Biden declared Jackson non qualified

What we don't know is how many more qualified people were denied admission because the Libtard shitheads at Harvard wanted to get in another dumbass unqualified Negro. You know, for diversity. We also don't know if she earned her grades or were given them for affirmative action reasons.

However, what we don know is that many of her cases have been overturned. Meaning that she didn't learn jackshit about the law while in college.

By the way, isn't picking somebody for a Federal job on the bases of race against the 1964 Civil Rights Act? That dumbass Biden is a piece of racist shit, isn't he?
Scrutinizing her record as judge is fair game. I won‘t argue with you on that point

Judge Jackson’s entire educational career has shown she is always near the top of her class.

She is qualified for SCOTUS in all respects. That does not mean I agree with all her positions.

Conservatives do themselves no favor by focusing on her race.
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Meh, it makes zero difference to me, one partisan leftist hack lawyer from the ivy league is about the same as the next to me given the circumstances, rubber stamp her and move on. No use giving the dems anymore play than you have to.

Truth be told I'd like to see ivy league lawyers banned from SCOTUS altogether. Common sense is not their strong suit.
Scrutinizing her record as judge is fair game. I won‘t argue with you on that point

Judge Jackson’s entire educational career has shown she is always near the top of her class.

She is qualified for SCOTUS in all respects. That does not mean I agree with some of her positions.

Conservatives do themselves no favor by focusing on her race.

You didn't comprehend what I was telling you, did you?

She is a product of affirmative action, not achievement and the very fact that her cases have been overturned much more than other judges shows that she really isn't qualified to do the job.

Stop trying to defend the bitch. It just makes you look like a fool.
HAve the LSAT scores of any other candidate or appointed justice been published?

It's just that LSAT scores have never been made a huge public issue because they were all in the high 160s and 170s.

If this were not an issue, nobody would be demanding it.


"Following a segment on Tucker Carlson Tonight, Wednesday, Carlson, came under fire for questioning the credentials of President Biden’s Supreme Court Nominee, Ketanji Brown Jackson. This came just days after he attacked her very nomination, saying it would humiliate the Supreme Court, and make the U.S. look like Rwanda.
Taking a different approach than he did for any of former President Trump’s three nominees, all of whom are white, Carlson demanded to know what Brown got on her LSAT.

Why wouldn’t he tell us that? That would settle the question conclusively as to whether she’s a once-in-a-generation legal talent. It would seem like American’s in a democracy have a right to know that and much more before giving her a lifetime appointment." DNC Chair Jaime Harrison took it upon himself to put forth Jackson’s academic accomplishments. So, despite not knowing the meaningless answer to what Jackson got on the LSAT, Carlson’s question about her academic prowess has been answered."

Tucker brings up an excellent point, why don't we know this woman's LSAT scores? Just look at her name for example -- it sounds so foreign and inferior; putting her on the court will make our Supreme Court look like Rwanda...why is Biden hiding her LSATs?? Everyone knows that every Supreme Court nominee going back for the last 30 yrs have all been asked to provide their LSAT score -- why does this whore think she is so special to where she can hide her scores??

Look at her name, it sounds foreign and muslim, are we sure she was even born in America?? Why hasn't she released her birth certificate? Why hasn't she released her LSATs...What do we know about her 9th grade Algebra scores?? What is Biden hiding. Yea, I know she graduated from Harvard with honors, yea, I know she was editor of the Harvard Law review -- but still, how do we know she actually earned any of it?

We all know that most blacks who get degrees from schools like Princeton and Harvard never earned them and only got them because their black. Do you think Thomas Sowell really deserved his Harvard degree? The guy was a high school dropout. It reminds me of how Tucker couldn't get into the CIA; I am sure people like Jackson reminds him of how he was probably passed over by some inferior black.
two points, her LSAT scores frankly are not that important, but it does seem odd the left is trying to hide them.

second, what does her name have to do with anything? Do you think the left is hiding them, so that people will ask why, and then purposely try to play the race card? Geez....that's just pitiful and pathetic
I didn't ever take the LSAT but I did pass the EIT and Professional Engineer examinations. Harder than passing the Bar.

What was your PE score?
The men in my family are mostly chemical engineers... From MIT, Georgia tech and Harvard.
two points, her LSAT scores frankly are not that important, but it does seem odd the left is trying to hide them.

second, what does her name have to do with anything? Do you think the left is hiding them, so that people will ask why, and then purposely try to play the race card? Geez....that's just pitiful and pathetic
Did you object to Trump hiding his scores and grades?

"Following a segment on Tucker Carlson Tonight, Wednesday, Carlson, came under fire for questioning the credentials of President Biden’s Supreme Court Nominee, Ketanji Brown Jackson. This came just days after he attacked her very nomination, saying it would humiliate the Supreme Court, and make the U.S. look like Rwanda.
Taking a different approach than he did for any of former President Trump’s three nominees, all of whom are white, Carlson demanded to know what Brown got on her LSAT.

Why wouldn’t he tell us that? That would settle the question conclusively as to whether she’s a once-in-a-generation legal talent. It would seem like American’s in a democracy have a right to know that and much more before giving her a lifetime appointment." DNC Chair Jaime Harrison took it upon himself to put forth Jackson’s academic accomplishments. So, despite not knowing the meaningless answer to what Jackson got on the LSAT, Carlson’s question about her academic prowess has been answered."

Tucker brings up an excellent point, why don't we know this woman's LSAT scores? Just look at her name for example -- it sounds so foreign and inferior; putting her on the court will make our Supreme Court look like Rwanda...why is Biden hiding her LSATs?? Everyone knows that every Supreme Court nominee going back for the last 30 yrs have all been asked to provide their LSAT score -- why does this whore think she is so special to where she can hide her scores??

Look at her name, it sounds foreign and muslim, are we sure she was even born in America?? Why hasn't she released her birth certificate? Why hasn't she released her LSATs...What do we know about her 9th grade Algebra scores?? What is Biden hiding. Yea, I know she graduated from Harvard with honors, yea, I know she was editor of the Harvard Law review -- but still, how do we know she actually earned any of it?

We all know that most blacks who get degrees from schools like Princeton and Harvard never earned them and only got them because their black. Do you think Thomas Sowell really deserved his Harvard degree? The guy was a high school dropout. It reminds me of how Tucker couldn't get into the CIA; I am sure people like Jackson reminds him of how he was probably passed over by some inferior black.
Who the HELL cares about scores to get INTO college? Did she get in and graduate? Was she successful as a Judge? What is her record on the bench? Those things matter not some score BEFORE it all started.
Did you object to Trump hiding his scores and grades?
Did I object here? I said LSAT scores don't matter.

Moreover, Trump wasn't a nominee for the another irrelevant question
Even tho white women has benefited more from AA than EVERY OTHER MINORITY GROUP IN THE HISTORY OF THE US??



You agree with me that it has been a complete failure?

But its okay to just come out and admit that blacks for the most part don't deserve to be in positions of power because you know, they are too dumb to
No, blacks deserve to be in positions of power because they EARN IT.

Just like the rest of us.

Are you admitting that black people are too dumb?

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