Biden already created the best economy EVER

Biden has a higher Stock Market than Trump managed in FOUR YEARS of trying
Trump had a much higher stock market than Obama after EIGHT YEARS of trying.

Dumb ass
We are talking about TODAY

And the RECORD Biden Economy
You are a deeply disturbed idiot. Trump doubled Obama's DOW and halved his unemployment. It's one thing to be a mindless hack and another to be a disingenuous prick (not that they're mutually exclusive).
Biden has a higher Stock Market than Trump managed in FOUR YEARS of trying
Trump had a much higher stock market than Obama after EIGHT YEARS of trying.

Dumb ass
We are talking about TODAY

And the RECORD Biden Economy
You are a deeply disturbed idiot. Trump doubled Obama's DOW and halved his unemployment. It's one thing to be a mindless hack and another to be a disingenuous prick (not that they're mutually exclusive).
Plus Obammy's job creation was 94% part time.
Yep, up 70 cents in less than two months of him being there. We have 46 more months to go.

Let’s do the math
I use 15 gallons a week, at 70 cents that is an extra $10.50 a WEEK!
OMG :eek:

Thats a Buck fifty a day

What will I do?
What will I do?

The question is, what will poor people do, they may have to go hungry not having that $50 a month they have to spend to get to work.

Good point
Lets raise the minimum wage

Why bother, inflation will eat it all up. Higher transportation costs raise the prices of everything. If you bought it, a truck brought it.


It's the Democrat's magic minimum wage formula.

Double the minimum wage, then double everyone else's wages because they aren't working for what people with no skills work for, then the prices double ...



Now .... raise the minimum wage!

Problem is a bunch of people get fired during all that. People earning minimum wage.

RW is a typical Democrat. It's all about feeling good and patting himself on the back, not actually helping anyone. Well, except helping RW ...
Yep, up 70 cents in less than two months of him being there. We have 46 more months to go.

Let’s do the math
I use 15 gallons a week, at 70 cents that is an extra $10.50 a WEEK!
OMG :eek:

Thats a Buck fifty a day

What will I do?
What will I do?

The question is, what will poor people do, they may have to go hungry not having that $50 a month they have to spend to get to work.

Good point
Lets raise the minimum wage

Why bother, inflation will eat it all up. Higher transportation costs raise the prices of everything. If you bought it, a truck brought it.

Conservatives have never been good at math
Biden has a higher Stock Market than Trump managed in FOUR YEARS of trying
Trump had a much higher stock market than Obama after EIGHT YEARS of trying.

Dumb ass
We are talking about TODAY

And the RECORD Biden Economy
You are a deeply disturbed idiot. Trump doubled Obama's DOW and halved his unemployment. It's one thing to be a mindless hack and another to be a disingenuous prick (not that they're mutually exclusive).

Only in Trumptardia is 31K double that of 20K and 3.5% is half of 4.7%.

Thanks to Joe what? The system was in place before he even showed up. He's not doing anything different but trying to hitch his wagon to President Trump's success, which of course I predicted before he got to the White House
The irony in this thread is deafening. Deafening.

Fair enough. Here is the chart before Dementia was even close to the White House. You show me what he did differently.

Yep, up 70 cents in less than two months of him being there. We have 46 more months to go.

Let’s do the math
I use 15 gallons a week, at 70 cents that is an extra $10.50 a WEEK!
OMG :eek:

Thats a Buck fifty a day

What will I do?
What will I do?

The question is, what will poor people do, they may have to go hungry not having that $50 a month they have to spend to get to work.

Good point
Lets raise the minimum wage

Why bother, inflation will eat it all up. Higher transportation costs raise the prices of everything. If you bought it, a truck brought it.

Conservatives have never been good at math
We know how many Covid deaths have taken place under Pinochijoe's watch.
Biden has a higher Stock Market than Trump managed in FOUR YEARS of trying
Trump had a much higher stock market than Obama after EIGHT YEARS of trying.

Dumb ass
We are talking about TODAY

And the RECORD Biden Economy
You are a deeply disturbed idiot. Trump doubled Obama's DOW and halved his unemployment. It's one thing to be a mindless hack and another to be a disingenuous prick (not that they're mutually exclusive).
Plus Obammy's job creation was 94% part time.
Liar. :eusa_liar:

Full time: 8,755,000
Part time: 1,021,000

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
Oh? So the GOP has surrendered their values for their new lord?
That's ironic considering you never admired the GOP's "values".
Not true at all. I live a life of family values. I'm married with children and never cheated on my wife. And we raise our kids to be honest and faithful to family and friends.

What I laugh at is the right's hypocrisy. Like Newt Gingrich castigating Clinton for cheating on his wife while Newt was secretly doing the same.

You must also pop anger control meds like candy

Uh, no. Morons like you entertain me. Keep up the good work!

You must be a fun guy just to be around. You get very angry when you're entertained, LOL. Getting angry isn't fun to me. To each his own, LOL.

And damn, you bicker like an old woman

You're projecting your own right wing anger onto others.

Faun has consistently and dispassionately dismantled all of your ridiculous assertions and you consider such lack of passion "anger". You continue to project emotions and behaviours on members of the left that have no basis in reality. You're angry, so you assume others are angry.

If anything, the left is ebullient at the moment. Cheques are hitting bank accounts this week - $5600 for a family of 4. Despite the whining of Republicans about all of those "undeserving" of money getting funds, but they'll waste all of those funds on food and housing.

Why don't Republicans ever complain about billionaires who don't even need the money, getting tax cuts? Republicans only ever consider it a "waste" of taxpayer dollars when poor people are given money. If the children of the rich are blowing the tax cuts on hookers and blow, is that an acceptable use of taxpayers' dollars?

Some Republican Senator was on FOX this weekend saying that people in prison are getting money. Like people in prisons don't have families who need money, or fines to pay, or other needs for the cash.
To recap for those at home only watching Dr Seuss news and buying up Mr Potato heads.
  • Stock market is a rocket ship setting new records that Trump couldn’t hit even pre covid.
  • Unemployment that spiked under Republican mishandling of the pandemic is easing.
  • Joe Biden is well on his way to be one of the greatest tactical presidents ever executing strategy.

So, Trump's economy was actually Obama's for his entire 4 years, while Biden's is Bidens after 3 months?

Got it.
I just am playing by the rules you guys set. Trump claimed the stock market results from his Nov election forward. ;)

Sure he did, because all you commies swore the market would crash if Trump was elected. As usual you were wrong.

Biden has a higher Stock Market than Trump managed in FOUR YEARS of trying
Trump had a much higher stock market than Obama after EIGHT YEARS of trying.

Dumb ass
We are talking about TODAY

And the RECORD Biden Economy
You are a deeply disturbed idiot. Trump doubled Obama's DOW and halved his unemployment. It's one thing to be a mindless hack and another to be a disingenuous prick (not that they're mutually exclusive).

Only in Trumptardia is 31K double that of 20K and 3.5% is half of 4.7%.

Throughout almost all of the idiot's administration it was well under 20k and UE was hoovering about 8%. Obama was a total failure and he never had to shut down the economy.

BTW, didn't I tell you to slither back under your rock?
We know how many Covid deaths have taken place under Pinochijoe's watch.

I remember when your side compared Trump to Obama

Because Barry Hussein did nothing while 12,000 Americans died, Dummy.

You said Obama was incompetent for 12,000 deaths from H1N1.

So how would you rate Trump and 500,000 deaths from COVID-19?

Surely you see 500,000 if far more than 12,000

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