Biden Campaign In Serious Trouble, Drops over 110 Million to flood TV with Commercials.

Biden Campaign In Serious Trouble, Drops over 110 million to flood TV with Commercials.

In an effort to combat the Hunter controversy Joe Biden is now flooding the air waves with commercials...

Every other add on every major network is a Biden campaign add..

Just WOW...

Ha Ha Hah! Serious trouble... Ha Ha Hah! The desperation in full bloom.
In just three days Joe has lost 4 points in all battle ground states... Denial is a river in Egypt..
Well that's a lie.

It was just reported this Morning... All battle ground states are now within the margin of error..
Reported by who?
Got A Ways TO go to catch RUSSIA.

There's a hell of a lot more here than you had for RUSSIA. or even the impeachment crap.

So kindly suck it.
I have a bipartisan senate intelligence report that says otherwise.

But I wouldn’t give much thought to the opinion of someone who thinks Obama got the post office to hack Sheryl Atkisson’s computer.
Got A Ways TO go to catch RUSSIA.

There's a hell of a lot more here than you had for RUSSIA. or even the impeachment crap.

So kindly suck it.
I have a bipartisan senate intelligence report that says otherwise.

But I wouldn’t give much thought to the opinion of someone who thinks Obama got the post office to hack Sheryl Atkisson’s computer.
I never said post office, troll boy.
Massive add buys happened yesterday... There is only one reason to make massive add buys when a very negative story comes out...

Biden is now in massive damage control mode and the hits just keep on coming....
This is damage control. I'm not sure you can control public opinion when you and your son are involved
is a massive kick-back bribery scheme in Ukraine.....and you've already definitively and uncategorically denied such a thing ever happened.

Obama was sure right about one thing. You can always depend on Joe Biden to fuck things up.
How long do you think it will take for people to realize Biden is all commercials? And really, when do we hit the point of diminishing utility with these nuicense commercials? It's just too bad that Biden can't talk coherently. I guess commercials will have to do.
I never said post office, troll boy.
I can respond with a polite response with a lot of content. You ignore.

I respond attacking you, and you respond.

Which says a lot about you.

No, you didn't say it, but your favorite psychopath Sharyl Atkisson did. Which goes to show, you idiots were going off on nonsense conspiracy theories WAY before Trump ever got into office, yet you continually blame your behavior on the Trump collusion narrative. It's just proof this is a convenient excuse to act like an asshole. The truth is you've always been assholes.

Oh, and I also know your idiotic conspiracy theories better than you, which is why you'll never win.
and they are all beaten down with the next commercial: Biden saying he will raise taxes or take away your guns (approved by trump) lol. we mute Biden the creep.
They're going to need more than $110M to explain away "Pop gets half" and the kiddie porn on Hunted's laptop. And now "the big guy" who Hunted claims "needs a share of the action" has just been corroborated as Joseph R Biden by a 3rd party, who is also on that email distribution.

Fucking Ouch!!!
I see a lot of campaign ads. Not as many as there were for Michael Bloomberg. Those were constant. Biden's commercials irritate me. In the Southern California area, at least, he is constantly harping on unity. He's going to bring peace by unifying the country and ending division. I don't want to be unified with communists, anarchists or gang bangers. I don't know anyone who does. It's the wrong message for an area already suffering from the effects of diversity.
Biden Campaign In Serious Trouble, Drops over 110 million to flood TV with Commercials.

In an effort to combat the Hunter controversy Joe Biden is now flooding the air waves with commercials...

Every other add on every major network is a Biden campaign add..

Just WOW...

I live in a very blue state so I don't see to many commercials. We're less than 2 weeks out now so I imagine they are spending whatever money they have for one final push. Not sure it necessarily means they are in serious trouble. Given what happened to Hillary in 2016 if I'm advising Joe Biden I would spend and campaign in battleground states up the last second regardless of the polls.
Here in AZ every other commercial is a Biden or Mark Kelly commercial. Here they both advertise as moderates and will work with Republicans and that they are like McCain.

Sounds like more Biden ads than Trump? Who do you think takes Arizona?

If it was only about spending money the shrilary would be president. Sport.
They're going to need more than $110M to explain away "Pop gets half" and the kiddie porn on Hunted's laptop. And now "the big guy" who Hunted claims "needs a share of the action" has just been corroborated as Joseph R Biden by a 3rd party, who is also on that email distribution.

Fucking Ouch!!!
This thing is really blowing up....

The Hunter Biden computer has been verified..

Now two of Hunters co-conspirators (who are already adjudicated on other charges and in jail or going to jail) are confirming the validity of the emails and have now provided over 26,000 more emails in the hopes of not being indicted for influence pedaling and acts of treason (pay for play).

With the information and validity of the emails now confirmed they have also Identified Joe Biden as "the big guy" who was to receive 10% of the proceeds from the deal. (about 18 million dollars).

