Biden calls white supremacists ‘demented’

Biden should get busy, he has a lot of racist and racism to stomp out of his party.

Quit flapping your lips.

Name those racists, Republicans are the party of the racists
Wrong, as you always are, Dems are the party of slavery and segregation and still carry on today.
Kkk, Proud boys, bugaloo boys and most of their constituents

Which Republican belongs to these groups?

View attachment 458592
The ones that stormtrooped the capitol.

Are you serious, or just stupid?

70 million people stormed the capitol building?

Biden still saying that?
Well Antifa, Blm or even the Confederate army never sacked the Capitol..

The only time our capitol has been sacked was by the british in the war of 1812.

Claiming a few unarmed protestors who broke a couple of windows sacked the capitol is preposterous and only put out by dupes of the msm or by democratic political hacks trying to score some points at the expense of the truth.....shameful.
Kkk, Proud boys, bugaloo boys and most of their constituents

Which Republican belongs to these groups?

View attachment 458592
The ones that stormtrooped the capitol.

Are you serious, or just stupid?

70 million people stormed the capitol building?

Biden still saying that?
Well Antifa, Blm or even the Confederate army never sacked the Capitol..

The only time our capitol has been sacked was by the british in the war of 1812.

Claiming a few unarmed protestors who broke a couple of windows sacked the capitol is preposterous and only put out by dupes of the msm or by democratic political hacks trying to score some points at the expense of the truth.....shameful.
How convenient to ignore the dead and injured.

Either the above post is a failure to think, the inability to think or a game being played by an adolescent mind. I'm guessing the latter. After all, what grown adult wishes to project himself as a comic book character? Then again, an insect might be an apt identity.

Hey Green Insect, how's life in the nest? I understand you got caught fraternizing with a cockroach.

Putting the incident in proper scale is not ignoring anything.

That you claim it was, was you lying.
Your first sentence is true. Unfortunately, the post did not put anything into proper scale. I hope you're not serious because I thought you better.

As to your second sentence accusing me of a lie, I drew no such conclusion. Rather, I offered several potentials and concluded with a guess. Unless, you're referring to my mocking the Green Insect for consorting with cockroaches which I confess is only rumor.

Riots are bad. The 1/6 riot was bad.

Those exaggerating it to be some national trauma, are using it as an excuse to smear and dehumanize their political enemies.

Dehumanizing people, I'm not aware of any time it has been done, that is led to any happy endings.
Jan 6 was a serious game. Anyone responsible for it, deserves serious condemnation. Their punishment has nothing to do with dehumanizing them and everything to do with holding them accountable.

I disagree. I think Jan 6 was a demonstration that got out of control, and that it means nothing more than that.

Those who are slavering at the idea of "holding them accountable" are doing so not out of any desire for Justice, but to use the process as a weapon to smear and dehumanize their partisan enemies.
Put on your big boy pant - some will do decades behind bars and deserve every damned minute.

That in no way addresses my point at all.

I think Jan 6 was a demonstration that got out of control, and that it means nothing more than that.

Those who are slavering at the idea of "holding them accountable" are doing so not out of any desire for Justice, but to use the process as a weapon to smear and dehumanize their partisan enemies.
So, your idea of justice is to ignore the officer who was murdered, the tow who committed suicide and the 140 who were injured. "

Sorry, this nation was founded on law. If they are not enforced, they become meaningless/

Nothing I said in any way suggests that.

You seem to be having some trouble reading what I actually write.

Let me try something here.

What do YOU think should be done with all the blm and antifa rioters of the last 5 years?
If you have evidence of wrong-doing, put them on trial.

Well, suddenly a whole lot less passion for justice there.

OK. I agree.

Do you support the idea of equal application of the law?
Not necessarily. I'm not much in favor of zero tolerance either. Context counts... in court.

Perhaps the lesser passion relates to the absence of people making excuses on one side.

That there might not be anyone guilty of homicide does not eliminate a host of other charges.
Suggest you get your evidence then and take it to court. I'm not buying.
Did those police looked alarmed to you?
Some did not.

Did some of the crowd exhibit anger and violence?

May I suggest to you that the lesser crimes by some of the mob does not dismiss everyone, nor does the casualness or some of the LEO or the numerous whataboutisms dragged in here.
Biden should get busy, he has a lot of racist and racism to stomp out of his party.

Quit flapping your lips.

Name those racists, Republicans are the party of the racists
Wrong, as you always are, Dems are the party of slavery and segregation and still carry on today.
Kkk, Proud boys, bugaloo boys and most of their constituents

Which Republican belongs to these groups?

View attachment 458592
The ones that stormtrooped the capitol.

Are you serious, or just stupid?

70 million people stormed the capitol building?

Biden still saying that?
Well Antifa, Blm or even the Confederate army never sacked the Capitol..

The only time our capitol has been sacked was by the british in the war of 1812.

Claiming a few unarmed protestors who broke a couple of windows sacked the capitol is preposterous and only put out by dupes of the msm or by democratic political hacks trying to score some points at the expense of the truth.....shameful.
Kkk, Proud boys, bugaloo boys and most of their constituents

Which Republican belongs to these groups?

View attachment 458592
The ones that stormtrooped the capitol.

Are you serious, or just stupid?

70 million people stormed the capitol building?

Biden still saying that?
Well Antifa, Blm or even the Confederate army never sacked the Capitol..

