Biden agrees to pay climate REPARATIONS

So, aside from your puerile name-calling, you have absolutely no actual comment to make about the data, gathered by numerous institutions and published scientific studies showing sea level rise. NOTE: He with the most evidence wins. --The Way Science Actually Works
Actual evidence? And it has nothing to do with the value of the evidence. Just amount?
The exhaust of jet engines contains both water and CO2. The visible contrail is ice from that water and they would be present at a very limited range of altitudes. Don't forget that visible clouds reflect light both from the sun and IR from the Earth and those effects would be almost immediate. While the elimination of that CO2 input was helpful mitigating greenhouse warming, I doubt the effect would be significant or long-lasting giving the ratio between that input and the total atmospheric CO2 content. Many of the people that had been using aircraft to travel, did so instead by train, bus and car. The per capita GHG production likely increased.

You are talking abound the fact that the average temp in the entire world dropped a percentage and just as soon as the flights resumed the temp went back up. Water Vapor (Not Ice like you claim) has little affect in the temperature. It forms into clouds and falls back to earth. But the nasty stuff left over does not. You can try and twist it anyway you wish but you are just supporting a lie.
You are talking abound the fact that the average temp in the entire world dropped a percentage and just as soon as the flights resumed the temp went back up. Water Vapor (Not Ice like you claim) has little affect in the temperature. It forms into clouds and falls back to earth. But the nasty stuff left over does not. You can try and twist it anyway you wish but you are just supporting a lie.
The study (Regional Variations in U.S. Diurnal Temperature Range for the 11–14 September 2001 Aircraft Groundings: Evidence of Jet Contrail Influence on Climate) examined the effects regionally and across the US, not globally. And the average temperature did not drop 1C, the diurnal range decreased by 1C. That is, the highs got lower and the lows got higher. It's an interesting study, but it doesn't say what you think it says.

I never said anything about temperature affects from ice but ice is what visible contrails are made of. Water vapor is the most dominant greenhouse gas and has an enormous affect on our temperature. It's worldwide average atmospheric level does not deviate much because it is a precipitable compound. Neither CO2, nitrous oxide nor methane rain out. Now the ice that the contrails contain will eventually end up as vapor in the atmosphere but it will not make any noticeable difference to the global levels. If you'd read the actual study you'd see that all their attention is paid to the reflection of incoming sunlight and of outgoing IR. It is the combination of these two effects that lower the highs and raise the lows to reduce the diurnal range, not CO2 or water vapor in the exhaust.
The study (Regional Variations in U.S. Diurnal Temperature Range for the 11–14 September 2001 Aircraft Groundings: Evidence of Jet Contrail Influence on Climate) examined the effects regionally and across the US, not globally. And the average temperature did not drop 1C, the diurnal range decreased by 1C. That is, the highs got lower and the lows got higher. It's an interesting study, but it doesn't say what you think it says.

Your own cite disagrees with your intent. I never said how much it decreased. You do. What I said, it dropped a percentage which agrees with your own cite material.

I never said anything about temperature affects from ice but ice is what visible contrails are made of. Water vapor is the most dominant greenhouse gas and has an enormous affect on our temperature. It's worldwide average atmospheric level does not deviate much because it is a precipitable compound. Neither CO2, nitrous oxide nor methane rain out. Now the ice that the contrails contain will eventually end up as vapor in the atmosphere but it will not make any noticeable difference to the global levels. If you'd read the actual study you'd see that all their attention is paid to the reflection of incoming sunlight and of outgoing IR. It is the combination of these two effects that lower the highs and raise the lows to reduce the diurnal range, not CO2 or water vapor in the exhaust.

There is no "Ice" projecting from a jet engine. Vapors and gasses are projected. The difference is, water vapor, sooner or later, forms clouds that create rain. CO2 and the rest remain in the environment as gases. But that isn't what we are talking about. It's what you keep red herring. It's the trails that the Aircraft generated that wasn't there caused the temp to drop due to allowing more heat reflection back out into space.
Your own cite disagrees with your intent. I never said how much it decreased. You do. What I said, it dropped a percentage which agrees with your own cite material.
In your first post in this thread you said: "Funny how the removal of all those contrails causes the temperature to drop"
There is no "Ice" projecting from a jet engine.
Good lord. I never said there was. What do you think the air temperature at 35,000 feet might be? How about -57C (-71F). So guess what that water vapor in the jet exhaust does? Go on, guess.
Vapors and gasses are projected. The difference is, water vapor, sooner or later, forms clouds that create rain. CO2 and the rest remain in the environment as gases. But that isn't what we are talking about. It's what you keep red herring. It's the trails that the Aircraft generated that wasn't there caused the temp to drop due to allowing more heat reflection back out into space.
In my first response to you I argued that the water vapor and CO2 from the exhaust were essentially irrelevant and pointed out that the study on which your article is based was concerned with reflection from the high albedo contrails. Now, if I am reading you correctly, you believe that the absence of the contrails caused temperatures to drop because more heat was allowed to reflect back out into space.

