Biden Campaign In Serious Trouble, Drops over 110 Million to flood TV with Commercials.

Biden Campaign In Serious Trouble

Yep. Serious

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I'll take that at face value....What is the ratio between the margin of error and the "undecideds" in the states that count?

I mean not counting the polls that have Biden up over 10 points, which is beyond preposterous.

Nothing is a lock.
but hey, he's confident of those numbers. like he's confident he has the winning lottery ticket every week. I'm still laughing.
they're just such generic bullshit ads that it will be background noise to most.

biden is respectful
biden will do the right thing
biden is a good guy

ok, what about his 47 years shows this to be true?
they're just such generic bullshit ads that it will be background noise to most.

biden is respectful
biden will do the right thing
biden is a good guy

ok, what about his 47 years shows this to be true?
crime bill of 1990's against blacks proves he's a racist. there's that.
Good, and no it not about his controversy with Hunter. Only you trampers believe that nonsense.

But I thought Biden was crushing Trump in the polls? And, if you listen to Democrat Media pundits, they say Trump's debates and town hall have been awful; less than presidential. With all of that, why waste the money??
Good, and no it not about his controversy with Hunter. Only you trampers believe that nonsense.

But I thought Biden was crushing Trump in the polls? And, if you listen to Democrat Media pundits, they say Trump's debates and town hall have been awful; less than presidential. With all of that, why waste the money??
yes, exactly
Biden Campaign In Serious Trouble, Drops over 110 million to flood TV with Commercials.

In an effort to combat the Hunter controversy Joe Biden is now flooding the air waves with commercials...

Every other add on every major network is a Biden campaign add..

Just WOW...

Yeah hes really flooding Michigan. Hope he goes broke fast
Biden Campaign In Serious Trouble, Drops over 110 million to flood TV with Commercials.

In an effort to combat the Hunter controversy Joe Biden is now flooding the air waves with commercials...

Every other add on every major network is a Biden campaign add..

Just WOW...

Ha Ha Hah! Serious trouble... Ha Ha Hah! The desperation in full bloom.
In just three days Joe has lost 4 points in all battle ground states... Denial is a river in Egypt..
Well that's a lie.

It was just reported this Morning... All battle ground states are now within the margin of error..
They're simply tightening up the polls. Trump has always been ahead.
Biden Campaign In Serious Trouble, Drops over 110 million to flood TV with Commercials.

In an effort to combat the Hunter controversy Joe Biden is now flooding the air waves with commercials...

Every other add on every major network is a Biden campaign add..

Just WOW...

I live in a very blue state so I don't see to many commercials. We're less than 2 weeks out now so I imagine they are spending whatever money they have for one final push. Not sure it necessarily means they are in serious trouble. Given what happened to Hillary in 2016 if I'm advising Joe Biden I would spend and campaign in battleground states up the last second regardless of the polls.
Here in AZ every other commercial is a Biden or Mark Kelly commercial. Here they both advertise as moderates and will work with Republicans and that they are like McCain.

Sounds like more Biden ads than Trump? Who do you think takes Arizona?
Hard to say, there are a lot of liberals here. Looks like a few other groups have started dropping anti-Kelly ads, even police are now coming out against him. McSally is doing a tad better but still isn’t going to help President Trump much.
they're just such generic bullshit ads that it will be background noise to most.

biden is respectful
biden will do the right thing
biden is a good guy

ok, what about his 47 years shows this to be true?
Well what else are they supposed to do with the massive amounts of money they have?

All of a sudden a campaign getting lots of donations is bad.
soro's cash at its finest.
My cash and a lot of great Americans like me exercising their freedom of speech.

I bet that makes you upset.
and the majority Soro's cash. thanks,
Soros has donated $2800 to the Biden campaign.
Biden has raised over half a billion dollar.

So it’s not “majority”, it’s 0.000005% Soros money.

It’s not easy to be off by 7 orders of magnitude but you always did exceed expectations.
Oh Brother like the Chinese which I am sure are heavily donating as well---------------the money donation scams are in full force and both Soros and the chinese have learned how to hide most of their donations in liittle donors for the dems. I know for Hilliary running in Ny and thusly also federally that the Chinese were having their immigrants to the US all donate the maximum allowed under federal law despite all of them working minimum wage jobs. Yeah nothing suspicious there now is it.
Oh Brother like the Chinese which I am sure are heavily donating as well---------------the money donation scams are in full force and both Soros and the chinese have learned how to hide most of their donations in liittle donors for the dems. I know for Hilliary running in Ny and thusly also federally that the Chinese were having their immigrants to the US all donate the maximum allowed under federal law despite all of them working minimum wage jobs. Yeah nothing suspicious there now is it.
Baseless conspiracy theory.
Biden Campaign In Serious Trouble, Drops over 110 million to flood TV with Commercials.

In an effort to combat the Hunter controversy Joe Biden is now flooding the air waves with commercials...

Every other add on every major network is a Biden campaign add..

Just WOW...

Lol, the Biden campaign is outspending the tRump because they've out fundraised them by so much.

Next bullshit please.

How'd that work out for hillary?
Biden Campaign In Serious Trouble, Drops over 110 million to flood TV with Commercials.

In an effort to combat the Hunter controversy Joe Biden is now flooding the air waves with commercials...

Every other add on every major network is a Biden campaign add..

Just WOW...

Yeah hes really flooding Michigan. Hope he goes broke fast
it doesn't matter hitlery outspent trump by 100% and didn't help her.
Oh Brother like the Chinese which I am sure are heavily donating as well---------------the money donation scams are in full force and both Soros and the chinese have learned how to hide most of their donations in liittle donors for the dems. I know for Hilliary running in Ny and thusly also federally that the Chinese were having their immigrants to the US all donate the maximum allowed under federal law despite all of them working minimum wage jobs. Yeah nothing suspicious there now is it.
Baseless conspiracy theory.
Got A Ways TO go to catch RUSSIA.

There's a hell of a lot more here than you had for RUSSIA. or even the impeachment crap.

So kindly suck it.

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