Biden and McConnell meet in Kentucky (Beautiful gesture of bipartisanship)

You have the right to say almost anything but when you insult Donald Trump, it shows that you are a traitor and a fake conservative. Go McCarthy!

Do you think I'm married to Trump, fool?

I don't follow in lockstep like you Democrat puppies do.
More PORK and ridiculous spending is the bipartisan way.
Not surprising you jerk your little winkie off to it.
I wish more politicians would be willing to reach across the aisle like these two., Unlike Donald Trump who just wants to be an extremist. The other party doesn't exist for him.

MAGA hates bipartisanship and cooperation. They must be hating this.
We get these moments and Mr McCarthy still wonders why he’s having trouble getting the votes necessary to become speaker. Some members of the Republican Party are finally standing up and saying “you can be with us or you can be with them. You cannot be with us both. Choose your side.” This is long past due.
We get these moments and Mr McCarthy still wonders why he’s having trouble getting the votes necessary to become speaker. Some members of the Republican Party are finally standing up and saying “you can be with us or you can be with them. You cannot be with us both. Choose your side.” This is long past due.
The GOP is showing voters their disdain for democracy and governing. They will pay for years to come.
The GOP is showing voters their disdain for democracy and governing. They will pay for years to come
Not at all. About 10% of Republican Representatives are showing the American people that they are sick and tired of the disgusting, corrupt, go-along to get-along system under which the House has done business for decades.

They are refusing to play the game by the Olde Rules and demanding that light be shown into corners the establishment really doesn’t want people looking into. They are demanding their party’s leadership treat the enemies of their party, their constituents, and frankly this country as a whole like actual ENEMIES instead of mere rivals.

This is exactly what Congress has needed for ages. I won’t claim these 20 or so dissidents are some paragons of high moral virtue themselves, but at least they’re trying to do something to move that legislative body in the Right direction.
Not at all. About 10% of Republican Representatives are showing the American people that they are sick and tired of the disgusting, corrupt, go-along to get-along system under which the House has done business for decades.

They are refusing to play the game by the Olde Rules and demanding that light be shown into corners the establishment really doesn’t want people looking into. They are demanding their party’s leadership treat the enemies of their party, their constituents, and frankly this country as a whole like actual ENEMIES instead of mere rivals.

This is exactly what Congress has needed for ages. I won’t claim these 20 or so dissidents are some paragons of high moral virtue themselves, but at least they’re trying to do something to move that legislative body in the Right direction.
Over 100 years and the nutty repubs decide to crash the House. They are looking like the fools they are.
You have the right to say almost anything but when you insult Donald Trump, it shows that you are a traitor and a fake conservative. Go McCarthy!
They are going to officiate the children of parents as objects of pedophile relationships.

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