The only time our capitol has been sacked was by the british in the war of 1812.

Claiming a few unarmed protestors who broke a couple of windows sacked the capitol is preposterous and only put out by dupes of the msm or by democratic political hacks trying to score some points at the expense of the truth.....shameful.
How convenient to ignore the dead and injured.

Either the above post is a failure to think, the inability to think or a game being played by an adolescent mind. I'm guessing the latter. After all, what grown adult wishes to project himself as a comic book character? Then again, an insect might be an apt identity.

Hey Green Insect, how's life in the nest? I understand you got caught fraternizing with a cockroach.

Putting the incident in proper scale is not ignoring anything.

That you claim it was, was you lying.
Your first sentence is true. Unfortunately, the post did not put anything into proper scale. I hope you're not serious because I thought you better.

As to your second sentence accusing me of a lie, I drew no such conclusion. Rather, I offered several potentials and concluded with a guess. Unless, you're referring to my mocking the Green Insect for consorting with cockroaches which I confess is only rumor.

Riots are bad. The 1/6 riot was bad.

Those exaggerating it to be some national trauma, are using it as an excuse to smear and dehumanize their political enemies.

Dehumanizing people, I'm not aware of any time it has been done, that is led to any happy endings.
Jan 6 was a serious game. Anyone responsible for it, deserves serious condemnation. Their punishment has nothing to do with dehumanizing them and everything to do with holding them accountable.

I disagree. I think Jan 6 was a demonstration that got out of control, and that it means nothing more than that.

Those who are slavering at the idea of "holding them accountable" are doing so not out of any desire for Justice, but to use the process as a weapon to smear and dehumanize their partisan enemies.
Put on your big boy pant - some will do decades behind bars and deserve every damned minute.

That in no way addresses my point at all.

I think Jan 6 was a demonstration that got out of control, and that it means nothing more than that.

Those who are slavering at the idea of "holding them accountable" are doing so not out of any desire for Justice, but to use the process as a weapon to smear and dehumanize their partisan enemies.
So, your idea of justice is to ignore the officer who was murdered, the tow who committed suicide and the 140 who were injured. "

Sorry, this nation was founded on law. If they are not enforced, they become meaningless/

Nothing I said in any way suggests that.

You seem to be having some trouble reading what I actually write.

Let me try something here.

What do YOU think should be done with all the blm and antifa rioters of the last 5 years?
If you have evidence of wrong-doing, put them on trial.

Well, suddenly a whole lot less passion for justice there.

OK. I agree.

Do you support the idea of equal application of the law?
Not necessarily. I'm not much in favor of zero tolerance either. Context counts... in court.

Perhaps the lesser passion relates to the absence of people making excuses on one side.

That there might not be anyone guilty of homicide does not eliminate a host of other charges.

There has been plenty of people making excuses for the blm and antifa riots.

There has been plenty of deaths in the blm and antifa riots.

I thought you would say, "yes" and I would say, "ok then we just treat all the rioters the same, depending on their individual actions and evidence".

Of course each individual case would have "context". Why are you making a distinction based not on individual cases, but on whether they were on 1/6, or all the other riots of hte last 5 years?
Kkk, Proud boys, bugaloo boys and most of their constituents

Which Republican belongs to these groups?

View attachment 458592
The ones that stormtrooped the capitol.

Are you serious, or just stupid?

70 million people stormed the capitol building?

Biden still saying that?
Well Antifa, Blm or even the Confederate army never sacked the Capitol..

The only time our capitol has been sacked was by the british in the war of 1812.

Claiming a few unarmed protestors who broke a couple of windows sacked the capitol is preposterous and only put out by dupes of the msm or by democratic political hacks trying to score some points at the expense of the truth.....shameful.
Kkk, Proud boys, bugaloo boys and most of their constituents

Which Republican belongs to these groups?

View attachment 458592
The ones that stormtrooped the capitol.

Are you serious, or just stupid?

70 million people stormed the capitol building?

Biden still saying that?
Well Antifa, Blm or even the Confederate army never sacked the Capitol..

The only time our capitol has been sacked was by the british in the war of 1812.

Claiming a few unarmed protestors who broke a couple of windows sacked the capitol is preposterous and only put out by dupes of the msm or by democratic political hacks trying to score some points at the expense of the truth.....shameful.
How convenient to ignore the dead and injured.

Either the above post is a failure to think, the inability to think or a game being played by an adolescent mind. I'm guessing the latter. After all, what grown adult wishes to project himself as a comic book character? Then again, an insect might be an apt identity.

Hey Green Insect, how's life in the nest? I understand you got caught fraternizing with a cockroach.

Putting the incident in proper scale is not ignoring anything.

That you claim it was, was you lying.
Your first sentence is true. Unfortunately, the post did not put anything into proper scale. I hope you're not serious because I thought you better.

As to your second sentence accusing me of a lie, I drew no such conclusion. Rather, I offered several potentials and concluded with a guess. Unless, you're referring to my mocking the Green Insect for consorting with cockroaches which I confess is only rumor.

Riots are bad. The 1/6 riot was bad.

Those exaggerating it to be some national trauma, are using it as an excuse to smear and dehumanize their political enemies.

Dehumanizing people, I'm not aware of any time it has been done, that is led to any happy endings.
Jan 6 was a serious game. Anyone responsible for it, deserves serious condemnation. Their punishment has nothing to do with dehumanizing them and everything to do with holding them accountable.

