Biden declared Covid over months ago….now pushing for more vaccinations.

Your misguided and batshit crazy opinion means nothing, Simp.

Still waiting for how Trump helped "off" Cain.
Do you need it in block letters & flash cards, mouth breather?

You'll never get the stink of Trump's :cul2:off your breath.
Surely that wasn’t just another of his lies, right?

Why is he pushing more vaccinations if it is over? I guess we can add Big Pharma to the list of his handlers.

Here is Biden announcing that today he signed off on a request to Congress to provide additional funding "for a new vaccine that is necessary, that works, and tentatively, it is likely to be recommended that everybody get it..."

This vaccine, which has less likelihood to work than the prior vaccines since there are so many variants now, has not even been developed yet, but Biden is already planning his tyrannical mandates.

He's going to push unneeded and ineffective poison on our children again, in his never-ending quest to fund Big Pharma and get big donations in return.
Here is Biden announcing that today he signed off on a request to Congress to provide additional funding "for a new vaccine that is necessary, that works, and tentatively, it is likely to be recommended that everybody get it..."

This vaccine, which has less likelihood to work than the prior vaccines since there are so many variants now, has not even been developed yet, but Biden is already planning his tyrannical mandates.

He's going to push unneeded and ineffective poison on our children again, in his never-ending quest to fund Big Pharma and get big donations in return.

Tater can kiss my ass.
Here is Biden announcing that today he signed off on a request to Congress to provide additional funding "for a new vaccine that is necessary, that works, and tentatively, it is likely to be recommended that everybody get it..."

This vaccine, which has less likelihood to work than the prior vaccines since there are so many variants now, has not even been developed yet, but Biden is already planning his tyrannical mandates.

He's going to push unneeded and ineffective poison on our children again, in his never-ending quest to fund Big Pharma and get big donations in return.

So you think this is worse then Trump throwing millions of dollars of socialist money at big pharma to develop a vaccine using methods Fauci warned against while bullying his own agencies to fast track it because he had an election to win...and trumpers subsequently claim is killing people?

Are you serious?

No wonder people call trumpers a cult.
So you think this is worse then Trump throwing millions of dollars of socialist money at big pharma to develop a vaccine using methods Fauci warned against while bullying his own agencies to fast track it because he had an election to win...and trumpers subsequently claim is killing people?

Are you serious?

No wonder people call trumpers a cult.
Yes. I do think that tyrannical unconstitutional mandates about people's health decisions - vaccines, masks, everything, is much worse than anything Trump ever did.

Biden instituted a mask mandate on federal property on Day One.

Biden required vaccines for all federal employees and contractors (until found unconstitutional) and countless Americans lost their jobs or were reassigned.

Then, we found out the vaccines don't really vaccinate, they only reduce symptoms, like a treatment. And they kept mandating them.

And you loons loved it, wanting to force all Americans to get it.


I won't take it.

Actually I do. And I actually have the wherewithal to know unlike so many spouting all kinds of crap.
I personally know medical researchers and understand a lot of terms and methods of research. My wife works as a patient safety and data security advocate in cancer research. Has worked in research for over a decade. Liquid tumor to internal biome research.

Big fucking deal.

Do you have a PhD in biochemistry?

I do.

Have you ever worked with viruses in a P4 facility?

I have.

So....when I tell you that mRNA vaccines either works wonderfully or it kills you slowly over ten days (hurting the whole time you are dying) it's the truth.


You are very extremely ignorant.

I'm never going to convince you otherwise and personally I don't care what you do. Your family may feel otherwise but that's your business.

Fine. Right back at ya.

But I'm still gonna call out your lying bullshit

There are mutations coming that are not going to seem like a bad cold or flu. And these viruses are not attacking your respiratory system they seem to focus on endocrine systems. (Which affect every system including nervous systems)

Fear mongering now?

Is your name Fraudci?

