Biden comes out on Murder of Trump Supporter...

Biden has spoken out against the violence for months now. The fact that you refuse to recognize facts is your problem...

Top Democrats told Black Lives Matter activists to steer clear of violence
Multiple high-profile Democrats have spoken out against violence at Black Lives Matter protests, sparked by the death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer in May.

On May 31, the fifth night of demonstrations, former Vice President Joe Biden, the party’s presumptive nominee, wrote in a statement that protesting police brutality is “right and necessary” and the “American response."

“But burning down communities and needless destruction is not,” Biden wrote. “Violence that endangers lives is not. Violence that guts and shutters businesses that serve the community is not.”
Massive DAMAGE CONTROL.... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :smoke:
Damage control to prove you wrong is worth watching you banter the fool.
About a month late and not worth watching the liar keep spouting his lies...
Oh, there was a cut-off date that no one mentioned?
YEP! before the murders started...

But I dont expect you to understand IT... NOW I AM WATCHING THE SORO'S FUNDED DA LIE.. The mayor, police chief and DA are all Soro's paid for shills... Just like Biden..
Lip service is nice, but when is Biden going to call for the democrat mayors, governors, city councils, and others to end the violence by deploying enough LE and NG forces to his shit. Protest all you want as long as it's peaceful and legally done. But when the rocks and bullets start flying and both public and private property is being destroyed then it's time to act. The thugs aren't going to go away until they are forced to.
What also happened in Portland, too, you saw a parade of Trump supporters actually actively shooting paintballs at peaceful protesters. And Trump encourages that. He actually retweeted the people firing paint guns. So, I think he only means to agitate things. He is campaigning
The chaos and the disorder and the lawlessness that we are currently seeing, that’s Donald Trump’s America

Democrats deflecting blame for their own actions that enabled this bull shit!
I think suburban voters are looking around at what’s going on in this country and they’re looking at who’s in the White House and they’re seeing Donald Trump. They don’t see Joe Biden

They see Donald Trump in the White House. This is Trump’s America. The chaos that suburban voters are feeling and that voters all across this country are feeling is a result of Donald Trump’s failed leadership
Biden has spoken out against the violence for months now. The fact that you refuse to recognize facts is your problem...

Top Democrats told Black Lives Matter activists to steer clear of violence
Multiple high-profile Democrats have spoken out against violence at Black Lives Matter protests, sparked by the death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer in May.

On May 31, the fifth night of demonstrations, former Vice President Joe Biden, the party’s presumptive nominee, wrote in a statement that protesting police brutality is “right and necessary” and the “American response."

“But burning down communities and needless destruction is not,” Biden wrote. “Violence that endangers lives is not. Violence that guts and shutters businesses that serve the community is not.”
Wow---may 31st after months of burning down, attacking and destroying Biden finally says one small snippet about it? and Then puts Ho-amala who says burn and attack as his Vp choice. Wow!! How impressive not. Hint BABY cakes---most everyone was screaming on the first night of the attacks for them to stop-----and calling for pols to do more than lip service to stop these awful attacks.
What also happened in Portland, too, you saw a parade of Trump supporters actually actively shooting paintballs at peaceful protesters. And Trump encourages that. He actually retweeted the people firing paint guns. So, I think he only means to agitate things. He is campaigning
So you ok with the protesters throwing rocks and other items.... but responding to that is forbidden... fuck you!
The chaos and the disorder and the lawlessness that we are currently seeing, that’s Donald Trump’s America

Democrats deflecting blame for their own actions that enabled this bull shit!
I think suburban voters are looking around at what’s going on in this country and they’re looking at who’s in the White House and they’re seeing Donald Trump. They don’t see Joe Biden

They see Donald Trump in the White House. This is Trump’s America. The chaos that suburban voters are feeling and that voters all across this country are feeling is a result of Donald Trump’s failed leadership
Those people are looking at who is running the city, not Trump, because they can see it isn't happening in republican controlled cities and areas... They are not stupid and you all thinking they are is why Trump is about to landslide the election.... Keep treating the people like they are stupid...
The chaos and the disorder and the lawlessness that we are currently seeing, that’s Donald Trump’s America

Donald Trump's America---seems everywhere that Trump took over, he was able to stop the democrat terrorists in BLM and Anti-fa from destroying the city----but when the democrat leaders don't let the feds in --their cities burned and people were attacked, robbed, beaten, raped and murdered. Don't get me wrong the national lib media outlets have done great at hiding most of the crimes that the democrat terrorists have done under their dem politicians but local news didn't hide the facts as well and politics is local-----there are going to be a lot of democrates kicked out of office following this election. They better pray that criminal charges and civil lawsuits aren't filed against them as even dem voters and business have been getting an education about the dems fascist tactics.

Now the local police chief is whining about not having enough men..... YA THINK? look at the mayor dumbass...

These people have no ability of introspection... They simply can't see that they and their policies ARE THE DAM PROBLEM!
After months and months of rioting and murders Biden has a "come to Jesus" moment... Biden came out, as was just reported on FOX News, with a full throated condemnation of the violence....

What took you so long Joe? Will Kamala go on behind you again telling these thugs its OK to keep doing it again?

Link coming...

It just shows how PROGS are fine leaders. First they don't react. Then they don't react for concern their own hides. Then they react in words only when they recognize they're fuck-ups and/or the public thinks differently.

Lip service is nice, but when is Biden going to call for the democrat mayors, governors, city councils, and others to end the violence by deploying enough LE and NG forces to his shit.

If and when the polls start turning hard against them. Until that, allowing this violence to go on is a Democrat political strategy in hopes of getting the White House.
After months and months of rioting and murders Biden has a "come to Jesus" moment... Biden came out, as was just reported on FOX News, with a full throated condemnation of the violence....

What took you so long Joe? Will Kamala go on behind you again telling these thugs its OK to keep doing it again?

Link coming...

It just shows how PROGS are fine leaders. First they don't react. Then they don't react for concern their own hides. Then they react in words only when they recognize they're fuck-ups and/or the public thinks differently.

As I continue to watch this press conference with the Portland idiots I see the lack of democrat leadership from the get go... These people are made from the same block of stupidity clay... They have no leadership abilities..

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