Biden Bus sees US/Police/Trump Flags on pickup trucks, Biden Cancels Texas campaign event.

Next, when you take the position that the US flag represents you but not EVERY OTHER AMERICAN, you are not only mistaken, but you are demonstrating how unAmerican you are. That flag does not belong to fucking Trump fans.
Funny, I never said the US flag only represented President Trump supporters.

Funny how US flags are nowhere to be seen at leftwing protests. If someone does have one, they get attacked and usually they try to steal the flag so they can burn it or throw it on the ground.

It’s the left who feel they aren’t represented by the US flag. That’s why they make new flags like the rainbow flag to represent special groups. To lefties, the US flag doesn’t represent them. In fact, they now view it as a symbol of racism.
Second, there is no such thing as a ”police flag”. There is a flag that RW nutbags use to say that they support cops without lifting a finger. They also use that flag to say that they think black lives ain't so important. Own the truth.
If that’s the case, there is no such thing as a “Black Lives Matter” flag. It’s a Marxist flag that represents how much they hate cops and America.

Sorry, dumbass. Your weak attempt to deflect fails.
Next, when you take the position that the US flag represents you but not EVERY OTHER AMERICAN, you are not only mistaken, but you are demonstrating how unAmerican you are. That flag does not belong to fucking Trump fans.
Funny, I never said the US flag only represented President Trump supporters.

Funny how US flags are nowhere to be seen at leftwing protests. If someone does have one, they get attacked and usually they try to steal the flag so they can burn it or throw it on the ground.

It’s the left who feel they aren’t represented by the US flag. That’s why they make new flags like the rainbow flag to represent special groups. To lefties, the US flag doesn’t represent them. In fact, they now view it as a symbol of racism.

You are making shit up. Fail.
This is quite humorous.
CNN talking heads get all upset over about 6 or 7 vehicles with flags riding along a Biden bus like it is a horror movie scene - but repeatedly understated wide-scale, nationwide looting/rioting/large scale arson etc. by leftist. And insisted on calling them "protestors" and still do.
But - OH MY GOD - a handful of mean people give a Biden bus a hard time and it is the 2nd coming.


And it is of course OBVIOUS they used this as an excuse to cancel the event.
They would have only had maybe a couple hundred people there at most... so it is more useful to use the media as loudspeakers and outrage machines than to speak to a handful of people who probably already voted.
The national media is an absolute joke now. CNN is just a propaganda machine for the left.
Just Trump supporters continuing to devolve further into the metastasizing cancers they've become. Can't win a fight straight up so time to drag out the intimidation tactics.
You do know they're liable to backfire though, right?
What those Trumpers did was fascist thuggery at its finest. If you love American democracy you will vote the Trumpist creeps out on Tuesday.
Driving along a bus is “fascist thuggery”?

But it’s perfectly fine for Biden BLM thugs to block traffic and attack vehicles.
it absolutely is. The Trumpist goons were not only engaged in political intimidation but also in criminal conduct in attempting to force the bus off the road. I hope this trash is found and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
If you love American democracy you will vote the Trumpist creeps out on Tuesday.
The US is a Republic you fucking Publicly Educated idiot-
Another dumbsit comment From Mr. GED. We have a Republic, moron, with democratic institutions. Is your stupidity an act? I sincerely hope so.
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Just Trump supporters continuing to devolve further into the metastasizing cancers they've become. Can't win a fight straight up so time to drag out the intimidation tactics.
You do know they're liable to backfire though, right?
What those Trumpers did was fascist thuggery at its finest. If you love American democracy you will vote the Trumpist creeps out on Tuesday.
Driving along a bus is “fascist thuggery”?

But it’s perfectly fine for Biden BLM thugs to block traffic and attack vehicles.
it absolutely is. The Trumpist goons were not only engaged in political intimidation but also in criminal conduct in attempting to force the bus off the road. I hope this trash is found and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
When did they “force it off the road”?
Just Trump supporters continuing to devolve further into the metastasizing cancers they've become. Can't win a fight straight up so time to drag out the intimidation tactics.
You do know they're liable to backfire though, right?
What those Trumpers did was fascist thuggery at its finest. If you love American democracy you will vote the Trumpist creeps out on Tuesday.
Driving along a bus is “fascist thuggery”?

But it’s perfectly fine for Biden BLM thugs to block traffic and attack vehicles.
it absolutely is. The Trumpist goons were not only engaged in political intimidation but also in criminal conduct in attempting to force the bus off the road. I hope this trash is found and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
When did they “force it off the road”?
I suppose you missed the word “attempting” Please read a post thoroughly before you reply.
Just Trump supporters continuing to devolve further into the metastasizing cancers they've become. Can't win a fight straight up so time to drag out the intimidation tactics.
You do know they're liable to backfire though, right?
What those Trumpers did was fascist thuggery at its finest. If you love American democracy you will vote the Trumpist creeps out on Tuesday.
Driving along a bus is “fascist thuggery”?

