hey - i'm all for stopping most of our foreign funding and reviewing just why we do it and if the value is there. but none of this puts a link to bidens video and it being for his son.

if not to save his son from prosecution, then why did he bribe the guy? Give us any other reason. and don't try "we didn't like the prosecutor" again. WTF harm can one ukrainian prosecuter do to the USA?
i'm not giving any reason that involves guessing. i'll wait for details to come through and not get into the pre-judging.
why not, isn't that done with every other subject you respond to? how would you know anything about anything? it's all speculation on every front.
and that mentality is getting us where again?

hey - i'm all for stopping most of our foreign funding and reviewing just why we do it and if the value is there. but none of this puts a link to bidens video and it being for his son.

if not to save his son from prosecution, then why did he bribe the guy? Give us any other reason. and don't try "we didn't like the prosecutor" again. WTF harm can one ukrainian prosecuter do to the USA?
i'm not giving any reason that involves guessing. i'll wait for details to come through and not get into the pre-judging.

LOL, you have already done that. You have already "guessed" that the bribe was for some legal and appropriate reason. Geez, dude. listen to yourself.
i never guessed what it was for. to help his son or not. you're assuming that cause i'm not out there raging with you.

but you have yet to give any possible legal and legitimate reason for the bribe other than to protect his son. Sometimes things really are as they seem.

Hey fool, there was no bribe. You’re constant repeating of this lie, won’t make it true. When Biden made that speech, he did so after consultation with, and at the behest of NATO. It wasn’t a unilateral decision, like Trump’s call.

Also, Joe had nothing to gain personally in making this threat. Despite all of Trump’s lies, Hunter Biden was not and has never been under investigation in the Ukraine. Or even suspicion.
there's a lot of things "none of our business" that we historically have a problem MAKING It our business. to get selectively mad makes you just as bad as those who do it for their purposes also.

I'm not selective. I was pissed when Bush invaded Iraq, the idea that we need to control other countries is contrary to everything in our constitution. america first, let the rest of the world deal with their own problems. But if they screw with us, hit them twice as hard.
and that mentality is getting us where again?

hey - i'm all for stopping most of our foreign funding and reviewing just why we do it and if the value is there. but none of this puts a link to bidens video and it being for his son.

if not to save his son from prosecution, then why did he bribe the guy? Give us any other reason. and don't try "we didn't like the prosecutor" again. WTF harm can one ukrainian prosecuter do to the USA?
i'm not giving any reason that involves guessing. i'll wait for details to come through and not get into the pre-judging.
why not, isn't that done with every other subject you respond to? how would you know anything about anything? it's all speculation on every front.
great. have fun.
I'm not selective. I was pissed when Bush invaded Iraq, the idea that we need to control other countries is contrary to everything in our constitution. america first, let the rest of the world deal with their own problems. But if they screw with us, hit them twice as hard.
and that mentality is getting us where again?

hey - i'm all for stopping most of our foreign funding and reviewing just why we do it and if the value is there. but none of this puts a link to bidens video and it being for his son.
it got Biden's son 50k a month salary and it appears you don't fking care about that. hmmmmm fks like you who turn their cheek accepts something hard I guess. I thought you had some fking intelligence, I guess not.
there you go again - speculating on my motives and then pretending you're correct. if you feel better to insult me, have at it but it won't get us anywhere.
pretending I'm correct about what exactly?
about why i post what i do and my own personality. but hey - free country. think of me what you will. what sleep i lose i'll gain back in laughter.
I don't wish to insult anyone, but dude, you can't just shrug your shoulders when evidence is provided to you. 50k a month right after the prosecutor is fired. yeah, pure coincidence right? I'll laugh. I don't think I'm correct about shit, I understand what is what. if you can't add 1+1 and get 2, I can't help you.
if not to save his son from prosecution, then why did he bribe the guy? Give us any other reason. and don't try "we didn't like the prosecutor" again. WTF harm can one ukrainian prosecuter do to the USA?
i'm not giving any reason that involves guessing. i'll wait for details to come through and not get into the pre-judging.

LOL, you have already done that. You have already "guessed" that the bribe was for some legal and appropriate reason. Geez, dude. listen to yourself.
i never guessed what it was for. to help his son or not. you're assuming that cause i'm not out there raging with you.

but you have yet to give any possible legal and legitimate reason for the bribe other than to protect his son. Sometimes things really are as they seem.

