Biden already created the best economy EVER

Sure....And I am sure a 1.9 trillion stimulus bill won't higher our taxes either. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Not if you earn under 400,000 a year. Mark Levin, Hannity, Ingraham, Carlson and most of Fox news anchors are mad at it, they wont get anything, but new taxes.

Don’t be so naive. Capital gains taxes affect many people not making 400k. All those kids investing with Robin Hood will soon see their profits diminish by quite a bit. Single filers starting at 75k and ending around 80k didn’t get any stimulus check. What does that tell you? Removing the step up basis for inherited property will affect everyone that inherets anything. This is in the works. There is more, but you should get the point.

You are falling for a sham. Those making less than 400k will get the shake down as well. Your only hope is that you are on the very low end of the economic spectrum.
Yep, up 70 cents in less than two months of him being there. We have 46 more months to go.

Let’s do the math
I use 15 gallons a week, at 70 cents that is an extra $10.50 a WEEK!
OMG :eek:

Thats a Buck fifty a day

What will I do?
What will I do?

The question is, what will poor people do, they may have to go hungry not having that $50 a month they have to spend to get to work.

Good point
Lets raise the minimum wage

Why bother, inflation will eat it all up. Higher transportation costs raise the prices of everything. If you bought it, a truck brought it.

Conservatives have never been good at math

Give me a few examples of math that leftists understand that conservatives don't?
Last edited:
Biden has a higher Stock Market than Trump managed in FOUR YEARS of trying
Trump had a much higher stock market than Obama after EIGHT YEARS of trying.

Dumb ass
We are talking about TODAY

And the RECORD Biden Economy
You are a deeply disturbed idiot. Trump doubled Obama's DOW and halved his unemployment. It's one thing to be a mindless hack and another to be a disingenuous prick (not that they're mutually exclusive).

No Stupid! Obama TRIPLED the DOW. He DOUBLED it in his first term. Trump only raised the DOW by 50%. He did half as well as Obama in his first term - and that was BEFORE the pandemic.

As for unemployment, job creation was substantially lower under Trump before the pandemic, and Trump LEFT office with the worst unemployement in a decade.
Another fine example of Conservatives not being good at Math
Trump had higher unemployment than Obama ever had

After a worldwide pandemic. What was Hussein's excuse?

What pandemic?
Trump assured us he had everything under control

Yes, it was the vaccine. And it's working well.

Again, what did Biden do to fix the Covid situation? I see you're still hiding. Look, your feet are sticking out
Gas up 25% and rising, which hurts the poor more than anyone. Good job commies.
Gas at all time low adjusted for inflation due to no demand from an economy Trump’s incompetence killed is a BAD thing. Learn economics.

So you want to play word games you stupid lying commie? Gas can't possibly be at an all time low when adjusted for inflation, It might have been when it was 1.86 a few weeks ago, at 2.49, not so fucking much. Now take you commie lies and FOAD.

Don’t be a tard. You are posting insanity. The idiots on here are pointing to the rise of gas up from historical lows as some kind of measure of anything other than the economy sucked, pandemic management was incompetent, and therefore demand was low. Demand is going up. Confidence is going up. And yep, prices have moved off historic lows. I know that was too complicated for a person who chants lock her up and Mexico will pay for the wall.

I don't do chants commie. And you lied when you claimed current prices are at historic lows. Now you're walking that back. And oil prices have almost doubled, demand has little to do with it. So you can keep pushing your lies and commie propaganda, but keep in mind, it's easy to make you look like the fool you are.

Oh? So the GOP has surrendered their values for their new lord?
That's ironic considering you never admired the GOP's "values".
Not true at all. I live a life of family values. I'm married with children and never cheated on my wife. And we raise our kids to be honest and faithful to family and friends.

What I laugh at is the right's hypocrisy. Like Newt Gingrich castigating Clinton for cheating on his wife while Newt was secretly doing the same.

You must also pop anger control meds like candy

Uh, no. Morons like you entertain me. Keep up the good work!

