Biden Blames Guns

The Right to Keep and Bear is as essential to liberty as the right to speak out against bad government.

They knew this and they knew you could not have an effective unorganized militia at the local level, much less raise a large militia in an emergency if they were not themselves already equipped with and proficient in the use of their own arms.

Which is why he never answered my question on how could an unarmed militia defend their state? The state didn't provide weapons, and you didn't sign up for a militia like you do for the military today. If a militia was needed, you had to bring your own arms and ammo. That could never happen in a disarmed society.
Stay on topic. This is the Biden Blames Guns thread. If you have a different agenda, take it to a different thread.
President Trump's exact words were "We are going to march to the Capital peacefully and patriotically."
He certainly did. Did he also;

Trump attempted to use fake electors from seven states that Biden won to force Mike Pence to deny counting those seven states which was an attempt to throw the 2020 election into chaos on Jan6.

Yes or no?
You should have no problem answering the following if you believe all American voters even voters who do not own guns should have their votes counted and winners and losers should be settled peacefully in accordance with the Constitution.

We shouldn't have to put up with your continuing to attempt to derail this thread.

I support the right to protest, I do not support the "right" to attempt to undo the results of an election by force even if you believe the other side stole the election.
He certainly did. Did he also;

Trump attempted to use fake electors from seven states that Biden won to force Mike Pence to deny counting those seven states which was an attempt to throw the 2020 election into chaos on Jan6.

Yes or no?
Stop derailing the thread
Which is why he never answered my question on how could an unarmed militia defend their state?

There is no such thing as an unarmed I and Justice Berger read the SA because all citizens have a right to keep and bear arms and hunt food and defend property as long as they are part of a well regulated community organized militia for the common defense or community defense in times of emergency,

What we have in modern times is some cobbled up right bestowed upon any cockamamie hillbilly or troubled youth who wants a gun to have essy access to them and zero association or obligation to their community “regulated” (in the SA but forgotten) in some way that firearms be strictly used and SECURED in the preservation of the common good and safety of all.

Jan6 was not in the common good that the SA is supposed to protect.
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There is no such thing as an unarmed I snd Justice Berger read the SA because all citizens have a right to keep and bear arms and hunt food and defend property as long as they are part of a well regulated community organized militia for the common defense or community defense in tones of emergency,
Burger made that up because he feared an armed populace. There is nothing in the writings of the founders who drafted, passed, and ratified the BOR supporting such an idiotic claim.
There is no such thing as an unarmed I snd Justice Berger read the SA because all citizens have a right to keep and bear arms and hunt food and defend property as long as they are part of a well regulated community organized militia for the common defense or community defense in tones of emergency,

What we have in modern times is some cobbled up right bestowed upon any cockamamie hillbilly or troubled youth who wants a gun to have essy access to them and zero association or obligation to their community “regulated” (in the SA but forgotten) in some way that firearms be strictly used and SECURED in the preservation of the common good and safety of all.

Jan6 was not in the common good that the SA is supposed to protect.
Jan 6th was not an armed insurrection and has nothing to do with a discussion of gun laws and rights so stop trying to derail the thread.

If an armed militia had taken the capitol by force that day we'd have a reason to discuss gun rights in that context but since they didn't this is just more bullshit and distraction on your part.
And what would you suggest?

Consequent strict weapon laws - and a very high barrier for the private use of war weapons.

We lock people up for committing crimes.

Too many people - much too long - in the wrong private institutions.

Throughout the years our liberal judges turned prisons into lowlife playgrounds, so criminals don't have a huge fear of being locked up.

Why should they have fear?

Most of them have been in prison before.

I heard from "the Germanitor" - he's one of your policemen - that his people (="you") have a trend not to give a fair second chance. So what you say here has perhaps partially something to do with reality - but represents in lots of other cases perhaps only a prejudice. I remember in this context someone who got a job after he had been in prison. The police arrested him without any reason to do so for three days and so the result had been he lost this job. Later he had a new job - and again came a warrant of arrest - also without any sense - but this time he fled and asked for help before to be again in a totally helpless situation in jail and to lose again this job. ...

The police are only good AFTER a crime is committed.

Another way to see such a problem is for example the sentence "A policemen is the first social worker in front of the real problems of a societey." Could be a good idea to listen what real policemen say and to think about what kind of training they really need.

Up to that point you can only defend yourself and family against an attacker.

Why should someone attack you or a member of your family? How high is this risk? How high is the risk to get probems because of the own weapon-fetishism? What makes this all with your complete country? ...

How does one do that against an armed criminal?

I remember in this context that I stepped once - I was very young - between some policemen and a bank robber with my back to the policemen and my face to the robber. Life is life-threatening - but in this case no one had to die.

I'm a black belt in Kenpo.

In what? ... Ed Parkers Kenpo ... Hmmm ... pragmatism in the centre, I guess. I'm not only a friend of pragmatism.

One of the lessons they teach you is there is no reasonable way to defend yourself against a person with a gun.

So it makes sense to make strict weapon laws.

If they have the gun and you don't, you lost that battle.

Maybe. Maybe not. The bible says: "Who takes the gun will die by the gun."

They're either going to seriously injure or kill you, or otherwise take all your personal belongings.

Why should anyone kill me - except he is a Nazi. Since decades I live with the imagination one day I will leave my home and a Nazi is stabbing me in the back. That's not any reason for me to buy a weapon although I am on a death list of the Nazis.
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DBA with what do you disagree ? Why? Are you Swiss?
Not Swiss, but I disagree with just about everything you say regarding guns in the US. You seem to have this fantasy that we can ban guns and they will all just go away. The United States is much, much, much larger than Germany, in fact, our country is almost as large as all of Europe. The ideas that work in your very small countries to not always translate to countries as large and diverse as the US.
He could have killed and wounded many times that number if he'd just waiting till school got out and the kids were lined up to get on busses and hanging out on the lawn by ramming his truck through them.
FACTS though: he waited 8 months to turn 18 to easily and legally buy his weapon
of choice an assault rifle.
I support the right to protest, I do not support the "right" to attempt to undo the results of an election by force even if you believe the other side stole the election.
Even when the election was blatantly stolen like it was in 2020? Stolen elections should be overturned.

If Americans can't protest against a stolen election then what in the hell should they protest against?
Big Bend Texas
There is nothing in the writings of the founders who drafted, passed, and ratified the BOR supporting such an idiotic claim.
Except this one sentence.

FACTS though: he waited 8 months to turn 18 to easily and legally buy his weapon
of choice an assault rifle.
Fun fact: the last four mass shootings were by nutcases that passed the Federal background check.

That shows us that background checks are absolutely worthless, doesn't it?

How come the stupid Liberals are telling us that we should do more? That is kinda stupid, isn't it?

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