I disagree. I think Jan 6 was a demonstration that got out of control, and that it means nothing more than that.

Those who are slavering at the idea of "holding them accountable" are doing so not out of any desire for Justice, but to use the process as a weapon to smear and dehumanize their partisan enemies.
Put on your big boy pant - some will do decades behind bars and deserve every damned minute.

That in no way addresses my point at all.

I think Jan 6 was a demonstration that got out of control, and that it means nothing more than that.

Those who are slavering at the idea of "holding them accountable" are doing so not out of any desire for Justice, but to use the process as a weapon to smear and dehumanize their partisan enemies.
So, your idea of justice is to ignore the officer who was murdered, the tow who committed suicide and the 140 who were injured. "

Sorry, this nation was founded on law. If they are not enforced, they become meaningless/

Nothing I said in any way suggests that.

You seem to be having some trouble reading what I actually write.

Let me try something here.

What do YOU think should be done with all the blm and antifa rioters of the last 5 years?
If you have evidence of wrong-doing, put them on trial.

Well, suddenly a whole lot less passion for justice there.

OK. I agree.

Do you support the idea of equal application of the law?
Yes! Across the board. Not just Blm vs. Jan 6 but the difference between the ways whites get sentences vs. Non whites in this country.
Kkk, Proud boys, bugaloo boys and most of their constituents

Which Republican belongs to these groups?

View attachment 458592
The ones that stormtrooped the capitol.

Are you serious, or just stupid?

70 million people stormed the capitol building?

Biden still saying that?
Well Antifa, Blm or even the Confederate army never sacked the Capitol..

The only time our capitol has been sacked was by the british in the war of 1812.

Claiming a few unarmed protestors who broke a couple of windows sacked the capitol is preposterous and only put out by dupes of the msm or by democratic political hacks trying to score some points at the expense of the truth.....shameful.
Kkk, Proud boys, bugaloo boys and most of their constituents

Which Republican belongs to these groups?

View attachment 458592
The ones that stormtrooped the capitol.

Are you serious, or just stupid?

70 million people stormed the capitol building?

Biden still saying that?
Well Antifa, Blm or even the Confederate army never sacked the Capitol..

The only time our capitol has been sacked was by the british in the war of 1812.

Claiming a few unarmed protestors who broke a couple of windows sacked the capitol is preposterous and only put out by dupes of the msm or by democratic political hacks trying to score some points at the expense of the truth.....shameful.
How convenient to ignore the dead and injured.

Either the above post is a failure to think, the inability to think or a game being played by an adolescent mind. I'm guessing the latter. After all, what grown adult wishes to project himself as a comic book character? Then again, an insect might be an apt identity.

Hey Green Insect, how's life in the nest? I understand you got caught fraternizing with a cockroach.

Putting the incident in proper scale is not ignoring anything.

That you claim it was, was you lying.
Your first sentence is true. Unfortunately, the post did not put anything into proper scale. I hope you're not serious because I thought you better.

As to your second sentence accusing me of a lie, I drew no such conclusion. Rather, I offered several potentials and concluded with a guess. Unless, you're referring to my mocking the Green Insect for consorting with cockroaches which I confess is only rumor.

Riots are bad. The 1/6 riot was bad.

Those exaggerating it to be some national trauma, are using it as an excuse to smear and dehumanize their political enemies.

Dehumanizing people, I'm not aware of any time it has been done, that is led to any happy endings.
Jan 6 was a serious game. Anyone responsible for it, deserves serious condemnation. Their punishment has nothing to do with dehumanizing them and everything to do with holding them accountable.

I disagree. I think Jan 6 was a demonstration that got out of control, and that it means nothing more than that.

Those who are slavering at the idea of "holding them accountable" are doing so not out of any desire for Justice, but to use the process as a weapon to smear and dehumanize their partisan enemies.
Put on your big boy pant - some will do decades behind bars and deserve every damned minute.

That in no way addresses my point at all.

I think Jan 6 was a demonstration that got out of control, and that it means nothing more than that.

Those who are slavering at the idea of "holding them accountable" are doing so not out of any desire for Justice, but to use the process as a weapon to smear and dehumanize their partisan enemies.
So, your idea of justice is to ignore the officer who was murdered, the tow who committed suicide and the 140 who were injured. "

Sorry, this nation was founded on law. If they are not enforced, they become meaningless/

Nothing I said in any way suggests that.

You seem to be having some trouble reading what I actually write.

Let me try something here.

What do YOU think should be done with all the blm and antifa rioters of the last 5 years?
If you have evidence of wrong-doing, put them on trial.

Well, suddenly a whole lot less passion for justice there.

OK. I agree.

Do you support the idea of equal application of the law?
Yes! Across the board. Not just Blm vs. Jan 6 but the difference between the ways whites get sentences vs. Non whites in this country.

So, does that mean that you want just as serious investigations of "BLM" riots and the organizations behind them as for the jan 6th riot,

OR lack there of?
Kkk, Proud boys, bugaloo boys and most of their constituents

Which Republican belongs to these groups?

View attachment 458592
The ones that stormtrooped the capitol.

Are you serious, or just stupid?

70 million people stormed the capitol building?

Biden still saying that?
Well Antifa, Blm or even the Confederate army never sacked the Capitol..

The only time our capitol has been sacked was by the british in the war of 1812.

