Biden comes out on Murder of Trump Supporter...

Now I am watching the mayor of Portland, who was out there enabling the rioters, now distancing himself from the idiocy... But he is now doubling down on his defund shit... what a fucking idiot... Now this fool is attacking Trump.... This guy is a total fucking idiot of the highest magnitude... He cant even take responsiblity for his own actions... He is most certainly a stupid fucking democrat...

Boo hoo hoo. One Cult45 member gets his ticket punched. It'll pass. Call me when it's 15 or even 30.
BLM and ANTIFA have killed over 30 people since the riots started.

What's your source for that statistic?

I got this:

So I would need a source too..
Now I am watching the mayor of Portland, who was out there enabling the rioters, now distancing himself from the idiocy... But he is now doubling down on his defund shit... what a fucking idiot... Now this fool is attacking Trump.... This guy is a total fucking idiot of the highest magnitude... He cant even take responsiblity for his own actions... He is most certainly a stupid fucking democrat...

Boo hoo hoo. One Cult45 member gets his ticket punched. It'll pass. Call me when it's 15 or even 30.
BLM and ANTIFA have killed over 30 people since the riots started.

What's your source for that statistic?

I got this:

So I would need a source too..

And now that you have outted yourself as working in a war room for the fascists democrat party, You are not to be believed on anything.
Biden has said more statements about ending violence and healing our divisions than Trump...

Biden is the only one to condemn all violence.

Trump just targets the side he perceives is against him.

Also Trump has thrown gas on this fire with actions like: Clearing the Square of peaceful protesters, tear gassing peaceful protestors, ignoring violence from groups like proud boys....

Trump sent homeland security to protect the courthouse. That's it. He doesn't tell law enforcement what to use and not use to complete their missions. That's their call.
Biden has said more statements about ending violence and healing our divisions than Trump...

Biden is the only one to condemn all violence.

Trump just targets the side he perceives is against him.

Also Trump has thrown gas on this fire with actions like: Clearing the Square of peaceful protesters, tear gassing peaceful protestors, ignoring violence from groups like proud boys....

Trump sent homeland security to protect the courthouse. That's it. He doesn't tell law enforcement what to use and not use to complete their missions. That's their call.

Call a plumber better buy pipe... Send in guys with tear gas then people get tear gassed... Trump feigning ignorance at this stage is tiresome...

If he sees peaceful protestors in the square and then he says he wants to walk across it... How does the stable genius think that is going to happen...

He sent military style enforcers to a march which was 99% peaceful, what do you think is going to happen.... This is called consequences, other Presidents knew about this on day one and Trump claims ignorance and bewilderment after 3.5 years in charge...

Trump fails to see past his initial action... He saw the courthouse attacked... Did he ask how many were marching? how bad was the damage? can the locals handle it? Am I making it worse sending Federal troops? Who will be in the crowds? What kind of weapons are going to be used on either side?

Well he did get those answers and everybody saw Trump ordered troops assaulting veterans and gassing moms...
Biden has said more statements about ending violence and healing our divisions than Trump...

Biden is the only one to condemn all violence.

Trump just targets the side he perceives is against him.

Also Trump has thrown gas on this fire with actions like: Clearing the Square of peaceful protesters, tear gassing peaceful protestors, ignoring violence from groups like proud boys....

Trump sent homeland security to protect the courthouse. That's it. He doesn't tell law enforcement what to use and not use to complete their missions. That's their call.

Call a plumber better buy pipe... Send in guys with tear gas then people get tear gassed... Trump feigning ignorance at this stage is tiresome...

If he sees peaceful protestors in the square and then he says he wants to walk across it... How does the stable genius think that is going to happen...

He sent military style enforcers to a march which was 99% peaceful, what do you think is going to happen.... This is called consequences, other Presidents knew about this on day one and Trump claims ignorance and bewilderment after 3.5 years in charge...

Trump fails to see past his initial action... He saw the courthouse attacked... Did he ask how many were marching? how bad was the damage? can the locals handle it? Am I making it worse sending Federal troops? Who will be in the crowds? What kind of weapons are going to be used on either side?

Well he did get those answers and everybody saw Trump ordered troops assaulting veterans and gassing moms...
More revisionist bull shit...

You are purposely ignoring your own sides violence, death, and destruction they have caused. For four months democrats supported the violence until the polls crashed... Now you all are trying to blame Trump for the failure of left wing policies in left wing shit hole cities..
Last edited:
Biden has said more statements about ending violence and healing our divisions than Trump...

Biden is the only one to condemn all violence.

Trump just targets the side he perceives is against him.

