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Biden chooses a racist to head up Department of Justice Civil Rights Division

Something someone wrote 30 years ago in a largely satirical piece is relevant - How?

You can't prove that she meant it as satire.

Fact Check: Did Joe Biden's Assistant AG Pick Write About Black vs. White Genetics?

The Ruling

Despite Clarke's recent assertions that her 1994 co-authored article for The Harvard Crimson was meant to "express an equally absurd point of view," it is not stated in the article that her and Kennedy's claims on Black vs. white genetics were not serious at the time.

Fact Check: Did Joe Biden's Assistant AG Pick Write About Black vs. White Genetics? (newsweek.com)

So she wrote a satiric piece while a student at Harvard, and that's what you're hanging this allegation on.

This is really fucking weak!!

Leftists are such fucking hypocrites.
Something someone wrote 30 years ago in a largely satirical piece is relevant - How?

You can't prove that she meant it as satire.

Fact Check: Did Joe Biden's Assistant AG Pick Write About Black vs. White Genetics?

The Ruling

Despite Clarke's recent assertions that her 1994 co-authored article for The Harvard Crimson was meant to "express an equally absurd point of view," it is not stated in the article that her and Kennedy's claims on Black vs. white genetics were not serious at the time.

Fact Check: Did Joe Biden's Assistant AG Pick Write About Black vs. White Genetics? (newsweek.com)

So she wrote a satiric piece while a student at Harvard, and that's what you're hanging this allegation on.

This is really fucking weak!!

Leftists are such fucking hypocrites.
And it wasn't "satire".

In response to those who defend The Bell Curve ("Defending The Bell Curve," Opinion, Oct. 24, 1994), please use the following theories and observations to assist you in your search for truth regarding the genetic differences between Blacks and whites.

One: Dr. Richard King reveals that at the core of the human brain is the "locus coeruleus" which is a structure that is Black because it contains large amounts of (neuro) melanin which is essential for its operation.

Two: Black infants sit, stand, crawl and walk sooner than whites.

Three: Carol Barnes notes that human mental processes are controlled by melanin--that same chemical which gives Blacks their superior physical and mental abilities.

Four: Some scientists have revealed that most whites are unable to produce melanin because their pineal glands are often calcification or non-functioning. Pineal calcification rates with Africans are five to 15 percent, Asians 15 to 25 percent and Europeans 60 to 80 percent. This is the chemical basis for the cultural differences between Blacks and whites.

Five: Melanin endows Blacks with greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities--something which cannot be measured based on Eurocentric standards.

We can readily admit that an abused child is less likely to achieve academically than a child that has grown up in a supportive atmosphere. Black children, whether rich or poor, grow up with an added abuse which white children never have to face. Imagine the message that misguided information like The Bell Curve would send to a Black child who is trying to find her place in school. It's degrading, belittling and outrageously false.

Attacks on Black people such as those in The Bell Curve are not unique. Black children face this abuse daily through television shows, jokes aired on the radio, textbooks with truncated history, etc. Liberal whites underestimate the damage which racism causes on the minds of Black children, and conservative whites know all too well how to enlarge that damage. No matter how rich or supportive a Black person's home might be, by the time she is ready to take the SAT or apply to college, she has struggled far more extensively than any white person of the same social and economic background.

In addition, it is completely naive to say that Blacks have achieved economic equality with whites. It seems that whites have grown tired of hearing about racism. So, some have turned to measures such as The Bell Curve to relieve themselves of blame.

It's just ridiculous. Black people are not asking for political correctness, but truthfulness, fairness and an end to this abuse. Kristen Clarke '97 Victoria Kennedy '97

Clarke is president of the Black Students Association.

Something someone wrote 30 years ago in a largely satirical piece is relevant - How?
Because people's careers and lives are destroyed over such things.

Think about that the next time you go off spouting the latest Q conspiracy theory. ;)
Which ones have I espoused to date?

You think the election was stolen from Dear Leader for one thing. Barr says no, Chief Cyber-Security guy says no, over 60 courts say no, SCOTUS says no, machine and hand recounts say no, signature matches say no, and Republican governors and secretaries of state say no. That work for starters?
Of course not, because I did not say the election was stolen. See, this is what happens when you assume stuff instead of finding out for sure. I said Biden won the election within a day or two. Try again.
But of course it's ok, and the MSM will completely ignore this woman's past comments.

'Blacks have superior physical and mental abilities,' said Clarke

Why is Kristen Clarke being accused of racism?

Why is Kristen Clarke being accused of racism? Fox host Tucker Carlson slams Joe Biden's pick for top DOJ role

President-elect Joe Biden has faced criticism over his picks for the next administration at the White House. The former vice president has nominated a number of individuals of color and it has not impressed the far-right camp. One of the president-elect’s picks who has come under the scanner at the moment is Kristen Clarke, who has been nominated to run the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division.

Why is Kristen Clarke being accused of racism? Fox host Tucker Carlson slams Joe Biden's pick for top DOJ role | MEAWW

Tucker Carlson calling the new DOJ pick racist is very laughable. Where was Tucker when Jeff Sessions was named as Attorney General? Why wasn't he calling out Sessions for his past racist statements and actions? Maybe because Tucker is just as racist as Sessions.

