Biden Blocked Texas from Increasing Power Ahead of Enduring Storm

Fake news. The power plants that they were planning on using didn't start and didn't generate any amount of energy for the grid. The price is a red herring. The wholesale price spiked to more than 6 times the amount the DOE set.

Texas GOP allowed the power companies to choose not to winterize. It wasn't wind turbines (although they should have been winterized too.) It wasn't the DOE or President Joe. It was the Texas Government that is to blame.
The Biden document is posted in the thread.
Once again you’re wrong.
Read the whole document and don't cherry-pick. Biden did good.
Yes, killing children by freezing them to death is honorable.
Crazy Uncle Joe killed more Americans this month than Middle East Muslims.

Bullshit. The gas pipes froze, the windmills froze, the water lines froze all because the governor did not winterize.

Why the FUCK does Texas need to "Winterize"?????? I thought we were in the middle of unprecedented manmade global warming????

Why you ask?? Because they had a huge winter storm, global warming notwithstanding. And it is not just global warming, lambchop. It is FUCKING
climate change. Got it yet?
When you push an agenda, you must be efficient. And Progs are not efficient in many agendas. Back in 1970 the predictions of the oceans rising and overwhelming all the coasts of the world in short time did not happen. South Jersey was supposed to be under water with the ocean lapping up against Philadelphia. Half of Florida was supposed to be under water also. What happened? There are changes a bit to areas and beaches and barrier islands. Most of it is mother nature that is natural to the earth over billions of years with influence from the sun.
Fake news. The power plants that they were planning on using didn't start and didn't generate any amount of energy for the grid. The price is a red herring. The wholesale price spiked to more than 6 times the amount the DOE set.

Texas GOP allowed the power companies to choose not to winterize. It wasn't wind turbines (although they should have been winterized too.) It wasn't the DOE or President Joe. It was the Texas Government that is to blame.
The Biden document is posted in the thread.
Once again you’re wrong.
Read the whole document and don't cherry-pick. Biden did good.
Yes, killing children by freezing them to death is honorable.
All of a sudden you care about children? That is what the governor is responsible for, yes?
Crazy Uncle Joe killed more Americans this month than Middle East Muslims.

Bullshit. The gas pipes froze, the windmills froze, the water lines froze all because the governor did not winterize.

Why the FUCK does Texas need to "Winterize"?????? I thought we were in the middle of unprecedented manmade global warming????

Why you ask?? Because they had a huge winter storm, global warming notwithstanding. And it is not just global warming, lambchop. It is FUCKING
climate change. Got it yet?
When you push an agenda, you must be efficient. And Progs are not efficient in many agendas. Back in 1970 the predictions of the oceans rising and overwhelming all the coasts of the world in short time did not happen. South Jersey was supposed to be under water with the ocean lapping up against Philadelphia. Half of Florida was supposed to be under water also. What happened? There are changes a bit to areas and beaches and barrier islands. Most of it is mother nature that is natural to the earth over billions of years with influence from the sun.
so it's all a fraud, yes? Like the covid.
Fake news. The power plants that they were planning on using didn't start and didn't generate any amount of energy for the grid. The price is a red herring. The wholesale price spiked to more than 6 times the amount the DOE set.

Texas GOP allowed the power companies to choose not to winterize. It wasn't wind turbines (although they should have been winterized too.) It wasn't the DOE or President Joe. It was the Texas Government that is to blame.
The Biden document is posted in the thread.
Once again you’re wrong.

The story is wrong — the Energy Department did not "block" Texas from increasing power production before the winter storm hit. The "major smoking gun" cited by InfoWars is actually an emergency order that temporarily suspended federal emissions caps in the state so that some power plants could operate at maximum capacity.

On Feb. 15, ERCOT reported that about 34 gigawatts of power were offline, mainly due to frozen instruments at natural gas and coal plants.

On Feb. 14, the same day ERCOT sent its letter, the Energy Department issued an emergency order granting ERCOT’s request.
Fake news. The power plants that they were planning on using didn't start and didn't generate any amount of energy for the grid. The price is a red herring. The wholesale price spiked to more than 6 times the amount the DOE set.

Texas GOP allowed the power companies to choose not to winterize. It wasn't wind turbines (although they should have been winterized too.) It wasn't the DOE or President Joe. It was the Texas Government that is to blame.
The Biden document is posted in the thread.
Once again you’re wrong.
Read the whole document and don't cherry-pick. Biden did good.
Yes, killing children by freezing them to death is honorable.
All of a sudden you care about children? That is what the governor is responsible for, yes?
Yes, the Governor should have told Biden to shove his order up his fat ass.
Bullshit. The gas pipes froze, the windmills froze, the water lines froze all because the governor did not winterize.