Also Trump has thrown gas on this fire with actions like: Clearing the Square of peaceful protesters, tear gassing peaceful protestors, ignoring violence from groups like proud boys....

Trump sent homeland security to protect the courthouse. That's it. He doesn't tell law enforcement what to use and not use to complete their missions. That's their call.

Call a plumber better buy pipe... Send in guys with tear gas then people get tear gassed... Trump feigning ignorance at this stage is tiresome...

If he sees peaceful protestors in the square and then he says he wants to walk across it... How does the stable genius think that is going to happen...

He sent military style enforcers to a march which was 99% peaceful, what do you think is going to happen.... This is called consequences, other Presidents knew about this on day one and Trump claims ignorance and bewilderment after 3.5 years in charge...

Trump fails to see past his initial action... He saw the courthouse attacked... Did he ask how many were marching? how bad was the damage? can the locals handle it? Am I making it worse sending Federal troops? Who will be in the crowds? What kind of weapons are going to be used on either side?

Well he did get those answers and everybody saw Trump ordered troops assaulting veterans and gassing moms...
More revisionist bull shit...

You are puropsly ignoring your own sides violence, death, and destruction they have caused. For four months democrats supported the violence until the polls crashed... Now you all are trying to blame Trump for the failure of left wing policies in left win shit hole cities..

Biden has condemned violence from
  • Rioters & Looters
since last may and well before...

Can you please Show Trump condemning the Proud Boys?

Time to start watching real news... Biden has condemned violence on all sides. Trump has not and you are only projecting now...
Trump called for his supporters to invade the Kenosha where someone was killed... He was supporter of Trump and a memeber of 'Patriot Prayer' another violent extreme right group...

Why won't Trump condemn Right Wing violence? Why has the worse violence come from his supporters... Remember El Paso shooting...

So stop the projecting and accept that Trump has been fanning the flames since he took office....
Biden has said more statements about ending violence and healing our divisions than Trump...

Biden is the only one to condemn all violence.

Trump just targets the side he perceives is against him.

Also Trump has thrown gas on this fire with actions like: Clearing the Square of peaceful protesters, tear gassing peaceful protestors, ignoring violence from groups like proud boys....

Trump sent homeland security to protect the courthouse. That's it. He doesn't tell law enforcement what to use and not use to complete their missions. That's their call.

Call a plumber better buy pipe... Send in guys with tear gas then people get tear gassed... Trump feigning ignorance at this stage is tiresome...

If he sees peaceful protestors in the square and then he says he wants to walk across it... How does the stable genius think that is going to happen...

He sent military style enforcers to a march which was 99% peaceful, what do you think is going to happen.... This is called consequences, other Presidents knew about this on day one and Trump claims ignorance and bewilderment after 3.5 years in charge...

Trump fails to see past his initial action... He saw the courthouse attacked... Did he ask how many were marching? how bad was the damage? can the locals handle it? Am I making it worse sending Federal troops? Who will be in the crowds? What kind of weapons are going to be used on either side?

Well he did get those answers and everybody saw Trump ordered troops assaulting veterans and gassing moms...

Are you from another country or what? A President does not tell law enforcement how to do their job. He states what needs to be done and THEY make the calls on how to complete their mission. And this BS that it only made things worse is a MSM lie. It was a problem before HS got there and a problem long after they were gone.

Can the locals handle it???? :laughing0301: My Lord man, are you trying to be funny or what? Why would Trump ask if the locals could handle it when it's been going on for two months? Apparently none of these Democrat Mayors can handle it. You think the President should have told HS to interview everybody in the crowd to find out who's there before they began protecting the courthouse? You really live in a cartoon world, don't you?

Oh, but the moms and the veterans........ :eusa_boohoo: Well why did the moms and veterans go down there to start trouble in the first place?
Biden has said more statements about ending violence and healing our divisions than Trump...

Biden is the only one to condemn all violence.

Trump just targets the side he perceives is against him.

Also Trump has thrown gas on this fire with actions like: Clearing the Square of peaceful protesters, tear gassing peaceful protestors, ignoring violence from groups like proud boys....

Trump sent homeland security to protect the courthouse. That's it. He doesn't tell law enforcement what to use and not use to complete their missions. That's their call.

Call a plumber better buy pipe... Send in guys with tear gas then people get tear gassed... Trump feigning ignorance at this stage is tiresome...

If he sees peaceful protestors in the square and then he says he wants to walk across it... How does the stable genius think that is going to happen...

He sent military style enforcers to a march which was 99% peaceful, what do you think is going to happen.... This is called consequences, other Presidents knew about this on day one and Trump claims ignorance and bewilderment after 3.5 years in charge...

