Biden declared Jackson non qualified

You wouldn't know a FACT if it hit you in your racist ass, I have a FACT for you. You are one white, stupid ass, racist hag.
That’s not a fact superbadbreath. It’s just your racist opinion. And it isn’t worth diddly dog.

Whether the other member is posting facts or unsupported opinions is a valid debatable question. Your assertion that it’s racist is the thing that’s baseless

I love your blatant racism. You are the albatros around the neck of conservatism.
Only because a dolt like you tried to use one example of racist thinking as constituting proof that all conservatives must be racist or are racist. 🙄

Your purposeful use of fallacy undercuts the very argument you’d like to make.

Opppsiton to this nominee should be over her qualification or alleged lack thereof. That’s not a winning debate issue for those who support her.

Opposition to basing the nomination’s selection criteria on race and gender is a good basis to castigate Brandon. It is not helpful in addressing the nominee’s qualifications, however.

Opposition to the nominee’s confirmation based on her race or gender is obviously stupid, ignorant and lacking in merit.

I reiterate something I said before: opposition to this particular nominee’s confirmation is most properly based on the likelihood that she will allow partisan politics to be the basis for her decisions, rather than having the Constitution and the law (and logic and justice) be the deciding factors.

I think she is qualified. She’s well educated. She has experience. I don’t know that she will make her judicial sections on the proper bases. But I also think we’ll find out soon enough. I don’t foresee her not getting confirmed. Pretty much inevitable.
It’s a Joke Briben dog and pony show to virtue signal and garner more votes from liberals who decry the white man but love discrimination in favor of blacks and a black AA female is utterly delicious.
Only because a dolt like you tried to use one example of racist thinking as constituting proof that all conservatives must be racist or are racist. 🙄
All conservatives are either racists or morons but that's besides the political point I was making. This particular racist belief is held by enough conservatives that it allows us to paint you all with a convincing enough broad brush, politically speaking. Racists like him will eventually drag you all down.
Your purposeful use of fallacy undercuts the very argument you’d like to make.
The fallacy is in you not understanding the context of my comments.
Opppsiton to this nominee should be over her qualification or alleged lack thereof. That’s not a winning debate issue for those who support her.
When you say it's not a winning debate what do you mean? Do you mean she isn't going to be confirmed or that even though she is you are still going to feel she isnt qualified? Because if the later, what the fuck makes you think I give a shit about your hurt feelings? Your feelings aren't evidence in a debate little cuck.
Opposition to basing the nomination’s selection criteria on race and gender is a good basis to castigate Brandon. It is not helpful in addressing the nominee’s qualifications, however.
Bashing Biden for nominating the first black woman to the Court is a losing political move in a growing diverse and progressive population but I understand why you do it. Not appeasing the white racists is political suicide with a bullet and appeasing white racists is suicide by slow and painful poison. What racists who aren't mouth breathers that need to beat their chest should do is jettison the overt racists and form a coalition with moderate undercover racists like Manchin. That at least buys you some more time.
Opposition to the nominee’s confirmation based on her race or gender is obviously stupid, ignorant and lacking in merit.
If you think you can be a bit more clever with your racism than the idiots in this thread be my guest. I enjoy a good chuckle.
I reiterate something I said before: opposition to this particular nominee’s confirmation is miost properly based on the likelihood that she will allow partisan politics to be the basis for her decisions rather than having the Constitution and the law (and logic and justice) be the deciding factors.
So basically the same vanilla partisan rhetoric everyone on both sides does? How boring. I honestly didn't have a problem with Trump's picks other than the fact that he got to pick in the first place. The President gets to nominate whoever the fuck he wants and the Senate confirms. If you don't want that to happen win the Presidential election. It's a political position and the only people who should be fooled otherwise are children who still think it's Santa leaving them gifts on Christmas eve. Of course I'm going to disagree with the majority of decisions from the nominees of the rival party (though I think we've gotten the best case scenario with Roberts), that doesn't make them unqualified. Stop being little bitches.
I think she is qualified. She’s well educated. She has experience. I don’t know that she will make her judicial sections on the proper bases. But I also think we’ll find out soon enough. I don’t foresee her not getting confirmed. Pretty much inevitable.
Well then maybe you can explain to me what's wrong with the mutants and morons from the right in this thread suggesting being a black woman makes her inherently unqualified.
The best Justice on the Supreme Court is Black. Having him on the Supreme Court puts the demographics to be aligned with the racial demographics of the US.

However, the filthy demented sicko racist Democrats can't stand the fact that he is real American and not a Libtard piece of shit dumbass ghetto mentality Neggra. That is why Potatohead is putting an unqualified Negro bitch on the Court. To kiss the ass of racist Libtard assholes. "You ain't a Negro unless you are a sicko Liberal." Despicable, isn't it Moon Bat?
No racism to see here, folks. :rolleyes:
You are confused Moon Bat. The racism is the violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act by President Potatohead by blatantly using race as the criteria for a Federal job.

There's a saying from years ago that applies just as well today:

A woman has to be twice as good as a man to go half as far. Fortunately, to be twice as good as a man isn't that hard.
Colored check
Vagina check

Qualified hmmm
All conservatives are either racists or morons but that's besides the political point I was making. This particular racist belief is held by enough conservatives that it allows us to paint you all with a convincing enough broad brush, politically speaking. Racists like him will eventually drag you all down.

