Biden declares himself "blameless" if US defaults on debt

Why didn’t Republicans block Trump from raising the Debt Ceiling when they had the House and Senate?

We had a booming economy, low unemployment
Why were they raising the debt limit?
Who cares? What does that have to do with the crisis the Biden administration continues to escalate TODAY? Democrats just need to sign the bill so we don't go into default .. or they should have handled the debt ceiling in 2022 when they controlled the House .. instead .. they punted it to Republicans.
Typical for the Democrats.

The Potatohead administration spends more money than it takes in and it is somebody else's fault.

That is the kind of dishonest crap we get out of the Democrats all the time.
So deficit spending is only bad when the other tribe does it.

Okie dokie.
Who cares? What does that have to do with the crisis the Biden administration continues to escalate TODAY? Democrats just need to sign the bill so we don't go into default .. or they should have handled the debt ceiling in 2022 when they controlled the House .. instead .. they punted it to Republicans.
Who cares?

Republicans only care when a Democrat is President
Democrats just need to sign the bill so we don't go into default
A bill that only contains Republican demands

If you want to reduce debt, why don’t you return prior tax rates on corporations and the wealthy?
Why don’t you curtail Defense Spending?
Republicans control the House ... and only the House can write spending legislation ... these Debt Crises are strictly the House's fault, and none other at this point ... has the House written and sent over any of the twelve appropriations bills for the Senate's consideration? ... something Democrats utterly failed at during the last Congress ...

C'mon Republicans, show us you're better ...
So deficit spending is only bad when the other tribe does it.

Okie dokie.
There is only one party. The Party of Big Government. The Democrats are the bat shit crazy branch and the Republicans are the more moderate but they both are fiscally irresponsible.

The fact is that right now we are spending more money than we take in because of the bloated spending of the four years of Democrat control of the House and Senate and two years of the White House. So they are the responsible party.

Both the Democrats and the Republicans could stop debt very easy. Stop spending more money than the government takes in. The filthy ass US Federal government takes in more money in tax revenue than the GDP of all but two other countries on the face of the earth. That is more than enough to run a Federal government especially when the States and Locals spend a like amount. If it is going in debt then it is because it is spending too much money. Like for providing welfare to the goddamn Illegals and building fucking EV charging station as examples.

Stop trying to blame others for the failures and fiscal irresponsibility of the Potatohead Administration.
Debt Limit is a back door for Republicans to slash social spending.

They know they don’t have the political clout to cut spending in the budget so they hold the country hostage to appease their base
We didn't get a $31 trillion dollar debt, an inflation rate that rose all the way up to 9.1%, and a war in Ukraine because of Kevin McCarthy or "MAGA-Republicans."

That $31 trillion includes debt under Trump that McCarthy supported
Why didn’t he object?
Who cares?

Republicans only care when a Democrat is President
You sound like you are six years old. Your are right in the thinking but it doesn’t move forward with a solution. Maybe we can raise the debt ceiling, cut spending and raise taxes as a compromise?
Isn't this the same guy who said he'd take responsibility and not blame others?

President Biden would be blameless in the event that the U.S. defaults on its debt in the coming days, the president declared Sunday.

Biden made the claim during a news conference in Hiroshima, Japan, where he had traveled for meetings with G-7 nations. Republicans in Congress forced Biden to the negotiating table after months of the White House insisting there would be no debate over the issue. Biden now argues that certain "MAGA Republicans" are seeking to cause a default in an effort to crash the economy ahead of Biden's re-election effort.

"I've done my part," Biden said regarding negotiations, adding that "it's time for the other side to move their team positions because much of what they were proposed is simply quite frankly, unacceptable." This prompted a follow-up at the end of the news conference from Fox News' Peter Doocy.

"Mr. President, on the debt limit, you said already, 'I've done my part.' Do you think if there's a breach, nobody can blame you?" Doocy asked.

"Of course no one will blame me, I know you won't, you'll be saying Biden did a wonderful job," Biden joked.

"Would you be blameless in a default situation?" Doocy pressed.

"On the merits, based on what I've offered, I would be blameless," Biden responded. "On the politics of it, no one would be blameless. And by the way, that's one of the, one of the things some [people] are contemplating. Well, I gotta be careful here. I think there are some MAGA Republicans in the House who know the damage that it would do to the economy and because I am president, and presidents are responsible for everything, Biden would take the blame. And that's the one way to make sure Biden's not reelected."

Biden declares himself 'blameless' if US defaults on debt: 'I've done my part'

Well technically he is blameless since that is all the purview of the Congress. Don't worry. I'll still blame him when it suits me. For now, however, I am feeling unusually honest.
There is only one party. The Party of Big Government. The Democrats are the bat shit crazy branch and the Republicans are the more moderate but they both are fiscally irresponsible.

The fact is that right now we are spending more money than we take in because of the bloated spending of the four years of Democrat control of the House and Senate and two years of the White House. So they are the responsible party.

Both the Democrats and the Republicans could stop debt very easy. Stop spending more money than the government takes in. The filthy ass US Federal government takes in more money in tax revenue than the GDP of all but two other countries on the face of the earth. That is more than enough to run a Federal government especially when the States and Locals spend a like amount. If it is going in debt then it is because it is spending too much money. Like for providing welfare to the goddamn Illegals and building fucking EV charging station as examples.

Stop trying to blame others for the failures and fiscal irresponsibility of the Potatohead Administration.
They both own it. You're a hyper-partisan, so you don't have the balls to admit it.

Man up. Take responsibility. For a change.
Who cares?

Republicans only care when a Democrat is President
That doesn't solve problems today .. Republicans passed a bill .. Democrats, who currently are creating a crisis, need to step up and stop bitching about default ... They can solve the problem TODAY .. not 3 or 4 years ago when Trump used to be president.
A bill that only contains Republican demands

If you want to reduce debt, why don’t you return prior tax rates on corporations and the wealthy?
Why don’t you curtail Defense Spending?
Could .. woulda .. shoulda .. Democrats fucked up in 2022 when they punted it because they didn't want to deal with it. They fucked with the bull and got horns, and now they continue to escalate it and make it a crisis. If those are concerns with Democrats, they had the majority to introduce that by end of last year.

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