Biden Blames Guns

Tell me Big Bend Texas if you regard these two or four to be law abiding gun owners in America up until they did this:

In 2020, Boogaloo extremists reportedly sought to embed themselves in the George Floyd protests, hoping that they could use the cover of the demonstrators to murder law enforcement officials and spark a race war.​
One other member, Ivan Harrison Hunter, pleaded guilty last year after posing as a Black Lives Matter activist to shoot up a police station. Another, Aaron Swenson, was sentenced to 50 years after live-streaming his threats to murder police officers​

I ask you this Big Bend Texas because it’s all related to January 6 and what your sides’ political machine decided and attempted to do on the that pivotal date, was shit on the voting rights of 88 million Democrats who voted for Biden. Nine out of 10 black American voters are in that total.

Trump attempted to use fake electors from seven states that Biden won to force Mike Pence to deny counting those seven states which was an attempt to throw the 2020 election into chaos on Jan6.
And can you agree that the lawful gun owner, Stewart Rhodes, the founder of the Oath keepers, should be convicted of the Seditious Conspiracy charges against him for the role he played in helping Trump create chaos on Jan6 to stay in power.​

Trump’s ultimate goal was to create chaos. Creating chaos in the election process could lead to violence in the streets.

There are gun owners on the right in this country seriously interested in sparking a race war. They didn’t succeed on January 6 or during the Derek Chauvin protests. But if not for Vice President Mike Pence remaining loyal to the Constitution, Trump may have sparked the race war that the Boogaloo boys and Oath Keepers wanted.

This is all part of the same gun debate that led to the deaths of black people in the supermarket, 19 ten year olds in a classroom and a doctor and three others in a hospital all by assault rifle in two weeks. Are you on the side of National Rifle Association or the United States of America and it’s 240 years of democracy that’s so many Americans have given their lives to defend - Including black Americans. I am appalled knowing that the President of the United States about to finish his term would even think that it would be OK to not count the votes of my fellow Democrats who are black. It’s deplorable even if it’s not criminal. But I hope to hell that it will be found to be is criminal and you should too If you truly are a lawful gun owner and he loves his country that you and I live in
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Trump attempted to use fake electors from seven states that Biden won to force Mike Pence to deny counting those seven states which was an attempt to throw the 2020 election into chaos on Jan6.

Is the above true or false?
It takes around 7 months to process the federal papwerwork, etc, necessary to buy an assautl rifle.

Not the assault rifle that was used to mass murder 19 little kids in a classroom.

Which, like with all right, in no way means that it can be limited in any and every way.

Scalia said the second amendment was limited. What am I missing?
Nothing here changes the fact your argument was dismissed 2 decades ago.
I have never argued that it was not dismissed two decades ago.. I am merely stating what the second amendment actually says: The court dismisses half of the second amendment in regards to the militia and translates the term “people” to be a single individual. You gun scum we’re lucky to decades ago that’s all.
So you think you know more about our Constitution than people that studied it their entire lives?
Nope, I accept their decision. Because that’s democracy in action.

But I can read a simple sentence

The first part was admittedly disregarded.

I don’t think it makes sense to disregard what is written in the constitution, but that’s just me I guess
Not the assault rifle that was used to mass murder 19 little kids in a classroom.
An assault rifle has, in the US, never been used to murder 19 little kids in a classroom.
Not once.
As in exactly zero times.
You choose to be wrong.
Scalia said the second amendment was limited. What am I missing?
The part where this in no way means that it can be limited in any and every way.
Which, like with all right, in no way means that it can be limited in any and every way.

Scalia: 'Like most rights, the Second Amendment is not unlimited​

if it is not unlimited, that precisely means it can be limited in one or many ways.

Scalia’s full quote:

Like most rights, the right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited. From Blackstone through the 19th-century cases, commentators and courts routinely explained that the right was not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.”
Nope, I accept their decision. Because that’s democracy in action.

But I can read a simple sentence

The first part was admittedly disregarded.

I don’t think it makes sense to disregard what is written in the constitution, but that’s just me I guess

Then you must have glanced at it and not actually read it. It clearly states that the English language was used differently at the time. Therefore the Constitution must be read according to how they used English back in their day.
What a bunch of asswipes the Demoscum are. They're so fucking stupid they DON'T CARE that NO ONE HAS CONFIDENCE IN OUR ELECTIONS.
The majority of Americans have confidence that the 2020 election was secure and legitimate.
Your opinion is meaningless.
What about ten GOP half woke Senators

The list of items the group is discussing is fairly limited. It includes proposals to bolster mental health, strengthen the background check system for gun buyers, provide for safe storage of guns, and encourage states to pass “red flag” laws that allow authorities to temporarily seize firearms from people determined to be a danger to themselves or others​
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What about ten GOP half woke Senators

The list of items the group is discussing is fairly limited. It includes proposals to bolster mental health, strengthen the background check system for gun buyers, provide for safe storage of guns, and encourage states to pass “red flag” laws that allow authorities to temporarily seize firearms from people determined to be a danger to themselves or others​

On the GOP side we have back stabbers and RINO's. It doesn't make them right simply because they are technically a member of the Republican party. Look how many were against Trump and his successful policies.