You must be a fun guy just to be around. You get very angry when you're entertained, LOL. Getting angry isn't fun to me. To each his own, LOL.

And damn, you bicker like an old woman

You're projecting your own right wing anger onto others.

Faun has consistently and dispassionately dismantled all of your ridiculous assertions and you consider such lack of passion "anger". You continue to project emotions and behaviours on members of the left that have no basis in reality. You're angry, so you assume others are angry.

If anything, the left is ebullient at the moment. Cheques are hitting bank accounts this week - $5600 for a family of 4. Despite the whining of Republicans about all of those "undeserving" of money getting funds, but they'll waste all of those funds on food and housing.

Why don't Republicans ever complain about billionaires who don't even need the money, getting tax cuts? Republicans only ever consider it a "waste" of taxpayer dollars when poor people are given money. If the children of the rich are blowing the tax cuts on hookers and blow, is that an acceptable use of taxpayers' dollars?

Some Republican Senator was on FOX this weekend saying that people in prison are getting money. Like people in prisons don't have families who need money, or fines to pay, or other needs for the cash.

You of all people are critiquing who is angry. Now that's funny, Canadian whack job
Biden has a higher Stock Market than Trump managed in FOUR YEARS of trying
Trump had a much higher stock market than Obama after EIGHT YEARS of trying.

Dumb ass
We are talking about TODAY

And the RECORD Biden Economy
You are a deeply disturbed idiot. Trump doubled Obama's DOW and halved his unemployment. It's one thing to be a mindless hack and another to be a disingenuous prick (not that they're mutually exclusive).

Only in Trumptardia is 31K double that of 20K and 3.5% is half of 4.7%.

Throughout almost all of the idiot's administration it was well under 20k and UE was hoovering about 8%. Obama was a total failure and he never had to shut down the economy.
Yes, it was under 20K. Of course, it bottomed out at 6600 during Bush's Great Recession, so it tripled under Obama. For you math contards, that's a 200% increase. Under Trump it increased about 55%.

BTW, didn't I tell you to slither back under your rock?
I can honestly believe you're dumb enough to think I take orders from you.
Biden has a higher Stock Market than Trump managed in FOUR YEARS of trying
Trump had a much higher stock market than Obama after EIGHT YEARS of trying.

Dumb ass
We are talking about TODAY

And the RECORD Biden Economy
You are a deeply disturbed idiot. Trump doubled Obama's DOW and halved his unemployment. It's one thing to be a mindless hack and another to be a disingenuous prick (not that they're mutually exclusive).

No Stupid! Obama TRIPLED the DOW. He DOUBLED it in his first term. Trump only raised the DOW by 50%. He did half as well as Obama in his first term - and that was BEFORE the pandemic.

As for unemployment, job creation was substantially lower under Trump before the pandemic, and Trump LEFT office with the worst unemployement in a decade.

You realize you're CANADIAN and you live in CANADA. Why another blow job for Democrats?
Biden has a higher Stock Market than Trump managed in FOUR YEARS of trying
Trump had a much higher stock market than Obama after EIGHT YEARS of trying.

Dumb ass
We are talking about TODAY

And the RECORD Biden Economy
You are a deeply disturbed idiot. Trump doubled Obama's DOW and halved his unemployment. It's one thing to be a mindless hack and another to be a disingenuous prick (not that they're mutually exclusive).

Only in Trumptardia is 31K double that of 20K and 3.5% is half of 4.7%.

Throughout almost all of the idiot's administration it was well under 20k and UE was hoovering about 8%. Obama was a total failure and he never had to shut down the economy.
Yes, it was under 20K. Of course, it bottomed out at 6600 during Bush's Great Recession, so it tripled under Obama. For you math contards, that's a 200% increase. Under Trump it increased about 55%.

BTW, didn't I tell you to slither back under your rock?
I can honestly believe you're dumb enough to think I take orders from you.

Yes, that was pretty dumb. You take your orders from me. I mean literally, I control you changing your avatar. You admitted it
Biden has a higher Stock Market than Trump managed in FOUR YEARS of trying
Trump had a much higher stock market than Obama after EIGHT YEARS of trying.

