Biden calls Trump a "climate arsonist'. Fires are a threat to suburbs, he accurately says

Very good one by Joe. Trump
1) Has ended protections to the environment, and
2) says global warming is a Chinese hoax.

Meanwhile climate change makes wildfires worse.

Very true.

People aren't afraid of their suburb being taken over by minorities or being burned from riots.

They are afraid that their home will be destroyed by a wildfire.

Notice the fires are now moving east. It's not just the 3 west coast states anymore,

Governor Newsom is right, what is happening here in the west is coming to their state soon.

Just as Cuomo and Inslee warned the red states that the virus was coming to their states. I'm afraid those red states will do what they did with the warning of the virus, ignore it.

On the contrary, as a former resident of New York State and former owner of 60 acres of pasture and woodland, I cleaned out the underbrush and dead wood annually. I built fires breaks on my property. In the twenty years of ownership I never had any fires on or near my property.
Liberal Kalifornia succumbs to greenie environmentalists decades ago and that is when wildfires began to happen regularly... Forest management is against the lexicon of the tree hugging greenies.
However, the latest fires in Washington, Oregon and California should be laid at the tt of the terrorist Antifa and BLM. Sure the forests were volitaile and subject to fire, but Antifa/BLM has taken advantage of the problem...
The Western States in their Socialist Liberalism have rejected their responsibility as stewards of their environment.
You made up the claim that Antifa is setting fires.

Very good one by Joe. Trump
1) Has ended protections to the environment, and
2) says global warming is a Chinese hoax.

Meanwhile climate change makes wildfires worse.

Very true.

People aren't afraid of their suburb being taken over by minorities or being burned from riots.

They are afraid that their home will be destroyed by a wildfire.

Notice the fires are now moving east. It's not just the 3 west coast states anymore,

Governor Newsom is right, what is happening here in the west is coming to their state soon.

Just as Cuomo and Inslee warned the red states that the virus was coming to their states. I'm afraid those red states will do what they did with the warning of the virus, ignore it.

On the contrary, as a former resident of New York State and former owner of 60 acres of pasture and woodland, I cleaned out the underbrush and dead wood annually. I built fires breaks on my property. In the twenty years of ownership I never had any fires on or near my property.
Liberal Kalifornia succumbs to greenie environmentalists decades ago and that is when wildfires began to happen regularly... Forest management is against the lexicon of the tree hugging greenies.
However, the latest fires in Washington, Oregon and California should be laid at the tt of the terrorist Antifa and BLM. Sure the forests were volitaile and subject to fire, but Antifa/BLM has taken advantage of the problem...
The Western States in their Socialist Liberalism have rejected their responsibility as stewards of their environment.
You made up the claim that Antifa is setting fires.

Armed Oregon Woman Finds Arsonist On Her Property, Holds Him At Gunpoint Until Police Arrive —
Media Still Blaming Climate Change

A Oregon woman made a citizen’s arrest after she found an arsonist with matches in his hands on her property. The woman reportedly told the man he was lucky it was her that found the man, and not her husband or else he’d be dead.
Kat Cast held a suspected arsonist at gunpoint on Saturday when she was driving into her driveway and saw the man with matches in his hand walking on her property.
Police arrived and arrested the suspected arsonist, who they said had prior arrests, including assaulting an officer.

We are talking about Antifa terrorists who use chain saws to cut down a power pole, and then say that lightning started the fire.
Guess the TDS stress from knowing we all are doomed because Trump won’t dedicate the entire economy to fighting Climate Change is triggering these anarchist arsonists and they can’t help themselves.
Because there are deductibles and limits with wars of insurrection and acts of God. The insurance company’s do not pay. The riots are covered when set insurrectionist anarchists and with people claiming climate that’s act of God.
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Very good one by Joe. Trump
1) Has ended protections to the environment, and
2) says global warming is a Chinese hoax.

Meanwhile climate change makes wildfires worse.

He also claimed NASA satellites could see the smoke from the wild fires from a million miles away. That blew any credibility he pretended to have. We don't have any NASA satellites a million miles out. So fuck off commie, your boi is a loser. BTW piss poor forest management makes fires worse.

Can you please stop pretending you understand what communism is?
Very good one by Joe. Trump
1) Has ended protections to the environment, and
2) says global warming is a Chinese hoax.

Meanwhile climate change makes wildfires worse.

He also claimed NASA satellites could see the smoke from the wild fires from a million miles away. That blew any credibility he pretended to have. We don't have any NASA satellites a million miles out. So fuck off commie, your boi is a loser. BTW piss poor forest management makes fires worse.

Can you please stop pretending you understand what communism is?