The fallacy is in you not understanding the context of my comments.

When you say it's not a winning debate what do you mean? Do you mean she isn't going to be confirmed or that even though she is you are still going to feel she isnt qualified? Because if the later, what the fuck makes you think I give a shit about your hurt feelings? Your feelings aren't evidence in a debate little cuck.

Bashing Biden for nominating the first black woman to the Court is a losing political move in a growing diverse and progressive population but I understand why you do it. Not appeasing the white racists is political suicide with a bullet and appeasing white racists is suicide by slow and painful poison. What racists who aren't mouth breathers that need to beat their chest should do is jettison the overt racists and form a coalition with moderate undercover racists like Manchin. That at least buys you some more time.

If you think you can be a bit more clever with your racism than the idiots in this thread be my guest. I enjoy a good chuckle.

So basically the same vanilla partisan rhetoric everyone on both sides does? How boring. I honestly didn't have a problem with Trump's picks other than the fact that he got to pick in the first place. The President gets to nominate whoever the fuck he wants and the Senate confirms. If you don't want that to happen win the Presidential election. It's a political position and the only people who should be fooled otherwise are children who still think it's Santa leaving them gifts on Christmas eve. Of course I'm going to disagree with the majority of decisions from the nominees of the rival party (though I think we've gotten the best case scenario with Roberts), that doesn't make them unqualified. Stop being little bitches.

Well then maybe you can explain to me what's wrong with the mutants and morons from the right in this thread suggesting being a black woman makes her inherently unqualified.
I stopped reading your blather after your absolutely tragically retarded opening line. Oh well. I guess you can’t help being a total douche. You don’t even try.
I stopped reading your blather after your absolutely tragically retarded opening line. Oh well. I guess you can’t help being a total douche. You don’t even try.
I'm being honest about my assessment of conservative voters, sorry if that hurts your feelings soy boy. 😄

But we both know that isn't why you couldn't respond. Everything I said rings true both objectively and politically.

There's a saying from years ago that applies just as well today:

A woman has to be twice as good as a man to go half as far. Fortunately, to be twice as good as a man isn't that hard.
That's right, the women are smarter. Certainly not all, but Shirley in general.
We get it. We checked both boxes; vagina and dark skin.
I'm being honest about my assessment of conservative voters, sorry if that hurts your feelings soy boy. 😄

But we both know that isn't why you couldn't respond. Everything I said rings true both objectively and politically.
My feelings? Lol. Nah. Just your own credibility. Or, lack thereof.

I actually stopped reading your imbecile post at that first sentence. You’re not worth even this much time. You’re just a joke.
My feelings? Lol. Nah. Just your own credibility. Or, lack thereof.

I actually stopped reading your imbecile post at that first sentence. You’re not worth even this much time. You’re just a joke.
And yet you continue to respond, not to address the substance, but only for the back and forth name calling. I don't mind name calling but if you can't pair it with good arguments all you're doing is crying and griping. You can only call me names but you can't offer sound rebuttals because my arguments are superior.
And yet you continue to respond, not to address the substance, but only for the back and forth name calling. I don't mind name calling but if you can't pair it with good arguments all you're doing is crying and griping. You can only call me names but you can't offer sound rebuttals because my arguments are superior.
I do. I chose when and to whom to respond. You get no vote in it.

You can make your typically shallow and false claims about me (such as your erroneous speculation that I read the balance of that initial post). Your guesswork is wrong and if I elect to tell you so, you’re free to believe or disbelieve. I can’t help your stupidity. That’s all on you.

The point is that when you start-off a post with such an idiotic assertion, you lose all credibility. You have leave to now gfy.

I do. I chose when and to whom to respond. You get no vote in it.
Why do say that like a sacred little child reciting a mantra to keep them safe? 😄

I never suggested I had any control over when and whom you speak so it's incredibly funny and suggestive that that is where your mind went. No, what I was doing was highlighting the fact that you claimed my pejorative filled argument was a waste of time because of the pejoratives and yet has kept responding to me only to hurl pejoratives. That suggests it isn't the name calling or boasting you have a problem with, you problem is in coming up with an intelligent response.
You can make your typically shallow and false claims about me (such as your erroneous speculation that I read the balance of that initial post). Your guesswork is wrong and if I elect to tell you so, you’re free to believe or disbelieve. I can’t help your stupidity. That’s all on you.
Look at you, a sad, transparent cuck like you can't even quote what you think I'm wrong about. No more specifics for you ever since I shit all over your argument. All you got left are implications that I said thing that you think is wrong. What thing? Who the fuck knows. 😄
The point is that when you start-off a post with such an idiotic assertion, you lose all credibility. You have leave to now gfy.

My arguments are brilliant but by your own admission you were too afraid and emotionally traumatized to address them. 😄

There's a saying from years ago that applies just as well today:

A woman has to be twice as good as a man to go half as far. Fortunately, to be twice as good as a man isn't that hard.

You are confused Moon Bat. As usual. Just because the hate mongering turds from that filthy ass "Demand Justice" says that she is qualified doesn't make it so.

The fact is that she is one of the most overturned judges in the country, which means she doesn't know jackshit about her job. Dumbass affirmative action Negro.

Her only qualifications are her brown skin and vagina.

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