Dumb ass
We are talking about TODAY

And the RECORD Biden Economy
You are a deeply disturbed idiot. Trump doubled Obama's DOW and halved his unemployment. It's one thing to be a mindless hack and another to be a disingenuous prick (not that they're mutually exclusive).

No Stupid! Obama TRIPLED the DOW. He DOUBLED it in his first term. Trump only raised the DOW by 50%. He did half as well as Obama in his first term - and that was BEFORE the pandemic.

As for unemployment, job creation was substantially lower under Trump before the pandemic, and Trump LEFT office with the worst unemployement in a decade.
It is difficult to deal with this kind of pathology. If he tripled the Dow it should have been well over 20k and the idiot never came close to effectively zero unemployment that 4% is considered by economists.

Seriously, you need to get some help. Being a bitter wretch of a human being isn't helping you or anyone else.
We know how many Covid deaths have taken place under Pinochijoe's watch.

I remember when your side compared Trump to Obama

Because Barry Hussein did nothing while 12,000 Americans died, Dummy.

You said Obama was incompetent for 12,000 deaths from H1N1.

So how would you rate Trump and 500,000 deaths from COVID-19?

Surely you see 500,000 if far more than 12,000
They also prayed for more Ebola deaths to pin on Obama. They were bigly disappointed when no one contracted it here and then died.
Biden has a higher Stock Market than Trump managed in FOUR YEARS of trying
Trump had a much higher stock market than Obama after EIGHT YEARS of trying.

Dumb ass
We are talking about TODAY

And the RECORD Biden Economy
You are a deeply disturbed idiot. Trump doubled Obama's DOW and halved his unemployment. It's one thing to be a mindless hack and another to be a disingenuous prick (not that they're mutually exclusive).

Only in Trumptardia is 31K double that of 20K and 3.5% is half of 4.7%.

Throughout almost all of the idiot's administration it was well under 20k and UE was hoovering about 8%. Obama was a total failure and he never had to shut down the economy.
Yes, it was under 20K. Of course, it bottomed out at 6600 during Bush's Great Recession, so it tripled under Obama. For you math contards, that's a 200% increase. Under Trump it increased about 55%.

BTW, didn't I tell you to slither back under your rock?
I can honestly believe you're dumb enough to think I take orders from you.

Yes, that was pretty dumb. You take your orders from me. I mean literally, I control you changing your avatar. You admitted it

I said no such thing. Now you're kazzing again, kazzer. I said as long as rightards continue drooling over it, I'll keep it. That makes you my puppet to keep drooling over it.
Gas up 25% and rising, which hurts the poor more than anyone. Good job commies.
Gas at all time low adjusted for inflation due to no demand from an economy Trump’s incompetence killed is a BAD thing. Learn economics.

So you want to play word games you stupid lying commie? Gas can't possibly be at an all time low when adjusted for inflation, It might have been when it was 1.86 a few weeks ago, at 2.49, not so fucking much. Now take you commie lies and FOAD.

Don’t be a tard. You are posting insanity. The idiots on here are pointing to the rise of gas up from historical lows as some kind of measure of anything other than the economy sucked, pandemic management was incompetent, and therefore demand was low. Demand is going up. Confidence is going up. And yep, prices have moved off historic lows. I know that was too complicated for a person who chants lock her up and Mexico will pay for the wall.

I don't do chants commie. And you lied when you claimed current prices are at historic lows. Now you're walking that back. And oil prices have almost doubled, demand has little to do with it. So you can keep pushing your lies and commie propaganda, but keep in mind, it's easy to make you look like the fool you are.


No one said shutting down Keystone production will make "prices skyrocket."

The issues are Biden killing jobs and building North American energy reserves so we don't buy oil from bad countries.

Democrats, go ape shit on strawmen in the land of hyperbole, it's your way
Biden has a higher Stock Market than Trump managed in FOUR YEARS of trying
Trump had a much higher stock market than Obama after EIGHT YEARS of trying.