There are now TWO cooberating witnesses to the influence pedaling.
I see a lot of campaign ads. Not as many as there were for Michael Bloomberg. Those were constant. Biden's commercials irritate me. In the Southern California area, at least, he is constantly harping on unity. He's going to bring peace by unifying the country and ending division. I don't want to be unified with communists, anarchists or gang bangers. I don't know anyone who does. It's the wrong message for an area already suffering from the effects of diversity.
Why would Biden run commercials in California? The democrats own that state in fee simple.
Biden Campaign In Serious Trouble, Drops over 110 million to flood TV with Commercials.

In an effort to combat the Hunter controversy Joe Biden is now flooding the air waves with commercials...

Every other add on every major network is a Biden campaign add..

Just WOW...

Someone wants Biden to win REALLY BAD and be in the White House and it ISN'T the voters!
They're going to need more than $110M to explain away "Pop gets half" and the kiddie porn on Hunted's laptop. And now "the big guy" who Hunted claims "needs a share of the action" has just been corroborated as Joseph R Biden by a 3rd party, who is also on that email distribution.
Fucking Ouch!!!
This thing is really blowing up....
The Hunter Biden computer has been verified..

GOOD THING not a single questioner or debate mod has bothered to ask about it, bring it up or mention it other than DONALD TRUMP!

And that was with Chris Wallace climbing up on his desk splitting his pants, foaming at the mouth raving trying to stop him!



I see a lot of campaign ads. Not as many as there were for Michael Bloomberg. Those were constant. Biden's commercials irritate me. In the Southern California area, at least, he is constantly harping on unity. He's going to bring peace by unifying the country and ending division. I don't want to be unified with communists, anarchists or gang bangers. I don't know anyone who does. It's the wrong message for an area already suffering from the effects of diversity.
Why would Biden run commercials in California? The democrats own that state in fee simple.

Maybe they aren't sure anymore. Gavin Newsome may have done more damage than we thought. I stood in line for half an hour to sign a recall petition. One party rule has not been good for California. People are leaving in droves. One of the crippling financial issues are that wealthy foreigners are moving in and buying up Beverly Hills, Brentwood, Malibu, etc. Aside from sales and property taxes, they bring no money into the state. They don't work here. They don't invest here. Everything is comfortably "back home".
They're going to need more than $110M to explain away "Pop gets half" and the kiddie porn on Hunted's laptop. And now "the big guy" who Hunted claims "needs a share of the action" has just been corroborated as Joseph R Biden by a 3rd party, who is also on that email distribution.
Fucking Ouch!!!
This thing is really blowing up....
The Hunter Biden computer has been verified..

GOOD THING not a single questioner or debate mod has bothered to ask about it, bring it up or mention it other than DONALD TRUMP!

And that was with Chris Wallace climbing up on his desk splitting his pants, foaming at the mouth raving trying to stop him!

View attachment 402846
With the surfacing of TWO witnesses who corroborate the influence pedaling and funds directly being given to Joe Biden, there is now sufficient evidence of criminal acts that the DOJ and FBI must act...
They're going to need more than $110M to explain away "Pop gets half" and the kiddie porn on Hunted's laptop. And now "the big guy" who Hunted claims "needs a share of the action" has just been corroborated as Joseph R Biden by a 3rd party, who is also on that email distribution.
Fucking Ouch!!!
This thing is really blowing up....
The Hunter Biden computer has been verified..

GOOD THING not a single questioner or debate mod has bothered to ask about it, bring it up or mention it other than DONALD TRUMP!

And that was with Chris Wallace climbing up on his desk splitting his pants, foaming at the mouth raving trying to stop him!

View attachment 402846
With the surfacing of TWO witnesses who corroborate the influence pedaling and funds directly being given to Joe Biden, there is now sufficient evidence of criminal acts that the DOJ and FBI must act...
How does this man survive to the election. No Republican would be allowed to campaign under these revelations
They're going to need more than $110M to explain away "Pop gets half" and the kiddie porn on Hunted's laptop. And now "the big guy" who Hunted claims "needs a share of the action" has just been corroborated as Joseph R Biden by a 3rd party, who is also on that email distribution.
Fucking Ouch!!!
This thing is really blowing up....
The Hunter Biden computer has been verified..

GOOD THING not a single questioner or debate mod has bothered to ask about it, bring it up or mention it other than DONALD TRUMP!

And that was with Chris Wallace climbing up on his desk splitting his pants, foaming at the mouth raving trying to stop him!

View attachment 402846
With the surfacing of TWO witnesses who corroborate the influence pedaling and funds directly being given to Joe Biden, there is now sufficient evidence of criminal acts that the DOJ and FBI must act...
How does this man survive to the election. No Republican would be allowed to campaign under these revelations
There is sufficient evidence now that Probable Cause can be met and both Joe and his son can be arrested. There are no less than about 12 Federal laws they have broken, all felonies..

CAR 54, calling CAR 54, Where are you?

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