Natural gas wells and pipes ill-equipped for cold weather are a big reason why millions of Texans lost power during frigid temperatures this week. As temperatures dropped to record lows across some parts of the state, liquid inside wells, pipes, and valves froze solid.

Ice can block gas flow, clogging pipes. It’s a phenomenon called a “freeze-off” that disrupts gas production across the US every winter
Wait. What? It happens every winter across the US?

Then why is everyone bashing Texas for not being prepared?
Nostra, let's focus on why you believed a hoax. Why do you always end up embarrassed? Do you not learn from past mistakes?
Like the way you bastards never learned from Russian Collusion??
Yeah, you're right, it's pretty pathetic the way you Lemmings keep falling for these Democrat frauds.
Crazy Uncle Joe killed more Americans this month than Middle East Muslims.

Bullshit. The gas pipes froze, the windmills froze, the water lines froze all because the governor did not winterize.
Just can't pull your head out of your ass long enough to look at the facts?
Crazy Uncle Joe killed more Americans this month than Middle East Muslims.

Fake news. Obscure nutty source.
You are so full of chit---if you think it is a lie---why not research instead of posting smears. Don't you think Huizenga for playing his games should be arrested for the deaths of all those innocent victims of the Lib communists Green energy money grab stunt.

The order shows Acting Energy Secretary David Huizenga did not waive environmental restrictions to allow for maximum energy output, instead ordering ERCOT to utilize all resources in order to stay within acceptable emissions standards – including purchasing energy from outside the state.
Fake news. The power plants that they were planning on using didn't start and didn't generate any amount of energy for the grid. The price is a red herring. The wholesale price spiked to more than 6 times the amount the DOE set.

Texas GOP allowed the power companies to choose not to winterize. It wasn't wind turbines (although they should have been winterized too.) It wasn't the DOE or President Joe. It was the Texas Government that is to blame.
The Biden document is posted in the thread.
Once again you’re wrong.

The story is wrong — the Energy Department did not "block" Texas from increasing power production before the winter storm hit. The "major smoking gun" cited by InfoWars is actually an emergency order that temporarily suspended federal emissions caps in the state so that some power plants could operate at maximum capacity.

On Feb. 15, ERCOT reported that about 34 gigawatts of power were offline, mainly due to frozen instruments at natural gas and coal plants.

On Feb. 14, the same day ERCOT sent its letter, the Energy Department issued an emergency order granting ERCOT’s request.
Ask yourself why the federal government refused to allow Texas to be able to respond to the demand before a natural disaster took place.

Instead of being there to help....the feds hindered the smooth operation of the energy grid.

BTW, as soon as you find out how an energy grid works and what can go wrong, then you can refute any claims you say are false.
Crazy Uncle Joe killed more Americans this month than Middle East Muslims.

How did the Biden administration stop texas from increasing power to their grid, which they deregulated and isolated specifically to avoid federal oversight?

Could you stop with the lies and conspiracies, just for one day?
Crazy Uncle Joe killed more Americans this month than Middle East Muslims.

Bullshit. The gas pipes froze, the windmills froze, the water lines froze all because the governor did not winterize.
and the numerous Texas Govts before him. With that said, they needed more power....that is what this request was about, which the Biden admin destroyed
Wrong. They have never had weather like this and their grid was not a part of the national scheme. Texas did its own thing to avoid regulations, and this is the result.

I've lived here in south Texas for over 40 years and yes we have this kind of artic cold. Texas passed a law that allowed the energy producers to skate, they only recommended winterizing they didn't require it.

Though in the past you haven't seen this level of discomfort etc...I am curious if prior Federal Enviromental regs were waived, or I guess even existed to the level they do today
I've found that information is more reliable by going straight to the source. No, I didn't read the article but rather went straight to the Engergy Department's order which was displayed and I assume was the basis of the article. The order specifically gave the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) exemption from environmental rules to deal with the situation.
DOE 202(c) Emergency Order - ERCOT 02.14.2021.pdf (

Fake news. The power plants that they were planning on using didn't start and didn't generate any amount of energy for the grid. The price is a red herring. The wholesale price spiked to more than 6 times the amount the DOE set.

Texas GOP allowed the power companies to choose not to winterize. It wasn't wind turbines (although they should have been winterized too.) It wasn't the DOE or President Joe. It was the Texas Government that is to blame.
The Biden document is posted in the thread.
Once again you’re wrong.

The story is wrong — the Energy Department did not "block" Texas from increasing power production before the winter storm hit. The "major smoking gun" cited by InfoWars is actually an emergency order that temporarily suspended federal emissions caps in the state so that some power plants could operate at maximum capacity.

On Feb. 15, ERCOT reported that about 34 gigawatts of power were offline, mainly due to frozen instruments at natural gas and coal plants.