Having enthusiastically supported a white supremacist in the White House, Tucker Carlson has no credibility to call out anyone for racism, for the rest of his life. NONE.
You could be referring to anyone as a white supremecist, but if it was a hind kick to former President Donald Trump, you are a supreme liar. Trump created high-paying job opportunities for minorities, and he intended his successors to be sure and keep those jobs to let black people and persons of color know that they are appreciated far into the future.
What high paying jobs for minorities did Trump create?? If you mean rounding up Latinos and shipping them out and telling blacks that, hey here's a job cleaning these bathrooms and flipping these burgers, then yeah he created a lot of jobs. Trump IS a documented racist!!
Oh you poor baby. You have mistaken meanness for the TDSyndrome the current administration is bending over backward to accelerate along with its consistent lie of "what 320 million 'higher-paying jobs' are you (insert disparaging word du jour . Well, doh! A few hundred thousand cancelled pipe line Jobs here, few million damaged once-profitable mom & pop restaurants there, a hundred thousand Trump-inspired jobs in once-thriving areas burned down with first responder jobs cancelled in all Antifa/BLM rioteering areas here, there everywhere. and you leftist pussies are blaming Trump for what Maxine Waters, the REAL job destroyer, financial house chairman disasstress, and you're blaming job creator Trump with overstating jobs he got businesses to create prosperity for themselves and other minorities? You think you're mean? Well, no, but your focus is on what the anti-Trump naysayers are lying about. And not what the naysayers knew was a groupthink, anti-constitutional war by fires on mainstreet organized coast to coast in sold-out press areas where reporters sing for Soros rewards, and not the American people. By taking out businesses via paramilitary street toughs and more businesses yet by way of covid shutdowns, good old Joe Biden to the rescue with more falsity against Trump than lying Nancy handing out engraved gold pens with "Trump impeachment" flaunts, and brazen lies that he did nothing to fight the covid pandemic,nothing of which could be further from the truth.

Nancy Pelosi, the Capitalist pig of the 20th and 21st centuries is pissed off that President Trump gave real jobs to minorities cancelled by Democrats long ago, and the Democrats who lied all along did nothing for minorities even with the only black President America has ever had, controlled by Hillary's lists of human errors recorded and filed by the FBI and of which 900 of the files were found in Hillary's area of the White House, where her files were used to control every fantasy from her joint White House with Bill up into this very moment. Vices can be manipulated by the press to ameliorate all, temporarily.
You're so vain and self-righteous, lil meanie. *yawn*
But of course it's ok, and the MSM will completely ignore this woman's past comments.

'Blacks have superior physical and mental abilities,' said Clarke

Why is Kristen Clarke being accused of racism?

Why is Kristen Clarke being accused of racism? Fox host Tucker Carlson slams Joe Biden's pick for top DOJ role

President-elect Joe Biden has faced criticism over his picks for the next administration at the White House. The former vice president has nominated a number of individuals of color and it has not impressed the far-right camp. One of the president-elect’s picks who has come under the scanner at the moment is Kristen Clarke, who has been nominated to run the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division.

Why is Kristen Clarke being accused of racism? Fox host Tucker Carlson slams Joe Biden's pick for top DOJ role | MEAWW
But there is NO question regarding superior physical abilities. It IS genetics remember!
Look up what the Harvard social biologist Edward Osborne Wilson said regarding genetics.
But of course it's ok, and the MSM will completely ignore this woman's past comments.

'Blacks have superior physical and mental abilities,' said Clarke

Why is Kristen Clarke being accused of racism?
Why is Kristen Clarke being accused of racism? Fox host Tucker Carlson slams Joe Biden's pick for top DOJ role

President-elect Joe Biden has faced criticism over his picks for the next administration at the White House. The former vice president has nominated a number of individuals of color and it has not impressed the far-right camp. One of the president-elect’s picks who has come under the scanner at the moment is Kristen Clarke, who has been nominated to run the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division.

Why is Kristen Clarke being accused of racism? Fox host Tucker Carlson slams Joe Biden's pick for top DOJ role | MEAWW

Tucker Carlson calling the new DOJ pick racist is very laughable. Where was Tucker when Jeff Sessions was named as Attorney General? Why wasn't he calling out Sessions for his past racist statements and actions? Maybe because Tucker is just as racist as Sessions.

Having enthusiastically supported a white supremacist in the White House, Tucker Carlson has no credibility to call out anyone for racism, for the rest of his life. NONE.
You could be referring to anyone as a white supremecist, but if it was a hind kick to former President Donald Trump, you are a supreme liar. Trump created high-paying job opportunities for minorities, and he intended his successors to be sure and keep those jobs to let black people and persons of color know that they are appreciated far into the future.
What high paying jobs for minorities did Trump create?? If you mean rounding up Latinos and shipping them out and telling blacks that, hey here's a job cleaning these bathrooms and flipping these burgers, then yeah he created a lot of jobs. Trump IS a documented racist!!
LOL...you just voted for the documented racist, Mean One! Joe Biden authored the Clinton Crime Bill that put more blacks in Federal Prisons than any other piece of legislation in this country's history! Trump not only created jobs for minorities...HE PARDONED SOME OF THE VERY PEOPLE THAT JOE BIDEN HAD LOCKED UP FOR DECADES!!! Duh?

Yeah, just keep pumping out those right wing lies. Reagan is the guy who got the ball rolling with his "War on Drugs" and "Zero Tolerance".

I've bolded the relevant parts of this quote to note the time frame - namely the past 40 YEARS,

After decades of stability from the 1920s to the early 1970s, the rate of imprisonment in the United States more than quadrupled during the last four decades. The U.S. penal population of 2.2 million adults is by far the largest in the world. Just under one-quarter of the world's prisoners are held in American prisons. The U.S. rate of incarceration, with nearly 1 out of every 100 adults in prison or jail, is 5 to 10 times higher than the rates in Western Europe and other democracies. The U.S. prison population is largely drawn from the most disadvantaged part of the nation's population: mostly men under age 40, disproportionately minority, and poorly educated. Prisoners often carry additional deficits of drug and alcohol addictions, mental and physical illnesses, and lack of work preparation or experience. The growth of incarceration in the United States during four decades has prompted numerous critiques and a growing body of scientific knowledge about what prompted the rise and what its consequences have been for the people imprisoned, their families and communities, and for U.S. society.

While I realize this doesn't exactly fit your narrative of blaming Democrats for the problem, this is yet another example of how Ronald Reagan advanced the white supremacist policies of the Republican Party, beginning in 1980. What happened in the Capital earlier this month, isn't the result of Donald Trump's attempt overthrow the election, but rather the culmination of the white supremacist policies of the Republican Party going back to Ronald Reagan, which has culminated in the Republican support for and enabling of Donald Trump's Presidency.

