Biden Blames Guns

Ray From Cleveland is in favor of unsafe storage of firearms. No wonder half a million guns are stolen every year.

Ray From Cleveland favors the Travis McMichal Method. Leave your handgun in the pickup truck until it gets stolen and then chase down and shoot to kill the next stray Negro kid who has the audacity to steal your gun and jog through the neighborhood without it.

Who said I was against safe storage? I'm against the government mandating it. Many of the firearms stolen are from cars which I don't believe we hold the gun owners responsible enough. It gives people the opportunities that straw buying does. Sell a gun to somebody that isn't allowed to have one, call the police, and report your gun was stolen out of your vehicle. In most states there is no penalty for it. I never leave my gun in my car for that reason. My gun always comes with me.
Very easy capital punishment for criminals that use firearms. Also bring back harsh prison conditions.

And you have my support on those items. Unfortunately along the way, leftist judges ruled many treatments of prisoners as unconstitutional citing cruel and unusual punishment. Now our prisons are lowlife playgrounds. The problem with capital punishment is it takes too long to carry out and is not a deterrent. Do you care about what happens to you 15 to 20 years from now? You might be dead by then. Prisoners don't care either.

What we need to do is fast track capital punishment for offenders that are convicted with empirical evidence such as video recordings and or DNA. No more 20 years of appeals. I'd even go one step further by making all executions public, perhaps on a pay-per-view channel. All proceeds would go to the families of the victims.

Issa, I think we are going to make a Republican out of you yet. :badgrin:
No, what they basically said is that the comma was used as a period at the time making two separate statements instead of one.

Although a period instead of a comma between “free state. the right of the
people” means the first word of the second sentence is not capitalized but the first word in the first sentence is capitalized. “A well regulated militia.. “

And the first sentence becomes an incomplete sentence.

“A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of s free state.” Uuihhh whatabout it Mr framer?

being necessary is used in a subordinate clause that contains a verb and a subject but cannot stand on it own as a complete sentence snd does not express a complete idea,

Subordinating conjunctions​

This type of conjunction includes words like because, if, although, since, until, and while. A subordinating conjunction is used to introduce a dependent clause. so it must always be attached to an independent clause. In contrast to an independent clause, a dependent clause (also known as a subordinate clause) is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb but cannot stand as a complete sentence on its own.​
A dependent clause does not express a complete idea, so it must always be attached to an independent clause.​
View attachment 653374
Although a period instead of a comma between “free state. the right of the
people” means the first word of the second sentence is not capitalized but the first word in the first sentence is capitalized. “A well regulated militia.. “

And the first sentence becomes an incomplete sentence.

“A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of s free state.” Uuihhh whatabout it Mr framer?

being necessary is used in a subordinate clause that contains a verb and a subject but cannot stand on it own as a complete sentence snd does not express a complete idea,

Subordinating conjunctions​

This type of conjunction includes words like because, if, although, since, until, and while. A subordinating conjunction is used to introduce a dependent clause. so it must always be attached to an independent clause. In contrast to an independent clause, a dependent clause (also known as a subordinate clause) is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb but cannot stand as a complete sentence on its own.​
A dependent clause does not express a complete idea, so it must always be attached to an independent clause.​

And again they used different punctuation back then. The appeals court ruled that the Washington ban was unconstitutional along with the SC that ruled the same understanding how the comma was used at the time. It's the intent our founders had on firearms more than anything.

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms."
- Thomas Jefferson, Virginia Constitution, Draft 1, 1776

"What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms."
- Thomas Jefferson, letter to William Stephens Smith, son-in-law of John Adams, December 20, 1787

"The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."
- Thomas Jefferson, Commonplace Book (quoting 18th century criminologist Cesare Beccaria), 1774-1776

"I ask who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people, except a few public officers."

“A militia when properly formed are in fact the people themselves…and include, according to the past and general usuage of the states, all men capable of bearing arms… "To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."
- Richard Henry Lee, Federal Farmer No. 18, January 25, 1788

There are countless quotes about the intention of our forefathers, but the point is they had no intent to restrict firearms to militias only. The right to bear arms were for all free Americans, not just those intending to go to war against a tyrannical government. And as I stated above, people back then needed firearms more than we do today. It was part of their survival.
No, what they basically said is that the comma was used as a period at the time making two separate statements instead of one.