Hey fool, there was no bribe. You’re constant repeating of this lie, won’t make it true. When Biden made that speech, he did so after consultation with, and at the behest of NATO. It wasn’t a unilateral decision, like Trump’s call.

Also, Joe had nothing to gain personally in making this threat. Despite all of Trump’s lies, Hunter Biden was not and has never been under investigation in the Ukraine. Or even suspicion.
I'm not selective. I was pissed when Bush invaded Iraq, the idea that we need to control other countries is contrary to everything in our constitution. america first, let the rest of the world deal with their own problems. But if they screw with us, hit them twice as hard.
and that mentality is getting us where again?

hey - i'm all for stopping most of our foreign funding and reviewing just why we do it and if the value is there. but none of this puts a link to bidens video and it being for his son.

if not to save his son from prosecution, then why did he bribe the guy? Give us any other reason. and don't try "we didn't like the prosecutor" again. WTF harm can one ukrainian prosecuter do to the USA?
i'm not giving any reason that involves guessing. i'll wait for details to come through and not get into the pre-judging.
why not, isn't that done with every other subject you respond to? how would you know anything about anything? it's all speculation on every front.
great. have fun.
I have fun daily in here. what a bunch of fking idiots I get to greet daily.
"IN HIS OWN WORDS, WITH VIDEO CAMERAS ROLLING, Biden described how he threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in March 2016 that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency, if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.

“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recalled telling Poroshenko."

A huge 'THANK YOU' going out to the Deep State anti-Trump Intel Agency holdout for bringing the almost-forgotten / almost-completely-ignored/hidden back up and on to 'Center Stage' in yet another failed 'We've got him this time' Democrat moment...perfect timing...

...and a huge 'THANK You' to Uncle Joe for feeling the need to admit this on camerain an attempt to try to prove to snowflakes he IS a tough guy who can strong-arm foreign governments / leaders when he wants / has to...

This is yet another attempted attack on President Trump that has 'boomeranged'.

In blackmailing Ukraine to protect his son, especially WHEN he did it, Biden basically helped / threatened to help Putin...

"It’s particularly odd that a Vice President would make such a threat to an ally that was under siege from Russia. The loss of $1 billion in loan guarantees would have been a huge blow to Ukraine and a boon to Russia, given the state of relations between the two countries."

Report: Biden forced ouster of prosecutor investigating his son's firm

Yes, Biden wanted the prosecutor removed but nowhere was Hunter Biden under investigation.

Notice how the Russian immediately picks up the lie and goes with it.

so tell us, if not to protect his son from prosecution, why did he bribe the guy?

Because he didn't.

Yet, his video says he did...go figure.

Now pay attention.

Biden Admitted that he Threatened to Withhold Loan Guarantees from Ukraine Unless Shokin was Fired
By Keith Mann

Biden freely admitted to his role in having Shokin removed in during an event sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations in 2018.

Ryan Saavedra on Twitter

So to you guys this looks like Biden pressured the Ukrainian government to remove a man who was investigating his son. Half a story does not create fact and all you Trump fellatio artists have done over these 3 years of living stupidly is taken half a f-ing story and run your mouths.

The Ukrainian Rada Wanted Shokin Removed

The Rada=The Central Council of Ukraine was the All-Ukrainian council that united the political, public, cultural and professional organizations of the Ukrainian People's Republic.

Joe Biden was not a member of the Ukrainian Rada

Viktor Shokin had much bigger issues than the corruption case against Mykola Zlochevsky. Almost immediately after he was appointed, he started to cause almost irreparable harm to Ukraine’s legal system.

For starters, he failed to prosecute any prominent members of the Yanukovych regime or anybody in the current government. He constantly blocked reform to Ukraine’s broken legal system. He was in charge of implementing the 2014 law on prosecution which the European Union had asked Ukraine to do for years.

The law aimed to reduce to role of prosecutors who “were absurdly superior to judges in the Soviet legal system that persisted in post-Soviet Ukraine” according to Atlantic Council. It also called for a reevaluation of all prosecutors in order to weed out the more corrupt and incompetent ones. Shokin manipulated the process so that the old system mostly remained the same and minimal, ineffective changes were implemented.