Claiming a few unarmed protestors who broke a couple of windows sacked the capitol is preposterous and only put out by dupes of the msm or by democratic political hacks trying to score some points at the expense of the truth.....shameful.
Kkk, Proud boys, bugaloo boys and most of their constituents

Which Republican belongs to these groups?

View attachment 458592
The ones that stormtrooped the capitol.

Are you serious, or just stupid?

70 million people stormed the capitol building?

Biden still saying that?
Well Antifa, Blm or even the Confederate army never sacked the Capitol..

The only time our capitol has been sacked was by the british in the war of 1812.

Claiming a few unarmed protestors who broke a couple of windows sacked the capitol is preposterous and only put out by dupes of the msm or by democratic political hacks trying to score some points at the expense of the truth.....shameful.
How convenient to ignore the dead and injured.

Either the above post is a failure to think, the inability to think or a game being played by an adolescent mind. I'm guessing the latter. After all, what grown adult wishes to project himself as a comic book character? Then again, an insect might be an apt identity.

Hey Green Insect, how's life in the nest? I understand you got caught fraternizing with a cockroach.

Putting the incident in proper scale is not ignoring anything.

That you claim it was, was you lying.
Your first sentence is true. Unfortunately, the post did not put anything into proper scale. I hope you're not serious because I thought you better.

As to your second sentence accusing me of a lie, I drew no such conclusion. Rather, I offered several potentials and concluded with a guess. Unless, you're referring to my mocking the Green Insect for consorting with cockroaches which I confess is only rumor.

Riots are bad. The 1/6 riot was bad.

Those exaggerating it to be some national trauma, are using it as an excuse to smear and dehumanize their political enemies.

Dehumanizing people, I'm not aware of any time it has been done, that is led to any happy endings.
Jan 6 was a serious game. Anyone responsible for it, deserves serious condemnation. Their punishment has nothing to do with dehumanizing them and everything to do with holding them accountable.

I disagree. I think Jan 6 was a demonstration that got out of control, and that it means nothing more than that.

Those who are slavering at the idea of "holding them accountable" are doing so not out of any desire for Justice, but to use the process as a weapon to smear and dehumanize their partisan enemies.
Put on your big boy pant - some will do decades behind bars and deserve every damned minute.

That in no way addresses my point at all.

I think Jan 6 was a demonstration that got out of control, and that it means nothing more than that.

Those who are slavering at the idea of "holding them accountable" are doing so not out of any desire for Justice, but to use the process as a weapon to smear and dehumanize their partisan enemies.
So, your idea of justice is to ignore the officer who was murdered, the tow who committed suicide and the 140 who were injured. "

Sorry, this nation was founded on law. If they are not enforced, they become meaningless/

Nothing I said in any way suggests that.

You seem to be having some trouble reading what I actually write.

Let me try something here.

What do YOU think should be done with all the blm and antifa rioters of the last 5 years?
If you have evidence of wrong-doing, put them on trial.

Well, suddenly a whole lot less passion for justice there.

OK. I agree.

Do you support the idea of equal application of the law?
Yes! Across the board. Not just Blm vs. Jan 6 but the difference between the ways whites get sentences vs. Non whites in this country.

So, does that mean that you want just as serious investigations of "BLM" riots and the organizations behind them as for the jan 6th riot,

OR lack there of?
Yeah. We know already who's behind BLM. I mean we saw George Floyd get murdered on film! Anger, frustration and mistreatment was behind BLM. It was a worldwide movement. The insurrection was caused by a Wanna be Dictator who directed his goons to March on the Capitol to try and stop a electoral process that he loss and couldn't accept.
Kkk, Proud boys, bugaloo boys and most of their constituents

Which Republican belongs to these groups?

View attachment 458592
The ones that stormtrooped the capitol.

Are you serious, or just stupid?

70 million people stormed the capitol building?

Biden still saying that?
Well Antifa, Blm or even the Confederate army never sacked the Capitol..

The only time our capitol has been sacked was by the british in the war of 1812.

Claiming a few unarmed protestors who broke a couple of windows sacked the capitol is preposterous and only put out by dupes of the msm or by democratic political hacks trying to score some points at the expense of the truth.....shameful.
Kkk, Proud boys, bugaloo boys and most of their constituents

Which Republican belongs to these groups?

View attachment 458592
The ones that stormtrooped the capitol.

Are you serious, or just stupid?

70 million people stormed the capitol building?

Biden still saying that?
Well Antifa, Blm or even the Confederate army never sacked the Capitol..

The only time our capitol has been sacked was by the british in the war of 1812.

Claiming a few unarmed protestors who broke a couple of windows sacked the capitol is preposterous and only put out by dupes of the msm or by democratic political hacks trying to score some points at the expense of the truth.....shameful.
How convenient to ignore the dead and injured.

Either the above post is a failure to think, the inability to think or a game being played by an adolescent mind. I'm guessing the latter. After all, what grown adult wishes to project himself as a comic book character? Then again, an insect might be an apt identity.

Hey Green Insect, how's life in the nest? I understand you got caught fraternizing with a cockroach.

Putting the incident in proper scale is not ignoring anything.

That you claim it was, was you lying.
Your first sentence is true. Unfortunately, the post did not put anything into proper scale. I hope you're not serious because I thought you better.

As to your second sentence accusing me of a lie, I drew no such conclusion. Rather, I offered several potentials and concluded with a guess. Unless, you're referring to my mocking the Green Insect for consorting with cockroaches which I confess is only rumor.