Trump fails to see past his initial action... He saw the courthouse attacked... Did he ask how many were marching? how bad was the damage? can the locals handle it? Am I making it worse sending Federal troops? Who will be in the crowds? What kind of weapons are going to be used on either side?

Well he did get those answers and everybody saw Trump ordered troops assaulting veterans and gassing moms...
More revisionist bull shit...

You are puropsly ignoring your own sides violence, death, and destruction they have caused. For four months democrats supported the violence until the polls crashed... Now you all are trying to blame Trump for the failure of left wing policies in left win shit hole cities..

Biden has condemned violence from
  • Rioters & Looters
since last may and well before...

Can you please Show Trump condemning the Proud Boys?

Time to start watching real news... Biden has condemned violence on all sides. Trump has not and you are only projecting now...
Trump called for his supporters to invade the Kenosha where someone was killed... He was supporter of Trump and a memeber of 'Patriot Prayer' another violent extreme right group...

Why won't Trump condemn Right Wing violence? Why has the worse violence come from his supporters... Remember El Paso shooting...

So stop the projecting and accept that Trump has been fanning the flames since he took office....

You are so far from reality that it is stunning... Trump has done no such thing, In Fact Trump hass offered assistance at every step to stop violence.. You need to stop sucking ass and pull your head out..
The chaos and the disorder and the lawlessness that we are currently seeing, that’s Donald Trump’s America
No that's George Soros''s Antifa's's Black Lives Matter's's Kamala Harris' America...and it's Joe Biden's America! Violent riots against society. The attempt to squash dissent with your agenda by violent means. The use of a compliant main stream media to make those attempts the fault of the other side! Burning, looting and physically assaulting the other side to make them cower in fear and then complaining about it when they don't!
It took this long to work its way into people's consciousness as an actual problem in more than the immediate term.

Then it hit him in the polls, as it would seem people are largely associating this ongoing rioting and violence with his side of the aisle.

Then he reacted.
The chaos and the disorder and the lawlessness that we are currently seeing, that’s Donald Trump’s America
No that's George Soros''s Antifa's's Black Lives Matter's's Kamala Harris' America...and it's Joe Biden's America! Violent riots against society. The attempt to squash dissent with your agenda by violent means. The use of a compliant main stream media to make those attempts the fault of the other side! Burning, looting and physically assaulting the other side to make them cower in fear and then complaining about it when they don't!
That is there plan... Get them to submit by fear...

That is why our votes are secret... They are going to be sorely disappointed, when the silent majority that they want cowering in fear, comes out and wipes them from power...
The chaos and the disorder and the lawlessness that we are currently seeing, that’s Donald Trump’s America
No that's George Soros''s Antifa's's Black Lives Matter's's Kamala Harris' America...and it's Joe Biden's America! Violent riots against society. The attempt to squash dissent with your agenda by violent means. The use of a compliant main stream media to make those attempts the fault of the other side! Burning, looting and physically assaulting the other side to make them cower in fear and then complaining about it when they don't!
That is there plan... Get them to submit by fear...

That is why our votes are secret... They are going to be sorley disapointed when the silent majority that they want cowering in fear comes out and wipes them from power...

Yep. Then we will have to hear of the new creative conspiracy theories on how the Republicans cheated them out of an election again.
I have not heard Joe Biden condemn ANTIFA or BLM. How could he when a man much higher in the socialistic food chain, George Soros, is spending MILLIONS supporting those groups.

Since 2002, Soros has donated extensively to Democratic campaigns and financed an extensive overhaul of the U.S. justice system, funneling millions to elect and embed progressive prosecutors who have failed to pursue charges against violent AntiFa and Black Lives Matter (BLM) rioters and looters.
Joe And Kamala Have A Bail Problem.

There’s a bail problem brewing with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. A bail problem involving the destructive rioting looting thugs we’ve watched destroy huge swaths of Minneapolis, Portland, Kenosha, and other cities. Kamala and Biden have swung into action from his basement and are busy blaming Trump for all the violence. There’s a big problem with their blame game.

“Campaign staff for Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden are advertising their donations to a group that pays bail fees in Minneapolis after the city’s police jailed people rioting.

At least 13 Biden campaign staff members posted on Twitter on Friday and Saturday that they made donations to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which opposes the practice of cash bail, or making people pay to avoid pre-trial imprisonment. The group uses donations to pay bail fees in Minneapolis.
Biden campaign spokesman Andrew Bates said in a statement to Reuters that the former vice president opposes the institution of cash bail as a “modern day debtors prison.”