Oh I fully understand your brand of communism, of course you're so ignorant you think there's only one brand. Not so poor child, not so.

Very good one by Joe. Trump
1) Has ended protections to the environment, and
2) says global warming is a Chinese hoax.

Meanwhile climate change makes wildfires worse.

He also claimed NASA satellites could see the smoke from the wild fires from a million miles away. That blew any credibility he pretended to have. We don't have any NASA satellites a million miles out. So fuck off commie, your boi is a loser. BTW piss poor forest management makes fires worse.

Can you please stop pretending you understand what communism is?

Oh I fully understand your brand of communism, of course you're so ignorant you think there's only one brand. Not so poor child, not so.

Um no. You really don’t. My economic views very clearly are not communist.
Very good one by Joe. Trump
1) Has ended protections to the environment, and
2) says global warming is a Chinese hoax.

Meanwhile climate change makes wildfires worse.

He also claimed NASA satellites could see the smoke from the wild fires from a million miles away. That blew any credibility he pretended to have. We don't have any NASA satellites a million miles out. So fuck off commie, your boi is a loser. BTW piss poor forest management makes fires worse.

Can you please stop pretending you understand what communism is?

Oh I fully understand your brand of communism, of course you're so ignorant you think there's only one brand. Not so poor child, not so.

Um no. You really don’t. My economic views very clearly are not communist.

Oh bullshit. You believe in government control of business, wages, health care, education, banking, energy and the list goes on and on. That very closely resembles the current Chinese brand of communism. All you need is their reeducation camps and slave labor for the disfavored.

Very good one by Joe. Trump
1) Has ended protections to the environment, and
2) says global warming is a Chinese hoax.

Meanwhile climate change makes wildfires worse.

He also claimed NASA satellites could see the smoke from the wild fires from a million miles away. That blew any credibility he pretended to have. We don't have any NASA satellites a million miles out. So fuck off commie, your boi is a loser. BTW piss poor forest management makes fires worse.

Can you please stop pretending you understand what communism is?

Oh I fully understand your brand of communism, of course you're so ignorant you think there's only one brand. Not so poor child, not so.

Um no. You really don’t. My economic views very clearly are not communist.

Oh bullshit. You believe in government control of business, wages, health care, education, banking, energy and the list goes on and on. That very closely resembles the current Chinese brand of communism. All you need is their reeducation camps and slave labor for the disfavored.

Yeah a degree of some control to some extent for all of those things. Here’s what you’re too dense to get. The government has already since the founding of the republic had control of all of those things to some extent. Why are you too dense to understand that?
Very good one by Joe. Trump
1) Has ended protections to the environment, and
2) says global warming is a Chinese hoax.

Meanwhile climate change makes wildfires worse.

He also claimed NASA satellites could see the smoke from the wild fires from a million miles away. That blew any credibility he pretended to have. We don't have any NASA satellites a million miles out. So fuck off commie, your boi is a loser. BTW piss poor forest management makes fires worse.

Can you please stop pretending you understand what communism is?

Oh I fully understand your brand of communism, of course you're so ignorant you think there's only one brand. Not so poor child, not so.

Um no. You really don’t. My economic views very clearly are not communist.

Oh bullshit. You believe in government control of business, wages, health care, education, banking, energy and the list goes on and on. That very closely resembles the current Chinese brand of communism. All you need is their reeducation camps and slave labor for the disfavored.

Yeah a degree of some control to some extent for all of those things. Here’s what you’re too dense to get. The government has already since the founding of the republic had control of all of those things to some extent. Why are you too dense to understand that?

Perhaps because it's not true. Well unless you think the founding occurred around 1900.

Very good one by Joe. Trump
1) Has ended protections to the environment, and
2) says global warming is a Chinese hoax.

Meanwhile climate change makes wildfires worse.

President Trump did not outlaw forest management.

This is again democrat's doing. Nothing to do with climate change. More of democrats burning their own stuff and blaming president Trump for it.
Meanwhile climate change makes wildfires worse.

Isn't it weird how climate change stops at the Canadian border?

This year they have been mostly spared. However not in the recent past. One of their huge wildfires a couple years ago blanketed my state for most of the summer. When our fires started it made the situation worse.

Climate change has not stopped at the Canadian border.

  • Funny
Reactions: kaz
Trump blames California
More than 1.1 million acres have burned on federal lands in California this year, compared to 769,032 acres on non-federally managed lands, according to figures collected by the National Interagency Fire Center.

In California, Washington and Oregon combined, about 1.9 million acres have burned on federally-managed land compared to just over 1 million acres on non-federal land, according to NIFC.

