Biden calls Fox reporter a “stupid SOB” after he asks question

He actually answered. He said that inflation would help them. Dem supporters are too uninformed to catch what he said.
Nah….it was just a nasty bit of sarcasm. That’s what stupid people do when they can‘t frame an intelligent, knowledgeable response.
I'm not talking about just this thread....

I've said two positive things about Biden. He beat Trump and he got us out of Afghanistan. I supported Trump saying we should end the wars. I also noted he was unlikely to do it and unfortunately that was the case.
Just like Reagan did in his first year.

Reagan was a capitalist, and surrounded himself with a cabinet made up of capitalists. Biden's cabinet on the other hand, is packed full of Marxists and socialists.

Remember what they say? "Communism has never worked because we haven't tried it in this country."

That's why Biden will fail. His entire presidential policy is based on redistribution of wealth, which is why he is failing, and will continue to fail.
I gotta tell ya, momma--Biden is not a warmonger, so better in his hands than in "locked and loaded" tump's hands for sure. It is a good thing, because unintended consequences will come into play during the decision-making process, rather than bullying, threatening gestures and consideration for today only.
Hey moron, why are Xiden’s people and the media sounding the drums and trying to start a war with Russia? Oh yeah, they need a distraction and the rubes who worship them will dutifully look at the squirrel over there and ignore the huge problems at home.
Conservatives know all about Alinsky
They study his tactics
Wow. Talk about projection.

Conservatives know about Alinsky because we have seen his rules and recognize how you left wing kooks have followed those rules. Rules designed for the leftwing sociopaths.

You’re right in part, though. We do study his rules to see what your comrades are up to. Identify it. Expose it. Prevent it.
I've said two positive things about Biden. He beat Trump and he got us out of Afghanistan. I supported Trump saying we should end the wars. I also noted he was unlikely to do it and unfortunately that was the case.
Come on now, tell the truth, you've been on the 'anti Republican' side of issues the entire time you've been here...

Show me one thread you started defending a Republican agenda...
Come on now, tell the truth, you've been on the 'anti Republican' side of issues the entire time you've been here...

Show me one thread you started defending a Republican agenda...

Why change the subject? I have never claimed to support much of anything the Republicans support. The issue I also have with Democrats is in actual practice they support most of the same things.
Biden needs to stop playing the 'tough guy' schtik by pointing his finger and screaming like a madman everytime someone calls him out for failure after failure. He's a joke.

He can scream at someone from NPR, but he runs away from the Taliban, abandoning Americans he promised he would not leave.

He can rebuke Trump for how he u professionally treated the media only to turning into a raving lunatics start calling report we s 'SOB'...

He's cowered from the Taliban

He's conceded violence against Ukraine to Putin

He's protected his billion-dollar CCP benefactors who unleashed the virus killing millions all over the world, killing Americans

He has kissed Iran's behind

But He's a world-class American / US reporter ass-kicking machine...
I'm not an idiot snowflake and think Biden is a stupid son of a bitch.
Sorry - I made a mistake. I humbly apologize ... just blame my confusion on that one on my COVID bad!!!

I agree with you
Fox has testified in court that reasonable people do not take their content seriously

Dooch Boy is FAKE NEWS
And your favorite CNN is full of pedos. And it’s Mancow that the courts also said only an idiot would take seriously.
Why change the subject? I have never claimed to support much of anything the Republicans support. The issue I also have with Democrats is in actual practice they support most of the same things.
So, you're further left than the Dems today?
So, you're further left than the Dems today?

I fully support the 2nd amendment. I believe we need a balanced budget. I support keeping the electoral college, the Supreme Court at 9. I am pro-life. What makes me "further left"?
Since you don’t have the brains God gave a rock, you can’t see that Xiden (who you worship) was given chance to explain to the country how he would fix this. Instead, to the cheers of cult members like you, he curses the reporter and refuses to answer.
False, Biden answered. To point out it was a stupid question it was, he sarcastically said, that's a great asset... more inflation... what a stupid son-of-a-bitch.
He actually answered. He said that inflation would help them. Dem supporters are too uninformed to catch what he said. Imagine that...this president saying that inflation would help the dems reelection chances. now what does he know (like 2020) that we don't know.
Is it Biden's fault you can't detect the sarcasm of his comment?

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