Biden declared Jackson non qualified

Since meager is off on some other stupid tangent, maybe we should address his religious bigotry. Justice Amy Coney Barrett is a Catholic. She belongs to one of the Christian faiths. Not exactly a “cult.”

It is possible that meager, being the ignorant hack that he frequently shows himself to be, is making reference instead to a group she belongs to. This might explain his illiterate attempt to call her a “handmade.”

in reality, the group is called “People of Praise” which does include a reference to being a handmaid. But not the kind which meager hopes you imagine, the fictional creation from Margaret Atwood.


So basically everything he said was true?
When I say ACB is a handmaiden in a bizarre cult, that isn't a joke.

That is her ACTUAL TITLE in the cult.


Apparently, it's quite an honor.

Like, she gets to be the lucky little girl to relay the orders of the menfolk to the other women.

Here seen hand attacking pudgy, happy, white male for looking more attractive than herself.
Yep, get their sorry Black asses through no matter how dumb they are. Diversity is more important that intelligence, doncha know?
More "non-racist" representation of today's American con-servatives.
Dan Rather is a disgraced moron who nobody with a brain listens to. But it was okay to smear Clarence Thomas, accuse Kavanaugh of running a gang rape ring, smear Amy Coney Barrett, the list goes on. Rather can crawl back under his rock.
Yea but nothing like good ole racism in your book, that's just fine in your eyes it's just The American Way. racism here.....sure don't understand why black Americans don't rush to vote GOP......:heehee:
No there is no racism there you idiot. The fact that you don’t think the most qualified person should get the job marks you as a person unqualified for janitor, much less anything higher on the ladder. You people put skin color above qualifications, then wonder why you fail.
The republican party is not segregated like the no-whites-allowed Congressional Black Caucus

non whites are welcome to join the republicans anytime the choose
Are you crying about the Congressional Black Caucus now? :heehee:
Its a free country

just dont complain about blacks being excluded cause they arent
They choose not to because they see what the GOP stands for.....and doesn't stand for. Looking at fine examples like Flash.....
No there is no racism there you idiot. The fact that you don’t think the most qualified person should get the job marks you as a person unqualified for janitor, much less anything higher on the ladder. You people put skin color above qualifications, then wonder why you fail.
Thank you for proving my point....almost as much as Flash does. :clap:
They don't want to....seeing what the GOP is for, and not for.
Oh really? Let’s make you look stupid, not that you need help..

Republicans are attracting more and more blacks and Hispanics as they see just how racist you Dims are.
Thank you for proving my point....almost as much as Flash does. :clap:
No, you just got your non-existent “point” obliterated. Your bullshit cry of “Wacist!” Is code for you surrendering because you have no argument. Putting skin color over qualifications makes YOU the racist fatso.
No, you just got your non-existent “point” obliterated. Your bullshit cry of “Wacist!” Is code for you surrendering because you have no argument. Putting skin color over qualifications makes YOU the racist fatso.
:thup: Keep on proving why the vast majority of black American voters give the GOP a pass.
Hey dumbfuck, you people claim you can’t be racist against a white guy. Continue to be stupid fatso. You’re a loser.
"you people"......there it is. :heehee: Doesn't take much to trigger the racist core, does it?

And of course people can be racist against white people...............seen it in Japan myself.

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