On Trump's most odious of policies Republicans have said "This is not who we are", but their recent behaviour and their refusal to impeach and convict Donald Trump, not once, but twice, shows that this is exactly who Republicans are. A white supremacist, authoritarian, ill-liberal, anti-democracy party. Facist to the very core.

Biden has admitted that the Crime Bill was a mistake. When has a Republican ever said, "I was wrong. This is a bad idea. Let's fix this."? Which is exactly what Biden has said.

Republicans also gloss over how this law was applied and used by police forces is completely ignored by the right. Over-policing minorities neighbourhoods is what lead to the imprisonment of minorities. Especially in drug laws. Letting white kids off with warnings, while charging minorities with possession of small amounts of pot, lead to the situation. Biden and the Democrats didn't go out and arrest those kids - right wingers did. The Crime Bill gave them the tools to do it, but how it was applied by police forces and the justice system, is what lead to the mass incarceration of minorities.
Last edited:

On Fox yesterday, a clip of Ms. Clarke was shown in which she explained that she (in the past) had said that Blacks were superior in every way to Whites because she wanted to emphasize how absurd it would be to make a similar statement that Whites were superior to Blacks in every way. In other words, she believes that NO ethnicity is superior to any other.

I am sure that Ms. Clarke will be confirmed. I may be mistaken, but I THINK it takes 60 votes. Of course, all 50 Dem Senators will vote for her, and probably some Republican Senators will vote for her because they do not want to anger some pro-Clarke voters in their states.

Well, here's what I have to say to that excuse: Would it be accepted if a Republican appointee had done it? No? Then fuck her. She's a racist, and disqualified. I don't hold with double standards.

On Fox yesterday, a clip of Ms. Clarke was shown in which she explained that she (in the past) had said that Blacks were superior in every way to Whites because she wanted to emphasize how absurd it would be to make a similar statement that Whites were superior to Blacks in every way. In other words, she believes that NO ethnicity is superior to any other.

I am sure that Ms. Clarke will be confirmed. I may be mistaken, but I THINK it takes 60 votes. Of course, all 50 Dem Senators will vote for her, and probably some Republican Senators will vote for her because they do not want to anger some pro-Clarke voters in their states.

Well, here's what I have to say to that excuse: Would it be accepted if a Republican appointee had done it? No? Then fuck her. She's a racist, and disqualified. I don't hold with double standards.

If a Republican had said that, s/he would be canceled for life.

But since the lady is a Dem (and a person of color), the media are naturally ignoring her words.

I hear that some information websites (I shan't name them) have deleted her controversial words from their profiles on her.

That's America in 2021.

What's good for the goose is NOT good for the gander.
Something someone wrote 30 years ago in a largely satirical piece is relevant - How?

You can't prove that she meant it as satire.

Fact Check: Did Joe Biden's Assistant AG Pick Write About Black vs. White Genetics?

The Ruling

Despite Clarke's recent assertions that her 1994 co-authored article for The Harvard Crimson was meant to "express an equally absurd point of view," it is not stated in the article that her and Kennedy's claims on Black vs. white genetics were not serious at the time.

Fact Check: Did Joe Biden's Assistant AG Pick Write About Black vs. White Genetics? (newsweek.com)

So she wrote a satiric piece while a student at Harvard, and that's what you're hanging this allegation on.

This is really fucking weak!!

Leftists are such fucking hypocrites.

Frankly, there's nothing about their putrid agenda that allows them to be anything else.
But of course it's ok, and the MSM will completely ignore this woman's past comments.

'Blacks have superior physical and mental abilities,' said Clarke

Why is Kristen Clarke being accused of racism?
Why is Kristen Clarke being accused of racism? Fox host Tucker Carlson slams Joe Biden's pick for top DOJ role

President-elect Joe Biden has faced criticism over his picks for the next administration at the White House. The former vice president has nominated a number of individuals of color and it has not impressed the far-right camp. One of the president-elect’s picks who has come under the scanner at the moment is Kristen Clarke, who has been nominated to run the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division.

Why is Kristen Clarke being accused of racism? Fox host Tucker Carlson slams Joe Biden's pick for top DOJ role | MEAWW

Tucker Carlson calling the new DOJ pick racist is very laughable. Where was Tucker when Jeff Sessions was named as Attorney General? Why wasn't he calling out Sessions for his past racist statements and actions? Maybe because Tucker is just as racist as Sessions.

Having enthusiastically supported a white supremacist in the White House, Tucker Carlson has no credibility to call out anyone for racism, for the rest of his life. NONE.
You could be referring to anyone as a white supremecist, but if it was a hind kick to former President Donald Trump, you are a supreme liar. Trump created high-paying job opportunities for minorities, and he intended his successors to be sure and keep those jobs to let black people and persons of color know that they are appreciated far into the future.
What high paying jobs for minorities did Trump create?? If you mean rounding up Latinos and shipping them out and telling blacks that, hey here's a job cleaning these bathrooms and flipping these burgers, then yeah he created a lot of jobs. Trump IS a documented racist!!
LOL...you just voted for the documented racist, Mean One! Joe Biden authored the Clinton Crime Bill that put more blacks in Federal Prisons than any other piece of legislation in this country's history! Trump not only created jobs for minorities...HE PARDONED SOME OF THE VERY PEOPLE THAT JOE BIDEN HAD LOCKED UP FOR DECADES!!! Duh?

Yeah, just keep pumping out those right wing lies. Reagan is the guy who got the ball rolling with his "War on Drugs" and "Zero Tolerance".