Dumb ass
We are talking about TODAY

And the RECORD Biden Economy
You are a deeply disturbed idiot. Trump doubled Obama's DOW and halved his unemployment. It's one thing to be a mindless hack and another to be a disingenuous prick (not that they're mutually exclusive).

Only in Trumptardia is 31K double that of 20K and 3.5% is half of 4.7%.

Throughout almost all of the idiot's administration it was well under 20k and UE was hoovering about 8%. Obama was a total failure and he never had to shut down the economy.
Yes, it was under 20K. Of course, it bottomed out at 6600 during Bush's Great Recession, so it tripled under Obama. For you math contards, that's a 200% increase. Under Trump it increased about 55%.

BTW, didn't I tell you to slither back under your rock?
I can honestly believe you're dumb enough to think I take orders from you.

Yes, that was pretty dumb. You take your orders from me. I mean literally, I control you changing your avatar. You admitted it

I said no such thing. Now you're kazzing again, kazzer. I said as long as rightards continue drooling over it, I'll keep it. Who knows how you think that means just you?

You liar. You specifically said you were going to change your avatar but couldn't because I was laughing at you for picking your personal self selected depiction of yourself as a deranged Trump. You're such a liar
An economy that LOST over 2 million jobs over his 4 years. The worst job creation since Hover.

