Biden Considering Easing Sanctions on Venezuela To Get More of Their Oil; No Plans to Ease Sanctions on US Oil Industry

where did u get those supposed statistics?

you had a dream last night?

sheez... nice when people post sources.. probably didn't bc you knew we wouldn't trust them

but let's justsay they are true

means nothing. If oil production was done to near- zero (say)... which wouldn't surprise considering who is at the helm.. a 16% increase would be of course laughable


see post 12
Right now, the US rig count is at 403. In 2015 the US rig count was around 1780. I don't see independent oil drillers increasing 1300 rigs in the next few months. Maybe an increase of 2-300 rigs if oil stays at 130 bucks a barrel.

The average number of rigs actives per month over the last 5 years. Seems from the low in 2020 they are steadily going up. Now way in hell it gets to 1300, a number not seen in the last 6 years plus. They were already heading lower even before COVID hit peaking in Jan 2019.

Not even sure they have the manpower to have that many active rigs

The average number of rigs actives per month over the last 5 years. Seems from the low in 2020 they are steadily going up. Now way in hell it gets to 1300, a number not seen in the last 6 years plus. They were already heading lower even before COVID hit peaking in Jan 2019.

Not even sure they have the manpower to have that many active rigs

View attachment 612157
Not even sure they have the manpower to have that many active rigs
Your lame excuses get more pathetic by the hour. Buy Russian oil because too many Americans are working!
Your lame excuses get more pathetic by the hour. Buy Russian oil because too many Americans are working!

Here, educate yourself for once in your life...

Biding choking the USA own resources while playing footsie with those who won’t dont or shouldn’t supply us
He has given his reasons. If you don't like it under a democracy, contact vlad. He's currently letting refugees in
Here, educate yourself for once in your life...

From last year and todays production is half what it was, Leftard.
Here, educate yourself for once in your life...

And if you bothered reading your own crap you’d see the labor shortage they’re talking about is getting all the hundreds of thousands fired from the panic porn crap by Democrats over the Chinese Bio WMD attack.
Just like Taco Bell, they need to get their people back.
Total bs as always....
Ignoramus or liar?
Which are you?

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