Biden declared Jackson non qualified

You are confused Moon Bat. As usual. Just because the hate mongering turds from that filthy ass "Demand Justice" says that she is qualified doesn't make it so.

The fact is that she is one of the most overturned judges in the country, which means she doesn't know jackshit about her job. Dumbass affirmative action Negro.

Her only qualifications are her brown skin and vagina.
That's not a fact. That's just a racist thing you say and don't have any intention of proving.
Why do say that like a sacred little child reciting a mantra to keep them safe? 😄

I never suggested I had any control over when and whom you speak so it's incredibly funny and suggestive that that is where your mind went. No, what I was doing was highlighting the fact that you claimed my pejorative filled argument was a waste of time because of the pejoratives and yet has kept responding to me only to hurl pejoratives. That suggests it isn't the name calling or boasting you have a problem with, you problem is in coming up with an intelligent response.

Look at you, a sad, transparent cuck like you can't even quote what you think I'm wrong about. No more specifics for you ever since I shit all over your argument. All you got left are implications that I said thing that you think is wrong. What thing? Who the fuck knows. 😄

My arguments are brilliant but by your own admission you were too afraid and emotionally traumatized to address them. 😄
I see you’re still trying to elicit responses to your off topic crap posts. Maybe consider posting something actually ON topic instead. I can help you:

The TOPIC is the nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to be an associate Justice on the Supreme Court of the United States of America. This particular thread addresses some suggestion that her LSAT scores are relevant to the issue of whether she should be confirmed. I say, “no.” Her LSAT scores are of no significance or relevance.

Can you address that particular question on this particular topic? If so, go.
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That's not a fact. That's just a racist thing you say and don't have any intention of proving.

The stupid bitch won't release her LSAT test scores so she is hiding the fact that she never was really qualified to admitted to the law school on merit. Affirmative action got the bitch in and that was unfair and racist for the more qualified non Negros that were passed over.

The fact that she is overturned so much is positive proof that she is crummy at her job. She has the kind of record that we always see with affirmative action hires. They never do a good job.

The only reasons she is being appointed is that Potatohead wants to kiss the ass of the BLM Negro insurrectionists and put in a bat shit crazy Libtard.
That's not a fact. That's just a racist thing you say and don't have any intention of proving.

You can take your racist bullshit and cram it up your Moon Bat ass.

I think the best Justice on the Court now is the Black one. He has been a fine Justice of the Supreme Court.

The racist are you little Libtard shitheads that are using race as a criteria for a fucking Federal job, which, by the way, is against the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
I see you’re still trying to elicit responses to your off topic crap posts. Maybe consider posting something actually ON topic instead. I can help you:

The TOPIC is the nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to be an associate Justice on the Supreme Court of the United States of America. This particular thread addresses some suggestion that her LSAT scores are relevant to the issue of whether she should be confirmed. I say, “no.” Her LSAT scores are of no significance or relevance.

Can you address that particular question on this particular topic? If so, go.
I sure can. The people who are requesting her LSATS are deplorable racists. Largely of the white wing.
The stupid bitch won't release her LSAT test scores so she is hiding the fact that she never was really qualified to admitted to the law school on merit.
That's not really how facts are proven (by lack of evidence). Do you know what facts are? 😄
You can take your racist bullshit and cram it up your Moon Bat ass.

I think the best Justice on the Court now is the Black one. He has been a fine Justice of the Supreme Court.

The racist are you little Libtard shitheads that are using race as a criteria for a fucking Federal job, which, by the way, is against the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
You have to say that because your entire culture has been cucked and broken to the point that even though you are clearly a racist you still need to bend the knee and show fealty to a black man. Black Civil rights activists in the 60s did that to you boy. Shamed and cucked your culture so thoroughly that you know to act right means to bow your head and pretend you love some black people even as you say incredibly racist things about others. Your ancestors would be ashamed of you. Me, I'm happy to have such soft and compliant enemies. You've already surrendered any hope of a white ethno state. 😁
She did not qualify under the admittance standards but for AA black women those standards are lowered to achieve a racially incentivized goal. Racist

Then the POTUS piles on some additional and illegal Racism by stating his choice field is limited solely to black females.
Without both ill advised or illegal crutches she never makes it into either placement
Is this a wise and thinking choice for the Supreme court of the land?
So. Your “argument” is to resort to your stupid, ignorant reliance on your endless racism.

Completely expected.
No, that's my claim. If you want to disagree then we can argue. Until then you're just complaining about my style. Don't be jealous little cuck.
No, that's my claim. If you want to disagree then we can argue. Until then you're just complaining about my style. Don't be jealous little cuck.
Your style is racism. Who’d be jealous of your most obvious character flaw? Nobody is jealous of a moron bigot like you. I’m actually very pleased not to be like a scumbag such as you, at all.

Here is another helpful hint: if you want to talk about “racism,” maybe consider starting another thread. Here, your bullshit is off topic.

