Biden calls Trump a "climate arsonist'. Fires are a threat to suburbs, he accurately says

Very good one by Joe. Trump
1) Has ended protections to the environment, and
2) says global warming is a Chinese hoax.

Meanwhile climate change makes wildfires worse.

Meanwhile radical leftists are being arrested by private citizens at gunpoint for engaging in the actual crime of arson across the nation.

Very good one by Joe. Trump
1) Has ended protections to the environment, and
2) says global warming is a Chinese hoax.

Meanwhile climate change makes wildfires worse.
So Trump is now responsible for all of the excess carbon emitted into the air since the 1950's.

Hmmm. You have a solid point! It was only the rate of carbon emissions during his term (which has gone down faster than ANY industrialized nation and has actually met the Paris Accord requirements) that actually started the fires in California. It had nothing to do with liberal policies on forrest management for the last 25 years. Nothing to do with fuel loading. AND if you believe in climate change induced by man - nothing to do with the last 75 years.

You're fucking brilliant! I nominate you for a NobLE peace prize.
Very good one by Joe. Trump
1) Has ended protections to the environment, and
2) says global warming is a Chinese hoax.

Meanwhile climate change makes wildfires worse.

Meanwhile radical leftists are being arrested by private citizens at gunpoint for engaging in the actual crime of arson across the nation.

Can you see California catching one of these flamers? Two hours he would have been bailed, free to start more fires. He would then see trial where some liberal judge wants to cure him instead of putting him away. Then not profiling police run up against a brick wall trying to stop all the fires now burning, unless police have already been defended.
Very good one by Joe. Trump
1) Has ended protections to the environment, and
2) says global warming is a Chinese hoax.

Meanwhile climate change makes wildfires worse.

Meanwhile radical leftists are being arrested by private citizens at gunpoint for engaging in the actual crime of arson across the nation.

Hell, even after the arsonist are caught, the commies let them go to start more fires.

Within Hours After Democrats Release Alleged Domestic Terrorist Arrested for Arson, He Allegedly Starts Six More Fires #GlobalWarmingStrikesAgain

Very good one by Joe. Trump
1) Has ended protections to the environment, and
2) says global warming is a Chinese hoax.

Meanwhile climate change makes wildfires worse.

Very true.

People aren't afraid of their suburb being taken over by minorities or being burned from riots.

They are afraid that their home will be destroyed by a wildfire.

Notice the fires are now moving east. It's not just the 3 west coast states anymore,

Governor Newsom is right, what is happening here in the west is coming to their state soon.

Just as Cuomo and Inslee warned the red states that the virus was coming to their states. I'm afraid those red states will do what they did with the warning of the virus, ignore it.
If there is real global climate change, there really is not a lot we can do about it. We can however adjust to it. Build better habitations and infrastructure. Use intelligence where we build or know there can be an issue and take nature head on in areas we can reduce the damage in any catastrophic events. You ain't stealing any money from us anymore. Or you will find the step and fetchit way of working for many more people then we have today.
Very good one by Joe. Trump
1) Has ended protections to the environment, and
2) says global warming is a Chinese hoax.

Meanwhile climate change makes wildfires worse.

Very true.

People aren't afraid of their suburb being taken over by minorities or being burned from riots.

They are afraid that their home will be destroyed by a wildfire.

Notice the fires are now moving east. It's not just the 3 west coast states anymore,

Governor Newsom is right, what is happening here in the west is coming to their state soon.

Just as Cuomo and Inslee warned the red states that the virus was coming to their states. I'm afraid those red states will do what they did with the warning of the virus, ignore it.
If there is real global climate change, there really is not a lot we can do about it. We can however adjust to it. Build better habitations and infrastructure. Use intelligence where we build or know there can be an issue and take nature head on in areas we can reduce the damage in any catastrophic events. You ain't stealing any money from us anymore. Or you will find the step and fetchit way of working for many more people then we have today.

There is real climate change in the sense of micro plastics and honey bee populations...but communists dont' care about these things since fixing them doesn't increase their control.
Very good one by Joe. Trump
1) Has ended protections to the environment, and
2) says global warming is a Chinese hoax.

Meanwhile climate change makes wildfires worse.

In February of this year a report was published that argued California needed to burn 20 million acres of forest in order to restore forest health. Controlled/prescribed burns can do a lot to keep stop wildfires from spreading, it's a damn shame they are effectively prohibited by rules like the Clean Air Act.

The Clean Air Act treats the smoke from a controlled/prescribed burn as a pollutant that has to be analyzed and then permitted before the burn can be done. It can take up to 18 months to plan a controlled/prescribed burn. The smoke from a wildfire is not looked at the same way, but I think we would all agree that the environmental impact of a multi-state wildfire is much larger than that of a smaller controlled burn...

There's a whole lot more to what's going on that just climate change and, for as much as I dislike Trump, I would suggest Biden take some time to learn a thing or two about the situation rather than just grabbing the talking points and calling Trump names to score some points.

Democrats are a unique group of people. I've always said, the best part about being a Democrat is never having to say you were wrong.

They lost the 2016 election. Was it because they had a bad candidate? No, it was because of Russian collusion.

