Biden Announces $300 BILLION 'Inflation- Reducing Student Loan Pay-off' Decree

My daughter will graduate with her masters degree in May. She wont owe a dime to anyone. See....she worked very hard on her academics. She scored very high on the ACT. She got scholarships, grants, and worked a full time job. What she couldn't pay for (very little) her mother and I paid.

One thing that NEVER gets talked about is that college isnt for everyone. The world needs ditch diggers too!!!! If you are a C student that scored a 15 on the ACT you dont belong in college. And if you take out loans for school and spend some of that money on food, rent, and clothes....then NO ONE OWES YOU A DAMN THING.
My daughter will graduate with her masters degree in May. She wont owe a dime to anyone. See....she worked very hard on her academics. She scored very high on the ACT. She got scholarships, grants, and worked a full time job. What she couldn't pay for (very little) her mother and I paid.

One thing that NEVER gets talked about is that college isnt for everyone. The world needs ditch diggers too!!!! If you are a C student that scored a 15 on the ACT you dont belong in college. And if you take out loans for school and spend some of that money on food, rent, and clothes....then NO ONE OWES YOU A DAMN THING.

I had to pay for my undergrad degree. But for my masters and doctorate my employer paid. This is common. They wanted the best and were willing to invest.

Less than a third of the people who entered to doctoral program at the time I did completed. Too many think they should just be handed everything.
Hey the Democrats should call this massive debt-adding handout the 'Inflation-Reducing Student Loan Bailout Handout'....

Their sheep and rubes swallowded that falae laveling BS 'MARKETING TOOL' slapped on their last spending bill Without actually reading it, so it might work this time, too.


Leftists will never admit this, because they're miss-wired too, comes with the territory. Anyway, the left constantly think and practice opposites, miss-labels, and revised definitions. In this case they call this a "inflation reducing" act, but of course the net adds to inflation.

More than that they're once again rewarding bad behavior and irresponsibility, which to the rational head (excuses leftists) means it's an invitation for more.

One reason they do this is they desire a dumbed-down corrupt public, because they know full well which way they vote.

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