Only because of Joe's buddies in China. However the US had the least GDP damage of all G7 countries outside of China, and that's only if you can trust their reporting.
China had nothing to do with Tramp's incompetence in dealing with the Trump Pandemic.
List the world leaders who dealt well.
Trump leads the world in total cases and total deaths, so every other leader in the whole world did better than Tramp!!!!!
That is due to the population density of Blue cities and everyone comes to the US for commerce.
Are you really this stupid?
The top cases per capita are nearly ALL Commie Red States!
Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop
1North Dakota100,942+951,457+298,797688132,4591,912408,613536,194762,062[1] [2][projections]
2South Dakota114,493+1461,909+2110,4352,149129,4202,158431,342487,580884,659[1][projections]
3Rhode Island130,5022,5678,008119,927123,1892,4233,205,2523,025,6471,059,361[1] [2][projections]
4Utah377,4922,017362,87412,601117,7476293,984,8951,242,9653,205,958[1] [2] [3][projections]
5Iowa369,7955,630323,62440,541117,2071,7844,222,0491,338,1793,155,070[1] [2][projections]
6Tennessee789,65211,639765,44112,572115,6291,7046,963,5861,019,6826,829,174[1] [2] [3][projections]
8Oklahoma431,991+6254,701415,50011,790109,1721,1883,610,721912,4963,956,971[1] [2] [3][projections]
9Arkansas326,4995,437317,8833,179108,1911,8023,258,8501,079,8753,017,804[1] [2] [3] [4] [5][projections]
10Nebraska204,1622,124158,08043,958105,5421,098980,252506,7451,934,408[1] [2][projections]
11South Carolina532,549+1,6698,870+37238,343285,336103,4331,7236,319,2751,227,3505,148,714[1] [2] [3][projections]
12Kansas300,2134,863279,28316,067103,0491,6691,285,314441,1862,913,314[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9][projections]
14Mississippi300,577+6906,896+13283,9539,728100,9952,3172,522,676847,6312,976,149[1] [2] [3][projections]
15Indiana671,859+83612,846+22514,469144,54499,7981,9088,425,5521,251,5276,732,219[1] [2][projections]
16Idaho174,9431,90997,31575,71997,8941,0681,129,080631,8071,787,065[1] [2] [3][projections]
17Wisconsin569,364+4626,538+13556,3696,45797,7881,1233,235,370555,6735,822,434[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6][projections]
18Georgia1,031,71318,164557,166456,38397,1721,7117,940,014747,82910,617,423[1] [2][projections]
19Nevada298,6235,097261,88031,64696,9511,6552,814,250913,6713,080,156[1] [2][projections]
20Illinois1,207,847+1,67523,188+251,123,87560,78495,3181,83019,066,0701,504,60412,671,821[1] [2] [3] [4] [5][projections]
21Wyoming55,16369153,98548795,3131,194660,1641,140,654578,759[1] [2][projections]
22Montana101,726+1701,39299,2781,05695,1801,3021,132,5231,059,6431,068,778[1] [2] [3] [4][projections]
23Texas2,725,37446,4572,554,973123,94493,9921,60224,060,014829,77428,995,881[view by county] [1] [2] [3]
Cases! I don't give a shit about CPTs and IDC10s.
Where did people die?
21 of the top 27 states with the highest per capita death rates are shithole RED states.
Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop
1New Jersey834,715+3,86723,888+34604,724206,10393,9762,68911,130,7651,253,1558,882,190[view by county] [1][projections]
2New York1,774,490+5,63549,101+80880,010845,37991,2172,52440,989,9102,107,06519,453,561[view by county] [1] [2] [3][projections]
3Rhode Island130,5022,5678,008119,927123,1892,4233,205,2523,025,6471,059,361[1] [2][projections]
5Mississippi300,577+6906,896+13283,9539,728100,9952,3172,522,676847,6312,976,149[1] [2] [3][projections]
7Connecticut290,5777,765251,66831,14481,5022,1787,114,8231,995,5823,565,287[1] [2][projections]
8South Dakota114,493+1461,909+2110,4352,149129,4202,158431,342487,580884,659[1][projections]
9Louisiana436,4829,861420,4596,16293,8912,1216,206,0451,334,9804,648,794[view by county] [1][projections]
11Pennsylvania969,119+2,47224,639887,15257,32875,7011,92510,976,232857,38512,801,989[view by county] [1][projections]
12North Dakota100,942+951,457+298,797688132,4591,912408,613536,194762,062[1] [2][projections]
13Indiana671,859+83612,846+22514,469144,54499,7981,9088,425,5521,251,5276,732,219[1] [2][projections]
14New Mexico187,9843,849163,18020,95589,6521,8362,829,7421,349,5342,096,829[1] [2][projections]
15Illinois1,207,847+1,67523,188+251,123,87560,78495,3181,83019,066,0701,504,60412,671,821[1] [2] [3] [4] [5][projections]
16Arkansas326,4995,437317,8833,179108,1911,8023,258,8501,079,8753,017,804[1] [2] [3] [4] [5][projections]
17Iowa369,7955,630323,62440,541117,2071,7844,222,0491,338,1793,155,070[1] [2][projections]
18South Carolina532,549+1,6698,870+37238,343285,336103,4331,7236,319,2751,227,3505,148,714[1] [2] [3][projections]
19Georgia1,031,71318,164557,166456,38397,1721,7117,940,014747,82910,617,423[1] [2][projections]
20Tennessee789,65211,639765,44112,572115,6291,7046,963,5861,019,6826,829,174[1] [2] [3][projections]
21Michigan668,08516,730556,69794,65866,8961,67511,366,3421,138,1309,986,857[1] [2] [3] [4][projections]
22Kansas300,2134,863279,28316,067103,0491,6691,285,314441,1862,913,314[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9][projections]
23Nevada298,6235,097261,88031,64696,9511,6552,814,250913,6713,080,156[1] [2][projections]
USA Total30,025,480+31,323546,005+45022,080,4587,399,01790,7111,650377,121,4671,139,331
24Texas2,725,37446,4572,554,973123,94493,9921,60224,060,014829,77428,995,881[view by county] [1] [2] [3][projections]
25Delaware89,9111,49681,3197,09692,3331,536639,575656,807973,764[1] [2][projections]
26Ohio988,298+1,55817,871937,84232,58584,5491,52910,452,692894,22611,689,100[view by county] [1] [2] [3][projections]
27Florida1,973,109+5,24432,252+821,255,908684,94991,8681,50222,339,1821,040,10921,477,737[view by county] [1] [2] [3][projections]

12 of those states are blue states, moron.
name them, I see only NY, NJ, RI, CT,PEN, ILL, MI, and DEL, all the rest have GOPQ governors..

New Mexico's governor is a republican ? are a fool.
Ok I missed one, but it is still not 12.

