Biden Colludes with Russia on a New, More Disastrous Iran Deal


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
So very many things Biden has done has been to aid and reward Putin.

'Muh, Russia' was a big lie. This is real.

The White House has essentially outsourced its Iran negotiations to Putin’s envoy. Iran appears poised to reap billions.

Russia’s unprovoked brutalization of Ukraine includes the likelihood of additional war crimes involving attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure, as Jim further detailed in today’s Jolt. (Jim notes, among other horribles, the deployment in urban areas of thermobaric multiple-rockets launchers, which Ukraine claims have been not merely deployed but used.)

How hair-raising, then, that we must turn our attention to the fact that, even as Russia was marshaling its invasion forces, the Biden administration was relying on Russia as its principal intermediary in the negotiations with Iran. It’s doubly humiliating: The president and his envoy, appeasement aficionado Rob Malley, have turned to a rogue for help because the other rogue they are pleading with for a deal won’t deign to negotiate directly with the United States.

Last week in our pages, my friend Victoria Coates, former Trump-administration deputy national-security adviser for Middle Eastern and South African affairs, related that Malley has been collaborating on the Iran negotiations with Russia’s lead diplomat, Mikhail Ulyanov. As Victoria pointed out, “when the negotiations foundered in late December of last year, Ulyanov was credited with bringing them back on track and setting the conditions to reach a new deal in 2022.”

In January, NBC News reported on some of these conditions. They included this stunner: “Tehran would be required to stop enriching uranium up to 60 percent purity and dispose of its current stockpile, possibly by exporting it to Russia, along with other restrictions.” A key component of the Obama-era Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was Iran’s willingness to park its enriched uranium — which, at the time, wasn’t as close to weapons-grade as the current 60 percent — in Russia. Later, Iran would get the uranium back from Russia if they decided that the U.S. was not complying with its obligations.

On Wednesday, a lengthy tweet thread by former State Department official Gabriel Noronha appeared to confirm some of our worst suspicions about Biden’s mutton-headed dalliance with the monsters of Moscow and Tehran. Noronha says that his former colleagues “are so concerned with the concessions” that Malley is making to the Iranians in the Vienna negotiations that they okayed Noronha’s publication of the gory details, in “hopes that Congress will act to stop the capitulation.” He elaborated:

“What’s happening in Vienna is a total disaster” one warned. The entire negotiations have been filtered and “essentially run” by Russian diplomat Mikhail Ulyanov. The concessions and other misguided policies have led three members of the U.S. negotiating team to leave.
The only way to make sense out of the Biden administration is that they are working for the betterment of all nations EXCEPT America. Then it all makes sense.

Yes and Iran will get hundreds of billions to funnel to world terror

Israel I don’t think can stop Iran alone
Wow, could you imagine if any of that were true?
Biden is worst liar in presidential history. It is pure denial and change the subject. Think globalism and the way we live and Haiti lives. They must be uplifted and we downsized. Even if Haiti bears the brunt of their problems.
Wow, could you imagine if any of that were true?
Can you imagine if all of that is true? I can. Do you really believe that all along Iran hasn't been trying to develop weapons grade nuclear material to make bombs, and will continue to do so until they succeed? I don't. Do you really believe that the Iranians honored the last deal and will honor a new one if there is one? The country that most agree is the #1 sponsor of terrorism? You trust them? I don't.
I wonder if this disaster of a deal is why there appears to be a sudden lack of interest in the Ukrainian war? The cable networks are still on it pretty heavily, but everyone else seems to be rapidly decreasing the coverage.
Can you imagine if all of that is true? I can. Do you really believe that all along Iran hasn't been trying to develop weapons grade nuclear material to make bombs, and will continue to do so until they succeed? I don't. Do you really believe that the Iranians honored the last deal and will honor a new one if there is one? The country that most agree is the #1 sponsor of terrorism? You trust them? I don't.
I think the IAEA confirmed they were following the original deal…before we tore it up.
Can anyone explain what the US gains from the new Iran deal? Why are we doing this? Is it just political, Obama made the deal and trump cancelled it so now Biden has to make the deal again? That's it? And it ain't the same deal, Russia is a player this time. At a time like this, we are doing deals with the Iranians and the Russians? What the fuck is going on?
My neighbor have a son that's little slow. Before Biden got "elected", if someone would have said to that kid he could be president one day, I would have tell him that's not true. But after seeing Biden getting in the office, and all that he's doing, I can say that kid that is absolutely possible for him to be president one day.

I like what Biden have shown us that even dumbest among us can rise to the highest office of the land.
The only way to make sense out of the Biden administration is that they are working for the betterment of all nations EXCEPT America. Then it all makes sense.

There is no way to make sense out of anything that the Trump cult does. Unless it benefits Putin, Trump didn’t do it.

The only with reason for voting for Donald Trump is because you want Russia take over the world.
Can anyone explain what the US gains from the new Iran deal? Why are we doing this? Is it just political, Obama made the deal and trump cancelled it so now Biden has to make the deal again? That's it? And it ain't the same deal, Russia is a player this time. At a time like this, we are doing deals with the Iranians and the Russians? What the fuck is going on?
The Democrat Wokster Crackpots regard Israel to be an oppressor nation.
They love that Iranian chant "death to America, death to Israel"
The Jihadist wing of the Democrat Cult believes that it is not fair that Israel has nukes and that Iran do not have nukes.
There is also a high likelihood that Biden other corrupt Dems are getting kick-backs from Iran.
xiden and the demafascist just being more flexible after iran interfered in the election on their behalf

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