ActBlue is a Democrat online fundraising platform. One that relies upon recurring donations from individual donors. Supposedly one can go online, look at the candidates platforms, decide who to support and donate. I have to wonder how many people found out later that that donation wasn’t a one time thing?

Campaign staffers from the Biden Presidential campaign donated through ActBlue to help destructive rioters post bail. That is, if the prosecutors charged the rioters and the judges granted bail. In Portland and in Minneapolis in some cases, quite a few of the rioters arrested weren’t even charged and allowed to walk out of jail that day or the next morning.

Joe Biden isn’t the only one with a bail problem. Kamala has one as well.

It's not "peaceful protesters" that are getting jailed.
Profile photo, opens profile page on Twitter in a new tab
Kamala Harris

If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota.

Furthermore, she willingly encouraged, in a cringy giggly interview with Steven Colbert, the riots to continue through and beyond the November election.

Very telling that Democrats in a state that Hillary lost because she never campaigned IN the state are now having big problems with Joe hiding in his basement.

But wait! Joe and Kamala are condemning the violence, so all should be good…right? Here are some of the folks who received bail due to the largess of the donations ($35 million!) through ActBlue.

Among the ppl who were bailed out by @MNFreedomFund (which Kamala Harris promoted) includes
1) a man accused of attempted murder for shooting at a SWAT team,
2) a woman charged w/ 2nd-degree murder, and
3) a twice-convicted rapist who was charged in 2 other cases

Lovely, letting violent criminals, many who aren’t even residents of Kenosha – and likely weren’t residents of Minneapolis, walk away scot free and not one single person on the Left has a problem with that. Not one single Democrat politician, Kamala and Joe included, will EVER say a word about this.

Then again, as Fake News CNN is showing this morning, the narrative that Jacob Blake is a stupendously awesome guy continues. The reality is, Jacob Blake was a rapist with a long criminal track record.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have a bail issue and a credibility problem. They’ve stayed silent for MONTHS as the riots and destruction grew worse. The fact that they are now scrambling to reset the record in hopes of gaining back momentum is telling. Their silence has been consent. Period.

And you don't start making big position changes if you think you are playing a winning hand.

You don't have to worry about the MSM or the commies talking about this. Trump will bring it up during the debates which is one of the many reasons why Piglosi and the Democrats don't want Creepy Joe on the debate stage with Trump.

The debates are where headline voters learn about what's been going on with the candidates for the first time; something they paid little attention to in the past. They had hoped that by creating and maintaining chaos in the country, the blame will fall on President Trump. However the voters are not as stupid as they'd hoped for, and it's now working against them.
Yup and the Fake News Propagandists that "moderate" the debates will be furiously laying smoke and trying to provide Slo Joe cover.

Craziness after craziness has come and gone, including the fact that they tried to impeach Trump because Biden DID blackmail Ukraine. Insanity after insanity and obviously cooked evidence.
Now I am watching the mayor of Portland, who was out there enabling the rioters, now distancing himself from the idiocy... But he is now doubling down on his defund shit... what a fucking idiot... Now this fool is attacking Trump.... This guy is a total fucking idiot of the highest magnitude... He cant even take responsiblity for his own actions... He is most certainly a stupid fucking democrat...

Boo hoo hoo. One Cult45 member gets his ticket punched. It'll pass. Call me when it's 15 or even 30.
BLM and ANTIFA have killed over 30 people since the riots started.

What's your source for that statistic?

I got this:

So I would need a source too..

And now that you have outted yourself as working in a war room for the fascists democrat party, You are not to be believed on anything.

I asked for a source and you offered nothing but projection....

Lets just look at this... a kid kills a guy because it was accused by the right that he threw a bag of empty can at him, this week end Trump supporters drive threw a crowd firing paintballs and spraying bear mace...
Xi knows Biden is a loss and the Republicans will likely keep the Senate; he needs for the American Taliban to voter fraud their continued hold on the House.

Trump told Xi you can make a deal with me now that you won't like, or if you wait until I'm reelected, you'll have to make a deal you absolutely hate
Is this before or after he begged him for help....

Trump has appeased Xi since the start and he relies on fools to not notice...
China, who has been their beau ideal since the Soviet Union collapsed, a place where, supposedly, communism worked (which in part caused them to decide it’s whiteness that causes communism not to work.), has been revealed as basically as evil and corrupted and as ethnically driven as Hitler’s Germany. But you’ll still hear “good people” on the left tell you that the Chinese aren’t racist and that’s why they do “so well” in Africa.

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