Biden Considering Easing Sanctions on Venezuela To Get More of Their Oil; No Plans to Ease Sanctions on US Oil Industry

It is really very odd he thought the oil workers were just hanging around the shut down rigs waiting for them to open again. just not the way it works. My dad worked for Haliburton the entre time I was growing up, one of the reason I never lived in any one house for more than 4 years, and normally not that long.
It has always been boom or bust hasn’t it? And all those leases…it takes years to survey, determine whether it is cost effective and whether or not to attempt to drill. They may not ever drill. I don’t think peop,e realize how long range their planning tends to be.
AGAIN-Libs are ignoring the numerics of gas prices that are right in front of them and trying to turn it into a TDS issue,
US oil production up 16% from Feb 2021 to Feb 2022.

US NG production up 12% in 2021.

Someone explain how this is "choking the USA own resources".

What part of Dumbass Biden's use of our Strategic Oil reserve { only a few days worth }
tells the story.Or now relying on Saudi Arabia,Iran and Venezuela for oil when
we had Oil Independence under Trump.Where one of Bidens First acts as
Potus was to Stop The Keystone Pipeline.
Yer not lucid.You believe in the Mass attempts at Gaslighting.
Honest brokers on the side of Americana would never dream of
Gaslighting american citizens.You are part of the Problem in today's
America.Sane message boarders can easily understand that.
The left imagines that they can use war to Jumpstart the green economy.
The Left in America play politics for one reason.For Power.
In substitute of an established Religion.It's the Left's new
Religion.The Left Does Not Value Truth.
Nor Americana.Or debating.Due Process.Free Speech.
The right to bear arms and make sure to show an ID to Vote.
Take up for and respect our Police.
Use the left's demand for Our Body,Our Choice { for Abortion }
But not when Covid struck.Just ... :
Shut-up and Obey
Takes a real shit for brains retard to think oil production is based on anything but market demand.
Takes a bigger shit for brains to not produce extra for the surplus in case of circumstances like this. Instead let’s pay Putin triple what he was getting under Trump. Libturd “logic”.
What happens on your watch is what happens. Good and bad. Take responsibility .

Should I assume then that you take responsibility for the economic crash and worst unemployment since the Great Depression?

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