Riots are bad. The 1/6 riot was bad.

Those exaggerating it to be some national trauma, are using it as an excuse to smear and dehumanize their political enemies.

Dehumanizing people, I'm not aware of any time it has been done, that is led to any happy endings.
Jan 6 was a serious game. Anyone responsible for it, deserves serious condemnation. Their punishment has nothing to do with dehumanizing them and everything to do with holding them accountable.

I disagree. I think Jan 6 was a demonstration that got out of control, and that it means nothing more than that.

Those who are slavering at the idea of "holding them accountable" are doing so not out of any desire for Justice, but to use the process as a weapon to smear and dehumanize their partisan enemies.
Put on your big boy pant - some will do decades behind bars and deserve every damned minute.

That in no way addresses my point at all.

I think Jan 6 was a demonstration that got out of control, and that it means nothing more than that.

Those who are slavering at the idea of "holding them accountable" are doing so not out of any desire for Justice, but to use the process as a weapon to smear and dehumanize their partisan enemies.
So, your idea of justice is to ignore the officer who was murdered, the tow who committed suicide and the 140 who were injured. "

Sorry, this nation was founded on law. If they are not enforced, they become meaningless/

Nothing I said in any way suggests that.

You seem to be having some trouble reading what I actually write.

Let me try something here.

What do YOU think should be done with all the blm and antifa rioters of the last 5 years?
If you have evidence of wrong-doing, put them on trial.

Well, suddenly a whole lot less passion for justice there.

OK. I agree.

Do you support the idea of equal application of the law?
Yes! Across the board. Not just Blm vs. Jan 6 but the difference between the ways whites get sentences vs. Non whites in this country.

So, does that mean that you want just as serious investigations of "BLM" riots and the organizations behind them as for the jan 6th riot,

OR lack there of?
Yeah. We know already who's behind BLM. I mean we saw George Floyd get murdered on film! Anger, frustration and mistreatment was behind BLM. It was a worldwide movement. The insurrection was caused by a Wanna be Dictator who directed his goons to March on the Capitol to try and stop a electoral process that he loss and couldn't accept.

Nope. Someone has organized the "blm" riots and no one seems to be concerned about that. Whoever it is, they have gotten a pass.

I just gave you a chance to demonstrate how committed you were to equal justice.

And you did. You showed how committed you are to it.


Kkk, Proud boys, bugaloo boys and most of their constituents

Which Republican belongs to these groups?

View attachment 458592
The ones that stormtrooped the capitol.

Are you serious, or just stupid?

70 million people stormed the capitol building?

Biden still saying that?
Well Antifa, Blm or even the Confederate army never sacked the Capitol..

The only time our capitol has been sacked was by the british in the war of 1812.

Claiming a few unarmed protestors who broke a couple of windows sacked the capitol is preposterous and only put out by dupes of the msm or by democratic political hacks trying to score some points at the expense of the truth.....shameful.
Kkk, Proud boys, bugaloo boys and most of their constituents

Which Republican belongs to these groups?

View attachment 458592
The ones that stormtrooped the capitol.

Are you serious, or just stupid?

70 million people stormed the capitol building?

Biden still saying that?
Well Antifa, Blm or even the Confederate army never sacked the Capitol..

The only time our capitol has been sacked was by the british in the war of 1812.

Claiming a few unarmed protestors who broke a couple of windows sacked the capitol is preposterous and only put out by dupes of the msm or by democratic political hacks trying to score some points at the expense of the truth.....shameful.
How convenient to ignore the dead and injured.

Either the above post is a failure to think, the inability to think or a game being played by an adolescent mind. I'm guessing the latter. After all, what grown adult wishes to project himself as a comic book character? Then again, an insect might be an apt identity.

Hey Green Insect, how's life in the nest? I understand you got caught fraternizing with a cockroach.

Putting the incident in proper scale is not ignoring anything.

That you claim it was, was you lying.
Your first sentence is true. Unfortunately, the post did not put anything into proper scale. I hope you're not serious because I thought you better.

As to your second sentence accusing me of a lie, I drew no such conclusion. Rather, I offered several potentials and concluded with a guess. Unless, you're referring to my mocking the Green Insect for consorting with cockroaches which I confess is only rumor.

Riots are bad. The 1/6 riot was bad.

Those exaggerating it to be some national trauma, are using it as an excuse to smear and dehumanize their political enemies.

Dehumanizing people, I'm not aware of any time it has been done, that is led to any happy endings.
Jan 6 was a serious game. Anyone responsible for it, deserves serious condemnation. Their punishment has nothing to do with dehumanizing them and everything to do with holding them accountable.

I disagree. I think Jan 6 was a demonstration that got out of control, and that it means nothing more than that.

Those who are slavering at the idea of "holding them accountable" are doing so not out of any desire for Justice, but to use the process as a weapon to smear and dehumanize their partisan enemies.
Put on your big boy pant - some will do decades behind bars and deserve every damned minute.

That in no way addresses my point at all.

I think Jan 6 was a demonstration that got out of control, and that it means nothing more than that.

Those who are slavering at the idea of "holding them accountable" are doing so not out of any desire for Justice, but to use the process as a weapon to smear and dehumanize their partisan enemies.
So, your idea of justice is to ignore the officer who was murdered, the tow who committed suicide and the 140 who were injured. "

Sorry, this nation was founded on law. If they are not enforced, they become meaningless/

Nothing I said in any way suggests that.