Thermal energy is transmitted in the IR frequencies. The majority of energy coming from our sun is visible light. Some of that light, less than 1/3rd, is reflected from the Earth back out into space. But that is still visible light, not heat. It is what your eyes would use if you were an astronaut in space looking back at the planet. Heat is produced by the atmosphere, the land and the ocean when they absorb some (a little more than 2/3rds) of that visible light. It causes them to increase temperature and then reradiate that energy as IR light. On a planet with no atmosphere, that IR would zip right out into space, but here, it is absorbed by the greenhouse gases (H2O, CO2, NO2 and CH4) which warm and then reradiate it. That energy moves stepwise through the atmosphere until it either returns to the surface or escapes to space. So, during the day, the normal presence of contrails increases the amount of the sun's visible light reflected back into space which tends to reduce our temperature. When the contrails are absent, more incoming light makes it to the surface to be absorbed, increasing our temperatures. During the entire day, however, the surface and atmosphere of the planet radiate IR from the energy they absorbed when the sun was shining. Some of that energy would normally be reflected back from the underside of the contrails. When they were absent, more of that IR (heat) escaped to space, reducing our temperatures. The combination of these two processes causes the highs to come down and the lows to increase. This reduced the diurnal temperature range, as the paper stated.
US will pay up to $1BN to compensate developing countries for global warming - but gas-guzzling China WON'T have to pay into global fund

The United States will take part in the creation of and contribute to a fund that will pay developing nations to tackle climate change.

The fund, negotiated at the United Nations' COP27 Summit, was originally known as a 'loss and damage' fund and had been blocked by previous American administrations.

With a final climate accord already more than a day overdue, representatives of nearly 200 nations were anxious for an agreement they could bill as a step forward in the fight against climate change.

The nations involved are largely from Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean and the south pacific, who see the matter as payback for a crisis that they did not contribute to but nonetheless could, in their view, destroy them.

Biden granted $1 billion to help developing countries tackle climate change, although it's unclear if that cash will go into this fund.

The president also faces having his plans stymied by the GOP-majority house, which would have to approve any funding.

And gas-guzzling China wouldn't have to contribute to any global fund, because it is still considered a developing nation.

US will compensate developing countries for global warming

You gotta hand it to them.....Democrats are the greatest money launderers this world has ever seen.
The Democrat Platform is to destroy the middle class.
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US will pay up to $1BN to compensate developing countries for global warming - but gas-guzzling China WON'T have to pay into global fund

The United States will take part in the creation of and contribute to a fund that will pay developing nations to tackle climate change.

The fund, negotiated at the United Nations' COP27 Summit, was originally known as a 'loss and damage' fund and had been blocked by previous American administrations.

With a final climate accord already more than a day overdue, representatives of nearly 200 nations were anxious for an agreement they could bill as a step forward in the fight against climate change.

The nations involved are largely from Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean and the south pacific, who see the matter as payback for a crisis that they did not contribute to but nonetheless could, in their view, destroy them.

Biden granted $1 billion to help developing countries tackle climate change, although it's unclear if that cash will go into this fund.

The president also faces having his plans stymied by the GOP-majority house, which would have to approve any funding.

And gas-guzzling China wouldn't have to contribute to any global fund, because it is still considered a developing nation.

US will compensate developing countries for global warming

You gotta hand it to them.....Democrats are the greatest money launderers this world has ever seen.
There goes Biden helping out American Minorities once again... :laughing0301:
Spend more money for everything.
Thanks, but no thanks.
Okay, then we can defund the police, the fire departments, the military, the hospitals, road construction, internet and the weather service. Good? Good.
In your first post in this thread you said: "Funny how the removal of all those contrails causes the temperature to drop"

Good lord. I never said there was. What do you think the air temperature at 35,000 feet might be? How about -57C (-71F). So guess what that water vapor in the jet exhaust does? Go on, guess.