On Feb. 14, the same day ERCOT sent its letter, the Energy Department issued an emergency order granting ERCOT’s request.
Ask yourself why the federal government refused to allow Texas to be able to respond to the demand before a natural disaster took place.

Instead of being there to help....the feds hindered the smooth operation of the energy grid.

BTW, as soon as you find out how an energy grid works and what can go wrong, then you can refute any claims you say are false.
Oh....and a big problem here is the fact that Democrats screwed up the grid in Texas so much that customers are getting bills for $17,000.00
Who do you think will the customer blame for this silly nonsense?
More fake news - Same shit you'll find at their sister site NewsPunch.
Lol .. get away from the tinfoil sources eh?

Your News Wire - Conspiracy - Fake News - Not Credible - Right Biased

Your News Wire - Pseudoscience - Fake News - Not Credible - Right Biased

Factual Reporting: Low - Not Credible - Not Reliable - Fake News - Bias

Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not alwayssupported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information, therefore fact checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources.

Update: As of November 2018 YourNewsWire redirects to a new website called News Punch.
  • Overall, we rate YourNewsWire a Tin Foil Hat level conspiracy website that has zero credibility due to the routine publishing of fake news.
Crazy Uncle Joe killed more Americans this month than Middle East Muslims.

Bullshit. The gas pipes froze, the windmills froze, the water lines froze all because the governor did not winterize.
and the numerous Texas Govts before him. With that said, they needed more power....that is what this request was about, which the Biden admin destroyed
Wrong. They have never had weather like this and their grid was not a part of the national scheme. Texas did its own thing to avoid regulations, and this is the result.

I've lived here in south Texas for over 40 years and yes we have this kind of artic cold. Texas passed a law that allowed the energy producers to skate, they only recommended winterizing they didn't require it.

Though in the past you haven't seen this level of discomfort etc...I am curious if prior Federal Enviromental regs were waived, or I guess even existed to the level they do today

Actually, down here the hurricanes have been worse. I don't remember this many plants failing at the same time. The worst I remember was in 89. But there were a lot less people here and a lot less stress on the grid that winter.

Best investment I ever made, a generator, paid off again last week.
Fake news. The power plants that they were planning on using didn't start and didn't generate any amount of energy for the grid. The price is a red herring. The wholesale price spiked to more than 6 times the amount the DOE set.

Texas GOP allowed the power companies to choose not to winterize. It wasn't wind turbines (although they should have been winterized too.) It wasn't the DOE or President Joe. It was the Texas Government that is to blame.
The Biden document is posted in the thread.
Once again you’re wrong.
Read the whole document and don't cherry-pick. Biden did good.
Yes, killing children by freezing them to death is honorable.
All of a sudden you care about children? That is what the governor is responsible for, yes?
Yes, the Governor should have told Biden to shove his order up his fat ass.

Another of your threads has failed - Take a nap or surf porn please.
Crazy Uncle Joe killed more Americans this month than Middle East Muslims.

Bullshit. The gas pipes froze, the windmills froze, the water lines froze all because the governor did not winterize.
and the numerous Texas Govts before him. With that said, they needed more power....that is what this request was about, which the Biden admin destroyed
Wrong. They have never had weather like this and their grid was not a part of the national scheme. Texas did its own thing to avoid regulations, and this is the result.

I've lived here in south Texas for over 40 years and yes we have this kind of artic cold. Texas passed a law that allowed the energy producers to skate, they only recommended winterizing they didn't require it.

Though in the past you haven't seen this level of discomfort etc...I am curious if prior Federal Enviromental regs were waived, or I guess even existed to the level they do today

Actually, down here the hurricanes have been worse. I don't remember this many plants failing at the same time. The worst I remember was in 89. But there were a lot less people here and a lot less stress on the grid that winter.

Best investment I ever made, a generator, paid off again last week.
I am sure!

Yep, different parts of the country all I have different needs....obviously unexpected things can come up, such as this, but the idea is managing it when a crisis happens.

The Biden Admin refusing to simply waive the Enviromental restrictions was a horrible choice, that really put a strain on the entire system
More fake news - Same shit you'll find at their sister site NewsPunch.
Lol .. get away from the tinfoil sources eh?

Your News Wire - Conspiracy - Fake News - Not Credible - Right Biased

Your News Wire - Pseudoscience - Fake News - Not Credible - Right Biased

Factual Reporting: Low - Not Credible - Not Reliable - Fake News - Bias

Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not alwayssupported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information, therefore fact checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources.

Update: As of November 2018 YourNewsWire redirects to a new website called News Punch.
  • Overall, we rate YourNewsWire a Tin Foil Hat level conspiracy website that has zero credibility due to the routine publishing of fake news.
The source here, which is in the the actual Order from the Biden Admin.....

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