Biden comes out on Murder of Trump Supporter...

Lip service is nice, but when is Biden going to call for the democrat mayors, governors, city councils, and others to end the violence by deploying enough LE and NG forces to his shit.

If and when the polls start turning hard against them. Until that, allowing this violence to go on is a Democrat political strategy in hopes of getting the White House.
And this is why Harris quietly told the rioters to continue two days ago after Biden condemned it halfheartedly...
Now I am watching the mayor of Portland, who was out there enabling the rioters, now distancing himself from the idiocy... But he is now doubling down on his defund shit... what a fucking idiot... Now this fool is attacking Trump.... This guy is a total fucking idiot of the highest magnitude... He cant even take responsiblity for his own actions... He is most certainly a stupid fucking democrat...

Boo hoo hoo. One Cult45 member gets his ticket punched. It'll pass. Call me when it's 15 or even 30.
Lip service is nice, but when is Biden going to call for the democrat mayors, governors, city councils, and others to end the violence by deploying enough LE and NG forces to his shit.

If and when the polls start turning hard against them. Until that, allowing this violence to go on is a Democrat political strategy in hopes of getting the White House.
And this is why Harris quietly told the rioters to continue two days ago after Biden condemned it halfheartedly...

If the Gov or Mayor want to save their asses, they will call in the Guard or ask Trump for some help to stop these protest riots once and for all. They can be stopped today. They could have been stopped over two months ago, but they refuse to take the necessary action to do so.
Biden and the rest of the Dem leaders have blood on their hands. Did you know these Dem rioters celebrated this person's murder and said they don't need police because they are capable of "taking out the trash" by themselves? How is that not a murderous terrorist group? Why aren't these thugs imprisoned in GITMO cages?
Now I am watching the mayor of Portland, who was out there enabling the rioters, now distancing himself from the idiocy... But he is now doubling down on his defund shit... what a fucking idiot... Now this fool is attacking Trump.... This guy is a total fucking idiot of the highest magnitude... He cant even take responsiblity for his own actions... He is most certainly a stupid fucking democrat...

Boo hoo hoo. One Cult45 member gets his ticket punched. It'll pass. Call me when it's 15 or even 30.

Are you still posting in mommy's basement?
Biden and the rest of the Dem leaders have blood on their hands. Did you know these Dem rioters celebrated this person's murder and said they don't need police because they are capable of "taking out the trash" by themselves? How is that not a murderous terrorist group? Why aren't these thugs imprisoned in GITMO cages?
These people are terrorists and need to be shot on sight...
Far too little too late Biden. The time to take a stand was BEFORE your Dem thugs murdered someone.
And that is what we need to drive home to voters... Biden is a fool and an empty suit....

He's a murderer plain and simple. Dem leaders whipped these freaks up into a frenzy and now they are murdering people. Rioting, looting, assaults, burning what did Biden think was going to happen next after he kept fanning the flames?
Lip service is nice, but when is Biden going to call for the democrat mayors, governors, city councils, and others to end the violence by deploying enough LE and NG forces to his shit.

If and when the polls start turning hard against them. Until that, allowing this violence to go on is a Democrat political strategy in hopes of getting the White House.
And this is why Harris quietly told the rioters to continue two days ago after Biden condemned it halfheartedly...

If the Gov or Mayor want to save their asses, they will call in the Guard or ask Trump for some help to stop these protest riots once and for all. They can be stopped today. They could have been stopped over two months ago, but they refuse to take the necessary action to do so.
Trump tweeted that message just a few minuets ago and the mayor went on a tirade in the presser... Wheeler is truly a fool..
Now I am watching the mayor of Portland, who was out there enabling the rioters, now distancing himself from the idiocy... But he is now doubling down on his defund shit... what a fucking idiot... Now this fool is attacking Trump.... This guy is a total fucking idiot of the highest magnitude... He cant even take responsiblity for his own actions... He is most certainly a stupid fucking democrat...

Boo hoo hoo. One Cult45 member gets his ticket punched. It'll pass. Call me when it's 15 or even 30.

Are you still posting in mommy's basement?

Cool story bro. One thing is quite clear, you're still a swamp dwelling jackass.
After months and months of rioting and murders Biden has a "come to Jesus" moment... Biden came out, as was just reported on FOX News, with a full throated condemnation of the violence....

What took you so long Joe? Will Kamala go on behind you again telling these thugs its OK to keep doing it again?

Link coming...

Here's a clue: EVERYONE on the left has condemned the violence, multiple times. Just because FOX News didn't show it before today doesn't mean it hasn't happened.