You seem to be having some trouble reading what I actually write.

Let me try something here.

What do YOU think should be done with all the blm and antifa rioters of the last 5 years?
If you have evidence of wrong-doing, put them on trial.

Well, suddenly a whole lot less passion for justice there.

OK. I agree.

Do you support the idea of equal application of the law?
Yes! Across the board. Not just Blm vs. Jan 6 but the difference between the ways whites get sentences vs. Non whites in this country.

So, does that mean that you want just as serious investigations of "BLM" riots and the organizations behind them as for the jan 6th riot,

OR lack there of?
Yeah. We know already who's behind BLM. I mean we saw George Floyd get murdered on film! Anger, frustration and mistreatment was behind BLM. It was a worldwide movement. The insurrection was caused by a Wanna be Dictator who directed his goons to March on the Capitol to try and stop a electoral process that he loss and couldn't accept.

Nope. Someone has organized the "blm" riots and no one seems to be concerned about that. Whoever it is, they have gotten a pass.

I just gave you a chance to demonstrate how committed you were to equal justice.

And you did. You showed how committed you are to it.


I forgot, I told myself to not respond to you. I conversed with you before. You gave me a headache with your asinine, talking in circle reasoning. You constantly ask dumb questions; and you then answer that dumb question yourself. You seem kinda slow or you're just a old troll.
Kkk, Proud boys, bugaloo boys and most of their constituents

Which Republican belongs to these groups?

View attachment 458592
The ones that stormtrooped the capitol.

Are you serious, or just stupid?

70 million people stormed the capitol building?

Biden still saying that?
Well Antifa, Blm or even the Confederate army never sacked the Capitol..

The only time our capitol has been sacked was by the british in the war of 1812.

Claiming a few unarmed protestors who broke a couple of windows sacked the capitol is preposterous and only put out by dupes of the msm or by democratic political hacks trying to score some points at the expense of the truth.....shameful.
Kkk, Proud boys, bugaloo boys and most of their constituents

Which Republican belongs to these groups?

View attachment 458592
The ones that stormtrooped the capitol.

Are you serious, or just stupid?

70 million people stormed the capitol building?

Biden still saying that?
Well Antifa, Blm or even the Confederate army never sacked the Capitol..

The only time our capitol has been sacked was by the british in the war of 1812.

Claiming a few unarmed protestors who broke a couple of windows sacked the capitol is preposterous and only put out by dupes of the msm or by democratic political hacks trying to score some points at the expense of the truth.....shameful.
How convenient to ignore the dead and injured.

Either the above post is a failure to think, the inability to think or a game being played by an adolescent mind. I'm guessing the latter. After all, what grown adult wishes to project himself as a comic book character? Then again, an insect might be an apt identity.

Hey Green Insect, how's life in the nest? I understand you got caught fraternizing with a cockroach.

Putting the incident in proper scale is not ignoring anything.

That you claim it was, was you lying.
Your first sentence is true. Unfortunately, the post did not put anything into proper scale. I hope you're not serious because I thought you better.

As to your second sentence accusing me of a lie, I drew no such conclusion. Rather, I offered several potentials and concluded with a guess. Unless, you're referring to my mocking the Green Insect for consorting with cockroaches which I confess is only rumor.

Riots are bad. The 1/6 riot was bad.

Those exaggerating it to be some national trauma, are using it as an excuse to smear and dehumanize their political enemies.

Dehumanizing people, I'm not aware of any time it has been done, that is led to any happy endings.
Jan 6 was a serious game. Anyone responsible for it, deserves serious condemnation. Their punishment has nothing to do with dehumanizing them and everything to do with holding them accountable.

I disagree. I think Jan 6 was a demonstration that got out of control, and that it means nothing more than that.

Those who are slavering at the idea of "holding them accountable" are doing so not out of any desire for Justice, but to use the process as a weapon to smear and dehumanize their partisan enemies.
Put on your big boy pant - some will do decades behind bars and deserve every damned minute.

That in no way addresses my point at all.

I think Jan 6 was a demonstration that got out of control, and that it means nothing more than that.

Those who are slavering at the idea of "holding them accountable" are doing so not out of any desire for Justice, but to use the process as a weapon to smear and dehumanize their partisan enemies.
So, your idea of justice is to ignore the officer who was murdered, the tow who committed suicide and the 140 who were injured. "

Sorry, this nation was founded on law. If they are not enforced, they become meaningless/

Nothing I said in any way suggests that.

You seem to be having some trouble reading what I actually write.

Let me try something here.

What do YOU think should be done with all the blm and antifa rioters of the last 5 years?
If you have evidence of wrong-doing, put them on trial.

Well, suddenly a whole lot less passion for justice there.

OK. I agree.

Do you support the idea of equal application of the law?
Yes! Across the board. Not just Blm vs. Jan 6 but the difference between the ways whites get sentences vs. Non whites in this country.

So, does that mean that you want just as serious investigations of "BLM" riots and the organizations behind them as for the jan 6th riot,

OR lack there of?
Yeah. We know already who's behind BLM. I mean we saw George Floyd get murdered on film! Anger, frustration and mistreatment was behind BLM. It was a worldwide movement. The insurrection was caused by a Wanna be Dictator who directed his goons to March on the Capitol to try and stop a electoral process that he loss and couldn't accept.