The president made similar remarks in August shortly after lightning strikes ignited hundreds of wildfires around the state. He also dismissed climate change as a factor.

So Trump is responsible for 2/3s of the land that is burning...

Is he really, or is it that states control management of removing debris from federal forests in their state?

Another thing, do you think all this uncared for brush and dead wood started when Trump took office? It's been going on for years.....for decades. It's been going on during the Trump administration, the Obama administration, the Bush administration, and as far back as the Clinton administration. Removing this debris has been fought by every environmental group imaginable.

Sorry Ray but you have to back up your statements with evidence....

Federal Land is Federal responsibility.... Anyone goes removing things from Federal land without permission could be prosecuted... I can't find where it is states responsibility when there is a Budget at Federal level for Forrest Fire Management ($2.5 Billion). So how does Feds get the money but the states have to take responsibility?

Blaming past Presidents when Trump has been in charge for 3 and half years at this stage is as usual, not taking responsibility. Please take some responsibility...

Trump is the one who is denying Climate Change while record temperatures are creating these conditions... These are getting more frequent and what is Trump doing about it...
Very good one by Joe. Trump
1) Has ended protections to the environment, and
2) says global warming is a Chinese hoax.

Meanwhile climate change makes wildfires worse.

In February of this year a report was published that argued California needed to burn 20 million acres of forest in order to restore forest health. Controlled/prescribed burns can do a lot to keep stop wildfires from spreading, it's a damn shame they are effectively prohibited by rules like the Clean Air Act.

The Clean Air Act treats the smoke from a controlled/prescribed burn as a pollutant that has to be analyzed and then permitted before the burn can be done. It can take up to 18 months to plan a controlled/prescribed burn. The smoke from a wildfire is not looked at the same way, but I think we would all agree that the environmental impact of a multi-state wildfire is much larger than that of a smaller controlled burn...

There's a whole lot more to what's going on that just climate change and, for as much as I dislike Trump, I would suggest Biden take some time to learn a thing or two about the situation rather than just grabbing the talking points and calling Trump names to score some points.

A lot of this forrest is Federally managed (56%)... There is plenty of loggers that can clear this land if it needs to be done... Trump Administration has been proven to be incompetent on a lot of things....
US doesn't burn forestry it harvests them.


My family and I built a log house on the south side of Mt. Rainier.

Every single one of those logs came from downed trees. We bought the logs from a man who has a permit to go into the forest to harvest a certain amount of downed trees. He mills them down and sells them as kits for log cabins and houses.

Not one log in our house was cut down by human beings. Every log came down in storms by Mother Nature then was harvested to keep the forest healthy.

I personally have gone out to photograph the forests here to prove that our forests are properly managed, to prevent unnecessary logging and to expose illegal logging.

I could post photo after photo of the forest here showing very little downed debris and a very properly managed forest. Including trees that have had all the lower branches removed so they aren't as easy to catch fire.

One of the biggest problems is the devastating logging that happened in the reagan and bush the first years. They removed the old growth. Which is much more resistant to fire than younger second growth. The old growth has thicker bark which protects the tree from fire. Younger second growth has not had the time to grow the thick bark which makes them more susceptible to fire and spreading fire. Also, removing all that old growth started that horrible chain reaction to excellerate global climate change. We started seeing it here in the 90s. Because the trees were removed from a lot of our mountains. Totally bald mountains as far as the eye could see.

This garbage that the forests aren't managed or not properly managed is just a bunch of BS. The mismanagement happened in the reagan and first bush years. We are still trying to clean that up to get our forests back to being healthy.
Trump blames California
More than 1.1 million acres have burned on federal lands in California this year, compared to 769,032 acres on non-federally managed lands, according to figures collected by the National Interagency Fire Center.

In California, Washington and Oregon combined, about 1.9 million acres have burned on federally-managed land compared to just over 1 million acres on non-federal land, according to NIFC.

The president made similar remarks in August shortly after lightning strikes ignited hundreds of wildfires around the state. He also dismissed climate change as a factor.

So Trump is responsible for 2/3s of the land that is burning...

Is he really, or is it that states control management of removing debris from federal forests in their state?

Another thing, do you think all this uncared for brush and dead wood started when Trump took office? It's been going on for years.....for decades. It's been going on during the Trump administration, the Obama administration, the Bush administration, and as far back as the Clinton administration. Removing this debris has been fought by every environmental group imaginable.

Sorry Ray but you have to back up your statements with evidence....

Federal Land is Federal responsibility.... Anyone goes removing things from Federal land without permission could be prosecuted... I can't find where it is states responsibility when there is a Budget at Federal level for Forrest Fire Management ($2.5 Billion). So how does Feds get the money but the states have to take responsibility?