I've bolded the relevant parts of this quote to note the time frame - namely the past 40 YEARS,

After decades of stability from the 1920s to the early 1970s, the rate of imprisonment in the United States more than quadrupled during the last four decades. The U.S. penal population of 2.2 million adults is by far the largest in the world. Just under one-quarter of the world's prisoners are held in American prisons. The U.S. rate of incarceration, with nearly 1 out of every 100 adults in prison or jail, is 5 to 10 times higher than the rates in Western Europe and other democracies. The U.S. prison population is largely drawn from the most disadvantaged part of the nation's population: mostly men under age 40, disproportionately minority, and poorly educated. Prisoners often carry additional deficits of drug and alcohol addictions, mental and physical illnesses, and lack of work preparation or experience. The growth of incarceration in the United States during four decades has prompted numerous critiques and a growing body of scientific knowledge about what prompted the rise and what its consequences have been for the people imprisoned, their families and communities, and for U.S. society.

While I realize this doesn't exactly fit your narrative of blaming Democrats for the problem, this is yet another example of how Ronald Reagan advanced the white supremacist policies of the Republican Party, beginning in 1980. What happened in the Capital earlier this month, isn't the result of Donald Trump's attempt overthrow the election, but rather the culmination of the white supremacist policies of the Republican Party going back to Ronald Reagan, which has culminated in the Republican support for and enabling of Donald Trump's Presidency.

On Trump's most odious of policies Republicans have said "This is not who we are", but their recent behaviour and their refusal to impeach and convict Donald Trump, not once, but twice, shows that this is exactly who Republicans are. A white supremacist, authoritarian, ill-liberal, anti-democracy party. Facist to the very core.

Biden has admitted that the Crime Bill was a mistake. When has a Republican ever said, "I was wrong. This is a bad idea. Let's fix this."? Which is exactly what Biden has said.

Republicans also gloss over how this law was applied and used by police forces is completely ignored by the right. Over-policing minorities neighbourhoods is what lead to the imprisonment of minorities. Especially in drug laws. Letting white kids off with warnings, while charging minorities with possession of small amounts of pot, lead to the situation. Biden and the Democrats didn't go out and arrest those kids - right wingers did. The Crime Bill gave them the tools to do it, but how it was applied by police forces and the justice system, is what lead to the mass incarceration of minorities.
Who said I voted for Biden? Also, people change. He said it was a mistake and that he was different now and disappointed in his role in that crime bill. The congressional black caucus also signed off on that you know! Plus, this guy was Vetted and confirmed by Obama, so I'm sure his ideologies over the years had softened. My issues are with Trump embodying the idea and attitudes of white supremacists and their ilk. They openly flaunted their racism after he took office. Some still hide it "members of the Government " but most just stuck their hate filled chest out and acted as if it's their country and theirs alone. For them to be so "patriotic"and in love with American flag, I saw alot of Trump/Pence flags flying.

But of course it's ok, and the MSM will completely ignore this woman's past comments.

'Blacks have superior physical and mental abilities,' said Clarke

Why is Kristen Clarke being accused of racism?

Why is Kristen Clarke being accused of racism? Fox host Tucker Carlson slams Joe Biden's pick for top DOJ role

President-elect Joe Biden has faced criticism over his picks for the next administration at the White House. The former vice president has nominated a number of individuals of color and it has not impressed the far-right camp. One of the president-elect’s picks who has come under the scanner at the moment is Kristen Clarke, who has been nominated to run the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division.

Why is Kristen Clarke being accused of racism? Fox host Tucker Carlson slams Joe Biden's pick for top DOJ role | MEAWW

Tucker Carlson calling the new DOJ pick racist is very laughable. Where was Tucker when Jeff Sessions was named as Attorney General? Why wasn't he calling out Sessions for his past racist statements and actions? Maybe because Tucker is just as racist as Sessions.

Having enthusiastically supported a white supremacist in the White House, Tucker Carlson has no credibility to call out anyone for racism, for the rest of his life. NONE.
You could be referring to anyone as a white supremecist, but if it was a hind kick to former President Donald Trump, you are a supreme liar. Trump created high-paying job opportunities for minorities, and he intended his successors to be sure and keep those jobs to let black people and persons of color know that they are appreciated far into the future.
What high paying jobs for minorities did Trump create?? If you mean rounding up Latinos and shipping them out and telling blacks that, hey here's a job cleaning these bathrooms and flipping these burgers, then yeah he created a lot of jobs. Trump IS a documented racist!!
Oh you poor baby. You have mistaken meanness for the TDSyndrome the current administration is bending over backward to accelerate along with its consistent lie of "what 320 million 'higher-paying jobs' are you (insert disparaging word du jour . Well, doh! A few hundred thousand cancelled pipe line Jobs here, few million damaged once-profitable mom & pop restaurants there, a hundred thousand Trump-inspired jobs in once-thriving areas burned down with first responder jobs cancelled in all Antifa/BLM rioteering areas here, there everywhere. and you leftist pussies are blaming Trump for what Maxine Waters, the REAL job destroyer, financial house chairman disasstress, and you're blaming job creator Trump with overstating jobs he got businesses to create prosperity for themselves and other minorities? You think you're mean? Well, no, but your focus is on what the anti-Trump naysayers are lying about. And not what the naysayers knew was a groupthink, anti-constitutional war by fires on mainstreet organized coast to coast in sold-out press areas where reporters sing for Soros rewards, and not the American people. By taking out businesses via paramilitary street toughs and more businesses yet by way of covid shutdowns, good old Joe Biden to the rescue with more falsity against Trump than lying Nancy handing out engraved gold pens with "Trump impeachment" flaunts, and brazen lies that he did nothing to fight the covid pandemic,nothing of which could be further from the truth.

Nancy Pelosi, the Capitalist pig of the 20th and 21st centuries is pissed off that President Trump gave real jobs to minorities cancelled by Democrats long ago, and the Democrats who lied all along did nothing for minorities even with the only black President America has ever had, controlled by Hillary's lists of human errors recorded and filed by the FBI and of which 900 of the files were found in Hillary's area of the White House, where her files were used to control every fantasy from her joint White House with Bill up into this very moment. Vices can be manipulated by the press to ameliorate all, temporarily.
You're so vain and self-righteous, lil meanie. *yawn*
I keep hearing this! But what jobs are you Trump supporters talking about?? He inherited Obamas economy and coasted and took credit like he does for everything.

