Biden declared Jackson non qualified

This has nothing to do with that Libtard bitch that Potatohead is appointing to the Supreme Court but I am posting it an example of how dumb these Democrat Negro Wimmin are. In another time the only job this shithead could get would be lunchroom worker.

Stacy Abrams is comparing herself to the President of Ukraine.

Is this fat fool aware that blacks trying to leave Ukraine are being sent back into the war zone? Not one eastern European country allows black or Middle Eastern immigration or asylum. They see what has happened in France, Italy, England and the US. Go back and talk to the Russians. Fat Stacy should learn a little more about her democracy.

Nope. That isn't it.
Thank you for you admitting you need permission
That’s a staple definition of a cuck.
Now so far your typical liberal defense has been “but….but…but…you are one too” which is the type of response that further solidifies your cuckness.
We get it. We checked both boxes; vagina and dark skin.
The stupid bitch won't release her LSAT test scores so she is hiding the fact that she never was really qualified to admitted to the law school on merit. Affirmative action got the bitch in and that was unfair and racist for the more qualified non Negros that were passed over.

The fact that she is overturned so much is positive proof that she is crummy at her job. She has the kind of record that we always see with affirmative action hires. They never do a good job.

The only reasons she is being appointed is that Potatohead wants to kiss the ass of the BLM Negro insurrectionists and put in a bat shit crazy Libtard.
Ah...the resident Not-Racist is show us the Right side of things.
Yeah, but if she was a he or she were an Asian with those qualifications (or even better qualifications), she wouldn’t have even been considered by your senile leader, the befuddled Brandon.
Thank you for you admitting you need permission
That’s a staple definition of a cuck.
Now so far your typical liberal defense has been “but….but…but…you are one too” which is the type of response that further solidifies your cuckness.

Nope. Still wrong. 😂
I know what a cuck is and the white wing racists like Flash are perfect examples. He's clearly a racist and yet look how he bends over and grovels about how much love he has for a black man like Thomas. The racists and segregationists and the people who wish America was a white ethno state have to be cucks in todays society. They have to bow their heads like cucks and pretend to love watching black people reach positions of power. Maybe not all of them, but those cucks know they better show love for some of them. It's fucking wonderful to watch. 😂
Correcting wrongs that are not excuses is good. Rewarding people for excuses is another thing. Making laws and edicts to legalize it is criminal and destructive as it expands. And our culture has converted to that for certain groups.
The racist is the one presently infesting the Oval Office. Too bad he’s there now.
Correcting wrongs that are not excuses is good. Rewarding people for excuses is another thing. Making laws and edicts to legalize it is criminal and destructive as it expands. And our culture has converted to that for certain groups.
Sorry did you say something? That was the entirely vague and meaningless.
Typical ^ of your weak sauce. Do you ever post anything meaningful?
Pray tell: boredtoseeya, what does your harping on the canard you always trot out have to do with the LSAT discussion regarding Judge Brown Jackson? Aren’t you one of those who whines to the mod staff about off-topic posts?
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Potatohead picked The Ho for VP because he wanted a woman of color. You know, diversity.

So how is that working out? She is the dumbest piece of shit that ever held a senior government office. Seriously, she doesn't know her ass from a hole in the ground on any subject. Just look at how she tried to explain the Ukraine crisis to the Negroes the other day. Talk about an embarrassment.

Potatohead put her in charge of the border and millions of Illegals flooded in. He put her in charge of the Ukraine and Russia invaded. She fucks up everything she touches. That is the kind of turd we get with diversity.

Liberals are sick in the mind.

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