Blaming past Presidents when Trump has been in charge for 3 and half years at this stage is as usual, not taking responsibility. Please take some responsibility...

Trump is the one who is denying Climate Change while record temperatures are creating these conditions... These are getting more frequent and what is Trump doing about it...

Yes, the California wildfires are Trump's fault, they didn't happen 3 1/2 years ago. It has only been since then.

But just to be clear, you're advocating that Trump come in and override California and it's his fault he hasn't done that.

Democrats: Trump needs to override the States, OMG, Trump overrrode the States, Trump needs to override the States, OMG, Trump overrrode the States, Trump needs to override the States, OMG, Trump overrrode the States, Trump needs to override the States, OMG, Trump overrrode the States, Trump needs to override the States, OMG, Trump overrrode the States, Trump needs to override the States, OMG, Trump overrrode the States, Trump needs to override the States, OMG, Trump overrrode the States ...

Round and round the merry go round we go ...

Oh, but it's only federal land, right? Or in your native language, baa, baa, baa
Trump is the one who is denying Climate Change while record temperatures are creating these conditions... These are getting more frequent and what is Trump doing about it...

Two months ago, the state legislature enacted a measure that would expedite the removal of dead trees and use “prescribed burns” to thin forests. In other words: the very same reforms that Trump is now being mocked for proposing. The September law followed a Gov. Jerry Brown executive order earlier this year that also called for “controlled fires” to improve forest health.

Very good one by Joe. Trump
1) Has ended protections to the environment, and
2) says global warming is a Chinese hoax.

Meanwhile climate change makes wildfires worse.

He also claimed NASA satellites could see the smoke from the wild fires from a million miles away. That blew any credibility he pretended to have. We don't have any NASA satellites a million miles out. So fuck off commie, your boi is a loser. BTW piss poor forest management makes fires worse.

Can you please stop pretending you understand what communism is?

Oh I fully understand your brand of communism, of course you're so ignorant you think there's only one brand. Not so poor child, not so.


That is just a stupid comment....

You have your own language where everything you don't like you call communism...

So wake up in the morning and look out the wind and say the weather is communist, get a bill (communist).....

So COVID has to caused by communism. BLM communism. Hurricane communism....

So everything bad is communism...
Trump blames California
More than 1.1 million acres have burned on federal lands in California this year, compared to 769,032 acres on non-federally managed lands, according to figures collected by the National Interagency Fire Center.

In California, Washington and Oregon combined, about 1.9 million acres have burned on federally-managed land compared to just over 1 million acres on non-federal land, according to NIFC.

The president made similar remarks in August shortly after lightning strikes ignited hundreds of wildfires around the state. He also dismissed climate change as a factor.

So Trump is responsible for 2/3s of the land that is burning...

Is he really, or is it that states control management of removing debris from federal forests in their state?

Another thing, do you think all this uncared for brush and dead wood started when Trump took office? It's been going on for years.....for decades. It's been going on during the Trump administration, the Obama administration, the Bush administration, and as far back as the Clinton administration. Removing this debris has been fought by every environmental group imaginable.

Sorry Ray but you have to back up your statements with evidence....

Federal Land is Federal responsibility.... Anyone goes removing things from Federal land without permission could be prosecuted... I can't find where it is states responsibility when there is a Budget at Federal level for Forrest Fire Management ($2.5 Billion). So how does Feds get the money but the states have to take responsibility?

Blaming past Presidents when Trump has been in charge for 3 and half years at this stage is as usual, not taking responsibility. Please take some responsibility...

Trump is the one who is denying Climate Change while record temperatures are creating these conditions... These are getting more frequent and what is Trump doing about it...

Yes, the California wildfires are Trump's fault, they didn't happen 3 1/2 years ago. It has only been since then.

But just to be clear, you're advocating that Trump come in and override California and it's his fault he hasn't done that.

Democrats: Trump needs to override the States, OMG, Trump overrrode the States, Trump needs to override the States, OMG, Trump overrrode the States, Trump needs to override the States, OMG, Trump overrrode the States, Trump needs to override the States, OMG, Trump overrrode the States, Trump needs to override the States, OMG, Trump overrrode the States, Trump needs to override the States, OMG, Trump overrrode the States, Trump needs to override the States, OMG, Trump overrrode the States ...

Round and round the merry go round we go ...

Oh, but it's only federal land, right? Or in your native language, baa, baa, baa

The 2/3 forrest fires at the moment are on Federal managed land... Is that an inconvenient truth?

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