And the idea that just because Obama was a Black president he could somehow pass any legislation to help Blacks or minorities, while being Dismissed, disrespected, and Obstructed by Mitch and his gaggle of hypocrites for 8 Years is laughable.

If he would have passed any legislation specifically helping only blacks people like you would be like "SEE", Hes only going to help his race! So, Don't come with that crap about he didn't do this or that!

If he didn't do anything why did the Orange moron try so hard to erase and replace his legacy.
But of course it's ok, and the MSM will completely ignore this woman's past comments.

'Blacks have superior physical and mental abilities,' said Clarke

Why is Kristen Clarke being accused of racism?
Why is Kristen Clarke being accused of racism? Fox host Tucker Carlson slams Joe Biden's pick for top DOJ role

President-elect Joe Biden has faced criticism over his picks for the next administration at the White House. The former vice president has nominated a number of individuals of color and it has not impressed the far-right camp. One of the president-elect’s picks who has come under the scanner at the moment is Kristen Clarke, who has been nominated to run the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division.

Why is Kristen Clarke being accused of racism? Fox host Tucker Carlson slams Joe Biden's pick for top DOJ role | MEAWW

Tucker Carlson calling the new DOJ pick racist is very laughable. Where was Tucker when Jeff Sessions was named as Attorney General? Why wasn't he calling out Sessions for his past racist statements and actions? Maybe because Tucker is just as racist as Sessions.

Having enthusiastically supported a white supremacist in the White House, Tucker Carlson has no credibility to call out anyone for racism, for the rest of his life. NONE.
You could be referring to anyone as a white supremecist, but if it was a hind kick to former President Donald Trump, you are a supreme liar. Trump created high-paying job opportunities for minorities, and he intended his successors to be sure and keep those jobs to let black people and persons of color know that they are appreciated far into the future.
What high paying jobs for minorities did Trump create?? If you mean rounding up Latinos and shipping them out and telling blacks that, hey here's a job cleaning these bathrooms and flipping these burgers, then yeah he created a lot of jobs. Trump IS a documented racist!!
LOL...you just voted for the documented racist, Mean One! Joe Biden authored the Clinton Crime Bill that put more blacks in Federal Prisons than any other piece of legislation in this country's history! Trump not only created jobs for minorities...HE PARDONED SOME OF THE VERY PEOPLE THAT JOE BIDEN HAD LOCKED UP FOR DECADES!!! Duh?

Yeah, just keep pumping out those right wing lies. Reagan is the guy who got the ball rolling with his "War on Drugs" and "Zero Tolerance".

I've bolded the relevant parts of this quote to note the time frame - namely the past 40 YEARS,

After decades of stability from the 1920s to the early 1970s, the rate of imprisonment in the United States more than quadrupled during the last four decades. The U.S. penal population of 2.2 million adults is by far the largest in the world. Just under one-quarter of the world's prisoners are held in American prisons. The U.S. rate of incarceration, with nearly 1 out of every 100 adults in prison or jail, is 5 to 10 times higher than the rates in Western Europe and other democracies. The U.S. prison population is largely drawn from the most disadvantaged part of the nation's population: mostly men under age 40, disproportionately minority, and poorly educated. Prisoners often carry additional deficits of drug and alcohol addictions, mental and physical illnesses, and lack of work preparation or experience. The growth of incarceration in the United States during four decades has prompted numerous critiques and a growing body of scientific knowledge about what prompted the rise and what its consequences have been for the people imprisoned, their families and communities, and for U.S. society.

While I realize this doesn't exactly fit your narrative of blaming Democrats for the problem, this is yet another example of how Ronald Reagan advanced the white supremacist policies of the Republican Party, beginning in 1980. What happened in the Capital earlier this month, isn't the result of Donald Trump's attempt overthrow the election, but rather the culmination of the white supremacist policies of the Republican Party going back to Ronald Reagan, which has culminated in the Republican support for and enabling of Donald Trump's Presidency.

On Trump's most odious of policies Republicans have said "This is not who we are", but their recent behaviour and their refusal to impeach and convict Donald Trump, not once, but twice, shows that this is exactly who Republicans are. A white supremacist, authoritarian, ill-liberal, anti-democracy party. Facist to the very core.

Biden has admitted that the Crime Bill was a mistake. When has a Republican ever said, "I was wrong. This is a bad idea. Let's fix this."? Which is exactly what Biden has said.

Republicans also gloss over how this law was applied and used by police forces is completely ignored by the right. Over-policing minorities neighbourhoods is what lead to the imprisonment of minorities. Especially in drug laws. Letting white kids off with warnings, while charging minorities with possession of small amounts of pot, lead to the situation. Biden and the Democrats didn't go out and arrest those kids - right wingers did. The Crime Bill gave them the tools to do it, but how it was applied by police forces and the justice system, is what lead to the mass incarceration of minorities.
Who said I voted for Biden? Also, people change. He said it was a mistake and that he was different now and disappointed in his role in that crime bill. The congressional black caucus also signed off on that you know! Plus, this guy was Vetted and confirmed by Obama, so I'm sure his ideologies over the years had softened. My issues are with Trump embodying the idea and attitudes of white supremacists and their ilk. They openly flaunted their racism after he took office. Some still hide it "members of the Government " but most just stuck their hate filled chest out and acted as if it's their country and theirs alone. For them to be so "patriotic"and in love with American flag, I saw alot of Trump/Pence flags flying.



