Biden calls Fox reporter a “stupid SOB” after he asks question

A paper route is not a successful business. If you define success by the amount of money one accumulates then you are a bigger dumbass than I thought. Al Capone, Bernie Madoff Putin, Kim Jong Un on and on. Many very wealthy people are crooks and disgusting humans. I do not consider that a success. I am very wealthy. Do you consider me a success?
No you are an insulting troll. You have utterly failed to address what I wrote many posts ago about chapter 11 I’m beginning to think you don’t know shit you just like to come here and insult people.
You caught me off guard. Reagan did not inherit the largest jump in inflation, it happened in his first year in office. Just like Biden has experienced.
Biden is Reagan like.

"Inflation rises 7% over the past year, highest since 1982"​

Inflation rises 7% over the past year, highest since 1982
Inflation peaked under Carter in April of 1980 at 14.8%. When Reagan took office in January 1981 inflation was at 11.8%. By the end of December 1981 inflation was at 8.9%, 5.9% less than when he took office. Biden's numbers are the opposite. He started at 1.4% and is up to 7%, up 5.6%. This is all according to your graph. When Reagan left office in January 1989 inflation was at 4.7.

Not sure where you are coming up with Reagan having a large jump in inflation, can you explain?
Biden doesn't have any economic failures, clown. Trump had economic failures. Biden has the most successful first year economy of any President in the last century.

Yes, the Troo Beleevers will not hold Biden responsible for anything.
Too soon for a link, but Peter Doocey asked Biden a question about inflation, and Biden - in his typical, out-of-control anger - called him a “stupid son of a bitch.”

No wonder they don’t let Biden talk. Anger and senility do not a good president make.
Thief in Chief Biden should go look in the mirror.
Simply stating facts.
So, the article you posted is lying? Why did you post it? And if it's lying about their role and who they are supporting then how can we know they aren't lying about the number of troops there. Oh, any btw you have no understanding of the Syrian situation if you think the only people there are Assad and ISIS.
So, the article you posted is lying? Why did you post it? And if it's lying about their role and who they are supporting then how can we know they aren't lying about the number of troops there. Oh, any btw you have no understanding of the Syrian situation if you think the only people there are Assad and ISIS.

I posted to show where you were lying about Trump getting us out of Syria. The only people to advise is Assad or Isis.
But not the guy who shits in a gold toilet in a condo high above NYC?
You fucked up. Don't try to change the subject.

So you think Biden, who's been in government service almost 5 decades, is just one of the guys. Is he one of the guys he challenged to a push-up contest? Is he one of the guys he said he didn't work for?
No Biden stopped the pipeline and did away with pumping on federal land.
The pipeline that pumped Canadian tar sand to the gulf coast, where it was refined, and put directly on ships for export. That oil was never intended to be used here. The oil companies make a fortune on that scheme, but it gives us the liability of potential oil spills in sensitive aquafers, with not a drop more for our consumption.
Did anyone else notice that the "hot mike" statement was the only thing Xiden didn't muck up with incoherence?

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