Not that anyone would agree that having a republican governor means you are a red state.

Not by a long shot.

Connecticut has two deep blue asshole senators.

Connecitcut voted for Biden.

Connecitcut is Blue.
Understand that Ed is mentally ill.
Funny how the party of the governor determined who to blame for Tramp's failed covid response.
An economy that LOST over 2 million jobs over his 4 years. The worst job creation since Hover.

Only because of Joe's buddies in China. However the US had the least GDP damage of all G7 countries outside of China, and that's only if you can trust their reporting.
China had nothing to do with Tramp's incompetence in dealing with the Trump Pandemic.
List the world leaders who dealt well.
Trump leads the world in total cases and total deaths, so every other leader in the whole world did better than Tramp!!!!!
That is due to the population density of Blue cities and everyone comes to the US for commerce.
Are you really this stupid?
The top cases per capita are nearly ALL Commie Red States!
Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop
1North Dakota100,942+951,457+298,797688132,4591,912408,613536,194762,062[1] [2][projections]
2South Dakota114,493+1461,909+2110,4352,149129,4202,158431,342487,580884,659[1][projections]
3Rhode Island130,5022,5678,008119,927123,1892,4233,205,2523,025,6471,059,361[1] [2][projections]
4Utah377,4922,017362,87412,601117,7476293,984,8951,242,9653,205,958[1] [2] [3][projections]
5Iowa369,7955,630323,62440,541117,2071,7844,222,0491,338,1793,155,070[1] [2][projections]
6Tennessee789,65211,639765,44112,572115,6291,7046,963,5861,019,6826,829,174[1] [2] [3][projections]
8Oklahoma431,991+6254,701415,50011,790109,1721,1883,610,721912,4963,956,971[1] [2] [3][projections]
9Arkansas326,4995,437317,8833,179108,1911,8023,258,8501,079,8753,017,804[1] [2] [3] [4] [5][projections]
10Nebraska204,1622,124158,08043,958105,5421,098980,252506,7451,934,408[1] [2][projections]
11South Carolina532,549+1,6698,870+37238,343285,336103,4331,7236,319,2751,227,3505,148,714[1] [2] [3][projections]
12Kansas300,2134,863279,28316,067103,0491,6691,285,314441,1862,913,314[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9][projections]
14Mississippi300,577+6906,896+13283,9539,728100,9952,3172,522,676847,6312,976,149[1] [2] [3][projections]
15Indiana671,859+83612,846+22514,469144,54499,7981,9088,425,5521,251,5276,732,219[1] [2][projections]
16Idaho174,9431,90997,31575,71997,8941,0681,129,080631,8071,787,065[1] [2] [3][projections]
17Wisconsin569,364+4626,538+13556,3696,45797,7881,1233,235,370555,6735,822,434[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6][projections]
18Georgia1,031,71318,164557,166456,38397,1721,7117,940,014747,82910,617,423[1] [2][projections]
19Nevada298,6235,097261,88031,64696,9511,6552,814,250913,6713,080,156[1] [2][projections]
20Illinois1,207,847+1,67523,188+251,123,87560,78495,3181,83019,066,0701,504,60412,671,821[1] [2] [3] [4] [5][projections]
21Wyoming55,16369153,98548795,3131,194660,1641,140,654578,759[1] [2][projections]
22Montana101,726+1701,39299,2781,05695,1801,3021,132,5231,059,6431,068,778[1] [2] [3] [4][projections]
23Texas2,725,37446,4572,554,973123,94493,9921,60224,060,014829,77428,995,881[view by county] [1] [2] [3]
Cases! I don't give a shit about CPTs and IDC10s.
Where did people die?
21 of the top 27 states with the highest per capita death rates are shithole RED states.
Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop
1New Jersey834,715+3,86723,888+34604,724206,10393,9762,68911,130,7651,253,1558,882,190[view by county] [1][projections]