One of the the MAJOR reasons the following two well known blacks agree with what I'm writing is because
it is a simply fact. You tell me what YOU would do as a cop in these situations that Chris Rock describes and that
this former police protest organizer in AZ describe as the major reason blacks seemingly have problems with

Watch this video from Chris Rock and see what he said BACK in 2006!
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

Why don't you believe what this minister is telling you?
Watch the this interview with Reverend Jarett Maupin about his experience in use of force training with local police.
Who is Jarrett Maupin? Man behind Phoenix's police protests is a rights leader — and a paid political consultant Maupin led protests against police shooting of an unarmed man in Phoenix.
In his own words..".Maupin stated that the training scenarios changed his way of thinking, saying,
I didn’t understand how important compliance was… people need to comply with the orders of law enforcement officers, for their own safety.” !!!

Now I personally don't blame these young black men for the lack of compliance!

The federal govt. provides more money in welfare payments to the majority of black families IF THERE IS NO FATHER!
FACTS: More black households today have single parent than anytime in history.
These are FACTS. Walter Williams a professor of economics at George Mason University and in the famous words of Obama who said..(."by the way he is black"!, ) points this out.
In 1960, just 22 percent of black children were raised in single-parent families.
Fifty years later, more than 70 percent of black children were raised in single-parent families.
But people like you IGNORE these facts that a cop is an authority figure. A teacher is an authority figure.
A father is an authority figure.
As a consequence most young black males that are killed are killed because they resist authority figures. Plain and simple!
That is the fault of the government because if there is a father, there probably is a paycheck and therefore less money!
Government interference at it's worst!
Presidents don't pass legislation, professor. The House and the Senate do.
But of course it's ok, and the MSM will completely ignore this woman's past comments.

'Blacks have superior physical and mental abilities,' said Clarke

Why is Kristen Clarke being accused of racism?
Why is Kristen Clarke being accused of racism? Fox host Tucker Carlson slams Joe Biden's pick for top DOJ role

President-elect Joe Biden has faced criticism over his picks for the next administration at the White House. The former vice president has nominated a number of individuals of color and it has not impressed the far-right camp. One of the president-elect’s picks who has come under the scanner at the moment is Kristen Clarke, who has been nominated to run the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division.

Why is Kristen Clarke being accused of racism? Fox host Tucker Carlson slams Joe Biden's pick for top DOJ role | MEAWW

Tucker Carlson calling the new DOJ pick racist is very laughable. Where was Tucker when Jeff Sessions was named as Attorney General? Why wasn't he calling out Sessions for his past racist statements and actions? Maybe because Tucker is just as racist as Sessions.

Having enthusiastically supported a white supremacist in the White House, Tucker Carlson has no credibility to call out anyone for racism, for the rest of his life. NONE.
You could be referring to anyone as a white supremecist, but if it was a hind kick to former President Donald Trump, you are a supreme liar. Trump created high-paying job opportunities for minorities, and he intended his successors to be sure and keep those jobs to let black people and persons of color know that they are appreciated far into the future.
What high paying jobs for minorities did Trump create?? If you mean rounding up Latinos and shipping them out and telling blacks that, hey here's a job cleaning these bathrooms and flipping these burgers, then yeah he created a lot of jobs. Trump IS a documented racist!!
LOL...you just voted for the documented racist, Mean One! Joe Biden authored the Clinton Crime Bill that put more blacks in Federal Prisons than any other piece of legislation in this country's history! Trump not only created jobs for minorities...HE PARDONED SOME OF THE VERY PEOPLE THAT JOE BIDEN HAD LOCKED UP FOR DECADES!!! Duh?

Yeah, just keep pumping out those right wing lies. Reagan is the guy who got the ball rolling with his "War on Drugs" and "Zero Tolerance".

I've bolded the relevant parts of this quote to note the time frame - namely the past 40 YEARS,

After decades of stability from the 1920s to the early 1970s, the rate of imprisonment in the United States more than quadrupled during the last four decades. The U.S. penal population of 2.2 million adults is by far the largest in the world. Just under one-quarter of the world's prisoners are held in American prisons. The U.S. rate of incarceration, with nearly 1 out of every 100 adults in prison or jail, is 5 to 10 times higher than the rates in Western Europe and other democracies. The U.S. prison population is largely drawn from the most disadvantaged part of the nation's population: mostly men under age 40, disproportionately minority, and poorly educated. Prisoners often carry additional deficits of drug and alcohol addictions, mental and physical illnesses, and lack of work preparation or experience. The growth of incarceration in the United States during four decades has prompted numerous critiques and a growing body of scientific knowledge about what prompted the rise and what its consequences have been for the people imprisoned, their families and communities, and for U.S. society.

While I realize this doesn't exactly fit your narrative of blaming Democrats for the problem, this is yet another example of how Ronald Reagan advanced the white supremacist policies of the Republican Party, beginning in 1980. What happened in the Capital earlier this month, isn't the result of Donald Trump's attempt overthrow the election, but rather the culmination of the white supremacist policies of the Republican Party going back to Ronald Reagan, which has culminated in the Republican support for and enabling of Donald Trump's Presidency.

On Trump's most odious of policies Republicans have said "This is not who we are", but their recent behaviour and their refusal to impeach and convict Donald Trump, not once, but twice, shows that this is exactly who Republicans are. A white supremacist, authoritarian, ill-liberal, anti-democracy party. Facist to the very core.

Biden has admitted that the Crime Bill was a mistake. When has a Republican ever said, "I was wrong. This is a bad idea. Let's fix this."? Which is exactly what Biden has said.

Republicans also gloss over how this law was applied and used by police forces is completely ignored by the right. Over-policing minorities neighbourhoods is what lead to the imprisonment of minorities. Especially in drug laws. Letting white kids off with warnings, while charging minorities with possession of small amounts of pot, lead to the situation. Biden and the Democrats didn't go out and arrest those kids - right wingers did. The Crime Bill gave them the tools to do it, but how it was applied by police forces and the justice system, is what lead to the mass incarceration of minorities.
Who said I voted for Biden? Also, people change. He said it was a mistake and that he was different now and disappointed in his role in that crime bill. The congressional black caucus also signed off on that you know! Plus, this guy was Vetted and confirmed by Obama, so I'm sure his ideologies over the years had softened. My issues are with Trump embodying the idea and attitudes of white supremacists and their ilk. They openly flaunted their racism after he took office. Some still hide it "members of the Government " but most just stuck their hate filled chest out and acted as if it's their country and theirs alone. For them to be so "patriotic"and in love with American flag, I saw alot of Trump/Pence flags flying.



