Biden agrees to pay climate REPARATIONS

With Fentanyl, violent gang members, sex offenders and people on the terror watch list pouring across the Southern Border, Crick...don't you think it would have been smart to let Trump finish the wall? Our border is out of control and that is ALL on Democrats!
No. The wall would have cost many billions of dollars, it would have done phenomenal environmental damage and it wouldn't have stopped ANYONE. It was right up there with injecting bleach. DJT is an incredibly stupid individual.
This country is over $30 trillion in debt and that stupid sonofabitch wants to hand out more welfare to these worthless third world shitholes? How fucking stupid is that?

Hopefully this new Republican House will tell him to shove it where the sun don't shine.

My God you are so right! :clap:
Remind me, who was it that passed the Trump tax cut, the TCJA? You know, the one that failed to stimulate business or create jobs and has cost us trillions of dollars?

"... with the TCJA, Congress passed a law that significantly increased both deficit spending and the federal debt."

Remind me, who was it that passed the Trump tax cut, the TCJA? You know, the one that failed to stimulate business or create jobs and has cost us trillions of dollars?

"... with the TCJA, Congress passed a law that significantly increased both deficit spending and the federal debt."

Oh yeah, the Republicans.
No. The wall would have cost many billions of dollars, it would have done phenomenal environmental damage and it wouldn't have stopped ANYONE. It was right up there with injecting bleach. DJT is an incredibly stupid individual.
Actually the money to buy materials to build much of the wall had already been spent, Crick. Environmental damage? LOL Seriously? A proper wall combined with proper application of our immigration laws would have solved the problem. Joe Biden and the Democrats have deliberately caused what's happening now!

That's a hundred million dollars worth of panels rusting away because Joe Biden stopped construction of the wall as soon as he took office. That's absurd. That's Joe Biden!
Actually the money to buy materials to build much of the wall had already been spent, Crick. Environmental damage? LOL Seriously? A proper wall combined with proper application of our immigration laws would have solved the problem. Joe Biden and the Democrats have deliberately caused what's happening now!
View attachment 729712
That's a hundred million dollars worth of panels rusting away because Joe Biden stopped construction of the wall as soon as he took office. That's absurd. That's Joe Biden!
Sell it as scrap. They should get top dollar.

Regarding environmental damage from the wall, see Some Ecological Damage from Trump’s Rushed Border Wall Could Be Repaired

And virtually every expert in the field said the wall would be almost completely ineffective at stopping migration. Walls can be climbed unless you wanted to spend hundreds of millions of dollars monitoring and manning 2,000 miles of wall, morning, noon and night.
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Sell it as scrap. They should get top dollar.

Regarding environmental damage from the wall, see Some Ecological Damage from Trump’s Rushed Border Wall Could Be Repaired

And virtually every expert in the field said the wall would be almost completely ineffective at stopping migration. Walls can be climbed unless you wanted to spend hundreds of millions of dollars monitoring and manning 2,000 miles of wall, morning, noon and night.
Naw, the wall. Fk your experts
Sell it as scrap. They should get top dollar.

Regarding environmental damage from the wall, see Some Ecological Damage from Trump’s Rushed Border Wall Could Be Repaired

And virtually every expert in the field said the wall would be almost completely ineffective at stopping migration. Walls can be climbed unless you wanted to spend hundreds of millions of dollars monitoring and manning 2,000 miles of wall, morning, noon and night.
I've heard every excuse from the left for why a wall SHOULDN'T be built but it's all bullshit, Crick! You don't want a wall built because you don't want the border to be closed and the reason you don't is that you think it's going to get you votes in the future.

The combination of a wall and enforcing the immigration laws we have in place would secure the border and save tens of thousands of lives. The fact that you won't do so because you think it will allow you to push through a progressive agenda shows what kind of a person you really are!
I've heard every excuse from the left for why a wall SHOULDN'T be built but it's all bullshit, Crick! You don't want a wall built because you don't want the border to be closed and the reason you don't is that you think it's going to get you votes in the future.