Did FOX also tell you that the violence, the looting and the killing is being done by the right wing Boogaloo Bois, and 4chan anarchists? Probably not.
After months and months of rioting and murders Biden has a "come to Jesus" moment... Biden came out, as was just reported on FOX News, with a full throated condemnation of the violence....

What took you so long Joe? Will Kamala go on behind you again telling these thugs its OK to keep doing it again?

Link coming...

I disagree, having read Biden's comments just now that was a pathetic watered down statement on the violence and he failed to mention the young man who was just murdered by his army of thugs.
After months and months of rioting and murders Biden has a "come to Jesus" moment... Biden came out, as was just reported on FOX News, with a full throated condemnation of the violence....

What took you so long Joe? Will Kamala go on behind you again telling these thugs its OK to keep doing it again?

Link coming...

Here's a clue: EVERYONE on the left has condemned the violence, multiple times. Just because FOX News didn't show it before today doesn't mean it hasn't happened.

Did FOX also tell you that the violence, the looting and the killing is being done by the right wing Boogaloo Bois, and 4chan anarchists? Probably not.

Deflection and disinformation..... Another Democrat bull shit meme.... Cool...
Everybody needs to understand that this is only because the powers that be who he represents have started to figure out that all the mayhem they have unleashed against the American people is starting to affect them adversely.

If the murder increased chances that they would occupy the white house, the puppet would have remained silent.
Exactly... Look for Harris to quietly tell them the rioting is ok again... A two headed snake..

Actually Harris said the protests will continue even after the election. She is quite confident they will win, and the new push to force suburbs to be more like the inner cities (how do they do that?), will be sure to bring peace and harmony.
After months and months of rioting and murders Biden has a "come to Jesus" moment... Biden came out, as was just reported on FOX News, with a full throated condemnation of the violence....

What took you so long Joe? Will Kamala go on behind you again telling these thugs its OK to keep doing it again?

Link coming...

Here's a clue: EVERYONE on the left has condemned the violence, multiple times. Just because FOX News didn't show it before today doesn't mean it hasn't happened.

Did FOX also tell you that the violence, the looting and the killing is being done by the right wing Boogaloo Bois, and 4chan anarchists? Probably not.

Riiiight the left condemn violence while encouraging it and trying to cover it up by not reporting it. Why don't you attend to business in Canada why we deal with our traitor Dems here in the USA.
After months and months of rioting and murders Biden has a "come to Jesus" moment... Biden came out, as was just reported on FOX News, with a full throated condemnation of the violence....

What took you so long Joe? Will Kamala go on behind you again telling these thugs its OK to keep doing it again?

Link coming...

I disagree, having read Biden's comments just now that was a pathetic watered down statement on the violence and he failed to mention the young man who was just murdered by his army of thugs.
Your right he didnt mention the person... only a vague reference..
After months and months of rioting and murders Biden has a "come to Jesus" moment... Biden came out, as was just reported on FOX News, with a full throated condemnation of the violence....

What took you so long Joe? Will Kamala go on behind you again telling these thugs its OK to keep doing it again?

Link coming...

I disagree, having read Biden's comments just now that was a pathetic watered down statement on the violence and he failed to mention the young man who was just murdered by his army of thugs.
Your right he didnt mention the person... only a vague reference..

The entire Dem leadership needs to come out and strongly condemn this. Then a few thousand of these thugs need to be locked up in prison, and law and order restored. Hell now they are mugging 85 year old woman and trying to rape women in broad daylight at train stations. If this was a foreign country doing this we would have bombed them back to the stone age by now.
Everybody needs to understand that this is only because the powers that be who he represents have started to figure out that all the mayhem they have unleashed against the American people is starting to affect them adversely.

If the murder increased chances that they would occupy the white house, the puppet would have remained silent.
Exactly... Look for Harris to quietly tell them the rioting is ok again... A two headed snake..

Actually Harris said the protests will continue even after the election. She is quite confident they will win, and the new push to force suburbs to be more like the inner cities (how do they do that?), will be sure to bring peace and harmony.
She has Hillary's confidence.... I hope that is all it is... But they are capable of far worse...
After months and months of rioting and murders Biden has a "come to Jesus" moment... Biden came out, as was just reported on FOX News, with a full throated condemnation of the violence....

What took you so long Joe? Will Kamala go on behind you again telling these thugs its OK to keep doing it again?

Link coming...

Kamala fully supports violence:
Biden-appointed vice presidential pick Kamala Harris, once California's chief prosecutor, has repeatedly demonstrated her opposition to law and order by encouraging rioters and funding their release from jail.

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