Biden Bus sees US/Police/Trump Flags on pickup trucks, Biden Cancels Texas campaign event.

Just Trump supporters continuing to devolve further into the metastasizing cancers they've become. Can't win a fight straight up so time to drag out the intimidation tactics.
You do know they're liable to backfire though, right?
Just some saying how does it feel your side has been doing this shit for decades.........UP YOURS........

KARMA IS A BITCH........NOW GO CRY TO YOUR MOMMY...........You think people are gonna let you get away with your BS

Biden was perfectly safe............none there would have caused harm..........because we still believe in law and order...........yours side........NOT SO MUCH.

Don't count those chickens before they hatch. That karma..runs in both directions.
Republicans had two years of a majority and did exactly..NOTHING!
Stop with the law and order shit. It ain't washing anymore.
Considering you guys support BLM and antifa, you have nothing to cry about, babies.

Same shit reply after reply. Just like the rest of your deplorable crew, no interest in any of the reasons behind the protests. Well, you cling to that "law and order" bullshit. Beings as the guy you support should be on the other end of the whole "order" part. :)
Just Trump supporters continuing to devolve further into the metastasizing cancers they've become. Can't win a fight straight up so time to drag out the intimidation tactics.
You do know they're liable to backfire though, right?

Let us know when they do two billion in riot damage like your people.


Hmmm. I don't condone violence or property damage by anyone. Then again, I also don't condone kidnapping and/or murder plots against government matter which party they belong to. Didn't see you and your ilk condemning the plot against Gov Whitmer or the talk against the governor of Virginia. Those are just "patriots"..right?

Yeah, those kidnappers were BLM, you might want to check your sources next time.
Not a good move by those Trump extremists.
However, had it been a trump campaign vehicle, it would have been surrounded, cut off and lit fire by BLM and antifa democrats and the area would have been turned into an autonomous zone.
Dems on this forum would have remained silent or blamed it on boogaloo.

A man of integrity would have ended that post after the first sentence. But, true to form, you had to make up some
shit to make you feel better. Weak. All Trump supporters are of weak character.
Wrong. I recognize and call out good and bad on both sides.
Difference is in the level of extremism. You can’t admit that.
Just Trump supporters continuing to devolve further into the metastasizing cancers they've become. Can't win a fight straight up so time to drag out the intimidation tactics.
You do know they're liable to backfire though, right?
What those Trumpers did was fascist thuggery at its finest. If you love American democracy you will vote the Trumpist creeps out on Tuesday.
Driving along a bus is “fascist thuggery”?

But it’s perfectly fine for Biden BLM thugs to block traffic and attack vehicles.
But it’s not fine for BLM to block traffic because when a vehicle attempts to escape the BLM road-blocking threat, that vehicle is deemed by MSM as a threat to peaceful BLM protesters. ;)
Not a good move by those Trump extremists.
However, had it been a trump campaign vehicle, it would have been surrounded, cut off and lit fire by BLM and antifa democrats and the area would have been turned into an autonomous zone.
Dems on this forum would have remained silent or blamed it on boogaloo.

A man of integrity would have ended that post after the first sentence. But, true to form, you had to make up some
shit to make you feel better. Weak. All Trump supporters are of weak character.
Wrong. I recognize and call out good and bad on both sides.
Difference is in the level of extremism. You can’t admit that.

Once again, you fail the integrity test. The appropriate response to the undeniable truth that I laid out before you is acquiescence. A simple
”touché” would have sufficed.
Just Trump supporters continuing to devolve further into the metastasizing cancers they've become. Can't win a fight straight up so time to drag out the intimidation tactics.
You do know they're liable to backfire though, right?
Just some saying how does it feel your side has been doing this shit for decades.........UP YOURS........

KARMA IS A BITCH........NOW GO CRY TO YOUR MOMMY...........You think people are gonna let you get away with your BS

Biden was perfectly safe............none there would have caused harm..........because we still believe in law and order...........yours side........NOT SO MUCH.

Don't count those chickens before they hatch. That karma..runs in both directions.
Republicans had two years of a majority and did exactly..NOTHING!
Stop with the law and order shit. It ain't washing anymore.
Considering you guys support BLM and antifa, you have nothing to cry about, babies.