One of the the MAJOR reasons the following two well known blacks agree with what I'm writing is because
it is a simply fact. You tell me what YOU would do as a cop in these situations that Chris Rock describes and that
this former police protest organizer in AZ describe as the major reason blacks seemingly have problems with

Watch this video from Chris Rock and see what he said BACK in 2006!
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

Why don't you believe what this minister is telling you?
Watch the this interview with Reverend Jarett Maupin about his experience in use of force training with local police.
Who is Jarrett Maupin? Man behind Phoenix's police protests is a rights leader — and a paid political consultant Maupin led protests against police shooting of an unarmed man in Phoenix.
In his own words..".Maupin stated that the training scenarios changed his way of thinking, saying,
I didn’t understand how important compliance was… people need to comply with the orders of law enforcement officers, for their own safety.” !!!

Now I personally don't blame these young black men for the lack of compliance!

The federal govt. provides more money in welfare payments to the majority of black families IF THERE IS NO FATHER!
FACTS: More black households today have single parent than anytime in history.
These are FACTS. Walter Williams a professor of economics at George Mason University and in the famous words of Obama who said..(."by the way he is black"!, ) points this out.
In 1960, just 22 percent of black children were raised in single-parent families.
Fifty years later, more than 70 percent of black children were raised in single-parent families.
But people like you IGNORE these facts that a cop is an authority figure. A teacher is an authority figure.
A father is an authority figure.
As a consequence most young black males that are killed are killed because they resist authority figures. Plain and simple!
That is the fault of the government because if there is a father, there probably is a paycheck and therefore less money!
Government interference at it's worst!
All cops shouldn't be cops. And what does this have to do with what I said about Trump being a moron..
But of course it's ok, and the MSM will completely ignore this woman's past comments.

'Blacks have superior physical and mental abilities,' said Clarke

Why is Kristen Clarke being accused of racism?

Why is Kristen Clarke being accused of racism? Fox host Tucker Carlson slams Joe Biden's pick for top DOJ role

President-elect Joe Biden has faced criticism over his picks for the next administration at the White House. The former vice president has nominated a number of individuals of color and it has not impressed the far-right camp. One of the president-elect’s picks who has come under the scanner at the moment is Kristen Clarke, who has been nominated to run the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division.

Why is Kristen Clarke being accused of racism? Fox host Tucker Carlson slams Joe Biden's pick for top DOJ role | MEAWW

Tucker Carlson calling the new DOJ pick racist is very laughable. Where was Tucker when Jeff Sessions was named as Attorney General? Why wasn't he calling out Sessions for his past racist statements and actions? Maybe because Tucker is just as racist as Sessions.

Having enthusiastically supported a white supremacist in the White House, Tucker Carlson has no credibility to call out anyone for racism, for the rest of his life. NONE.
You could be referring to anyone as a white supremecist, but if it was a hind kick to former President Donald Trump, you are a supreme liar. Trump created high-paying job opportunities for minorities, and he intended his successors to be sure and keep those jobs to let black people and persons of color know that they are appreciated far into the future.
What high paying jobs for minorities did Trump create?? If you mean rounding up Latinos and shipping them out and telling blacks that, hey here's a job cleaning these bathrooms and flipping these burgers, then yeah he created a lot of jobs. Trump IS a documented racist!!
Oh you poor baby. You have mistaken meanness for the TDSyndrome the current administration is bending over backward to accelerate along with its consistent lie of "what 320 million 'higher-paying jobs' are you (insert disparaging word du jour . Well, doh! A few hundred thousand cancelled pipe line Jobs here, few million damaged once-profitable mom & pop restaurants there, a hundred thousand Trump-inspired jobs in once-thriving areas burned down with first responder jobs cancelled in all Antifa/BLM rioteering areas here, there everywhere. and you leftist pussies are blaming Trump for what Maxine Waters, the REAL job destroyer, financial house chairman disasstress, and you're blaming job creator Trump with overstating jobs he got businesses to create prosperity for themselves and other minorities? You think you're mean? Well, no, but your focus is on what the anti-Trump naysayers are lying about. And not what the naysayers knew was a groupthink, anti-constitutional war by fires on mainstreet organized coast to coast in sold-out press areas where reporters sing for Soros rewards, and not the American people. By taking out businesses via paramilitary street toughs and more businesses yet by way of covid shutdowns, good old Joe Biden to the rescue with more falsity against Trump than lying Nancy handing out engraved gold pens with "Trump impeachment" flaunts, and brazen lies that he did nothing to fight the covid pandemic,nothing of which could be further from the truth.

Nancy Pelosi, the Capitalist pig of the 20th and 21st centuries is pissed off that President Trump gave real jobs to minorities cancelled by Democrats long ago, and the Democrats who lied all along did nothing for minorities even with the only black President America has ever had, controlled by Hillary's lists of human errors recorded and filed by the FBI and of which 900 of the files were found in Hillary's area of the White House, where her files were used to control every fantasy from her joint White House with Bill up into this very moment. Vices can be manipulated by the press to ameliorate all, temporarily.
You're so vain and self-righteous, lil meanie. *yawn*
I keep hearing this! But what jobs are you Trump supporters talking about?? He inherited Obamas economy and coasted and took credit like he does for everything.

And the idea that just because Obama was a Black president he could somehow pass any legislation to help Blacks or minorities, while being Dismissed, disrespected, and Obstructed by Mitch and his gaggle of hypocrites for 8 Years is laughable.