No. Let’s leave the comma there and let the subordinating conjunction “being necessary” do it’s job,

With the original writing not butchered by the greedy gun lobby we can agree on the way Justice Burger reads it and what gun scum pulled off:

A NIxon Appointed Supreme Court Justice.

The gun lobby’s interpretation of the Second Amendment is one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word fraud, on the American People by special interest groups that I have seen in my lifetime” — comes from an interview kBurger gave to PBS News in 1991.
“the real purpose of the Second Amendment was to ensure that state armies, the militia, would be maintained for the defense of the state” comes from an articles Burger wrote for The Associated Press about the Bill of Rights in 1991.
“The very language of the Second Amendment refutes any argument that it was intended to guarantee every citizen an unfettered right to any kind of weapon he or she desires” — comes from an articles Burger wrote for The Associated Press about the Bill of Rights in 1991.

So what did you learn? The above is a sentence that is separated by three commas, Burger is right .. the sentence cannot be split at the commas into two separate thoughts. The first phrases do not make sense without being connected to the end,

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, ????

So the Feds cannot infringe upon the right of the people to keep and bear arms to protect the state as part of a well regulated militia
Tell me Big Bend Texas if you regard these two or four to be law abiding gun owners in America up until they did this:

In 2020, Boogaloo extremists reportedly sought to embed themselves in the George Floyd protests, hoping that they could use the cover of the demonstrators to murder law enforcement officials and spark a race war.​
One other member, Ivan Harrison Hunter, pleaded guilty last year after posing as a Black Lives Matter activist to shoot up a police station. Another, Aaron Swenson, was sentenced to 50 years after live-streaming his threats to murder police officers​

I ask you this Big Bend Texas because it’s all related to January 6 and what your sides’ political machine decided and attempted to do on the that pivotal date, was shit on the voting rights of 88 million Democrats who voted for Biden. Nine out of 10 black American voters are in that total.

Trump attempted to use fake electors from seven states that Biden won to force Mike Pence to deny counting those seven states which was an attempt to throw the 2020 election into chaos on Jan6.
And can you agree that the lawful gun owner, Stewart Rhodes, the founder of the Oath keepers, should be convicted of the Seditious Conspiracy charges against him for the role he played in helping Trump create chaos on Jan6 to stay in power.​

Trump’s ultimate goal was to create chaos. Creating chaos in the election process could lead to violence in the streets.

There are gun owners on the right in this country seriously interested in sparking a race war. They didn’t succeed on January 6 or during the Derek Chauvin protests. But if not for Vice President Mike Pence remaining loyal to the Constitution, Trump may have sparked the race war that the Boogaloo boys and Oath Keepers wanted.

This is all part of the same gun debate that led to the deaths of black people in the supermarket, 19 ten year olds in a classroom and a doctor and three others in a hospital all by assault rifle in two weeks. Are you on the side of National Rifle Association or the United States of America and it’s 240 years of democracy that’s so many Americans have given their lives to defend - Including black Americans. I am appalled knowing that the President of the United States about to finish his term would even think that it would be OK to not count the votes of my fellow Democrats who are black. It’s deplorable even if it’s not criminal. But I hope to hell that it will be found to be is criminal and you should too If you truly are a lawful gun owner and he loves his country that you and I live in
Have you always been such an idiot? Obviously they are not law abiding citizens if they are committing acts of terrorism.
I ask you this @Big Bend Texas because it’s all related to January 6 and what your sides’ political machine decided and attempted to do on the that pivotal date, was shit on the voting rights of 88 million Democrats who voted for Biden. Nine out of 10 black American voters are in that total.
Why do you continue lying? I've never been a Trump supporter or voter.
No. Let’s leave the comma there and let the subordinating conjunction “being necessary” do it’s job,

With the original writing not butchered by the greedy gun lobby we can agree on the way Justice Burger reads it and what gun scum pulled off:

A NIxon Appointed Supreme Court Justice.

The gun lobby’s interpretation of the Second Amendment is one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word fraud, on the American People by special interest groups that I have seen in my lifetime” — comes from an interview kBurger gave to PBS News in 1991.
“the real purpose of the Second Amendment was to ensure that state armies, the militia, would be maintained for the defense of the state” comes from an articles Burger wrote for The Associated Press about the Bill of Rights in 1991.
“The very language of the Second Amendment refutes any argument that it was intended to guarantee every citizen an unfettered right to any kind of weapon he or she desires” — comes from an articles Burger wrote for The Associated Press about the Bill of Rights in 1991.