But eventually you will be harmed yourself...and one day you might figure it out if you remember you have forgotten how to read.

Yeah, yeah.... Yawn.
Yes. I do think that tyrannical unconstitutional mandates about people's health decisions - vaccines, masks, everything, is much worse than anything Trump ever did.


No problem then. Take it up with SCOTUS. Maybe you can get them to remove polio shots too.

Good luck.

Biden instituted a mask mandate on federal property on Day One.


Biden required vaccines for all federal employees and contractors (until found unconstitutional) and countless Americans lost their jobs or were reassigned.


Then, we found out the vaccines don't really vaccinate, they only reduce symptoms, like a treatment. And they kept mandating them.

That's a good thing right?

Trump threw millions of socialist money at big pharma, ignoring Fauci's advice while bullying his own agencies to hurry up and fast track because he had an election to win and then trumpers claim the vaccine is deadly.

Do you have a problem with that or only what Biden does?

No problem then. Take it up with SCOTUS. Maybe you can get them to remove polio shots too.

Where have you been?

Biden is a wannabe dictator, and the Supreme Court and Federal Courts set him straight...

Good luck.


Apparently, you have an understanding deficit.
Trump threw millions of socialist money at big pharma, ignoring Fauci's advice while bullying his own agencies to hurry up and fast track because he had an election to win and then trumpers claim the vaccine is deadly.
There is a big difference between funding development of a vaccine (Trump) and forcing people to take it against their will (Biden). Biden is a tyrant.

PS: My father-in-law died suddenly and unexpectedly 7 days after getting the BiValent booster. A guy at my work developed debilitating Lupus after his first shot. 25% of people who get vaccinated feel so poorly, they miss work the next day. Go get your booster to protect you from a little cold which is similar to the four other coronaviruses that most people acquire at some point in their lives.
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Surely that wasn’t just another of his lies, right?

Why is he pushing more vaccinations if it is over? I guess we can add Big Pharma to the list of his handlers.

The way I see it COVID is over as far as it being such a national crisis. Now just like the flu, people will need yearly COVID boosters.
Where have you been?

Biden is a wannabe dictator, and the Supreme Court and Federal Courts set him straight...

So an aspect of his mandate was struck down. Big deal.

Is it your contention that if SCOTUS strikes down a presidential EO/mandate, that he is a dictator?

Apparently, you have an understanding deficit.

Or a lack of of explanation from the poster.

There is a big difference between funding development of a vaccine (Trump) and forcing people to take it against their will (Biden). Biden is a tyrant.

So any mandated vaccines in history have all been by tyrants?

Several vaccines are mandated in this did know that right?

It's hard to take you seriously when you claim Trump has absolutely no culpability when he went against the advice of Fauci in creating the vaccine, threw exhorbanant amounts of our tax money at big pharma while bullying his own agencies to fast track the vaccine because he had election to win.

Really? So if Joe or some other Democrat had done the same thing you be just as quick to absolve them if responsibility?

PS: My father-in-law died suddenly and unexpectedly 7 days after getting the BiValent booster. A guy at my work developed debilitating Lupus after his first shot. 25% of people who get vaccinated feel so poorly, they miss work the next day. Go get your booster to protect you from a little cold which is similar to the four other coronaviruses that most people acquire at some point in their lives.
I'm sorry for your losses but personal anecdotes are not a basis for an argument.
The way I see it COVID is over as far as it being such a national crisis. Now just like the flu, people will need yearly COVID boosters.

The shots don't work, but 25% of the people who get them will feel so poorly that they will miss work the next day.

Fauci, Biden, HHS Secretary Becerra, CDC Director Walensky all were vaxed to the max, and all got COVID more than once.

They all said they were thankful they got vaccinated after catching COVID, LOL, Biden was sick forever and rebounded.

Take your chances if you want, but I don't think anyone needs these ineffective vaccines, and the newer ones are likely to be much less effective than the original since there are so many variants circulating now.


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