If he would have passed any legislation specifically helping only blacks people like you would be like "SEE", Hes only going to help his race! So, Don't come with that crap about he didn't do this or that!

If he didn't do anything why did the Orange moron try so hard to erase and replace his legacy.
I keep hearing about "Obama's Economy" from you on the left and it genuinely amuses me, Mean One! Barack Obama led the worst recovery from a recession in modern US economic history. His policies extended a bad recession into a "Great Recession" that dragged on and on! You speak about someone taking credit for something they had nothing to do with...yet the truth is...the major driving force of economic growth during Barry's time in office was the Energy Boom caused by advances in fracking...something that Obama opposed.

I ask this question of liberals and have never gotten a good answer from them on it. Let's see how you do with it! Would you please name the economic policies by the Obama Administration that created jobs and grew the economy?
But of course it's ok, and the MSM will completely ignore this woman's past comments.

'Blacks have superior physical and mental abilities,' said Clarke

Why is Kristen Clarke being accused of racism?
Why is Kristen Clarke being accused of racism? Fox host Tucker Carlson slams Joe Biden's pick for top DOJ role

President-elect Joe Biden has faced criticism over his picks for the next administration at the White House. The former vice president has nominated a number of individuals of color and it has not impressed the far-right camp. One of the president-elect’s picks who has come under the scanner at the moment is Kristen Clarke, who has been nominated to run the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division.

Why is Kristen Clarke being accused of racism? Fox host Tucker Carlson slams Joe Biden's pick for top DOJ role | MEAWW

Tucker Carlson calling the new DOJ pick racist is very laughable. Where was Tucker when Jeff Sessions was named as Attorney General? Why wasn't he calling out Sessions for his past racist statements and actions? Maybe because Tucker is just as racist as Sessions.

Having enthusiastically supported a white supremacist in the White House, Tucker Carlson has no credibility to call out anyone for racism, for the rest of his life. NONE.
You could be referring to anyone as a white supremecist, but if it was a hind kick to former President Donald Trump, you are a supreme liar. Trump created high-paying job opportunities for minorities, and he intended his successors to be sure and keep those jobs to let black people and persons of color know that they are appreciated far into the future.
What high paying jobs for minorities did Trump create?? If you mean rounding up Latinos and shipping them out and telling blacks that, hey here's a job cleaning these bathrooms and flipping these burgers, then yeah he created a lot of jobs. Trump IS a documented racist!!
LOL...you just voted for the documented racist, Mean One! Joe Biden authored the Clinton Crime Bill that put more blacks in Federal Prisons than any other piece of legislation in this country's history! Trump not only created jobs for minorities...HE PARDONED SOME OF THE VERY PEOPLE THAT JOE BIDEN HAD LOCKED UP FOR DECADES!!! Duh?

Yeah, just keep pumping out those right wing lies. Reagan is the guy who got the ball rolling with his "War on Drugs" and "Zero Tolerance".

I've bolded the relevant parts of this quote to note the time frame - namely the past 40 YEARS,

After decades of stability from the 1920s to the early 1970s, the rate of imprisonment in the United States more than quadrupled during the last four decades. The U.S. penal population of 2.2 million adults is by far the largest in the world. Just under one-quarter of the world's prisoners are held in American prisons. The U.S. rate of incarceration, with nearly 1 out of every 100 adults in prison or jail, is 5 to 10 times higher than the rates in Western Europe and other democracies. The U.S. prison population is largely drawn from the most disadvantaged part of the nation's population: mostly men under age 40, disproportionately minority, and poorly educated. Prisoners often carry additional deficits of drug and alcohol addictions, mental and physical illnesses, and lack of work preparation or experience. The growth of incarceration in the United States during four decades has prompted numerous critiques and a growing body of scientific knowledge about what prompted the rise and what its consequences have been for the people imprisoned, their families and communities, and for U.S. society.

While I realize this doesn't exactly fit your narrative of blaming Democrats for the problem, this is yet another example of how Ronald Reagan advanced the white supremacist policies of the Republican Party, beginning in 1980. What happened in the Capital earlier this month, isn't the result of Donald Trump's attempt overthrow the election, but rather the culmination of the white supremacist policies of the Republican Party going back to Ronald Reagan, which has culminated in the Republican support for and enabling of Donald Trump's Presidency.

On Trump's most odious of policies Republicans have said "This is not who we are", but their recent behaviour and their refusal to impeach and convict Donald Trump, not once, but twice, shows that this is exactly who Republicans are. A white supremacist, authoritarian, ill-liberal, anti-democracy party. Facist to the very core.

Biden has admitted that the Crime Bill was a mistake. When has a Republican ever said, "I was wrong. This is a bad idea. Let's fix this."? Which is exactly what Biden has said.

Republicans also gloss over how this law was applied and used by police forces is completely ignored by the right. Over-policing minorities neighbourhoods is what lead to the imprisonment of minorities. Especially in drug laws. Letting white kids off with warnings, while charging minorities with possession of small amounts of pot, lead to the situation. Biden and the Democrats didn't go out and arrest those kids - right wingers did. The Crime Bill gave them the tools to do it, but how it was applied by police forces and the justice system, is what lead to the mass incarceration of minorities.
So if Joe Biden admits twenty five years after authoring the Senate version of the Clinton Crime Bill that it was a "mistake"...that somehow makes what he did OK? That wasn't something that was done by "right wingers"! That was done by Joe Biden and the Clintons! THEY put thousands of black Americans in Federal prison for decades! That isn't hyperbole...that isn't spin...that's the cold honest truth! Your attempts at excusing what Biden did and your attempts to blame it on conservatives doesn't stand up to even a cursory examination of the facts.
.... Over-policing minorities neighbourhoods is what lead to the imprisonment of minorities. ....

That is ignorant, irresponsible nonsense. How's the gated igloo community doing?

Now, now. You know LizardBitch is an "expert" on minority communities, up there in the lily-white wasteland of GoFuckYourself, Canada, thousands of miles away from those pesky brown people.

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