So what did you learn? The above is a sentence that is separated by three commas, Burger is right .. the sentence cannot be split at the commas into two separate thoughts. The first phrases do not make sense without being connected to the end,

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, ????

So the Feds cannot infringe upon the right of the people to keep and bear arms to protect the state as part of a well regulated militia

You keep editing the full quote: The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. It is a separate statement. Otherwise it would read "the right of a militia to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

So riddle me this: how could a disarmed militia defend their state?
This is all part of the same gun debate that led to the deaths of black people in the supermarket, 19 ten year olds in a classroom and a doctor and three others in a hospital all by assault rifle in two weeks.
No it isn't. The only guns used during the January 6th riot are those used by capitol police.
You keep editing the full quote: The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. It is a separate statement. Otherwise it would read "the right of a militia to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

So riddle me this: how could a disarmed militia defend their state?
Simple, like the rest of the gun grabbers he has to intentionally misrepresent it in order to use it to bolster his arguments.
Then you must have glanced at it and not actually read it. It clearly states that the English language was used differently at the time. Therefore the Constitution must be read according to how they used English back in their day.
If the Constitution is not read in the language of the Day and Context of the times in which it is written you can make it say anything you want, thus rendering it moot.

The Constitution has always been an impediment blocking their path to "Progress".
Why do you continue lying? I've never been a Trump supporter or voter.
Why did you lie right there? I did not say you are a Trump supporter liar voter. I said very distinctly “your sides”. political machine.

I ask you this Big Bend Texas because it’s all related to January 6 and what your sides’ political machine decided and attempted to do on the that pivotal date, was shit on the voting rights of 88 million Democrats who voted for Biden. Nine out of 10 black American voters are in that total
Why did you lie right there? I did not say you are a Trump supporter liar voter. I said very distinctly “your sides”. political machine.

I ask you this Big Bend Texas because it’s all related to January 6 and what your sides’ political machine decided and attempted to do on the that pivotal date, was shit on the voting rights of 88 million Democrats who voted for Biden. Nine out of 10 black American voters are in that total
You lie reflexively. "My side" did not participate in nor support the riot at the Capitol on January 6th and none of this has anything to do with a discussion of gun rights and the 2nd Amendment.
He's defenseless because to my knowledge, no founder or forefather ever wrote that our society should be disarmed. There are plenty of quotes stating the opposite.
The Right to Keep and Bear is as essential to liberty as the right to speak out against bad government.

They knew this and they knew you could not have an effective unorganized militia at the local level, much less raise a large militia in an emergency if they were not themselves already equipped with and proficient in the use of their own arms.
Why did you lie right there? I did not say you are a Trump supporter liar voter. I said very distinctly “your sides”. political machine.

I ask you this Big Bend Texas because it’s all related to January 6 and what your sides’ political machine decided and attempted to do on the that pivotal date, was shit on the voting rights of 88 million Democrats who voted for Biden. Nine out of 10 black American voters are in that total

President Trump's exact words were "We are going to march to the Capital peacefully and patriotically." In fact if you are familiar with the entire thing, Trump offered military support ahead of time so that something like the riot couldn't break out. His offer was refused by DC stating it would be bad optics.
President Trump's exact words were "We are going to march to the Capital peacefully and patriotically." In fact if you are familiar with the entire thing, Trump offered military support ahead of time so that something like the riot couldn't break out. His offer was refused by DC stating it would be bad optics.
They never let the facts get in the way of a good rant.
I don't vote for parties, I'm an independent and always have been.
You should have no problem answering the following if you believe all American voters even voters who do not own guns should have their votes counted and winners and losers should be settled peacefully in accordance with the Constitution.


Trump attempted to use fake electors from seven states that Biden won to force Mike Pence to deny counting those seven states which was an attempt to throw the 2020 election into chaos on Jan6.

And can you agree that the lawful gun owner, Stewart Rhodes, the founder of the Oath keepers, should be convicted of the Seditious Conspiracy charges against him for the role he played in helping Trump create chaos on Jan6 to stay in power.

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