Biden Campaign Demands TV News Execs Stop Booking Giuliani.

I know it's a tired old response, but can you imagine if @POTUS tried to tell a network, any network, whom they could interview or not interview? You know exactly what they would say - IMPEACH HIM!!!
I know it's a tired old response, but can you imagine if @POTUS tried to tell a network, any network, whom they could interview or not interview? You know exactly what they would say - IMPEACH HIM!!!
I just change channels when the DNC talking heads start in on President Trump with the same identical chatter as their fellows who are reading from the same talking points memo, verbatim, on 150 corrupt news programs across the nation. The democrats act out a situation like paroling embezzlers to do the nation's accounting. It screws taxpayers out of their hard-earned money they paid taxes with.
I don't think the News Media, corrupt as it is, will take this, even from a Democrat.

I look for Uncle Joe's handlers to have him getting plenty of distance from this letter by tomorrow.

It's a bit too Totalitarian---don't ya think---Joe Biden goin Joe Stalin.

It was supposedly written by that raving loon who worked for Obama early on, and said her favorite "Philosopher" was Mao.

Scary isn't it. A Maoist in this country, acting for the leading Democrat candidate, telling the news media to shut down free speech.
I don't think the News Media, corrupt as it is, will take this, even from a Democrat.

I look for Uncle Joe's handlers to have him getting plenty of distance from this letter by tomorrow.

It's a bit too Totalitarian---don't ya think---Joe Biden goin Joe Stalin.

It was supposedly written by that raving loon who worked for Obama early on, and said her favorite "Philosopher" was Mao.

Scary isn't it. A Maoist in this country, acting for the leading Democrat candidate, telling the news media to shut down free speech.
Control freaks are what they are.
I don't think the News Media, corrupt as it is, will take this, even from a Democrat.

I look for Uncle Joe's handlers to have him getting plenty of distance from this letter by tomorrow.

It's a bit too Totalitarian---don't ya think---Joe Biden goin Joe Stalin.

It was supposedly written by that raving loon who worked for Obama early on, and said her favorite "Philosopher" was Mao.

Scary isn't it. A Maoist in this country, acting for the leading Democrat candidate, telling the news media to shut down free speech.
Pure fascism.
My parents were Democrats and only voted for a Republican twice, both times to President Eisenhower. They'd turn over in their graves if they knew Democrats were lying nonstop, 24-7-365. Their love was for telling the truth, no matter what. Today's Democrats send out memos to their supporters that broke with the truth long ago.
The people must be saved from anything outside of our talking points!

Biden Campaign Demands TV News Execs Stop Booking Giuliani.
Big mistake. Rudy's rants make Biden look better every day.
Yeah, demanding News not to cover something is a sure sign of ....
"Yeah, demanding News not to cover something is a sure sign of ....[/QUOTE]"
Trump-ism! He and his acolytes are constantly complaining about the truthful coverage of Trump's actions. Actions like repeal of California's anti-smog requirements for cars, for Ex, and opening national forests for timber opposed to his non-actions like healthcare, immigration, infrastructure, or like confiscating Congressionally funded money for broken down military facilities....etc, etc, etc. Yep, that darned MSM for not being fair & balanced like Trump TV.
The people must be saved from anything outside of our talking points!

Biden Campaign Demands TV News Execs Stop Booking Giuliani.
guiliani has been a huge idiot for the most part. but the networks are about reactions and clicks. that means ANYTHING that will give them that is fair game to them.

but the left saying SHUT UP and demanding people not be heard isn't anything new now is it? anti-fa has been doing that for years now. who knows, maybe biden is their daddy.
I know it's a tired old response, but can you imagine if @POTUS tried to tell a network, any network, whom they could interview or not interview? You know exactly what they would say - IMPEACH HIM!!!

You mean like when Trump whined about FoxNews having "leftist" guest on?

Or when Trump said "We have to start looking for a new News Outlet" because FoxNews as not being loyal enough to him?

Like that?
The people must be saved from anything outside of our talking points!

Biden Campaign Demands TV News Execs Stop Booking Giuliani.
Big mistake. Rudy's rants make Biden look better every day.
Yeah, demanding News not to cover something is a sure sign of ....
Giuliani is not providing "news." He is doing exactly what the Biden campaign accuses him of: spreading unfounded completely false conspiracy theories. They are NOT true, we have shown you that at least a thousand times in the past week and the right, including Giuliani, just keep repeating it like a Chatty Cathy.
Of course, the networks are going to put on whoever gives them the biggest audience, so the letter won't matter, but I agree with them.
I don't think the News Media, corrupt as it is, will take this, even from a Democrat.

I look for Uncle Joe's handlers to have him getting plenty of distance from this letter by tomorrow.

It's a bit too Totalitarian---don't ya think---Joe Biden goin Joe Stalin.

It was supposedly written by that raving loon who worked for Obama early on, and said her favorite "Philosopher" was Mao.

Scary isn't it. A Maoist in this country, acting for the leading Democrat candidate, telling the news media to shut down free speech.
Pure fascism.
My parents were Democrats and only voted for a Republican twice, both times to President Eisenhower. They'd turn over in their graves if they knew Democrats were lying nonstop, 24-7-365. Their love was for telling the truth, no matter what. Today's Democrats send out memos to their supporters that broke with the truth long ago.
The Democrats are lying about what? I have a feeling your parents would have actually followed the facts, Beautress, and would realize that this Biden "scandal" is nothing but right wing lies to help protect the President from his strong arming Ukraine for oppo dirt on Biden.
It isn't just Democrats saying so. It is the Western world saying Shokin was corrupt and it was right to get rid of him.
The people must be saved from anything outside of our talking points!

Biden Campaign Demands TV News Execs Stop Booking Giuliani.

Fake news. There were no demands.

You are the king of fake news
Biden team demands news networks stop booking Rudy Giuliani

while they didn't say STOP IT, what do you think they were asking for when they said:

"While you often fact check his statements in real time during your discussions, that is no longer enough," they wrote to CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN and Fox News. "By giving him your air time, you are allowing him to introduce increasingly unhinged, unfounded and desperate lies into the national conversation."


"Your obligation is to provide the American people with an informed, fact-based and responsible coverage and debate of critical issues," the Biden campaign wrote. "Giving Rudy Giuliani valuable time on your air to push these lies in the first place is a disservice to your audience and a disservice to journalism."
The people must be saved from anything outside of our talking points!

Biden Campaign Demands TV News Execs Stop Booking Giuliani.

Fake news. There were no demands.

You are the king of fake news
Biden team demands news networks stop booking Rudy Giuliani

while they didn't say STOP IT, what do you think they were asking for when they said:

"While you often fact check his statements in real time during your discussions, that is no longer enough," they wrote to CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN and Fox News. "By giving him your air time, you are allowing him to introduce increasingly unhinged, unfounded and desperate lies into the national conversation."


"Your obligation is to provide the American people with an informed, fact-based and responsible coverage and debate of critical issues," the Biden campaign wrote. "Giving Rudy Giuliani valuable time on your air to push these lies in the first place is a disservice to your audience and a disservice to journalism."

Your reply had the key point in it...what were they ASKING for. No demands...that is not a subtle difference.

What was Trump "asking" for when he said that FoxNews was not loyal enough...did you have an issue with that?

Did you have an issue when Trump said he would have to find a new news outlet since FoxNews was not working hard enough for them?

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