So how would anybody provide "safe storage" for guns? How would they enforce it, do a search of your home periodically? The better question, how would safe storage have helped in this last school shooting case?

The next question is who would be in charge of making the decision somebody is a danger to themselves or others? A gun hating shrink? This would open up a back door to people who hate the 2nd amendment and our rights to firearms in general.

Strengthen the background system in what way? Add more intrusive regulations to our constitutional right to own or be in possession of a firearm?

Such a bill would never pass. Even if it did, I'm sure it would be met with multiple constitutional violations.
I don't even know what the hell that means, but yes, some parts of our society are violent. That's why it's important to have the tools to fight that violence. You leftists live in this delusion that the way to battle evil is to disarm good people, and then confused when we can't follow that logic. We in the real world understand the bad guys will never give up their guns. We realize that police are only good after a crime is committed. They are not there for our personal protection.

So if you can give us a plan on how to disarm the bad guys only, let us know what that is. We will try it out on recreational narcotics first to see if it works. How much you want to bet that it doesn't?
Very easy capital punishment for criminals that use firearms. Also bring back harsh prison conditions.
To ignore the militia reference they said the framers were hacking up a Hairball.

No, what they basically said is that the comma was used as a period at the time making two separate statements instead of one.

Back in the day there was no US military. If people were called for services of a militia, they were not provided arms by the federal or in this case, the state government. You had to bring your own gun and own ammo to engage in battle. Therefore if the Constitution didn't provide for private ownership of guns, there would be no militia to organize if they made laws against gun ownership. It would be an easy way to abolish any possibility of a militia without actually putting it into words.

More than that is you need to imagine the times. Believe it or not there were no cell phones to call the police or Super Walmart's to buy food. The only way to survive is to hunt or grow your own food. They had bad guys back then like we have today, plus they may have faced hostilities from angry Indian tribes and have to protect themselves and their families.

When you really think about it guns were more of a necessity when the Constitution was written than they are today. Not having a constitutional right to firearms would have meant certain death for a lot of people if government decided to make laws against firearm ownership.
So how would anybody provide "safe storage" for guns?
Ray From Cleveland is in favor of unsafe storage of firearms. No wonder half a million guns are stolen every year.

Ray From Cleveland favors the Travis McMichal Method. Leave your handgun in the pickup truck until it gets stolen and then chase down and shoot to kill the next stray Negro kid who has the audacity to steal your gun and jog through the neighborhood without it.
Trump had no successful policies including his last gasp attempt to overturn the election.

Trump's policies were too many to list. He kept jobs in this country by reducing taxes on our job creators and removing costly regulations. His policy that for every new business regulation made, two had to be removed in their place helped businesses greatly. He got rid of DumBama's policy of forcing schools to allow weirdos in dresses to compete in female athletics and use their dressing and rest room facilities. His Stay In Mexico policy was the best. It stopped people from coming in, applying for asylum, and then never to be seen again once allowed to roam the country supposedly waiting for their court date. On top of that, he told Mexico if they don't stop people from other countries crossing theirs to get to our boarder, they would lose their US foreign aid. He also changed the asylum policy to apply at a US embassy in your own country instead of coming to ours. If you did find a way to make it to our border and refused asylum from any other country along the way, that was automatic disqualification for US asylum.

While he was not able to totally get rid of Commie Care, he did manage to remove the fines for people the least able to afford medical insurance. Those were people that heavily relied on their income tax return that was stolen from them by Ears. 7 million Americans were able to give up their food stamp benefits due to more job opportunities and better income. Speaking of which, we hit a new high in median household income.

After Joe's buddies infected our country, we hit an unemployment high of 14.7% and brought that down to 6.7% in six months. Great economy or bad, our national average of gasoline never hit $3.00 a gallon. Trump signed a bill to restore funding to historic African American colleges that DumBama took away. He doubled the child tax credit, he doubled the standard tax deduction of working Americans.

He got rid of the phony Iran agreement that allowed them to build nuclear weapons unsupervised. He got rid of the Paris Accord that Dementia brought back that gave other members control over our industries . He got rid of net neutrality. He saved the suburbs by getting rid of DumBama's idiotic law that stopped cities from restricting multi-family housing.

The list just goes on and on.

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