He was the largest obstacle to judicial reform in Ukraine. It wasn’t just Joe Biden calling for his ouster, it was the United States government and the European Union.

Joe Biden & Ukraine: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

So the assertion Trump made, the dumb ass right wing twitter idiots you follow, all of the alt right media you use is a bunch of bs fake news. So your opinions relative to this matter are incorrect. Trump looks like he's in a world of hurt on this one. And if Barr wants to go down with the ship, he can also.

Yep, apparently you have difficulty understanding that part saying Biden "Freely admitted".
and that mentality is getting us where again?

hey - i'm all for stopping most of our foreign funding and reviewing just why we do it and if the value is there. but none of this puts a link to bidens video and it being for his son.
it got Biden's son 50k a month salary and it appears you don't fking care about that. hmmmmm fks like you who turn their cheek accepts something hard I guess. I thought you had some fking intelligence, I guess not.
there you go again - speculating on my motives and then pretending you're correct. if you feel better to insult me, have at it but it won't get us anywhere.
pretending I'm correct about what exactly?
about why i post what i do and my own personality. but hey - free country. think of me what you will. what sleep i lose i'll gain back in laughter.
I don't wish to insult anyone, but dude, you can't just shrug your shoulders when evidence is provided to you. 50k a month right after the prosecutor is fired. yeah, pure coincidence right? I'll laugh. I don't think I'm correct about shit, I understand what is what. if you can't add 1+1 and get 2, I can't help you.
i've said there's a lot to look into and yes, it needs to be looked into.

was the prosecutor going after his sons salary as the ONLY point? why did the other countries also want this guy gone? yes there's a lot to wonder about but i think as a country we've done more than enough speculation of guilt in the social justice world.
Trump is also trying to sink Biden the same way he sunk Clinton - by lying about him, and painting him as corrupt.
Clinton sunk herself by running a personal server that violated rules / regs / laws pertaining to possession of, handling, storage, and destruction of classified information.

Clinton sunk herself by refusing to submit thousands of official government documents / records for archival according to the FOIA and Federal Records ct.

Clinton sunk herself when she attempted to destroy subpoenaed official govt documents and illegally destroyed official government devices and stole SIM cards.

Clinton sunk herself when she, according to Comey, committed Espionage.

Clinton sunk herself when she bought Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda from a Trump-hating foreign spy with the intent to use it to affect the outcome of a US Presidential election.

Clinton sunk herself when she ran the worst Presidential campaign in US history, completely choosing not to campaign in states she arrogantly thought she had sewn up, only to lose the election by those electoral votes.

Clinton sunk Biden when she brought up Biden's Ukraine scandal in 2016 to ensure Biden did not enter the 2016 race.

Biden sunk Biden when he bragged about blackmailing the U.K. Prime Minister.
EXACTLY what law did President Trump break, snowflake?

Ukraine's President has come forward to totally debunk the false claim by yet another Deep State anti-Trump Intel Agency holdover who related a RUMOR - something that he did not even witness 1st hand, another 'Collusion Delusion'...

'Doesn't Matter What Biden Did'?! So using money promised to Ukraine to strong-arm / blackmail them into firing the prosecutor that was running a criminal investigation involving Biden's son, an act which Biden was caught giving a video-confession for, and you say that doesn't matter?!

I guess to indoctrinated, party-1st, traitor-supporting, emotionally-manipulated, Trump-hating snowflakes it doesn't.

The funny thing is HILLARYCLINTON was the one who brought Biden's scandal to the most light in 2016 in an attempt to make sure he did not enter the race and steal her opportunity / turn as Barry had done in 2008. It was HILLARY who may have just killed Biden's 2020 chances, and she did it in 2016. The media just screwed Biden by bringing it BACK up in a desperate attempt to take Trump down BEFORE the 2020 election...because they know they don't have anyone who can beat him.