In my first response to you I argued that the water vapor and CO2 from the exhaust were essentially irrelevant and pointed out that the study on which your article is based was concerned with reflection from the high albedo contrails. Now, if I am reading you correctly, you believe that the absence of the contrails caused temperatures to drop because more heat was allowed to reflect back out into space.

Thermal energy is transmitted in the IR frequencies. The majority of energy coming from our sun is visible light. Some of that light, less than 1/3rd, is reflected from the Earth back out into space. But that is still visible light, not heat. It is what your eyes would use if you were an astronaut in space looking back at the planet. Heat is produced by the atmosphere, the land and the ocean when they absorb some (a little more than 2/3rds) of that visible light. It causes them to increase temperature and then reradiate that energy as IR light. On a planet with no atmosphere, that IR would zip right out into space, but here, it is absorbed by the greenhouse gases (H2O, CO2, NO2 and CH4) which warm and then reradiate it. That energy moves stepwise through the atmosphere until it either returns to the surface or escapes to space. So, during the day, the normal presence of contrails increases the amount of the sun's visible light reflected back into space which tends to reduce our temperature. When the contrails are absent, more incoming light makes it to the surface to be absorbed, increasing our temperatures. During the entire day, however, the surface and atmosphere of the planet radiate IR from the energy they absorbed when the sun was shining. Some of that energy would normally be reflected back from the underside of the contrails. When they were absent, more of that IR (heat) escaped to space, reducing our temperatures. The combination of these two processes causes the highs to come down and the lows to increase. This reduced the diurnal temperature range, as the paper stated.

Block sky, temp goes up. Unblock sky and temp goes down. It doesn't take a friggin Rocket Scientist on this one. Sorry, but I refuse to allow you to spread your MAGAt hate without being contested.
US will pay up to $1BN to compensate developing countries for global warming - but gas-guzzling China WON'T have to pay into global fund

The United States will take part in the creation of and contribute to a fund that will pay developing nations to tackle climate change.

The fund, negotiated at the United Nations' COP27 Summit, was originally known as a 'loss and damage' fund and had been blocked by previous American administrations.

With a final climate accord already more than a day overdue, representatives of nearly 200 nations were anxious for an agreement they could bill as a step forward in the fight against climate change.

The nations involved are largely from Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean and the south pacific, who see the matter as payback for a crisis that they did not contribute to but nonetheless could, in their view, destroy them.

Biden granted $1 billion to help developing countries tackle climate change, although it's unclear if that cash will go into this fund.

The president also faces having his plans stymied by the GOP-majority house, which would have to approve any funding.

And gas-guzzling China wouldn't have to contribute to any global fund, because it is still considered a developing nation.

US will compensate developing countries for global warming

You gotta hand it to them.....Democrats are the greatest money launderers this world has ever seen.

If you hadn't whored for Trump, maybe this shit wouldn't be happening.
Okay, then we can defund the police, the fire departments, the military, the hospitals, road construction, internet and the weather service. Good? Good.
Stop giving billions to other nations, especially the ones that can't get their act together.
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Stop giving billions to other nations, especially the ones that can't get their act together.
I've got a better idea. Consistently apply the Golden Rule to international relations.

And an even better idea:

World Government
And an even better idea:

World Government
For years, folks that have opposed your ideas, have claimed that they are just bogus excuses to push for global government.

It is nice to see you finally just be honest for a change. Thank you.
For years, folks that have opposed your ideas, have claimed that they are just bogus excuses to push for global government.

It is nice to see you finally just be honest for a change. Thank you.
And for years, folks have opposed YOUR ideas, claiming they were just bogus excuses to maintain power through the perception of all others as enemies. It would be nice if you had enough self-awareness to see that. But you don't.
This country is over $30 trillion in debt and that stupid sonofabitch wants to hand out more welfare to these worthless third world shitholes? How fucking stupid is that?

Hopefully this new Republican House will tell him to shove it where the sun don't shine.
The GOP House controls the money and should withhold any funding related to this.
The GOP House controls the money and should withhold any funding related to this.
The house will not be in GOP hands till January 3rd of 2023 and so is unlikely to do as you suggest. And since the Senate remains in Democratic hands...
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