They lost the House in 2010. Was it because of Obama Care and other insane ideas? No, it was because Americans were turning racist.

They lost the Gore/ Bush election. Was it because of Gore and his extreme climate change stance? No, it was because of the Supreme Court.

They lost the Kerry/ Bush election. Was it because some of the things Kerry did or said? No, it was because of Diebold machines.

Democrat citizens are destroying Democrat cities, because a black career criminal died at the hands of a white police officer in another Democrat city. Is it because Democrat Mayors and Governors are gutless to stop the riots? No. It's because the Republican President taunts racism, even though nobody on the left can give one instance of that.

California forests are catching fire all the time. Is it because of leftists kooks setting them on fire, or perhaps refusing to cleanup dead wood instead of worrying about the ecosystem? No, it's because Trump lowered pollution standards.

Four words you will never hear a Democrat speak: It was our fault.
Very good one by Joe. Trump
1) Has ended protections to the environment, and
2) says global warming is a Chinese hoax.

Meanwhile climate change makes wildfires worse.

Meanwhile, Governor Gavin Newsom is bowing, scraping and thanking President Trump for his support and direct help in fighting the fies in California... Newsom also finally identifies the need for forest and vegetation management that has been lacking and mismanaged in the Western States for decades.

Gavin Newsom will say and/or do anything to get federal funds.
He'll say anything. He won't do shit.
Very good one by Joe. Trump
1) Has ended protections to the environment, and
2) says global warming is a Chinese hoax.

Meanwhile climate change makes wildfires worse.

Meanwhile, Governor Gavin Newsom is bowing, scraping and thanking President Trump for his support and direct help in fighting the fies in California... Newsom also finally identifies the need for forest and vegetation management that has been lacking and mismanaged in the Western States for decades.

56% of those fires are on Federal Land... Trump complains about Federal Forrest up keep..
Very good one by Joe. Trump
1) Has ended protections to the environment, and
2) says global warming is a Chinese hoax.

Meanwhile climate change makes wildfires worse.

In February of this year a report was published that argued California needed to burn 20 million acres of forest in order to restore forest health. Controlled/prescribed burns can do a lot to keep stop wildfires from spreading, it's a damn shame they are effectively prohibited by rules like the Clean Air Act.

The Clean Air Act treats the smoke from a controlled/prescribed burn as a pollutant that has to be analyzed and then permitted before the burn can be done. It can take up to 18 months to plan a controlled/prescribed burn. The smoke from a wildfire is not looked at the same way, but I think we would all agree that the environmental impact of a multi-state wildfire is much larger than that of a smaller controlled burn...

There's a whole lot more to what's going on that just climate change and, for as much as I dislike Trump, I would suggest Biden take some time to learn a thing or two about the situation rather than just grabbing the talking points and calling Trump names to score some points.

A lot of this forrest is Federally managed (56%)... There is plenty of loggers that can clear this land if it needs to be done... Trump Administration has been proven to be incompetent on a lot of things....
US doesn't burn forestry it harvests them.
Trump blames California
More than 1.1 million acres have burned on federal lands in California this year, compared to 769,032 acres on non-federally managed lands, according to figures collected by the National Interagency Fire Center.

In California, Washington and Oregon combined, about 1.9 million acres have burned on federally-managed land compared to just over 1 million acres on non-federal land, according to NIFC.

The president made similar remarks in August shortly after lightning strikes ignited hundreds of wildfires around the state. He also dismissed climate change as a factor.

So Trump is responsible for 2/3s of the land that is burning...
Very good one by Joe. Trump
1) Has ended protections to the environment, and
2) says global warming is a Chinese hoax.

Meanwhile climate change makes wildfires worse.
Biden needs to put his money where his mouth is and take the billions he conned from China and invest in some fire fighting equipment.

So you are saying Biden is smarter than China?
Very good one by Joe. Trump
1) Has ended protections to the environment, and
2) says global warming is a Chinese hoax.

Meanwhile climate change makes wildfires worse.
/——/ Do you know what else Dementia Joe said?
Joe Biden really appears to be on the same page as his running mate Kamala Harris, mistakenly referring to plans in a "Harris-Biden administration" just one day after the California senator similarly suggested that she was on the top of the Democratic ticket.
Biden bungles Dem ticket, refers to 'Harris-Biden administration' in campaign speech
Trump blames California
More than 1.1 million acres have burned on federal lands in California this year, compared to 769,032 acres on non-federally managed lands, according to figures collected by the National Interagency Fire Center.

In California, Washington and Oregon combined, about 1.9 million acres have burned on federally-managed land compared to just over 1 million acres on non-federal land, according to NIFC.

The president made similar remarks in August shortly after lightning strikes ignited hundreds of wildfires around the state. He also dismissed climate change as a factor.

So Trump is responsible for 2/3s of the land that is burning...

Is he really, or is it that states control management of removing debris from federal forests in their state?

Another thing, do you think all this uncared for brush and dead wood started when Trump took office? It's been going on for years.....for decades. It's been going on during the Trump administration, the Obama administration, the Bush administration, and as far back as the Clinton administration. Removing this debris has been fought by every environmental group imaginable.

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