Biden Blames Guns

It is transparent as fuck that none of these motherfucking gun grabbing pieces of shit are in any way whatsoever interested in safety.

They are interested in disarming YOU so that you can't do anything to stop them when they do something that would warrant them get a shot.

This is what happens when authoritarians try to rule.
That tired old trope is no excuse. This wasn't a gang criminal deal. It is a disturbed adolescent, upon leaving a domestic situation where he shot his own grandmother. There is no way to say, he would have had the weapons, as his own state Senator, briefed by his own state police said he bought them on his birthday when he turned 18 as is legal in the State of Texas and most other states under federal fire arms laws.

And if he didn't get them legally, that would have stopped him from getting guns illegally, the most popular way criminals get guns for crime?

Step one in addressing this problem is to forget the theory guns turn people into criminals, and without guns, they would just be your average law abiding citizen.
Sharper than you and any other far left religious cult follower.

Of course the far left believes guns kill people..
I’ve never heard anybody say they believe such craziness. If that’s what you really think then you truly are dumber than door nails
You're never going to stop criminals from getting guns by taking them away from law abiding citizens. You get guns away from the criminal by passing tough laws and penalties from criminals having guns in the first place.

In NYC they had a Stop and Frisk law. It reduced murders, particularly black murders considerably. They were forced to get rid of it because the lowlifes took it to court. But after it was removed, murders shot right back up again within a few years. Why was it successful? Because it didn't affect the law abiding citizen, it only gave criminals more concern about illegally carrying firearms. That's how you approach the problem, go after the criminal.
You don’t think stop and frisk affected the law abiding citizen?! Are you high??
Yep. When they can show me how successful laws are against dangerous drugs like fentanyl from stopping people from taking or selling it, then we can extrapolate that success to guns. But as of last year, we had a record amount of OD deaths in the US, something like 104,000 if I'm not mistaken. It only got worse.
79,000 alone were from Fentanyl deaths. 79,000 dead Americans vs 19 dead Americans yet Dems are completely silent on taking action to prevent another 79,000.
There he goes again. Using the tragedy of dead kids for political grandstanding. What an asshole!!
Yup. The facts haven't even come out yet and Biden is already clamoring for gun control legislation that may have had no effect. In just about every mass shooting there is, the left cannot point to one "common sense" gun control law that would have prevented the shooting.
You fuckers want to pass laws to protect kids’ morals “don’t say gay” and protect kids’ feelings “anti-CRT” but don’t want to protect 2nd graders from being ripped to shreds by bullets? Um. Ok.
Look who's talking, your open borders policies killed 79,000 Americans with Fentanyl yet you double talking scumbags on the left avoid discussing that like the plague. 79,000 dead vs 19 dead, the left is 100% full of shit with no credibility. :eusa_hand:
Your post was a troll post, troll so get lost. :eusa_hand:
Your last two posts were trolling. Had nothing to do with the topic and were focused on trying to call me a name. Get a mirror and while you’re at it see if you can find your way back to the topic.
All these other great countries and none of you anti-gun leftists ever move there.

The fact of the matter is the US is the most diverse country in the world, and most of our crime is caused by minorities. In fact over 50% of our murders are committed by 13% of our population, and that are blacks, followed by Hispanics. And if you consider most murders are by males, its actually 8% of our society that leads the rest of the country.

You can't compare single culture or predominately white societies to ours. Keep the guns and take the minorities out of the picture, you'll see the US compare to many of those other single-culture societies you speak of. What was the name of this gunman again? Salvador Ramos? Certainly doesn't sound like anybody from European ancestor heritage to me.

actually, that 13% number is innacurate......young black males are about 7% of the is this group that is responsible for over 50% o the gun murder in the country......and the majority of their victims are young black men too...
We don't, anymore than we know everybody on the internet won't use various services for criminal activity or every driver on the road will be safe and never be intoxicated and get behind the wheel. But we don't take away internet access or driving privileges away from everybody to accomplish that.
Precisely, so rather than allowing everyone just to have Right to bear arms, do you think they need checked out, and their family too.?

Now, with the current mass killing, the 18 year old shot his grandmother first. So what did the grandmother know etc..? So when he reached 18, if he had to apply for a gun licence and him and his family checked, would there have been a possibility his grandmother would have raised some serious points?

At the end of the day, if you have a robust background check that involved family member interviews and doctor's records, anyone who's law abiding and would have no problem achieving a licence, has nothing to fear. Plus, that lad wouldn't have an AR-15 because that type of rifle is not suitable in a civilised society.
Biden blames Putin for our high cost of energy, mega MAGAs for his administration's massive failures and he blames the corporations for his inflation so he doesn't exactly have a stellar record of getting things right, does he?
Biden blames Putin for our high cost of energy, mega MAGAs for his administration's massive failures and he blames the corporations for his inflation so he doesn't exactly have a stellar record of getting things right, does he?
You don’t think the Ukraine war that was started by Putin has an effect on gas prices? You don’t think corporations have an impact on how they price their own goods? Have you looked at what kind of profits they have been making?
I think some if those guns must have the combination to the safe they live in!
You don’t think the Ukraine war that was started by Putin has an effect on gas prices? You don’t think corporations have an impact on how they price their own goods? Have you looked at what kind of profits they have been making?
Gas was sky high before then liar.
18 year olds aren’t adolescents. They are adults Even folks like Salvador Ramos
Bullsh#t. Here they can't even buy booze, usually need a co-signer for loans, have a low threshold of frustration and prone to acting without thinking of long term consequences, have a incident rate of suicide and establishing long term responsible relationship, miss more work, take foolish chances, more likely to be in an accident, careless as to who they associate with, cannot even hold a CDL Class A license, due to lack due to accident rate. Being legally able to sign contracts and be held liable in court as an adult, and join the military does not change the mentality and mental/emotional stability.

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