Nope. Someone has organized the "blm" riots and no one seems to be concerned about that. Whoever it is, they have gotten a pass.

I just gave you a chance to demonstrate how committed you were to equal justice.

And you did. You showed how committed you are to it.


I forgot, I told myself to not respond to you. I conversed with you before. You gave me a headache with your asinine, talking in circle reasoning. You constantly ask dumb questions and then, you answer that dumb question yourself. You seem kinda slow or you're just a old troll.

Wow. My wanting to have equal justice for the organizers of a both the 1/6 riot and the "blm" riots, seems to have touched a nerve.

Most liberals I have addressed this with, have complicated excuses for why the 1/6 riot was so much worse than the rest of the riots of the last 5 years.

You sure you don't want to take that path, instead of trying to spin this to be about me?
Kkk, Proud boys, bugaloo boys and most of their constituents

Which Republican belongs to these groups?

View attachment 458592
The ones that stormtrooped the capitol.

Are you serious, or just stupid?

70 million people stormed the capitol building?

Biden still saying that?
Well Antifa, Blm or even the Confederate army never sacked the Capitol..

The only time our capitol has been sacked was by the british in the war of 1812.

Claiming a few unarmed protestors who broke a couple of windows sacked the capitol is preposterous and only put out by dupes of the msm or by democratic political hacks trying to score some points at the expense of the truth.....shameful.
Kkk, Proud boys, bugaloo boys and most of their constituents

Which Republican belongs to these groups?

View attachment 458592
The ones that stormtrooped the capitol.

Are you serious, or just stupid?

70 million people stormed the capitol building?

Biden still saying that?
Well Antifa, Blm or even the Confederate army never sacked the Capitol..

The only time our capitol has been sacked was by the british in the war of 1812.

Claiming a few unarmed protestors who broke a couple of windows sacked the capitol is preposterous and only put out by dupes of the msm or by democratic political hacks trying to score some points at the expense of the truth.....shameful.
How convenient to ignore the dead and injured.

Either the above post is a failure to think, the inability to think or a game being played by an adolescent mind. I'm guessing the latter. After all, what grown adult wishes to project himself as a comic book character? Then again, an insect might be an apt identity.

Hey Green Insect, how's life in the nest? I understand you got caught fraternizing with a cockroach.

Putting the incident in proper scale is not ignoring anything.

That you claim it was, was you lying.
Your first sentence is true. Unfortunately, the post did not put anything into proper scale. I hope you're not serious because I thought you better.

As to your second sentence accusing me of a lie, I drew no such conclusion. Rather, I offered several potentials and concluded with a guess. Unless, you're referring to my mocking the Green Insect for consorting with cockroaches which I confess is only rumor.

Riots are bad. The 1/6 riot was bad.

Those exaggerating it to be some national trauma, are using it as an excuse to smear and dehumanize their political enemies.

Dehumanizing people, I'm not aware of any time it has been done, that is led to any happy endings.
Jan 6 was a serious game. Anyone responsible for it, deserves serious condemnation. Their punishment has nothing to do with dehumanizing them and everything to do with holding them accountable.

I disagree. I think Jan 6 was a demonstration that got out of control, and that it means nothing more than that.

Those who are slavering at the idea of "holding them accountable" are doing so not out of any desire for Justice, but to use the process as a weapon to smear and dehumanize their partisan enemies.
Put on your big boy pant - some will do decades behind bars and deserve every damned minute.

That in no way addresses my point at all.

I think Jan 6 was a demonstration that got out of control, and that it means nothing more than that.

Those who are slavering at the idea of "holding them accountable" are doing so not out of any desire for Justice, but to use the process as a weapon to smear and dehumanize their partisan enemies.
So, your idea of justice is to ignore the officer who was murdered, the tow who committed suicide and the 140 who were injured. "

Sorry, this nation was founded on law. If they are not enforced, they become meaningless/

Nothing I said in any way suggests that.

You seem to be having some trouble reading what I actually write.

Let me try something here.

What do YOU think should be done with all the blm and antifa rioters of the last 5 years?
If you have evidence of wrong-doing, put them on trial.

Well, suddenly a whole lot less passion for justice there.

OK. I agree.

Do you support the idea of equal application of the law?
Yes! Across the board. Not just Blm vs. Jan 6 but the difference between the ways whites get sentences vs. Non whites in this country.

So, does that mean that you want just as serious investigations of "BLM" riots and the organizations behind them as for the jan 6th riot,

OR lack there of?
Yeah. We know already who's behind BLM. I mean we saw George Floyd get murdered on film! Anger, frustration and mistreatment was behind BLM. It was a worldwide movement. The insurrection was caused by a Wanna be Dictator who directed his goons to March on the Capitol to try and stop a electoral process that he loss and couldn't accept.

Nope. Someone has organized the "blm" riots and no one seems to be concerned about that. Whoever it is, they have gotten a pass.

I just gave you a chance to demonstrate how committed you were to equal justice.

And you did. You showed how committed you are to it.


I forgot, I told myself to not respond to you. I conversed with you before. You gave me a headache with your asinine, talking in circle reasoning. You constantly ask dumb questions and then, you answer that dumb question yourself. You seem kinda slow or you're just a old troll.

Wow. My wanting to have equal justice for the organizers of a both the 1/6 riot and the "blm" riots, seems to have touched a nerve.

