Biden declared Covid over months ago….now pushing for more vaccinations.

Dumb ass. They had homes where the last 7 tenants got ballots.

Why do you want extra people on the voter roll?

You want to cheat. GTFO.
1. Mistakes happen. They will always happen.

2. The impact is insignificant due to low number of errors.

3. You act like when it happens it must always be to the benefit of Democrats. It's not.

4. How do extra people on voter rolls impact votes? If they are dead they won't show up to vote. Someone would have to know they are dead. Know what voter roll they are on and then try copy their signature. This must happen 1 in 50 million?

You seem to be crying about extremely rare voting errors that have always happened throughout history.
Definitely mail out 400 million ballots. Harvesr and repeatedly drop at drop boxes.

Rinse repeat. Rig an election.
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The only benefit of people wearing masks is it's easy to spot the liberal sheeple .. they wear masks and / or have purple hair.
He wants the "credit" for saying COVID was over on his watch. I hope he gets the next virus strain, as there is a brand new one out and he is so deserving to get this nasty new virus.
I don’t jump thru hoops for uninformed morons.

Google “Biden declares Covid pandemic over” and educate yourself, Simp.
You being forced to take the vax, pinhead? Or are you just about to soil yourself at the thought of your boy having his mugshot taken on Thursday?
He wants the "credit" for saying COVID was over on his watch. I hope he gets the next virus strain, as there is a brand new one out and he is so deserving to get this nasty new virus.
You mean Trump did? Remember how Trump helped to off Herman Cain after he caught the virus at that Trump hate rally & didn't wear a mask for fear of being mocked by that orange Big Mac goober Trump?
It coming people.

Masks, Joe will hide in the basement and there will be universal maiil in ballots in many municipalities.

What have the faggot Pubs done to stop this in 2024?

I don’t see much.

If it happens again, fuck the GOP. They are mostly RINOs.
You mean Trump did? Remember how Trump helped to off Herman Cain after he caught the virus at that Trump hate rally & didn't wear a mask for fear of being mocked by that orange Big Mac goober Trump?
Link us up to how Trump helped "off" Herman Cain, Simp.
Biden said COVID is over?

When did that happen, simp?

Big pharma is Trump's handler. He is the one who gave them millions of our tax money for his vaccine.

Did you take the Trump vaccine? Biden said you can't get covid if you have the Trump vaccine.
Surely that wasn’t just another of his lies, right?

Why is he pushing more vaccinations if it is over? I guess we can add Big Pharma to the list of his handlers.

What I'm hearing about is another variant of the COVID-19.

Those who are ill were vaccinated and have had boosters. I'm told their cases are unpleasant but mild.. sore throat, low grade fever and aches and pains.

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