Biden declared Jackson non qualified

To a degree, blacks being 17% Republican is higher than their percentage of population at 13%.

That 17% of non white voters aren't all black voters. It's the percentage of all the various minorities who vote for you and thats not really how percentages work. You have to know what you're taking a percentage of. 13% of the entire population equates to a hell of a lot more people than 17% of the people who vote for the Republican Party. When you take into account that not all Americans are old enough to vote, that out of those who are eligible to vote only little more than half the population does, that about half those votes are going to be for democrats, then that 17% of Republican voters becomes a much smaller number.
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If Liberals are in power they will appoint a Liberal to the Court. Even if they are bat shit crazy like this bitch

If Conservatives are in power they will appoint more moderate Justices.

However, this is different.

This piece of shit President is not only appointting a bat shit crazy Libtard but he is also appointing one that is a dumb Negro woman, for the sake of diversity. If it wasn't for demented affirmative action she would be working in a school lunchroom.
Your contribution loses all value once you start in with your racist commentary.
Lib trick to restate my policy incorrectly and then try to pin it on me
Thinkers see thru that sort of bullshit you simpleton
To repeat the facts-he illegally stated the limitations of race and sex and is now trying to implement the illegal declaration
Qualified black women. You have a problem with believing black women can be qualified.

I notice you didn't deny it.
Once again, boredtoseeya offers her dishonest downvote but lacks the honesty to support her “disagreement.” Typical of her.

The facts remain. It was an Obumbler publicist who wrote the blurb. Obumbler didn’t correct it. Some person working on the Shrillary Rotten Clinton campaign chose to make use of it to initially attack Obumbler.

Resort to racism isn’t a new thing for Dumbocraps.
Talking about me to yourself now? :heehee:

Judge Jackson is qualified and I look forward to her swearing in ceremony.
Talking about me to yourself now? :heehee:

Judge Jackson is qualified and I look forward to her swearing in ceremony.
No stupid. I was talking to you and others about your fraudulence. :cuckoo:

Judge Brown Jackson is still qualified. And everyone knows that you look forward to her confirmation; but that has nothing to do with any “qualifications.” As long as she makes determinations based on liberal political orthodoxies, you don’t give a crap about her qualifications. Don’t pretend otherwise. You’re a known quantity. Completely transparent. You are a pure hack.
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The racist are you Moon Bats that will support appointing this stupid affirmative action nitwit to the Court because she is a Negro bitch. That is world class racism.
Was it racism when they were only appointing pasty ass white men? Which by the way was Affirmative Action. Was Amy Comey Barrett's nomination Affirmative Action? How about Boot Licking Clarence Thomas?
What we don't know is did she really earn her grades or were she given the grades as part of an affirmative action promotion program that we see all the time at these Libtard schools?

The fact that she has a horrendous record of being overturned by appellate courts is a a good indication she didn't learn jackshit in law school.

Stop trying to defend the stupid Negro bitch. It just makes you look like a stupid Moon Bat.

We already have a Black on the Supreme Court. He is the best Justice on the Court. However, you Libtard turds can't stand the fact that he isn't one of your Liberal Plantation Slaves so you want to get your own bat shit crazy far Left Negro bitch on the Court. Despicable!
Flush I was curious if you knew there have been Justices on the Supreme Court that didn't even have Law Degrees.
What we don't know is did she really earn her grades or were she given the grades as part of an affirmative action promotion program that we see all the time at these Libtard schools?

The fact that she has a horrendous record of being overturned by appellate courts is a a good indication she didn't learn jackshit in law school.

Stop trying to defend the stupid Negro bitch. It just makes you look like a stupid Moon Bat.

We already have a Black on the Supreme Court. He is the best Justice on the Court. However, you Libtard turds can't stand the fact that he isn't one of your Liberal Plantation Slaves so you want to get your own bat shit crazy far Left Negro bitch on the Court. Despicable!
I have to wonder if that is what worked for you and yours......given your grades.
I have to wonder if that is what worked for you and yours......given your grades.

Nowadays these Libtard universities may be using Affirmative Action criteria for Engineering school admission but when I applied I had to know something about math, chemistry and physics or else I would have to get a worthless Social Science degree.

Remember what happen down in Miami a few years ago? They put a bunch of affrimative action Engineering minority women (for diversity) in charge of designing a bridge and the damn thing fell down.

Appoint a dumbass affirmative action Libtard Negro bitch to the Supreme Court for diversity. What could possibly go wrong?
Since meager is off on some other stupid tangent, maybe we should address his religious bigotry. Justice Amy Coney Barrett is a Catholic. She belongs to one of the Christian faiths. Not exactly a “cult.”

It is possible that meager, being the ignorant hack that he frequently shows himself to be, is making reference instead to a group she belongs to. This might explain his illiterate attempt to call her a “handmade.”

in reality, the group is called “People of Praise” which does include a reference to being a handmaid. But not the kind which meager hopes you imagine, the fictional creation from Margaret Atwood.

Your contribution loses all value once you start in with your racist commentary.
Racism is picking a goddamn dumbass affirmative action Negro bitch for the Supreme Court because of her race, which was announced ahead of time.
Since meager is off on some other stupid tangent, maybe we should address his religious bigotry. Justice Amy Coney Barrett is a Catholic. She belongs to one of the Christian faiths. Not exactly a “cult.”

It is possible that meager, being the ignorant hack that he frequently shows himself to be, is making reference instead to a group she belongs to. This might explain his illiterate attempt to call her a “handmade.”

in reality, the group is called “People of Praise” which does include a reference to being a handmaid. But not the kind which meager hopes you imagine, the fictional creation from Margaret Atwood.

The Handmaid's Tale is fiction. You can usually find the book in the Science Fiction section of a book store.
Nowadays these Libtard universities may be using Affirmative Action criteria for Engineering school admission but when I applied I had to know something about math, chemistry and physics or else I would have to get a worthless Social Science degree.

Remember what happen down in Miami a few years ago? They put a bunch of affrimative action Engineering minority women (for diversity) in charge of designing a bridge and the damn thing fell down.

Appoint a dumbass affirmative action Libtard Negro bitch to the Supreme Court for diversity. What could possibly go wrong?
I'm from Miami you moron, that's not what happened. What happened was typical Miami corruption. The mayors sons both worked for the company that got the contract to build that bridge and then after its collapse the mayor extended another contract to the same company to do some work around Miami Airport, because Miami.

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