The combination of a wall and enforcing the immigration laws we have in place would secure the border and save tens of thousands of lives. The fact that you won't do so because you think it will allow you to push through a progressive agenda shows what kind of a person you really are!
My initial response to Trump's suggestion to build a wall across the entire southern border was my experience growing up; of what I thought had been the response of the American people to the erection of the Berlin Wall and to its eventual fall. I take it you liked the Berlin Wall and were saddened by its end. I didn't and I wasn't. And the thought that the United States, a nation built by immigrants and characterized since its founding as a refuge for the oppressed people of the world - that shining light on the hill, would erect a wall across its southern border making us ALL look like the ignorant, racist bullies, bigots and cowards that had put DJT into office, was simply unacceptable on every level.

What tens of thousands of lives do you think would be saved by a wall across our southern border? Immigrants are far less prone to criminal violence than the legal residents of this glorious nation.
My initial response to Trump's suggestion to build a wall across the entire southern border was my experience growing up; of what I thought had been the response of the American people to the erection of the Berlin Wall and to its eventual fall. I take it you liked the Berlin Wall and were saddened by its end. I didn't and I wasn't. And the thought that the United States, a nation built by immigrants and characterized since its founding as a refuge for the oppressed people of the world - that shining light on the hill, would erect a wall across its southern border making us ALL look like the ignorant, racist bullies, bigots and cowards that had put DJT into office, was simply unacceptable on every level.

What tens of thousands of lives do you think would be saved by a wall across our southern border? Immigrants are far less prone to criminal violence than the legal residents of this glorious nation.
The Berlin was to keep people in.
Trumps wall was to keep people south of the border south of the border. They are the same thing: a wall to stop people.
Exactly...there is a process to become a Legal Immigrant.
Who's the trespasser in your family?
Not an ad hominem...Why do Brown people run away from Brown tyrants?
Exactly...there is a process to become a Legal Immigrant.
Who's the trespasser in your family?
Not an ad hominem...Why do Brown people run away from Brown tyrants?
The process doesn't require a 2,000 mile long wall.
My initial response to Trump's suggestion to build a wall across the entire southern border was my experience growing up; of what I thought had been the response of the American people to the erection of the Berlin Wall and to its eventual fall. I take it you liked the Berlin Wall and were saddened by its end. I didn't and I wasn't. And the thought that the United States, a nation built by immigrants and characterized since its founding as a refuge for the oppressed people of the world - that shining light on the hill, would erect a wall across its southern border making us ALL look like the ignorant, racist bullies, bigots and cowards that had put DJT into office, was simply unacceptable on every level.

What tens of thousands of lives do you think would be saved by a wall across our southern border? Immigrants are far less prone to criminal violence than the legal residents of this glorious nation.
Do you not understand the difference between a wall created to keep people from LEAVING and a wall created to keep people from ENTERING, Crick? We don't have control of our Southern Border. That's a fact. Mexican narco terrorist gangs do. That's also a fact.

Your ignorance at the human cost of the Democrats' border policies is mind boggling! Let's start with the over one thousand illegals that have perished while attempting the actual crossing of our border in the two years that Joe Biden and the Democrats have been in power! Then add in the over 100,000 Americans who have died from Fentanyl overdoses since Joe Biden took office and allowed drugs to flow across the border! It's the number one cause of death of younger Americans right now and Joe Biden has done NOTHING to put a stop to it!
There is no such thing as a republican controlled house of reps, ditch that altogether, they have already laughed in faces of the electorate by stating in absolutely no uncertain terms that they will not go after Biden(Impeach)under any circumstance. They are not under republican control, McCarthy and his hand picked scumbags are not republicans, they are fascists, they are just an arm of the one party!

See how it works, fascist democrats do whatever the fuck they want, absolute total lockstep on everything, then the fools who vote rino get rinos in there and they immediately inform the fools who got them there to fuck off, we will not be doing any of that shit, we are here to "work with democrats!"

Do you folks get it yet, if not you never will....
Perhaps you don't get it yet. Kamala Harris is the alternative to Biden. 'Nuff said.
Perhaps you don't get it yet. Kamala Harris is the alternative to Biden. 'Nuff said.
So what you're saying is you prefer the room temperature IQ'd geriatric psychopathic pedophile child predator who molested its very own children , over the room temperature IQ'd sociopathic say anything, do anything witch which slept its way(literally)up the ladder to the Vice Presidency of the United States, no??? :eek-52:

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