Most liberals I have addressed this with, have complicated excuses for why the 1/6 riot was so much worse than the rest of the riots of the last 5 years.

You sure you don't want to take that path, instead of trying to spin this to be about me?
No nerve don't want a answer. You want to answer questions, with questions. You're act is draining. Sorry Bud
Kkk, Proud boys, bugaloo boys and most of their constituents

Which Republican belongs to these groups?

View attachment 458592
The ones that stormtrooped the capitol.

Are you serious, or just stupid?

70 million people stormed the capitol building?

Biden still saying that?
Well Antifa, Blm or even the Confederate army never sacked the Capitol..

The only time our capitol has been sacked was by the british in the war of 1812.

Claiming a few unarmed protestors who broke a couple of windows sacked the capitol is preposterous and only put out by dupes of the msm or by democratic political hacks trying to score some points at the expense of the truth.....shameful.
Kkk, Proud boys, bugaloo boys and most of their constituents

Which Republican belongs to these groups?

View attachment 458592
The ones that stormtrooped the capitol.

Are you serious, or just stupid?

70 million people stormed the capitol building?

Biden still saying that?
Well Antifa, Blm or even the Confederate army never sacked the Capitol..

The only time our capitol has been sacked was by the british in the war of 1812.

Claiming a few unarmed protestors who broke a couple of windows sacked the capitol is preposterous and only put out by dupes of the msm or by democratic political hacks trying to score some points at the expense of the truth.....shameful.
How convenient to ignore the dead and injured.

Either the above post is a failure to think, the inability to think or a game being played by an adolescent mind. I'm guessing the latter. After all, what grown adult wishes to project himself as a comic book character? Then again, an insect might be an apt identity.

Hey Green Insect, how's life in the nest? I understand you got caught fraternizing with a cockroach.

Putting the incident in proper scale is not ignoring anything.

That you claim it was, was you lying.
Your first sentence is true. Unfortunately, the post did not put anything into proper scale. I hope you're not serious because I thought you better.

As to your second sentence accusing me of a lie, I drew no such conclusion. Rather, I offered several potentials and concluded with a guess. Unless, you're referring to my mocking the Green Insect for consorting with cockroaches which I confess is only rumor.

Riots are bad. The 1/6 riot was bad.

Those exaggerating it to be some national trauma, are using it as an excuse to smear and dehumanize their political enemies.

Dehumanizing people, I'm not aware of any time it has been done, that is led to any happy endings.
Jan 6 was a serious game. Anyone responsible for it, deserves serious condemnation. Their punishment has nothing to do with dehumanizing them and everything to do with holding them accountable.

I disagree. I think Jan 6 was a demonstration that got out of control, and that it means nothing more than that.

Those who are slavering at the idea of "holding them accountable" are doing so not out of any desire for Justice, but to use the process as a weapon to smear and dehumanize their partisan enemies.
Put on your big boy pant - some will do decades behind bars and deserve every damned minute.

That in no way addresses my point at all.

I think Jan 6 was a demonstration that got out of control, and that it means nothing more than that.

Those who are slavering at the idea of "holding them accountable" are doing so not out of any desire for Justice, but to use the process as a weapon to smear and dehumanize their partisan enemies.
So, your idea of justice is to ignore the officer who was murdered, the tow who committed suicide and the 140 who were injured. "

Sorry, this nation was founded on law. If they are not enforced, they become meaningless/

Nothing I said in any way suggests that.

You seem to be having some trouble reading what I actually write.

Let me try something here.

What do YOU think should be done with all the blm and antifa rioters of the last 5 years?
If you have evidence of wrong-doing, put them on trial.

Well, suddenly a whole lot less passion for justice there.

OK. I agree.

Do you support the idea of equal application of the law?
Yes! Across the board. Not just Blm vs. Jan 6 but the difference between the ways whites get sentences vs. Non whites in this country.

So, does that mean that you want just as serious investigations of "BLM" riots and the organizations behind them as for the jan 6th riot,

OR lack there of?
Yeah. We know already who's behind BLM. I mean we saw George Floyd get murdered on film! Anger, frustration and mistreatment was behind BLM. It was a worldwide movement. The insurrection was caused by a Wanna be Dictator who directed his goons to March on the Capitol to try and stop a electoral process that he loss and couldn't accept.

Nope. Someone has organized the "blm" riots and no one seems to be concerned about that. Whoever it is, they have gotten a pass.

I just gave you a chance to demonstrate how committed you were to equal justice.

And you did. You showed how committed you are to it.


I forgot, I told myself to not respond to you. I conversed with you before. You gave me a headache with your asinine, talking in circle reasoning. You constantly ask dumb questions and then, you answer that dumb question yourself. You seem kinda slow or you're just a old troll.

Wow. My wanting to have equal justice for the organizers of a both the 1/6 riot and the "blm" riots, seems to have touched a nerve.

Most liberals I have addressed this with, have complicated excuses for why the 1/6 riot was so much worse than the rest of the riots of the last 5 years.

You sure you don't want to take that path, instead of trying to spin this to be about me?
No nerve don't want a answer. You want to answer questions, with questions. You're act is draining. Sorry Bud

YOu gave me an answer and I was quite happy with it. Very happy in fact.

YOu don't want equal justice for the organizers of hte 1/6 riot and the organizers of the "Blm" riots.

I figured that was the case and you confirmed it.

To be clear, I want equal justice for all of them. 1/6. blm, antifa .

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