Then you have Trump who is trying to cover up the whistleblower complaint. If nothing happened then why is it being covered up?
Trump's covering up nothing. Who is this leaker? It's been reported that he has NO first hand information. With no first hand information, nothing more is required than simply pointing that out.
... The fact is that Biden and Obama were trying to get rid of a corrupt prosecutor who was ignoring corruption. He was NOT investigating Biden's son...
He says he was and planned to depose Hunter, but Joe Biden got him fired with a Billion Dollar Bounty that he bragged about.
... He confessed to nothing....
Nobody claimed he did.
... You are the one who is indoctrinated...
You are the one with the unnamed unknown source, first who alleged coercion, who has since back tracked from that and who appears to have zero first hand information.

So I have TWO named sources, both principles involved, both corroborating each others accounts, both reporting first hand information.

On the other hand we have President Trump and the President of Ukraine, saying that there was no coercion, it was a great conversation, even a perfect conversation.

And you with the unnamed source, whose identity you are ignorant of, who first alleged coercion and then backtracked, who has ZERO firsthand information, you are claiming that WE are indoctrinated?
... Biden's chance might be enhanced....
Hey, if they spelled his name right.... Biden's getting a lot of free publicity. What a brilliant point!
... Clearly Trump and his supporters like you fear Biden...
Yeah, we're pissing ourselves like Russian prostitutes!
... Voters do not like Presidents who use foreign countries to dig up dirt on their opponents.
Obama used Ukraine to reopen their Manafort investigation and get him fired from the Trump campaign. Can you direct me to your posts where you expressed your outrage over Obama's actions?
Nothing you say is true.
you're what hurts?

Now pay attention.

Biden Admitted that he Threatened to Withhold Loan Guarantees from Ukraine Unless Shokin was Fired
By Keith Mann

Biden freely admitted to his role in having Shokin removed in during an event sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations in 2018.

Ryan Saavedra on Twitter

So to you guys this looks like Biden pressured the Ukrainian government to remove a man who was investigating his son. Half a story does not create fact and all you Trump fellatio artists have done over these 3 years of living stupidly is taken half a f-ing story and run your mouths.

The Ukrainian Rada Wanted Shokin Removed

The Rada=The Central Council of Ukraine was the All-Ukrainian council that united the political, public, cultural and professional organizations of the Ukrainian People's Republic.

Joe Biden was not a member of the Ukrainian Rada

Viktor Shokin had much bigger issues than the corruption case against Mykola Zlochevsky. Almost immediately after he was appointed, he started to cause almost irreparable harm to Ukraine’s legal system.

For starters, he failed to prosecute any prominent members of the Yanukovych regime or anybody in the current government. He constantly blocked reform to Ukraine’s broken legal system. He was in charge of implementing the 2014 law on prosecution which the European Union had asked Ukraine to do for years.

The law aimed to reduce to role of prosecutors who “were absurdly superior to judges in the Soviet legal system that persisted in post-Soviet Ukraine” according to Atlantic Council. It also called for a reevaluation of all prosecutors in order to weed out the more corrupt and incompetent ones. Shokin manipulated the process so that the old system mostly remained the same and minimal, ineffective changes were implemented.

He was the largest obstacle to judicial reform in Ukraine. It wasn’t just Joe Biden calling for his ouster, it was the United States government and the European Union.

Joe Biden & Ukraine: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

So the assertion Trump made, the dumb ass right wing twitter idiots you follow, all of the alt right media you use is a bunch of bs fake news. So your opinions relative to this matter are incorrect. Trump looks like he's in a world of hurt on this one. And if Barr wants to go down with the ship, he can also.
I can't help your form of ignorance. I don't go down stupid rat holes. You just proved my case, and you don't even understand that you did. It's useless to correct your ignorance, it is beyond help.
it got Biden's son 50k a month salary and it appears you don't fking care about that. hmmmmm fks like you who turn their cheek accepts something hard I guess. I thought you had some fking intelligence, I guess not.
there you go again - speculating on my motives and then pretending you're correct. if you feel better to insult me, have at it but it won't get us anywhere.
pretending I'm correct about what exactly?
about why i post what i do and my own personality. but hey - free country. think of me what you will. what sleep i lose i'll gain back in laughter.
I don't wish to insult anyone, but dude, you can't just shrug your shoulders when evidence is provided to you. 50k a month right after the prosecutor is fired. yeah, pure coincidence right? I'll laugh. I don't think I'm correct about shit, I understand what is what. if you can't add 1+1 and get 2, I can't help you.
i've said there's a lot to look into and yes, it needs to be looked into.