2New York1,774,490+5,63549,101+80880,010845,37991,2172,52440,989,9102,107,06519,453,561[view by county] [1] [2] [3][projections]
3Rhode Island130,5022,5678,008119,927123,1892,4233,205,2523,025,6471,059,361[1] [2][projections]
5Mississippi300,577+6906,896+13283,9539,728100,9952,3172,522,676847,6312,976,149[1] [2] [3][projections]
7Connecticut290,5777,765251,66831,14481,5022,1787,114,8231,995,5823,565,287[1] [2][projections]
8South Dakota114,493+1461,909+2110,4352,149129,4202,158431,342487,580884,659[1][projections]
9Louisiana436,4829,861420,4596,16293,8912,1216,206,0451,334,9804,648,794[view by county] [1][projections]
11Pennsylvania969,119+2,47224,639887,15257,32875,7011,92510,976,232857,38512,801,989[view by county] [1][projections]
12North Dakota100,942+951,457+298,797688132,4591,912408,613536,194762,062[1] [2][projections]
13Indiana671,859+83612,846+22514,469144,54499,7981,9088,425,5521,251,5276,732,219[1] [2][projections]
14New Mexico187,9843,849163,18020,95589,6521,8362,829,7421,349,5342,096,829[1] [2][projections]
15Illinois1,207,847+1,67523,188+251,123,87560,78495,3181,83019,066,0701,504,60412,671,821[1] [2] [3] [4] [5][projections]
16Arkansas326,4995,437317,8833,179108,1911,8023,258,8501,079,8753,017,804[1] [2] [3] [4] [5][projections]
17Iowa369,7955,630323,62440,541117,2071,7844,222,0491,338,1793,155,070[1] [2][projections]
18South Carolina532,549+1,6698,870+37238,343285,336103,4331,7236,319,2751,227,3505,148,714[1] [2] [3][projections]
19Georgia1,031,71318,164557,166456,38397,1721,7117,940,014747,82910,617,423[1] [2][projections]
20Tennessee789,65211,639765,44112,572115,6291,7046,963,5861,019,6826,829,174[1] [2] [3][projections]
21Michigan668,08516,730556,69794,65866,8961,67511,366,3421,138,1309,986,857[1] [2] [3] [4][projections]
22Kansas300,2134,863279,28316,067103,0491,6691,285,314441,1862,913,314[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9][projections]
23Nevada298,6235,097261,88031,64696,9511,6552,814,250913,6713,080,156[1] [2][projections]
USA Total30,025,480+31,323546,005+45022,080,4587,399,01790,7111,650377,121,4671,139,331
24Texas2,725,37446,4572,554,973123,94493,9921,60224,060,014829,77428,995,881[view by county] [1] [2] [3][projections]
25Delaware89,9111,49681,3197,09692,3331,536639,575656,807973,764[1] [2][projections]
26Ohio988,298+1,55817,871937,84232,58584,5491,52910,452,692894,22611,689,100[view by county] [1] [2] [3][projections]
27Florida1,973,109+5,24432,252+821,255,908684,94991,8681,50222,339,1821,040,10921,477,737[view by county] [1] [2] [3][projections]

12 of those states are blue states, moron.
name them, I see only NY, NJ, RI, CT,PEN, ILL, MI, and DEL, all the rest have GOPQ governors..

New Mexico's governor is a republican ? are a fool.
Ok I missed one, but it is still not 12.

Not that anyone would agree that having a republican governor means you are a red state.

Not by a long shot.

Connecticut has two deep blue asshole senators.

Connecitcut voted for Biden.

Connecitcut is Blue.
Understand that Ed is mentally ill.
Funny how the party of the governor determined who to blame for Tramp's failed covid response.

Trump's "failed" covid response? You had your flu shot yet or you're going to get it in the next couple months?

LOL, Democrats, lying douches all day every day.

Show Trump and refuse the shot. That'll fix him but good. Do it. Or in this case, don't do it ...
The death rate worldwide is 0.04% in the us it's 0.14%. 3 to 4 times the world average.

What does that have to do with unemployment? Read back. I just posted a graph showing we were 13th in the world for Covid death rate, and our numbers are phony to boot.

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