Biden can't even unify his own party, Democrats admit they don't have the votes to pass their agenda in the Senate, no Green New Deal, no DC statehood

I get the feeling Biden is trying to establish his bona fides with the progressive wing.

Such is politics.
With his strong public approval, the President should become more ambitious.
We’re fast approaching President Biden’s 100th day in office and already Congress has passed a massive $1.9 trillion coronavirus aid package; helped usher in Biden’s history-making Cabinet picks; and approved a measure in the House that would give undocumented immigrants, including those currently with temporary protections under the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, a pathway to citizenship.

Maybe the popularly-elected President should next vow to build a "big, beautiful wall!" and make "Mexico!" pay for it, or to repeal 'ObamaCare' and replace it "immediately!" with "something terrific!" that "covers everybody!" at "less cost!"
He has no public approval (except from illegal aliens, and even that is short term)
The Covid-19 relief and infrastructure bills are plenty for the first 2 years. The American people will know which party cares about their welfare.

The public is very aware of voter repression by the Repugs, and of the way the filibuster is used to make sure that no legislation get done.

Expect the Dems to increase their Senate majority significantly in 2022. Then Manchin won't be able to save the filibuster.

Once the filibuster is gone, the Dems agenda will be back on track.
The American people know which party DOES NOT care about their welfare. It is the party of the highjacker in the White House, who is distributing and dumping illegal aliens on us, all over the country, with all the harms they bring (much more than just Covid)

Harms of illegal immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).
2. Wage reduction.
3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).
4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($148 Billion/year). Remittances to Latin America, Caribbean hit record highs in 2016
5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.
6. Increased crime.
7. Increased traffic congestion.
8. Increased pollution.
9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.
10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.
11. Overcrowding in government offices.
12. Overcrowding in schools.
13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.
14. Cultural erosion.
15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)
16. Introduction of Covid and foreign diseases
17. Influx of terrorists.
18. Wildfires
19. Litter
20. Housing saturation.
21. Excessively high housing costs.
He has no public approval (except from illegal aliens, and even that is short term)
The reason that you cannot find any public surveys that comport with your churlish, hyper-partisan nonsense is that the popularly-elected President is proposing popular legislation.

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[RealClearPolitics - Favorability Ratings: Political Leaders]

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You are free to whine, whimper, kvetch, sulk, and brood.

Don't do this again!

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The reason that you cannot find any public surveys that comport with your churlish, hyper-partisan nonsense is that the popularly-elected President is proposing popular legislation.

You are free to whine, whimper, kvetch, sulk, and brood.

Don't do this again!

This polling is very troubling for Biden.
The Real Clear Politics summations that you post are nothing more than reports of polls in which only Democrats respond. Information-deprived, leftist, airhead, victims of liberal OMISSION media come in here completely unaware of this, and post meaningless disinformation.

If Biden's unfavorable count really is 40.7% as RCP notes, that is 40.7% unfavorable coming from just Democrats, but if all he could get from them was 53% favorable, that would leave 47% of THEM viewing him UNfavorable.

If a poll were taken of only Republicans, Trump would get a 95% favorable rating.

He has no public approval (except from illegal aliens, and even that is short term)
The reason that you cannot find any public surveys that comport with your churlish, hyper-partisan nonsense is that the popularly-elected President is proposing popular legislation.

You are free to whine, whimper, kvetch, sulk, and brood.

Don't do this again!

Biden's policies have been / brought uttef failure and division
The Real Clear Politics summations that you post are nothing more than reports of polls in which only Democrats respond.
Blatantly false.

Not a single one of the range of independent public surveys cited reflects the opinions of exclusively Democrats.

You can access details concerning Americans sampled in each by going to here and clicking on the name of each poll.

I suspect that you are not as ignorant of that reality as you pretend. In your hyper-partisan denialism, you just can't handle the consensus of results, the positive estimation of the President by the American people who elected him with 51.33% of the vote.

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Biden's policies have been / brought uttef failure and division
Among the Losers, I agree.

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Among Americans, there is majoritarian support for the President they elected.
How much of the Green Deal and the infrastructure bills will pass remains problematic.

DC statehood will pass.
Biden's policies have been / brought uttef failure and division
Among the Losers, I agree.

View attachment 485171

Among Americans, there is majoritarian support for the President they elected.
...and foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorists like Antifa & BLM who have caused BILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN DAMAGE in Democrat-run communities all over the US...who continue to do so at the request of our VP & Mad Max.

Jan 6th was a setup, a riot incited by Antifa, one the FBI, Capitol Police, & Pelosi was coming yet did nothing about it because they used the event to convince stupid sheep like you that it was an attempted 'insurrection' by unarmed protestors more interested in trespassing, taking selfies, and taking souvenirs.

The Antifa / BLM terrorist attacks consisting of looting, pillaging, destroying, burning, assaulting, & murdering - resulting in destroyed lives, destroyed businesses, and BILLIONS in damage - makes the 6 Jan Capitol Riot look like a tea party.

And you support our VP who bailed out terrorists and put them back on the streets to keep committing more crime & damage. Obama bailed out a prominent female black lawyer that fire-bombed a police car with cops inside by using a Molotov cocktail. WTF?

Rational, intelligent, sane people don't support terrorists and govt officials who support / bail out terrorists. It is obvious you are not a rational, intelligent, or sane individual.
There will be mistakes & things that I personally wont like. But IF we turn the country into a place that supports the betterment of most of the population (regular working folks) I will support this administration.

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