Same shit reply after reply. Just like the rest of your deplorable crew, no interest in any of the reasons behind the protests. Well, you cling to that "law and order" bullshit. Beings as the guy you support should be on the other end of the whole "order" part. :)

We know the reasons. YOu are anti-American racist assholes in open insurrection against a duly elected President.
Just Trump supporters continuing to devolve further into the metastasizing cancers they've become. Can't win a fight straight up so time to drag out the intimidation tactics.
You do know they're liable to backfire though, right?
Just some saying how does it feel your side has been doing this shit for decades.........UP YOURS........

KARMA IS A BITCH........NOW GO CRY TO YOUR MOMMY...........You think people are gonna let you get away with your BS

Biden was perfectly safe............none there would have caused harm..........because we still believe in law and order...........yours side........NOT SO MUCH.

Don't count those chickens before they hatch. That karma..runs in both directions.
Republicans had two years of a majority and did exactly..NOTHING!
Stop with the law and order shit. It ain't washing anymore.
Considering you guys support BLM and antifa, you have nothing to cry about, babies.

Same shit reply after reply. Just like the rest of your deplorable crew, no interest in any of the reasons behind the protests. Well, you cling to that "law and order" bullshit. Beings as the guy you support should be on the othe end of the whole "order" part. :)
Bullshit lies from you and Ilk like you.
Just Trump supporters continuing to devolve further into the metastasizing cancers they've become. Can't win a fight straight up so time to drag out the intimidation tactics.
You do know they're liable to backfire though, right?
What those Trumpers did was fascist thuggery at its finest. If you love American democracy you will vote the Trumpist creeps out on Tuesday.
Driving along a bus is “fascist thuggery”?

But it’s perfectly fine for Biden BLM thugs to block traffic and attack vehicles.
The democrat thugs just attacked the wrong vehicle.
the video...epic

Unlike the claims, it would seem they are driving along with the bus. Nothing illegal about that.
If they were “blockading” the bud or stopping it, I would imagine the police would have stepped in. And if they did that, yes they should be arrested.
But as usual, what the libs claim doesn’t seem to match reality.
What those Trumpers did was fascist thuggery at its finest.
Fascist, you Publicly Educated idiot, is not perpetrated by citizens-
Hey Dumbshit, Trump publicly supported and endorsed this fascist thuggery. These Trumpist goons tried to force the Biden bus off the road. If that isn’t political intimidation nothing is.

Get your friggin head out of Trump’s ass and put that GED of yours to good use and think for once in your life.
More claims. Please show us a video of this happening.
Just Trump supporters continuing to devolve further into the metastasizing cancers they've become. Can't win a fight straight up so time to drag out the intimidation tactics.
You do know they're liable to backfire though, right?
What those Trumpers did was fascist thuggery at its finest. If you love American democracy you will vote the Trumpist creeps out on Tuesday.
Driving along a bus is “fascist thuggery”?

But it’s perfectly fine for Biden BLM thugs to block traffic and attack vehicles.
Lol. Good point.
Blocking roads, destroying peoples cars, attacking them... just “peaceful protesting”.
Driving on the same road as Hoe Hidin’s bud... fascist thuggery that can not be tolerated.
These same people crying about this are perfectly ok with the riots, attacking people, blocking roads, etc. Thry excuse it every way possible, and even go so far as to say what we are seeing isn’t real, Antifa is imaginary, all those black folks looting are actually white supremacists, etc.

Id like to see some videos of them attempting to run the bus off the road, btw. Surely someone videotaped this, right?
Evidence shows the Biden car ramming the Trump car.
Uh oh. Another thread full of liberal Lies blowing up.
No one “blockaded” the bus. No one ran it off the road. They merely drove along with it. And a Hoe Hidin campaign clown driving a truck crashed into one of the pro-Trump vehicles, and this is being investigated.
Just another incident of outright lies by the media, and reporting full of inflammatory words and statements like “they ambushed the Biden bus, they were attempting to intimidate voters, tried running it off the road, etc”.
All bullshit.
I’m sure the folks who posted earlier in here about the “trumpster fascist thuggery” will be along any minute to apologize.
Lol. Yeah right. They will either duck out of this thread, or just keep repeating the lies.
If you love American democracy you will vote the Trumpist creeps out on Tuesday.
The US is a Republic you fucking Publicly Educated idiot-
Can a Republic be a Republic without being a Democracy?
Democracies are mob rule------where everyone votes. Republics are representative governments where they try to limit the town drunks and fools from choosing the leaders.
Republicans do their jobs. We don't abuse our positions based on made up bullshit stories we tell ourselves about our opponents being EVUL, or some such shit.
Of course Republicans do. Trump especially. He’s been corrupting government to support his re-election for years now.

Police get involved too.


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