One more helpful hint: your over-reliance on that term “cuck” is not only misplaced, but devalues your use of the term no matter what it means to you. Give some thought to the earlier advice I gave you. Stick to the topic and gfy.

Topic: judicial nominees and the value of disclosing LSAT scores. I still say it has no value.
Your style is racism. Who’d be jealous of your most obvious character flaw? Nobody is jealous of a moron bigot like you. I’m actually very pleased not to be like a scumbag such as you, at all.
My style isn't racism, it's unabashed and unapologetic. You can't quote one racist thing I've said and all you are is up in your feelings because I have zero respect for the arguments of mutants and morons and make that absolutely clear.
Here is another helpful hint: if you want to talk about “racism,” maybe consider starting another thread. Here, your bullshit is off topic.
Your cuck feelings are noted and yet you keep responding to me. I guess the subject of me is on topic. 😁 And you clowns wonder I have a big swinging dick ego. If you don't want to feed it maybe stop making it all about me.
One more helpful hint: your over-reliance on that term “cuck” is not only misplaced, but devalues your use of the term no matter what it means to you. Give some thought to the earlier advice I gave you. Stick to the topic and gfy.
The value of calling you cucks is in my enjoyment of it. Whatever evaluation you're making is subjective to your cuck self. 😄
Topic: judicial nominees and the value of disclosing LSAT scores. I still say it has no value.
And I still say the people asking for her LSATs are deplorable racists and morons.
My style isn't racism, it's unabashed and unapologetic. You can't quote one racist thing I've said and all you are is up in your feelings because I have zero respect for the arguments of mutants and morons and make that absolutely clear.

Your cuck feelings are noted and yet you keep responding to me. I guess the subject of me is on topic. 😁 And you clowns wonder I have a big swinging dick ego. If you don't want to feed it maybe stop making it all about me.

The value of calling you cucks is in my enjoyment of it. Whatever evaluation you're making is subjective to your cuck self.

And I still say the people asking for her LSATs are deplorable racists and morons.
Your style is obviously racist. And this discussion between us on this thread is concluded. I don’t care what a racist like you says, in any event.
This has nothing to do with that Libtard bitch that Potatohead is appointing to the Supreme Court but I am posting it an example of how dumb these Democrat Negro Wimmin are. In another time the only job this shithead could get would be lunchroom worker.

Stacy Abrams is comparing herself to the President of Ukraine.

Your style is obviously racist. And this discussion between us on this thread is concluded. I don’t care what a racist like you says, in any event.
You obviously do care because you keep responding. I only care in that your cuck behavior makes me throw my head back with laughter. Calling me a racist and running away is the mark of coward and a cuck. A superior intellect like myself would be able to show the racism I'm claiming exists.
My style isn't racism, it's unabashed and unapologetic. You can't quote one racist thing I've said and all you are is up in your feelings because I have zero respect for the arguments of mutants and morons and make that absolutely clear.

Your cuck feelings are noted and yet you keep responding to me. I guess the subject of me is on topic. 😁 And you clowns wonder I have a big swinging dick ego. If you don't want to feed it maybe stop making it all about me.

The value of calling you cucks is in my enjoyment of it. Whatever evaluation you're making is subjective to your cuck self. 😄

And I still say the people asking for her LSATs are deplorable racists and morons.
Cucks are men who have to get permission from their wives to go to a basketball game with couple of other guys. Not talking about scheduling around important family events; talking about permission being granted. Makes my stomach churn to hear such an unnatural comment coming out of a “mans” mouth
Cucks are men who have to get permission from their wives to go to a basketball game with couple of other guys. Not talking about scheduling around important family events; talking about permission being granted. Makes my stomach churn to hear such an unnatural comment coming out of a “mans” mouth
I know what a cuck is and the white wing racists like Flash are perfect examples. He's clearly a racist and yet look how he bends over and grovels about how much love he has for a black man like Thomas. The racists and segregationists and the people who wish America was a white ethno state have to be cucks in todays society. They have to bow their heads like cucks and pretend to love watching black people reach positions of power. Maybe not all of them, but those cucks know they better show love for some of them. It's fucking wonderful to watch. 😂
You obviously do care because you keep responding. I only care in that your cuck behavior makes me throw my head back with laughter. Calling me a racist and running away is the mark of coward and a cuck. A superior intellect like myself would be able to show the racism I'm claiming exists.
You rely on that canard a lot. You suck at sticking to the topic. Start your own thread. I consider you just a twat troll.
I know what a cuck is and the white wing racists like Flash are perfect examples. He's clearly a racist and yet look how he bends over and grovels about how much love he has for a black man like Thomas. The racists and segregationists and the people who wish America was a white ethno state have to be cucks in todays society. They have to bow their heads like cucks and pretend to enjoy and love watching black people reach positions of power. It's fucking wonderful to watch. 😂
Can you go to basketball games on your own volition or do you have to be granted permission from your significant other?

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