was the prosecutor going after his sons salary as the ONLY point? why did the other countries also want this guy gone? yes there's a lot to wonder about but i think as a country we've done more than enough speculation of guilt in the social justice world.
I can't answer any of your questions because no one investigated it. why? that is the only question that needs to be asked. What was the prosecutor doing that upset all countries? let's have it. I'm good, you're asking the right questions, yet no one is delivering answers, why? 50k a month right afterward. and that isn't suspicious to you?
i already said there is zero proof biden did this for his son.
The whole 'son' thing is actually a sleight of hand distraction. Joe Biden confessed - bragged - on video-tape that he blackmailed the leader of an allied nation.

Snowflakes respond by saying, 'The prosecutor was corrupt, & everyone wanted him fired'. SO WHAT?! The United States has no justification for injecting itself into the government of another nation, through blackmail or use of military force, but that is EXACTLY what Barry did FREQUENTLY.

- Barry applied pressure to both have Mubarak removed from office then to have elections moved up, benefitting and helping the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood take over allied Egypt.

- Barry used tax dollars to inject himself into Israel's election in an attempt to remove Netanyahu from office.

- Barry 'pimped' out the US military to Al Qaeda - who slaughtered 3,000 Americans - to help them murder Gaddafi and take over Libya.

- Joe bragged about blackmailing Ukraine's P.M.

- Barry was caught telling Medvedev to pass on to Putin he would be more 'flexible' after re-election

- Barry committed an International War Crime by invading Syria without that nation's request / approval to do so and without Congressional approval to do so, all because of his embarrassing ill-advised 'Red Line'

Democrats / snowflakes have no problem with all of that, but when the President talks t a foreign allied leader and it threatens one of the criminal Democrat's own - especially their leading Primary candidate, the double-standard hypocrisy, false narratives /accusations come out

'It' is only illegal / a threat when Republicans do it.

Load of crap.

yes, you are correct. Biden is a load of crap.

Now pay attention.

Biden Admitted that he Threatened to Withhold Loan Guarantees from Ukraine Unless Shokin was Fired
By Keith Mann

Biden freely admitted to his role in having Shokin removed in during an event sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations in 2018.

Ryan Saavedra on Twitter

So to you guys this looks like Biden pressured the Ukrainian government to remove a man who was investigating his son. Half a story does not create fact and all you Trump fellatio artists have done over these 3 years of living stupidly is taken half a f-ing story and run your mouths.

The Ukrainian Rada Wanted Shokin Removed

The Rada=The Central Council of Ukraine was the All-Ukrainian council that united the political, public, cultural and professional organizations of the Ukrainian People's Republic.

Joe Biden was not a member of the Ukrainian Rada

Viktor Shokin had much bigger issues than the corruption case against Mykola Zlochevsky. Almost immediately after he was appointed, he started to cause almost irreparable harm to Ukraine’s legal system.

For starters, he failed to prosecute any prominent members of the Yanukovych regime or anybody in the current government. He constantly blocked reform to Ukraine’s broken legal system. He was in charge of implementing the 2014 law on prosecution which the European Union had asked Ukraine to do for years.

The law aimed to reduce to role of prosecutors who “were absurdly superior to judges in the Soviet legal system that persisted in post-Soviet Ukraine” according to Atlantic Council. It also called for a reevaluation of all prosecutors in order to weed out the more corrupt and incompetent ones. Shokin manipulated the process so that the old system mostly remained the same and minimal, ineffective changes were implemented.

He was the largest obstacle to judicial reform in Ukraine. It wasn’t just Joe Biden calling for his ouster, it was the United States government and the European Union.

Joe Biden & Ukraine: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

So the assertion Trump made, the dumb ass right wing twitter idiots you follow, all of the alt right media you use is a bunch of bs fake news. So your opinions relative to this matter are incorrect. Trump looks like he's in a world of hurt on this one. And if Barr wants to go down with the ship, he can also.
The RADA was CORRUPT and wanted to play their own corrupt game with Biden and Obama... AND THEY DID...... LOL

Now its being exposed for what it is...

You fucking idiots cant see that your narrative is dead on arrival.. Flog that dead horse....

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