Biden and Democrat DOJ Manfully Send 69-Yr.-Old Peaceful Grandma J6 "Insurrectionist," with Cancer, to Federal Prison

Every person who dies from the hate group that tried to bring down our government and democracy and who would dump our constitution to stay in power , is one less that needs to be shot the next time they lose some election.
What a dumbass fucktard. ^^^

Start some more nationwide racial riots and see who gets shot, moron.

Bring it, coward. Bring it right now. The Koreans are waiting for you
They were traitors scumbag traitors, who sold out their flag, their constitution and their country , that scum is worse than anyone of the people that got clemency and got released early. A traitor to America is way worse than any killer of any time in history. There literally is nothing lower than a traitor like you.
It's people like you who are the reason this country is in a failed state today.
You are a small microbe that has no value and doesn't count, that will be the best you can expect as a epitaph on your gravestone. It can be shortened to just scum!

Coming from you I'll take that as a compliment.
What a dumbass fucktard. ^^^

Start some more nationwide racial riots and see who gets shot, moron.

Bring it, coward. Bring it right now. The Koreans are waiting for you
This he considers a response, Something about Racial riots and the Koreans , anyone have a clue. I'm going to tell him a little story to help him see his future as a proud card-carrying gun bubba. This is the future of the gun bubbas threats to anyone who isn't a hate Nazi like them.

And a whole military and military leaders that will blow your ass away if you try. Ya, they aren't going to take orders, they are going to switch to the stupid ignorant brain-dead side and support you. I know who you are, You are the hero that says, the only way you can take the guns out of your hands is when you are dead.
You will be running across the field as fast as you can, considering you belong to the old dumb fat man party. With a tank chasing you with the American flag waiving and the blare of the music to the national anthem playing and the soldiers with big smiles on their face, and just before they catch up to you, you will shit your pants and throw away your gun right before they drive over your fat ass. To the beautiful sound of Crunch, The new favorite sound of the left.
There is no reason to consider enemy democrats fellow Americans or anything other than deadly enemies. Any excuse to put them down like the diseased animals they are is a good excuse.
Love it from the hate group that tried to or supported bringing down the greatest democratic experiment in history , and who has decided or supported the assholes that want to throw our constitution out the window, or at least the parts that get in their hate party way. There is one true enemy of this country, and it isn't the ones who protested against cops killing blacks in an inordinate number.. Its the ones that put 140 cops in the hosp[ital when they fought to protect our democracy and country from traitors. These people are scum and have to be disposed of. and we are watching it happen as we speak.
Love it from the hate group that tried to or supported bringing down the greatest democratic experiment in history , and who has decided or supported the assholes that want to throw our constitution out the window, or at least the parts that get in their hate party way. There is one true enemy of this country, and it isn't the ones who protested against cops killing blacks in an inordinate number.. Its the ones that put 140 cops in the hosp[ital when they fought to protect our democracy and country from traitors. These people are scum and have to be disposed of. and we are watching it happen as we speak.

You need help with your hate problem.

The treatment the J6 prisoners are getting isn't meant to punish them as much as it is to instill fear into the public. This is how far they will take their political persecution. In this, enemy democrats are much like the drug cartels. They behead victims, dismember children, all to advertise their cruelty. To remind people of the punishment unless you do what you are told. Exactly what you are told.

The greatest experiment in democracy that the world has ever seen is OVER. It is dead. Murdered by enemy democrats creating tyranny out of freedom.
The treatment the J6 prisoners are getting isn't meant to punish them as much as it is to instill fear into the public. This is how far they will take their political persecution. In this, enemy democrats are much like the drug cartels. They behead victims, dismember children, all to advertise their cruelty. To remind people of the punishment unless you do what you are told. Exactly what you are told.

The greatest experiment in democracy that the world has ever seen is OVER. It is dead. Murdered by enemy democrats creating tyranny out of freedom.

Yes even Saddam Hussein had a sense of clemency for when to go light on his political enemies so as not to enrage them further and possibly eventually coopt some of them. He might say "ok I know you know the election was stolen but I just want you to stop saying it out loud." The Dems are clumsy at this game and if they are not careful they are going to see what a real insurrection is, and they are not going to like it. Half the cops and military will switch sides and then it's game on. "President John F. Kennedy - Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable."
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".......if they are not careful they are going to see what a real insurrection is, and they are not going to like it.
OK, I'll bite.
What does "a real insurrection" look like.
How do you know?

Half the cops and military will switch sides and then it's game on."
Got data?
Got a vetted link from a credible source?

If you don't, well, my friend........
"The poor thing."
So, OP Munkle, I would expect you saw the post by poster 2-cents (post #4 of this thread)?

What do you think of your harmless cancer-struck little grandma after that revelation?

Have you been duped?


What about poster White6's informative link?
Be sure to not only read the news report, but watch he news cast.

Have you been duped ....and.....snookered?

It's gotta be tough being you. IMO
Here is the local story from the state where she lives. Be sure to not only read the news report, but watch he news cast.

Taking a picture with a gun is not a crime except to libtards.


"The prosecutor said the government acknowledges Hemphill's lack of a criminal history and that, after then-President Donald Trump urged the protesters to leave, she tried to prevent other rioters from entering the Capitol."
There is this: "A federal judge on Tuesday ordered Pamela Hemphill to serve two months in jail and three years probation."
And then there is this: "The prosecutor said the government acknowledges Hemphill's lack of a criminal history and that, after then-President Donald Trump urged the protesters to leave, she tried to prevent other rioters from entering the Capitol."

So good on that.
Or else she may have gotten -- and deserved 12 months --- in jail.
So good on her.
Maybe use the two months to go on a keto diet, or paleo diet, or carb diet. What else has she got to do?
You need help with your hate problem.

Everyone that beat their way into the capital putting hundreds of cops in the hospital all should be dead , shot when they were beating on cops to kill them so they could force their way into the capital where they then shgit and pissed on the floor.
The treatment the J6 prisoners are getting isn't meant to punish them as much as it is to instill fear into the public. This is how far they will take their political persecution. In this, enemy democrats are much like the drug cartels. They behead victims, dismember children, all to advertise their cruelty. To remind people of the punishment unless you do what you are told. Exactly what you are told.

The greatest experiment in democracy that the world has ever seen is OVER. It is dead. Murdered by enemy democrats creating tyranny out of freedom.
wacka roo, Q anon maggot. Maga Maggot.
Yes even Saddam Hussein had a sense of clemency for when to go light on his political enemies so as not to enrage them further and possibly eventually coopt some of them. He might say "ok I know you know the election was stolen but I just want you to stop saying it out loud." The Dems are clumsy at this game and if they are not careful they are going to see what a real insurrection is, and they are not going to like it. Half the cops and military will switch sides and then it's game on. "President John F. Kennedy - Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable."
These traitors support every dictator and terrorist in the world, Them being domestic terrorist themselves, The MAGA Maggots are Just basic pond scum.

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