But it’s perfectly fine for Biden BLM thugs to block traffic and attack vehicles.
it absolutely is. The Trumpist goons were not only engaged in political intimidation but also in criminal conduct in attempting to force the bus off the road. I hope this trash is found and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
When did they “force it off the road”?
I suppose you missed the word “attempting” Please read a post thoroughly before you reply.
When did they “attempt” to?

Here is what forcing a vehicle to stop looks like:

Did you condemn this? No, you support BLM and their fascist thug tactics.
Just Trump supporters continuing to devolve further into the metastasizing cancers they've become. Can't win a fight straight up so time to drag out the intimidation tactics.
You do know they're liable to backfire though, right?
What those Trumpers did was fascist thuggery at its finest. If you love American democracy you will vote the Trumpist creeps out on Tuesday.
Driving along a bus is “fascist thuggery”?

But it’s perfectly fine for Biden BLM thugs to block traffic and attack vehicles.
it absolutely is. The Trumpist goons were not only engaged in political intimidation but also in criminal conduct in attempting to force the bus off the road. I hope this trash is found and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
When did they “force it off the road”?
I suppose you missed the word “attempting” Please read a post thoroughly before you reply.
When did they “attempt” to?

Here is what forcing a vehicle to stop looks like:

Did you condemn this? No, you support BLM and their fascist thug tactics.

I do not and never have condoned such behavior. I condemn violence in all forms. Do you condemn the Trumpist goons?
I do not and never have condoned such behavior. I condemn violence in all forms. Do you condemn the Trumpist goons?
Bullshit. If you did condemn such behavior you wouldn’t support the Biden-Harris ticket that promoting donating to pay for the bail and release of violent political rioters.

Driving down a highway with some flags on your truck isn’t illegal. There is nothing to condemn.
Another dumbsit comment From Mr. GED. We have a Republic, moron, with democratic institutions. Is your stupidity an act? I sincerely hope so.
I'll be your huckleberry, stupid- try me - I believe, someone a bit more intelligent than you (or I) said it best- a republic, ma'am, if you can keep it- we have a republic. Period. Representatives of elected Empy Suits to represent a "whole", as in a district- a democracy, moron, is mob rule- in our repuclic the mob is the Duopoly Party representing fools, such as yourself, who, for some reason, believe they're something that ain't- get over your Publicly Educated self- words mean things or they don't-
Just Trump supporters continuing to devolve further into the metastasizing cancers they've become. Can't win a fight straight up so time to drag out the intimidation tactics.
You do know they're liable to backfire though, right?
Some Trump supporters following a Biden bus, how horrible. You would think they ruined an innocent man's life by destroying their business or killing an innocent child. You think that is okay.
What those Trumpers did was fascist thuggery at its finest.
Fascist, you Publicly Educated idiot, is not perpetrated by citizens-
Hey Dumbshit, Trump publicly supported and endorsed this fascist thuggery. These Trumpist goons tried to force the Biden bus off the road. If that isn’t political intimidation nothing is.

Get your friggin head out of Trump’s ass and put that GED of yours to good use and think for once in your life.
That fable has been debunked.
I just saw this- " Get your friggin head out of Trump’s ass and put that GED of yours to good use and think for once in your life."

I'll be your huckleberry, stupid- try me.
First, Biden would beat the shit out of Trump in the ring. Trump is a man who does not know how to handle himself. He's soft.

Second, there is no such thing as a ”police flag”. There is a flag that RW nutbags use to say that they support cops without lifting a finger. They also use that flag to say that they think black lives ain't so important. Own the truth.

Next, when you take the position that the US flag represents you but not EVERY OTHER AMERICAN, you are not only mistaken, but you are demonstrating how unAmerican you are. That flag does not belong to fucking Trump fans.

Finally, the behavior of those Trombie morons on that highway was reckless and illegal. If you were a ”law and order” American, that would be the focus of this thread.
We support the police. You loons want to defund the. You loons even celebrate when an innocent cop is being murdered.
I just saw this- " Get your friggin head out of Trump’s ass and put that GED of yours to good use and think for once in your life."

I'll be your huckleberry, stupid- try me.
Your dealing with the like of this.
Just Trump supporters continuing to devolve further into the metastasizing cancers they've become. Can't win a fight straight up so time to drag out the intimidation tactics.
You do know they're liable to backfire though, right?
What those Trumpers did was fascist thuggery at its finest. If you love American democracy you will vote the Trumpist creeps out on Tuesday.
Driving along a bus is “fascist thuggery”?

But it’s perfectly fine for Biden BLM thugs to block traffic and attack vehicles.
it absolutely is. The Trumpist goons were not only engaged in political intimidation but also in criminal conduct in attempting to force the bus off the road. I hope this trash is found and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
When did they “force it off the road”?
I suppose you missed the word “attempting” Please read a post thoroughly before you reply.
Please show the video, or shut up.

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